This is what life under democrat rule looks like

Sure because in Japan the cops can hold you for 23 days without filing any charges people are denied access to a lawyer and their interrogation techniques border on torture. There is a presumption of guilt if people choose to remain silent and false confessions are frequent.

So you might want to think twice if yo want the US to be more like Japan
Never said I wanted it to be, but uhh..
The Democrat vision is not nice.
It says people awaiting trial are held in various places INCLUDING PRISONS

Learn to read
I read it jackass, that's why I know it was a pathetic attempt to keep from having to admit you were wrong. I didn't say that there are NO people in state prison awaiting trial, I said that YOUR STATEMENT "The fact is that most people in state prisons today have not been convicted of any crime at all but are merely awaiting trial." is FALSE.
But keep trying to spin that - I'm here all day.
It has the statistics in the reduction of crime in the article.
There is nothing to support a causal link at best you have a correlation

but then there is this

NYPD’s deployment of extra police to high crime neighborhoods contributed far more to the crime reduction than the use of stop, question, and frisk. Research on the NYPD’s program of Operation Impact found that extra police deployed to high crime areas in New York was a major factor in the crime decline: a 12% to 15% reduction. The additional use of stop, question, and frisk made almost no difference. The stops only had a detectable impact on crime when the stops were based on probable cause, and these kinds of stops were very rare. Other research by Weisburd and colleagues also showed that stop, question, and frisk practices had only small associations with crime reduction (on the order 2%). And this study did not measure the effects of stops over and above increased officer deployment.

What can we conclude from this? Saturating high crime neighborhoods with extra police helped reduce crime in New York, but the bulk of investigative stops did not play a meaningful role in the crime reduction.
I read it jackass, that's why I know it was a pathetic attempt to keep from having to admit you were wrong. I didn't say that there are NO people in state prison awaiting trial, I said that YOUR STATEMENT "The fact is that most people in state prisons today have not been convicted of any crime at all but are merely awaiting trial." is FALSE.
But keep trying to spin that - I'm here all day.
Once again you argue semantics

the words prison and jail have always been used interchangeably in the vernacular

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