This is what life under democrat rule looks like

I never did anything to warrant a stop or frisk. Worst I've done is get pulled over for an "NYC stop" at a stop sign and a few tail light outages.

Did get mugged twice in the 90's though in my teens.
And every single person that was stopped by cops did?

I guess being Black or Hispanic is tantamount to warranting a search in your book.

And lots of people have been mugged so what?
So who got frisked every time they walked down the street? Police know who the troublemakers are in their area. That's who they keep an eye on.

Yeah right.

You trust the government too much.

Funny how you're so very pro 2nd Amendment but not so much pro 4th Amendment
People are still locked up without being convicted of any crime.

It really doesn't matter where
This is true...if they can't make bond, or get denied bond, or violation their bond conditions....what's your point? The purpose of a bond is to ensure people accused of a crime come to Court, and don't commit more crimes harming themselves or others.
And every single person that was stopped by cops did?

I guess being Black or Hispanic is tantamount to warranting a search in your book.

And lots of people have been mugged so what?

That was the claim of the people against it, which ignored both criminals and victims being overwhelmingly black or Hispanic.

If you went to the 109th precinct in Flushing you would see an increase in asians getting stopped and frisked because GASP there are more of them there, and they commit more of the crimes there than in other precincts.
Yeah too bad our Constitution protects a person against illegal searches and seizures huh?

In some cases, yes it is. They see a person that's renown for carrying a gun around and perhaps committed crimes with guns, and there's not a damn thing they can do to him.
That was the claim of the people against it, which ignored both criminals and victims being overwhelmingly black or Hispanic.

If you went to the 109th precinct in Flushing you would see an increase in asians getting stopped and frisked because GASP there are more of them there, and they commit more of the crimes there than in other precincts.
And yet White people were not stopped and frisked anywhere near the amount minorities were. I guess that means White people never do anything to warrant a search right?

Just like a cop wont hassle a White guy for Jaywalking but will certainly stop and frisk a Black guy for doing it.

Sorry that's never gonna fly with anyone who thinks the Constitution should be upheld.
And yet White people were not stopped and frisked anywhere near the amount minorities were. I guess that means White people never do anything to warrant a search right?

Just like a cop wont hassle a White guy for Jaywalking but will certainly stop and frisk a Black guy for doing it.

Sorry that's never gonna fly with anyone who thinks the Constitution should be upheld.

They committed less crimes, lived in less crime infested areas. The proportions of race in the city to the frisks wasn't 5 to 1 or even 2 to 1. It was like 70% to 90%.

And if you actually broke down the frisks by race to the race in the precincts, it probably got even closer.
In some cases, yes it is. They see a person that's renown for carrying a gun around and perhaps committed crimes with guns, and there's not a damn thing they can do to him.

Yeah perhaps is a good standard to base the throwing out of the Constitution.

Hey I think you maybe might have or could commit a crime now or at some unspecified date in the future so I'll just search you even though you haven't actually done anything yet.

I wonder how you'll feel when that same "standard" is applied to you.
Yeah perhaps is a good standard to base the throwing out of the Constitution.

Hey I think you maybe might have or could commit a crime now or at some unspecified date in the future so I'll just search you even though you haven't actually done anything yet.

I wonder how you'll feel when that same "standard" is applied to you.

Well if the police know me for being a criminal and constantly breaking the law, I'd really have nothing to complain about. I did that to myself.

I'm not arguing the constitutionality of it, just pointing out the results which were very favorable.
Well if the police know me for being a criminal and constantly breaking the law, I'd really have nothing to complain about. I did that to myself.

I'm not arguing the constitutionality of it, just pointing out the results which were very favorable.
All that matters is the Constitutionality of it.
Cops are agents of the government.

Most large cities are democrat-run, so one might say that the cops are in fact agents of the democratic party, who are in fact in bed with the police unions that fight like hell to keep bad cops on the job. So if any police dept is discriminatory or otherwise turning a blind eye to misconduct, where does the fault really lie?

As far as life under democrat rule, look to CA, NY, IL, and most other blue states. Why are so many citizens leaving blue states for red ones? That is a costly effort to move elsewhere, but a lotta people are doing it. Gotta be some good reasons for that.
Cops don't give a damn. There's a 100% chance it's cops that are doing this. Serioiusly.

The only way this will stop, is if citizens take up arms and fight back. The NaziKarens in DC don't give a rats ass.

Shoot the pieces of scum and then continue on your daily routine. Exterminate criminals as nonchalantly as criminals kill and steal.
The feds made their point with all of the people near the Capitol building on January 6th in prison. The lockdown of D.C. looked like cities in 2nd and 3rd world nations. We are in a dictatorship. A little stealthy but shows itself more and more when their power even is slightly questioned.
That's what proportionality is.

If we know X % of people in a population of size Y will commit crimes then any increase in the value of Y will result in a proportional increase in the number of crimes
But the crime increase is disproportionate.
And yet White people were not stopped and frisked anywhere near the amount minorities were. I guess that means White people never do anything to warrant a search right?

Just like a cop wont hassle a White guy for Jaywalking but will certainly stop and frisk a Black guy for doing it.

Sorry that's never gonna fly with anyone who thinks the Constitution should be upheld.
the answer is easy but you refuse to acknowledge it. blacks and hispanics commit more crimes. sad but true.

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