THIS is what needs to be said

We blacks have gone from being owned to ownership. Why? Because we have worked our asses off. We went from being sold from the white house to be the one residing in the white house. We went from being slaves at Ivy League schools to teaching in them. How did that happen? Because we worked our asses off! There isn’t any victim mentality in the black community folks. Whites have imagined themselves being victimized as long as there has been a nation called America. Whites formed a terrorist group because they believed in some imaginary victimization based on a farce of newly freed slaves taking jobs from them. Every excuse on earth has been made for this fiction by the conservative section of white America. Yet whenever blacks have organized to stand up against a real legitimate problem, the same section decided to try discrediting us at every turn. We have seen black leaders in our opposition to white racism murdered time after time by whites. The elimination of an opposing view because you don’t like hearing it is fascism. For almost two and one half centuries as a formal nation, America has allowed white fascism to go basically unchecked.

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you, but you sure are glad to put that on others. After whites were given land as part of the Homestead Act, I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into colleges that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make sure that business was successful.

The issue is not how hard whites worked after they got the opportunity. It is the fact they got the opportunity while others couldn’t because of skin color. The level of arrogance about these matters by whites creates the violent reaction some nonwhites have towards them. I am not endorsing such things but when black kids, KIDS, meaning CHILDREN, are picking out whites to knock out, whites need to begin asking themselves why instead of them going to the usual whining, crying and blubbering about black racism. Blacks are tired of this garbage and in some cases it manifests itself in behaviors that are not societally acceptable. However, the denial and lying about the continuing racism by a section of the white community should also not be societally acceptable yet it is. Those who made it so should be held accountable for it.

There are just some realties much of white America needs to understand. One is that blacks are owed money for human rights violations from the time America was a British colony through today. Of course, this argument get the usual silly uneducated and misinformed drivel coming from some whites. But that really doesn’t change the fact that we are owed money and a huge sum of it. No, we do not have to go back to determine eligibility relative to who was descended from slaves and who was not, because as I stated, the reparations are for human rights violations that have occurred from the colonial period until today.

Dumb whites want to make this an argument about payment for slavery. But as brother Ta Nehisi Coates so eloquently expressed, the argument goes far past slavery. Some of the greatest minds in the black community have expressed ideas on this issue. There is not much I can say that adds to the already many times blacks have mentioned issues which whites have refused to listen to. Yet what they are refusing to listen to may very well be the right way to solve this problem and perhaps end the issue of racial economic inequality between blacks and whites.

Interesting take on American history, IM2! It's amazing that you glossed over the incredible sacrifices that many whites in America made so that blacks could reach the levels that they now have attained. Did you want to give thanks to my ancestor that lost an arm fighting for the Union in the Civil War? Does my family receive part of the money that you say is "owed" to blacks? Or is that a "freebie" because he was a white man so he's inherently evil in your eyes?

I've glossed over nothing. What exactly have whites sacrificed so that non whites could get some semblance of equal treatment under the law? Why am I to give thanks to your ancestor who lost an arm during the civil war when, number one, you white bastards want to tell us how we were never slaves and that your punk asses never owned slaves and number two, that my ancestors kept losing lives during the 100 years of Jim Crow apartheid?

Talk about glossing over history!
All the whites using the excuse of we were not there don’t blame us for the past must be shunned in my view. White folks, you are here on the backs of your ancestors just like everyone else. You are the beneficiaries of what your ancestors did. Many of you have what you have because of the racism of your ancestors whereby they excluded all others from competition. Do not tell me how your ancestors cannot be blamed then speak double talk blaming my ancestors for selling other blacks into slavery. Whites control every institution in this nation. Whites make the most money. Today white families have wealth accumulation that is 15 times that of blacks. Whites are not being victimized. Whites ARE being asked to allow everyone else to have the same chances whites have without all the added baggage of racism.

Blacks have never quit. We won’t quit. We can’t quit because the legacy of those who came before us shows that quitting is not an option. To this garbage of race hustling we say that when you hear someone white talking about race hustling, that’s what they are doing. When you hear someone white talking about the grievance industry understand conservative whites created a news channel that made millionaires out of nobodies who promoted the lie of white victimization called Fox News.

As it pertains to racism we aren’t playing. We are stating truth to what America really is. We did not see the Beaver Cleaver nation so many of you whites talk about. During the 50’s, we were protesting having to sit on the back of the bus and segregated schools. We didn’t have time to worry about Lumpy Rutherford.

Let me add this and maybe the whites who are the problem can understand better how things are today. When I was a kid playing flag football, the wishbone or the triple option offense was the style in college football. It was an unstoppable offense for a time. Yet the defensive coaches in America caught up to the triple option and began doing things that would eventually stop it from working as it used to. Colleges using the triple option had to change, even Oklahoma had to start passing the football more. The same playbook did not work after people had become educated to how things ran.

Similarly, today there are no freedom rides going into towns to teach children how to read then finding whole communities of blacks who can’t read. Blacks are educated now and more than ever before are entering colleges or post-secondary training. Yet there are whites using the same old playbook thinking they can run the full back dive at us and gain 5 yards a pop. Those days are over. We know what you mean when you say certain things. Dogs don’t whistle and we want our country back means that we want white dominion. We know how the system works and how it should work according to the words written in the constitution. It is not working that way right now specifically for people of color no matter how many loudmouth fat assholes you get behind radio mikes talking crazy.

Black folks (in fact, all people of color) want this to end. We feel that whites regardless of party whether it be Democrat, Republican, Green, or Libertarian, and ideology, liberal, conservative, or moderate, have not worked hard enough to end the racism in their own community. We want this to end, and we are not obliged to speak nicely to you about it. We do not have to say things to you in a manner that pleases you for you to listen. You will listen to those of us trying to talk to you, or there is an alternative that you will face from those tired of talking. Don’t get me wrong. I am not advocating violence, just stating the natural outcome of a continued arrogance that has lasted since the 1600’s here that we have tried talking to whites about stopping. At some point there will be people tired of talking when they know no one will listen. Whites talk about making America great again. Start off with making America great for the first time by ending the racism of whites.
All the whites using the excuse of we were not there don’t blame us for the past must be shunned in my view. White folks, you are here on the backs of your ancestors just like everyone else. You are the beneficiaries of what your ancestors did. Many of you have what you have because of the racism of your ancestors whereby they excluded all others from competition. Do not tell me how your ancestors cannot be blamed then speak double talk blaming my ancestors for selling other blacks into slavery. Whites control every institution in this nation. Whites make the most money. Today white families have wealth accumulation that is 15 times that of blacks. Whites are not being victimized. Whites ARE being asked to allow everyone else to have the same chances whites have without all the added baggage of racism.

Blacks have never quit. We won’t quit. We can’t quit because the legacy of those who came before us shows that quitting is not an option. To this garbage of race hustling we say that when you hear someone white talking about race hustling, that’s what they are doing. When you hear someone white talking about the grievance industry understand conservative whites created a news channel that made millionaires out of nobodies who promoted the lie of white victimization called Fox News.

As it pertains to racism we aren’t playing. We are stating truth to what America really is. We did not see the Beaver Cleaver nation so many of you whites talk about. During the 50’s, we were protesting having to sit on the back of the bus and segregated schools. We didn’t have time to worry about Lumpy Rutherford.

Let me add this and maybe the whites who are the problem can understand better how things are today. When I was a kid playing flag football, the wishbone or the triple option offense was the style in college football. It was an unstoppable offense for a time. Yet the defensive coaches in America caught up to the triple option and began doing things that would eventually stop it from working as it used to. Colleges using the triple option had to change, even Oklahoma had to start passing the football more. The same playbook did not work after people had become educated to how things ran.

Similarly, today there are no freedom rides going into towns to teach children how to read then finding whole communities of blacks who can’t read. Blacks are educated now and more than ever before are entering colleges or post-secondary training. Yet there are whites using the same old playbook thinking they can run the full back dive at us and gain 5 yards a pop. Those days are over. We know what you mean when you say certain things. Dogs don’t whistle and we want our country back means that we want white dominion. We know how the system works and how it should work according to the words written in the constitution. It is not working that way right now specifically for people of color no matter how many loudmouth fat assholes you get behind radio mikes talking crazy.

Black folks (in fact, all people of color) want this to end. We feel that whites regardless of party whether it be Democrat, Republican, Green, or Libertarian, and ideology, liberal, conservative, or moderate, have not worked hard enough to end the racism in their own community. We want this to end, and we are not obliged to speak nicely to you about it. We do not have to say things to you in a manner that pleases you for you to listen. You will listen to those of us trying to talk to you, or there is an alternative that you will face from those tired of talking. Don’t get me wrong. I am not advocating violence, just stating the natural outcome of a continued arrogance that has lasted since the 1600’s here that we have tried talking to whites about stopping. At some point there will be people tired of talking when they know no one will listen. Whites talk about making America great again. Start off with making America great for the first time by ending the racism of whites.

Nice rant. For a guy who repeatedly claims he doesn't care what white people think, you sure do spend an awfully lot of time talking about what we think. Luckily for you, I don't speak for all white people so don't profess to know what "we" mean when we say Make america great again. My version of that is very, very different from your run of the mill Republican. Just as you don't speak for all blacks or so-called "people of color" even though you seem to think otherwise. Nope, unfortunately for you, most of your kind seems more than content to live on the bottom rung of society so long as they get they welfare checks and malt liquor.
Nice speech IM2! I have an Agenda todaaay. Everybody likes clear and technical. One thing I've decided, is that a man struck down in his 30's didn't have the whole playbook by the time he was interrupted, MLK Jr. I am a white person. I never used the "never here" or some tribe in Africa "also like slavery" arguments. You really go a MLK Jr. Loud Voice you got to Hear today Nonviolence. My question is like, OK, did he think that's his country now? Its not exactly Ghandi casting off the British. People keep saying this, name these slaves that existed in the 1600s! 1700 British made the laws concerning heathen enslavement is why it was a Confederate benchmark later on. There's an absolute zero mathematical error upset going on, that I'm totally going to remain confused about. If we wanted control by the Native Confederate people of their states, how do we tolerate an over 95% black electorate telling us we have to live in the Kenyan Empire, per se? He hasn't had a single word, police or concern, but for genocidal extermination of the people that are Native to America and the Confederate cause. Is anything more unstable than no historical connection to a country you're leading?
I don't see how the school-taught strain of logic isn't just an agenda by the Feds in Cold War politics. Prove it. So, the US Civil War involved 500,000 deaths on both sides. Ready for war? boom. And the able male population reduced to half on the Southern side, the grand total of 95% of black males were sitting by for news, and some popular media taught you that they had NO confederate sympathies! Why I oughtta Why I oughtta! Its totally impossible! Who is it that actually wants to slit a confederate throat with fervor, it was a new York fat-cat running a sweatshop making the jobs and money. Throw some hurried hotography some pushes a fake moon landing, I'm joking, and a bloodless aw man, blacks and a Dixie man, nooo, aw maan. What a disgrace, it cost them nothing.
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So, you start off with ridicule and then strawman.

That really does not need to be said.

I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

True. They have the supposed moral high ground to say shit was can't. AND, to have us destroyed if we do say it.

Hell, many would argue that they have the right to commit violence on us, if we saying something "racist".
So, you start off with ridicule and then strawman.

That really does not need to be said.

I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

You are dumb...

So can I sing the song the same way a black man can sing it? If not, I'm a second class citizen. Not protected like they are. I don't have the same free speech.

This is their reparations. They get to say things we can't say. Enjoy it.

Yes, you can sing it...but you can't sing it in the same way a black man sings it because no one in your ancestry was ever told to "****** run, ****** run, go back to where you come from" -- but by all means...sing it.......

You just lost. You should change your name to "Sealy's bitch".
I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

You are dumb...

So can I sing the song the same way a black man can sing it? If not, I'm a second class citizen. Not protected like they are. I don't have the same free speech.

This is their reparations. They get to say things we can't say. Enjoy it.

Yes, you can sing it...but you can't sing it in the same way a black man sings it because no one in your ancestry was ever told to "****** run, ****** run, go back to where you come from" -- but by all means...sing it.......

Happens to white people every day in the Southwest and the coasts.

No it doesn't...

But I am glad you think this is something that is funny....the people in this picture thought it was funny too, you would have fit right in....

Is that picture less than a century old? And even so, I don't see anyone laughing.

The upshot here, is that IM2 should thank white society and institutional racism for giving him a purpose in life?


This is the kind of idiocy I'm talking about.
Did you READ Avery's Post?

Not familiar with philosophy much?

I don't read internet blackface. And your quote does not apply to me.

Perhaps if you read the context, I am sure you would find that it does.

Everyone on the forum can see that the evils of discrimination and your crusade against it define who you are.

Can you conceive of a person WITH OUT thinking of their skin color?

I wonder if you even have ever had a close friend that was not black. . .

The fact is, NO ONE is beyond GOOD AND EVIL.


Wayback Machine
If IM2 posted a pic of him standing next to a white person, would that ease your concerns about any racial issues you feel he has?

You know, like if he just had a pic of some random white woman who worked for him to prove he loves whites and stuff...

Works for Trump....
So you get it.

Trump is defining himself by his opposition, and IM2 is doing the exact same thing.

How nice. You understand. IM2 and Trump, birds of a feather. Both playing the hate game.

I reiterate.
This is the kind of idiocy I'm talking about.
Did you READ Avery's Post?

Not familiar with philosophy much?

I don't read internet blackface. And your quote does not apply to me.

Perhaps if you read the context, I am sure you would find that it does.

Everyone on the forum can see that the evils of discrimination and your crusade against it define who you are.

Can you conceive of a person WITH OUT thinking of their skin color?

I wonder if you even have ever had a close friend that was not black. . .

The fact is, NO ONE is beyond GOOD AND EVIL.


Wayback Machine
If IM2 posted a pic of him standing next to a white person, would that ease your concerns about any racial issues you feel he has?

You know, like if he just had a pic of some random white woman who worked for him to prove he loves whites and stuff...

Works for Trump....
So you get it.

Trump is defining himself by his opposition, and IM2 is doing the exact same thing.

How nice. You understand. IM2 and Trump, birds of a feather. Both playing the hate game.

I reiterate.

I don't play the hate game. Calling out white racism is not hate. Calling it that to try shutting people up from opposing racism is.
All the whites using the excuse of we were not there don’t blame us for the past must be shunned in my view. White folks, you are here on the backs of your ancestors just like everyone else. You are the beneficiaries of what your ancestors did. Many of you have what you have because of the racism of your ancestors whereby they excluded all others from competition. Do not tell me how your ancestors cannot be blamed then speak double talk blaming my ancestors for selling other blacks into slavery. Whites control every institution in this nation. Whites make the most money. Today white families have wealth accumulation that is 15 times that of blacks. Whites are not being victimized. Whites ARE being asked to allow everyone else to have the same chances whites have without all the added baggage of racism.

Blacks have never quit. We won’t quit. We can’t quit because the legacy of those who came before us shows that quitting is not an option. To this garbage of race hustling we say that when you hear someone white talking about race hustling, that’s what they are doing. When you hear someone white talking about the grievance industry understand conservative whites created a news channel that made millionaires out of nobodies who promoted the lie of white victimization called Fox News.

As it pertains to racism we aren’t playing. We are stating truth to what America really is. We did not see the Beaver Cleaver nation so many of you whites talk about. During the 50’s, we were protesting having to sit on the back of the bus and segregated schools. We didn’t have time to worry about Lumpy Rutherford.

Let me add this and maybe the whites who are the problem can understand better how things are today. When I was a kid playing flag football, the wishbone or the triple option offense was the style in college football. It was an unstoppable offense for a time. Yet the defensive coaches in America caught up to the triple option and began doing things that would eventually stop it from working as it used to. Colleges using the triple option had to change, even Oklahoma had to start passing the football more. The same playbook did not work after people had become educated to how things ran.

Similarly, today there are no freedom rides going into towns to teach children how to read then finding whole communities of blacks who can’t read. Blacks are educated now and more than ever before are entering colleges or post-secondary training. Yet there are whites using the same old playbook thinking they can run the full back dive at us and gain 5 yards a pop. Those days are over. We know what you mean when you say certain things. Dogs don’t whistle and we want our country back means that we want white dominion. We know how the system works and how it should work according to the words written in the constitution. It is not working that way right now specifically for people of color no matter how many loudmouth fat assholes you get behind radio mikes talking crazy.

Black folks (in fact, all people of color) want this to end. We feel that whites regardless of party whether it be Democrat, Republican, Green, or Libertarian, and ideology, liberal, conservative, or moderate, have not worked hard enough to end the racism in their own community. We want this to end, and we are not obliged to speak nicely to you about it. We do not have to say things to you in a manner that pleases you for you to listen. You will listen to those of us trying to talk to you, or there is an alternative that you will face from those tired of talking. Don’t get me wrong. I am not advocating violence, just stating the natural outcome of a continued arrogance that has lasted since the 1600’s here that we have tried talking to whites about stopping. At some point there will be people tired of talking when they know no one will listen. Whites talk about making America great again. Start off with making America great for the first time by ending the racism of whites.

Nice rant. For a guy who repeatedly claims he doesn't care what white people think, you sure do spend an awfully lot of time talking about what we think. Luckily for you, I don't speak for all white people so don't profess to know what "we" mean when we say Make america great again. My version of that is very, very different from your run of the mill Republican. Just as you don't speak for all blacks or so-called "people of color" even though you seem to think otherwise. Nope, unfortunately for you, most of your kind seems more than content to live on the bottom rung of society so long as they get they welfare checks and malt liquor.

And I will continue as long as forums exist like this where whites are mouthing off about blacks like you did in your last 2 lines.

So can I sing the song the same way a black man can sing it? If not, I'm a second class citizen. Not protected like they are. I don't have the same free speech.

This is their reparations. They get to say things we can't say. Enjoy it.
Yes, you can sing it...but you can't sing it in the same way a black man sings it because no one in your ancestry was ever told to "****** run, ****** run, go back to where you come from" -- but by all means...sing it.......
Happens to white people every day in the Southwest and the coasts.
No it doesn't...
Yes, yes it does.

I am going to try this again....

Has anyone been lynched, burned alive while a crowd of people stood and posed for pics, including members of the police being among those people...then afterwards, nothing happened? No? then again, like I doesn't happen...

IM2 made a very profound comment when he said the things he endured would break the average closeted white racist guy...because you folks struggle and struggle to find lame ass examples of how oppressed you are

Well I hope you know I was kidding earlier about being oppressed because I can’t say the N word.

But my brother and I went to an all black school. We were the last two whites to leave the neighborhood. It was in the 70s. My brother was in 5th grade going into 6th when we moved I was a year younger.

The kids were mean and racist but worse so we’re the teachers and parents. But I give them a pass whites were not very nice to blacks back then.

And then I move out to the white neighborhood to find out white people are even worse! Lol
So, you start off with ridicule and then strawman.

That really does not need to be said.

I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

True. They have the supposed moral high ground to say shit was can't. AND, to have us destroyed if we do say it.

Hell, many would argue that they have the right to commit violence on us, if we saying something "racist".

I hate to agree but I do. I bet if you asked 100 blacks if they would convict a black man of assault for hitting a white who admittedly called him the n word, none of them would convict the black.

But there is nothing a black person can say to me that would justify me hitting them.

We allow old men and women to hit men who say disrespectful things. I guess add blacks to that list.
You are dumb...
So can I sing the song the same way a black man can sing it? If not, I'm a second class citizen. Not protected like they are. I don't have the same free speech.

This is their reparations. They get to say things we can't say. Enjoy it.
Yes, you can sing it...but you can't sing it in the same way a black man sings it because no one in your ancestry was ever told to "****** run, ****** run, go back to where you come from" -- but by all means...sing it.......
Happens to white people every day in the Southwest and the coasts.
No it doesn't...

But I am glad you think this is something that is funny....the people in this picture thought it was funny too, you would have fit right in....

Is that picture less than a century old? And even so, I don't see anyone laughing.
I bet 25% of them are mortified. 25% are used to it but don’t approve and the other 50% love it.
So can I sing the song the same way a black man can sing it? If not, I'm a second class citizen. Not protected like they are. I don't have the same free speech.

This is their reparations. They get to say things we can't say. Enjoy it.
Yes, you can sing it...but you can't sing it in the same way a black man sings it because no one in your ancestry was ever told to "****** run, ****** run, go back to where you come from" -- but by all means...sing it.......
Happens to white people every day in the Southwest and the coasts.
No it doesn't...
Yes, yes it does.

I am going to try this again....

Has anyone been lynched, burned alive while a crowd of people stood and posed for pics, including members of the police being among those people...then afterwards, nothing happened? No? then again, like I doesn't happen...

IM2 made a very profound comment when he said the things he endured would break the average closeted white racist guy...because you folks struggle and struggle to find lame ass examples of how oppressed you are

White people get lynched all the time by black people and most of the time it is only considered a murder at most to maintain a semblance of stability in society without any regard for the victims’ families and friends. Have you even heard of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian? How is kidnapping a random young white couple, raping them both, mutilating them both, forcing them to drink toxic chemicals to attempt to get rid of the evidence of the rape and then burning them to death until they are ashes not a lynching? Do you know what they ruled on that case? Did you know that several of the perps are free today? Their story is only the most well known of its kind and yet it easily compares to the worst lynchings in history. How can a story like that exist during the same year that Obama began his presidential campaign of “Hope and Change”?

What white kids endure today in majority non-white areas would kill IM2 and his entire family and yet they are browbeaten by society to think THEY are privileged. What the average white kid endures today just from social media, the 24/7 television “news”, the “education” system and the Democratic Party would cause even black people who live in the ghetto today to kill themselves.

I have given detailed examples of extremely strong systems of oppression against not just white people in America but in the entire world. The only difference between saying what I say and what IM2’s favorite people say is that you are not forced to listen to what I say in a taxpayer funded university lecture hall while a national political party dedicates its entire platform to insert what I say in your daily life. Most of IM2’s activist heroes actually have less experience analyzing racial topics than I do(I have been doing this everyday for 16 years)but because I am white and saying these things I can’t even speak too much in public about it without my career being destroyed and possibly facing physical violence from Antifa(not to mention what happens to uppity white people in Canada and Western Europe concerning the barbaric legal systems there).

If there weren’t a system of oppression against whites you wouldn’t be able to make a living being as ignorant as you are, and you certainly wouldn’t be able to call people who are literally scholars on this subject “closer racists” without being shamed and ostracized.
So, you start off with ridicule and then strawman.

That really does not need to be said.

I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

True. They have the supposed moral high ground to say shit was can't. AND, to have us destroyed if we do say it.

Hell, many would argue that they have the right to commit violence on us, if we saying something "racist".

I hate to agree but I do. I bet if you asked 100 blacks if they would convict a black man of assault for hitting a white who admittedly called him the n word, none of them would convict the black.

But there is nothing a black person can say to me that would justify me hitting them.

We allow old men and women to hit men who say disrespectful things. I guess add blacks to that list.

It is good that despite our massive partisan and ideological differences, that we can agree on likely perceptions of an objective reality.

That is starting place.
So can I sing the song the same way a black man can sing it? If not, I'm a second class citizen. Not protected like they are. I don't have the same free speech.

This is their reparations. They get to say things we can't say. Enjoy it.
Yes, you can sing it...but you can't sing it in the same way a black man sings it because no one in your ancestry was ever told to "****** run, ****** run, go back to where you come from" -- but by all means...sing it.......
Happens to white people every day in the Southwest and the coasts.
No it doesn't...

But I am glad you think this is something that is funny....the people in this picture thought it was funny too, you would have fit right in....

Is that picture less than a century old? And even so, I don't see anyone laughing.
I bet 25% of them are mortified. 25% are used to it but don’t approve and the other 50% love it.

In the faces we can see, I see one full smile, and two maybes. There are more people that look freaked out than look happy.

Even during the heyday of lynchings, back in the late 1800s, I dont' think they occurred at a rate anyone would get used to them.
So, you start off with ridicule and then strawman.

That really does not need to be said.

I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

True. They have the supposed moral high ground to say shit was can't. AND, to have us destroyed if we do say it.

Hell, many would argue that they have the right to commit violence on us, if we saying something "racist".

I hate to agree but I do. I bet if you asked 100 blacks if they would convict a black man of assault for hitting a white who admittedly called him the n word, none of them would convict the black.

But there is nothing a black person can say to me that would justify me hitting them.

We allow old men and women to hit men who say disrespectful things. I guess add blacks to that list.

False....there are quite a few black folks who would fact, many would risk their lives for white folks, even those who hate them....

perhaps you haven't known this, but black folks have been putting the needs of white folks above their own for hundreds of years...

And despite all of this, we are still told that we are not good enough to be afforded the same human emotions as everyone else....despite all of this, black folks are still expected to have this superhuman forgiveness gene that nobody else has....Which is how a white guy can go into a church and murder 9 people (not to rob them, but because they are BLACK) and the families of those victims still forgave the person who murdered them.

Meanwhile, you have some white folks in the south who still hate folks from the north over something from over 160 years ago
So, you start off with ridicule and then strawman.

That really does not need to be said.

I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

True. They have the supposed moral high ground to say shit was can't. AND, to have us destroyed if we do say it.

Hell, many would argue that they have the right to commit violence on us, if we saying something "racist".

I hate to agree but I do. I bet if you asked 100 blacks if they would convict a black man of assault for hitting a white who admittedly called him the n word, none of them would convict the black.

But there is nothing a black person can say to me that would justify me hitting them.

We allow old men and women to hit men who say disrespectful things. I guess add blacks to that list.

False....there are quite a few black folks who would fact, many would risk their lives for white folks, even those who hate them....

perhaps you haven't known this, but black folks have been putting the needs of white folks above their own for hundreds of years...

And despite all of this, we are still told that we are not good enough to be afforded the same human emotions as everyone else....despite all of this, black folks are still expected to have this superhuman forgiveness gene that nobody else has....Which is how a white guy can go into a church and murder 9 people and the families of those victims forgave the person who murdered him.

Meanwhile, you have some white folks in the south who still hate folks from the north over something from over 160 years ago

They didn’t forgive him, they SAID they forgive him to look like the Christians they were supposed to be in front of an already hysterical media.

Meanwhile the parents of Mollie Tibbets actually donate to immigrant causes BECAUSE an illegal immigrant killed their daughter. That is how abused white people are in this day and age.
So, you start off with ridicule and then strawman.

That really does not need to be said.

I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

True. They have the supposed moral high ground to say shit was can't. AND, to have us destroyed if we do say it.

Hell, many would argue that they have the right to commit violence on us, if we saying something "racist".

I hate to agree but I do. I bet if you asked 100 blacks if they would convict a black man of assault for hitting a white who admittedly called him the n word, none of them would convict the black.

But there is nothing a black person can say to me that would justify me hitting them.

We allow old men and women to hit men who say disrespectful things. I guess add blacks to that list.

It is good that despite our massive partisan and ideological differences, that we can agree on likely perceptions of an objective reality.

That is starting place.

I'm a very fair and balanced liberal. A lot of my conservative friends say, "then you aren't a liberal" but I'm sure you know on some/a lot of things I am very liberal.

I'm about the most moderate lefty on these boards. Just because when I argue I argue passionately for my position doesn't mean I don't see your side of the issues. That's the problem with politics. Each side is so dug in they won't even see the other sides point.

But then a guy like Trump comes around and says a few things about bringing jobs back home and suddenly Republicans are no longer into sending jobs to China for the cheap goods. Or hiring illegals to do jobs American's won't do. Remember that was your sides position in the 2000's. We told you they weren't here just doing jobs American's wouldn't do but you didn't care because it wasn't affecting enough of you. Or you didn't realize it was because Fox and Rush were blaming liberals for your woes. Meanwhile Republicans and corporations were hiring illegals.

Like the other day this guy kept saying build the wall build the wall but he refused to admit we could go a long way solving this problem if we went after illegal employers like we used to.

This is what us liberals were saying in 2006. Now this sounds a lot like Trump only he won't seem to point a finger at illegal employers. Why? Because he is one!

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

The reality is that we don't have an "Illegal Immigration" problem in America. We have an "Illegal Employer" problem.

Yet it's almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, because to point it out could slightly reduce the profits and CEO salaries of many of America's largest multi-state and multinational corporations - who both own the media and contribute heavily to conservative politicians. Republicans would prefer that the "criminals" covered in the press are working people, and that corporate and CEO criminals not get discussed.

I believe this problem was done on purpose. They brought in illegals to lower wages. To flood the market with low wage workers. Corporations love the cheap labor.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So why did George Bush stop doing his job?
So, you start off with ridicule and then strawman.

That really does not need to be said.

I'm wondering can we sing this song too?

Then we are not equal if blacks can sing this in public and we can't.

'Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from
Nigga run, nigga run
Go back where you come from

True. They have the supposed moral high ground to say shit was can't. AND, to have us destroyed if we do say it.

Hell, many would argue that they have the right to commit violence on us, if we saying something "racist".

I hate to agree but I do. I bet if you asked 100 blacks if they would convict a black man of assault for hitting a white who admittedly called him the n word, none of them would convict the black.

But there is nothing a black person can say to me that would justify me hitting them.

We allow old men and women to hit men who say disrespectful things. I guess add blacks to that list.

False....there are quite a few black folks who would fact, many would risk their lives for white folks, even those who hate them....

perhaps you haven't known this, but black folks have been putting the needs of white folks above their own for hundreds of years...

And despite all of this, we are still told that we are not good enough to be afforded the same human emotions as everyone else....despite all of this, black folks are still expected to have this superhuman forgiveness gene that nobody else has....Which is how a white guy can go into a church and murder 9 people (not to rob them, but because they are BLACK) and the families of those victims still forgave the person who murdered them.

Meanwhile, you have some white folks in the south who still hate folks from the north over something from over 160 years ago

That picture is hot. Mammy! How I love ya How I love ya.

Yes I remember a white guy was getting the crap kicked out of him and some nice black woman stepped in and pulled her gun. I can also recall times when whites stopped other whites from beating blacks up. I myself did it in college. This black guy in the 1990's dared to come into our all white fraternity party. My frat brother kicked him out and was pushing him out and screaming at him so I beat the shit out of my frat brother in front of everyone.

No doubt there are good people in this world. You and me for example. But we aren't the problem. If everyone was as kind as us this world would be a much better place.

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