This is what life under democrat rule looks like

Weren’t you calling NY red under Rudy and Bloomberg?

"Red" mayors only, the legislature was still firmly Blue, but not SJW crazy blue. The DA's were also mostly Democrats, but old school ones, again not SJW nutters.

And TBH back then Rudy and Bloomberg were more RINOs than anything. Anywhere in the midwest they would be considered moderate Democrats.
"Red" mayors only, the legislature was still firmly Blue, but not SJW crazy blue. The DA's were also mostly Democrats, but old school ones, again not SJW nutters.

And TBH back then Rudy and Bloomberg were more RINOs than anything. Anywhere in the midwest they would be considered moderate Democrats.
Haha, ok then what point are you really making then?!
A distinction without a difference.
Locked up is locked up
"The fact is that most people in state prisons today have not been convicted of any crime at all but are merely awaiting trial."

The fact is your statement was completely false. Deal with it.
Which policies in Los Angeles and San Francisco brought crime down so much in the 90s?

There was a general downward trend at the time, but NYC's decrease was far more than the overall trend seen at the time.

There also wasn't the cash bail elimination and lowering of felony crime levels we have seen recently.
There was a general downward trend at the time, but NYC's decrease was far more than the overall trend seen at the time.

There also wasn't the cash bail elimination and lowering of felony crime levels we have seen recently.
What caused the general downward trend? And how did it get so high in the 80s? Wasn’t there a republican president then?
What caused the general downward trend? And how did it get so high in the 80s? Wasn’t there a republican president then?

Demographics, but the decrease above that in NYC was active policing with a mayor who supported increased policing, and DA's who were on board with the program.
Demographics, but the decrease above that in NYC was active policing with a mayor who supported increased policing, and DA's who were on board with the program.
In what way did demographics decrease the national statistics?
the answer is easy but you refuse to acknowledge it. blacks and hispanics commit more crimes. sad but true.
Do they really ? Or do they just get arrested and sentenced more for the same crimes Whites commit?
You probably wouldn't be saying that so much if member of your family was killed when the cops knew the criminal was armed and a bad apple.

I would because I am a man of my own convictions and I try to rid myself of cognitive dissonance.

I would rather the cops not violate anyone's rights because that is also illegal.

And the reality of the world is that you have a very small chance of being murdered.

you have a .0063% of getting murdered in any year by any means and the chance of getting murdered with a gun or weapon found in an illegal search is even less than that.

And once again you are contradicting your pro 2nd Amendment stance by your acceptance of other Constitutional violations.
"The fact is that most people in state prisons today have not been convicted of any crime at all but are merely awaiting trial."

The fact is your statement was completely false. Deal with it.

Semantic nit picking.

there is little difference between a prison and a jail and locked up is locked up

The conditions under which detainees are held also vary widely, ranging from police station holding cells to prisons.
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