THIS is what needs to be said

Well every one of us who works for someone else is trying to make them rich. If you aren’t then you aren’t a valued employee.

Blacks need to start getting a good work reputation for something. Like, blacks always show up on time or they work the hardest. Blacks don’t have a “i’ll Give them this” as far as work goes what are blacks known for in the work place? Like Asians are good at math, indians are IT, Mexicans do good work for cheap. Whites manage teams well. What do blacks do?

All of the things you just named. You have recited a bunch of white racist bullshit and you actually think it's true.
Doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s our perception and we do the hiring

It does matter if it's true and if that is your perception you are mentally incapable of distinguishing reality from racist bullshit. And if you are not hiring based on those false racist assumptions you are in violation of non discrimination laws. I have ta documented ken one corporation from Detroit to the court for racial discrimination, maybe we need to look at a few more.
You do. There is plenty of it that goes on and can't be proven. It's like Trump. Prove he's a racist. So what everyone who knows him says he's a racist prove it. LOL.

I'm with you IM2. I love to say shit that makes your head explode. Hey, you want to hear what white people are thinking right? I won't hold back. LOL

I've heard plenty of what whites have to say and undoubtedly will hear more. But the thing many of you whites here won't say is that everything you have is because you depended on government to give it to you. And no matter how many smart ass comments you think you are making, the documented evidence shows that is what happened. So what I hear coming from whites is willful stupidity.

What kind of additional proof do you need to see that Trump is racist? Him wearing a klan outfit while attending a KKK rally? Racism isn't done that way anymore sealy and you know that. So as long as whites like you watch racism go on and do nothing because it doesn't affect you directly it will continue.

But it comes at a literal cost white boy and that cost in lost taxable income alone is more than 1/2 trillion dollars annually. So keep talking stupid and asking us to prove the obvious. Keep on doing nothing because you think racism doesn't affect you. Keep thinking whites can continue business as usual.

And you will find out that one day business will either be closed or under new management.
I’m going to vote democratic. And I’m going to vote every two years. That’s the most important thing I can do.

Until then I can only try and educate the ignorant but you know how that goes.
Wow, I mean wow! This is juicy stuff...I've never been one to go around telling black people to "get off the democrat plantation" but dude! YOU NEED TO GET OFF THE DEMOCRATIC PLANTATION.

All this stuff you're complaining about are thanks to far left progressives. FDR is the one who set the whole thing in motion with his new deal plan and Truman continued that legacy. Conservative Republicans were opposed to housing projects from the get go and not for racist reasons, but for the same reasons Republicans oppose massive federal handout programs today.

One of the most interesting tidbits is how Republicans tried to poison Truman's housing project bill with an amendment that they knew would cause Democrats to vote against it. Wanna take a guess as to what that amendment was? Wait for it...


Fucking lol. Evil, greedy republicans tried to kill a loving, generous Democrat public housing bill by adding an integration amendment! Unfortunately for black people, Democrat "civil rights advocates" in the senate managed to defeat the amendment thereby preserving racist Democrat segregationist policies well into the 60s.
Every nasty thing IM2 says about whites are probably true if you are addressing the truly racist whites. IM2 puts pretty much all whites in the same boat. According to him, we are all racist. He is constantly bringing up the past, what whites have done for hundreds of years, as if nothing has changed or as if we are all responsible for the past.

The word "racism" has lost all meaning due to frivolous overuse by the left. If you're white, you're racist.
Well every one of us who works for someone else is trying to make them rich. If you aren’t then you aren’t a valued employee.

Blacks need to start getting a good work reputation for something. Like, blacks always show up on time or they work the hardest. Blacks don’t have a “i’ll Give them this” as far as work goes what are blacks known for in the work place? Like Asians are good at math, indians are IT, Mexicans do good work for cheap. Whites manage teams well. What do blacks do?

All of the things you just named. You have recited a bunch of white racist bullshit and you actually think it's true.
Doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s our perception and we do the hiring

It does matter if it's true and if that is your perception you are mentally incapable of distinguishing reality from racist bullshit. And if you are not hiring based on those false racist assumptions you are in violation of non discrimination laws. I have ta documented ken one corporation from Detroit to the court for racial discrimination, maybe we need to look at a few more.
You do. There is plenty of it that goes on and can't be proven. It's like Trump. Prove he's a racist. So what everyone who knows him says he's a racist prove it. LOL.

I'm with you IM2. I love to say shit that makes your head explode. Hey, you want to hear what white people are thinking right? I won't hold back. LOL

I've heard plenty of what whites have to say and undoubtedly will hear more. But the thing many of you whites here won't say is that everything you have is because you depended on government to give it to you. And no matter how many smart ass comments you think you are making, the documented evidence shows that is what happened. So what I hear coming from whites is willful stupidity.

What kind of additional proof do you need to see that Trump is racist? Him wearing a klan outfit while attending a KKK rally? Racism isn't done that way anymore sealy and you know that. So as long as whites like you watch racism go on and do nothing because it doesn't affect you directly it will continue.

But it comes at a literal cost white boy and that cost in lost taxable income alone is more than 1/2 trillion dollars annually. So keep talking stupid and asking us to prove the obvious. Keep on doing nothing because you think racism doesn't affect you. Keep thinking whites can continue business as usual.

And you will find out that one day business will either be closed or under new management.
That’s exactly what white trump voters are trying to avoid. You want to be under new management? So do I. Let’s vote for a new president.
Wow, I mean wow! This is juicy stuff...I've never been one to go around telling black people to "get off the democrat plantation" but dude! YOU NEED TO GET OFF THE DEMOCRATIC PLANTATION.

All this stuff you're complaining about are thanks to far left progressives. FDR is the one who set the whole thing in motion with his new deal plan and Truman continued that legacy. Conservative Republicans were opposed to housing projects from the get go and not for racist reasons, but for the same reasons Republicans oppose massive federal handout programs today.

One of the most interesting tidbits is how Republicans tried to poison Truman's housing project bill with an amendment that they knew would cause Democrats to vote against it. Wanna take a guess as to what that amendment was? Wait for it...


Fucking lol. Evil, greedy republicans tried to kill a loving, generous Democrat public housing bill by adding an integration amendment! Unfortunately for black people, Democrat "civil rights advocates" in the senate managed to defeat the amendment thereby preserving racist Democrat segregationist policies well into the 60s.
Every nasty thing IM2 says about whites are probably true if you are addressing the truly racist whites. IM2 puts pretty much all whites in the same boat. According to him, we are all racist. He is constantly bringing up the past, what whites have done for hundreds of years, as if nothing has changed or as if we are all responsible for the past.

The word "racism" has lost all meaning due to frivolous overuse by the left. If you're white, you're racist.
I bet if you were at a Walmart and some black woman was screaming you’re a racist you would feel the power of the word
Wow, I mean wow! This is juicy stuff...I've never been one to go around telling black people to "get off the democrat plantation" but dude! YOU NEED TO GET OFF THE DEMOCRATIC PLANTATION.

All this stuff you're complaining about are thanks to far left progressives. FDR is the one who set the whole thing in motion with his new deal plan and Truman continued that legacy. Conservative Republicans were opposed to housing projects from the get go and not for racist reasons, but for the same reasons Republicans oppose massive federal handout programs today.

One of the most interesting tidbits is how Republicans tried to poison Truman's housing project bill with an amendment that they knew would cause Democrats to vote against it. Wanna take a guess as to what that amendment was? Wait for it...


Fucking lol. Evil, greedy republicans tried to kill a loving, generous Democrat public housing bill by adding an integration amendment! Unfortunately for black people, Democrat "civil rights advocates" in the senate managed to defeat the amendment thereby preserving racist Democrat segregationist policies well into the 60s.
Every nasty thing IM2 says about whites are probably true if you are addressing the truly racist whites. IM2 puts pretty much all whites in the same boat. According to him, we are all racist. He is constantly bringing up the past, what whites have done for hundreds of years, as if nothing has changed or as if we are all responsible for the past.

The word "racism" has lost all meaning due to frivolous overuse by the left. If you're white, you're racist.
I bet if you were at a Walmart and some black woman was screaming you’re a racist you would feel the power of the word

Point taken. No, I wouldn't fancy being in that situation, most of the shoppers at my local Walmart are black and grumpy as hell.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
Not that this rambling mindless tripe is worth responding to, but someone has a food fetish. Dressing, gravy, sweet potato pie, fryer grease, marshmallow, pork belly, buffet, thin mints, crisco, coffee, blackened fish.

OK, I'll respond. I'll give you the address to the "free black stuff administration" when you give me my white privilege card.
The rest of your rant is so pitiful that I will not share it with my black friends that I normally send this crap to to bust their balls. Your crap is too insulting, to my black friends.

If your life revolves around some idiot on the radio(Rush), if your reality revolves around your own infatuation with the color of skin, if your existence revolves around the klan, all 14 of them, my friend you need help. Of the psychological kind. How is it that I know lots of black folks that are not only doing well, but as a white guy I share blood with? Yes one of those evil white people that actually has family married to and has children with. And somehow the white folks and the black folks in that union, and their families spend a lot of time together, get along and,oh my goodness, everyone's doing OK. How could this be in your world? How could it be that no one listens to Rush, Hannity even I barely know, heard the name, Jennifer Garner, what in the does she have to do with anything? Howie Long? Football player, right? Samuel L Jackson? Great actor, he has what to do with what?

I'm curious do you ever go back and read your own words? Is there a point? Any coherency? Gilligan's Island? Jabba the Hut? Nanook and yellow snow? Ray and the river rats? Dude, talk to a psychologist, take class on logic, get over your skin color or at least take a writing class. After all, Married With Children, Beyonce and Frank Sinatra. None of them fish with pink shoes.

It's plenty coherent, you just can't face the truth. In this section we have several thousand threads and posts by whites denigrating blacks. No one was bitching until you pussies started getting what you dish out. Now you want to tell me all about those blacks and whites getting along, but you can't say the same things to the whites here when they post their bullshit. So until you can, you can shut the fuck up trying to lecture me.
I could
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
Not that this rambling mindless tripe is worth responding to, but someone has a food fetish. Dressing, gravy, sweet potato pie, fryer grease, marshmallow, pork belly, buffet, thin mints, crisco, coffee, blackened fish.

OK, I'll respond. I'll give you the address to the "free black stuff administration" when you give me my white privilege card.
The rest of your rant is so pitiful that I will not share it with my black friends that I normally send this crap to to bust their balls. Your crap is too insulting, to my black friends.

If your life revolves around some idiot on the radio(Rush), if your reality revolves around your own infatuation with the color of skin, if your existence revolves around the klan, all 14 of them, my friend you need help. Of the psychological kind. How is it that I know lots of black folks that are not only doing well, but as a white guy I share blood with? Yes one of those evil white people that actually has family married to and has children with. And somehow the white folks and the black folks in that union, and their families spend a lot of time together, get along and,oh my goodness, everyone's doing OK. How could this be in your world? How could it be that no one listens to Rush, Hannity even I barely know, heard the name, Jennifer Garner, what in the does she have to do with anything? Howie Long? Football player, right? Samuel L Jackson? Great actor, he has what to do with what?

I'm curious do you ever go back and read your own words? Is there a point? Any coherency? Gilligan's Island? Jabba the Hut? Nanook and yellow snow? Ray and the river rats? Dude, talk to a psychologist, take class on logic, get over your skin color or at least take a writing class. After all, Married With Children, Beyonce and Frank Sinatra. None of them fish with pink shoes.

It's plenty coherent, you just can't face the truth. In this section we have several thousand threads and posts by whites denigrating blacks. No one was bitching until you pussies started getting what you dish out. Now you want to tell me all about those blacks and whites getting along, but you can't say the same things to the whites here when they post their bullshit. So until you can, you can shut the fuck up trying to lecture me.
You mat wish to reevaluate the concept of coherent.

In this forum it's most common to hear whites jumping on your bull puckey. There are idiot racist whites on this forum, none quite rise to the idiocy you spew. The white racists tend to jump on violence differences. I do not attribute those discrepancies to skin color, although they do exist. You, however, set new heights for rambling idiocy.
We blacks have gone from being owned to ownership. Why? Because we have worked our asses off. We went from being sold from the white house to be the one residing in the white house. We went from being slaves at Ivy League schools to teaching in them. How did that happen? Because we worked our asses off! There isn’t any victim mentality in the black community folks. Whites have imagined themselves being victimized as long as there has been a nation called America. Whites formed a terrorist group because they believed in some imaginary victimization based on a farce of newly freed slaves taking jobs from them. Every excuse on earth has been made for this fiction by the conservative section of white America. Yet whenever blacks have organized to stand up against a real legitimate problem, the same section decided to try discrediting us at every turn. We have seen black leaders in our opposition to white racism murdered time after time by whites. The elimination of an opposing view because you don’t like hearing it is fascism. For almost two and one half centuries as a formal nation, America has allowed white fascism to go basically unchecked.

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you, but you sure are glad to put that on others. After whites were given land as part of the Homestead Act, I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into colleges that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make sure that business was successful.

The issue is not how hard whites worked after they got the opportunity. It is the fact they got the opportunity while others couldn’t because of skin color. The level of arrogance about these matters by whites creates the violent reaction some nonwhites have towards them. I am not endorsing such things but when black kids, KIDS, meaning CHILDREN, are picking out whites to knock out, whites need to begin asking themselves why instead of them going to the usual whining, crying and blubbering about black racism. Blacks are tired of this garbage and in some cases it manifests itself in behaviors that are not societally acceptable. However, the denial and lying about the continuing racism by a section of the white community should also not be societally acceptable yet it is. Those who made it so should be held accountable for it.

There are just some realties much of white America needs to understand. One is that blacks are owed money for human rights violations from the time America was a British colony through today. Of course, this argument get the usual silly uneducated and misinformed drivel coming from some whites. But that really doesn’t change the fact that we are owed money and a huge sum of it. No, we do not have to go back to determine eligibility relative to who was descended from slaves and who was not, because as I stated, the reparations are for human rights violations that have occurred from the colonial period until today.

Dumb whites want to make this an argument about payment for slavery. But as brother Ta Nehisi Coates so eloquently expressed, the argument goes far past slavery. Some of the greatest minds in the black community have expressed ideas on this issue. There is not much I can say that adds to the already many times blacks have mentioned issues which whites have refused to listen to. Yet what they are refusing to listen to may very well be the right way to solve this problem and perhaps end the issue of racial economic inequality between blacks and whites.

Yes there were a lot of black people who have excelled in education, business, music, military, sports and families, but after voting for democrats overwhelmingly since the mid 1960's, their family falls apart, lack of excellence in education, business as well have become the common trait, since they have been placed on the liberal "plantation" in order to exploit your too easily given vote, fall for every sniff of racism in every crack of the ground and walls., trained to hate people of other colors, promote trash music (Jazz was far better but now confined to a tiny area of the nation) create many families with missing fathers, and so on. It sometimes seems that too many black people WANT to find a reason to be unhappy......

Slavery ended 150 years ago.
Citizenship started 150 years ago.
Discrimination in all forms were declared illegal since 1963.
Full voting rights since 1964.
Affirmative action since the 1960's.

It is time to start following in the footsteps a Republican named Martin Luther King who wisely stated:

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

That can only happen if people drop their racial hate and embrace one another as brothers.
We blacks have gone from being owned to ownership. Why? Because we have worked our asses off. We went from being sold from the white house to be the one residing in the white house. We went from being slaves at Ivy League schools to teaching in them. How did that happen? Because we worked our asses off! There isn’t any victim mentality in the black community folks. Whites have imagined themselves being victimized as long as there has been a nation called America. Whites formed a terrorist group because they believed in some imaginary victimization based on a farce of newly freed slaves taking jobs from them. Every excuse on earth has been made for this fiction by the conservative section of white America. Yet whenever blacks have organized to stand up against a real legitimate problem, the same section decided to try discrediting us at every turn. We have seen black leaders in our opposition to white racism murdered time after time by whites. The elimination of an opposing view because you don’t like hearing it is fascism. For almost two and one half centuries as a formal nation, America has allowed white fascism to go basically unchecked.

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you, but you sure are glad to put that on others. After whites were given land as part of the Homestead Act, I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into colleges that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make sure that business was successful.

The issue is not how hard whites worked after they got the opportunity. It is the fact they got the opportunity while others couldn’t because of skin color. The level of arrogance about these matters by whites creates the violent reaction some nonwhites have towards them. I am not endorsing such things but when black kids, KIDS, meaning CHILDREN, are picking out whites to knock out, whites need to begin asking themselves why instead of them going to the usual whining, crying and blubbering about black racism. Blacks are tired of this garbage and in some cases it manifests itself in behaviors that are not societally acceptable. However, the denial and lying about the continuing racism by a section of the white community should also not be societally acceptable yet it is. Those who made it so should be held accountable for it.

There are just some realties much of white America needs to understand. One is that blacks are owed money for human rights violations from the time America was a British colony through today. Of course, this argument get the usual silly uneducated and misinformed drivel coming from some whites. But that really doesn’t change the fact that we are owed money and a huge sum of it. No, we do not have to go back to determine eligibility relative to who was descended from slaves and who was not, because as I stated, the reparations are for human rights violations that have occurred from the colonial period until today.

Dumb whites want to make this an argument about payment for slavery. But as brother Ta Nehisi Coates so eloquently expressed, the argument goes far past slavery. Some of the greatest minds in the black community have expressed ideas on this issue. There is not much I can say that adds to the already many times blacks have mentioned issues which whites have refused to listen to. Yet what they are refusing to listen to may very well be the right way to solve this problem and perhaps end the issue of racial economic inequality between blacks and whites.

Interesting take on American history, IM2! It's amazing that you glossed over the incredible sacrifices that many whites in America made so that blacks could reach the levels that they now have attained. Did you want to give thanks to my ancestor that lost an arm fighting for the Union in the Civil War? Does my family receive part of the money that you say is "owed" to blacks? Or is that a "freebie" because he was a white man so he's inherently evil in your eyes?
That relative of yours who lost his arm fighting for the Union...

How do you think he would feel about your cohorts draping themselves in the flag he fought end slavery....would he think it was an awesome way to piss off the libs and darkies?
View attachment 248173

It was the White REPUBLICANS who sponsored and passed a Constitutional Amendment to end slavery, with full opposition by the democrats. It was REPUBLICAN party who got a few blacks elected into state and national offices. Until the 1920's ZERO blacks were in office as a Democrat.

It was the same White REPUBLICANS who passed Constitutional Amendments granting citizenship and Voting rights for Black people, again over strong Democrat opposition.

All this happened 150 years ago!

Reparations is absurd, none of my Family past ancestors ever owned slaves, even though have been in America since the late 1600's. Slavery ended 150 years ago, most people alive today have no Family ancestors who owned slaves in America. This is a divisive issue that needs to be dropped since it will never happen!

Quoting your words:

"The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you, but you sure are glad to put that on others. After whites were given land as part of the Homestead Act, I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into colleges that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make sure that business was successful."

Yes that was largely true when such discrimination was actually codified in law and ideolgy, mainly by the Democrat party, but since 1963 ALL forms of economic discrimination is now a Felony:

"The right of employees to be free from discrimination in their compensation is protected under several federal laws, including the following enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

The law against compensation discrimination includes all payments made to or on behalf employees as remuneration for employment. All forms of compensation are covered, including salary, overtime pay, bonuses, stock options, profit sharing and bonus plans, life insurance, vacation and holiday pay, cleaning or gasoline allowances, hotel accommodations, reimbursement for travel expenses, and benefits."

Then the Civil Rights Act of 1964 came along to sweep away the rest of the oppressive crap:

"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark civil rights and U.S. labor law in the United States[5] that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.[6] It prohibits unequal application of voter registration requirements, and racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations."

The question is why are blacks who today claim they are being oppressed in various ways not suing the crap out the offenders, why doesn't the NAACP do some lawsuits, or the Black Lives Matter group not suing against Opression?

Maybe because there is very little organized oppression really going on these days...................

How Detroit Became America's Warzone

View attachment 249071

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

This is black history month. It is also the month that the Emergency Manager who took political power and control from the mostly African American residents of Detroit has presented his plan to bring the city out of the bankruptcy he steered it into. This is black history in the making, and I hope the nation will pay attention to who wins and who loses from the Emergency Manager’s plan.

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

It’s important to view what is happening to Detroit and its public employees through a racial lens. The fact that nearly 1.5 million whites left Detroit over the last half century as its African American population grew is the single biggest reason for its current distress. As the wealthier white population left Detroit, the overall population shrank and the city’s tax base shrank, too, leaving Detroit less able to support public schools, public safety, and its huge, geographically spread-out infrastructure. Corrupt mayors or antagonistic mayors are a sideshow compared to the gigantic outmigration of whites that began in the 1950’s and turned Detroit from a wealthy white city into a desperately poor black city.

Whether as cause or effect, the other key factor was the outmigration of manufacturing jobs, a process that began in the late 1940’s as the auto industry disinvested in Detroit in favor of the surrounding suburbs. The Big 3 later stopped investing in Michigan, leaving devastated cities like Flint and Pontiac in favor of the West, the South, Canada, Mexico and, eventually, Asia. But when the auto industry began abandoning Detroit, it had nothing to do with unions. The UAW organized every Big Three auto plant in the U.S. no matter where they were located, so people like Sen. Bob Corker, and columnists George Will, and Robert Samuelson display deep ignorance when they blame the UAW for Detroit’s woes. No American union gets to decide where Big Capital invests.

White Detroiters followed the auto industry out of the city because the good jobs moved there, because land was plentiful in the suburbs, housing and schools were newly built, and because they wanted to get away from their black neighbors and buy homes in the racially segregated suburbs. When overcrowding and an immigration of blacks threatened the racial segregation of Detroit’s neighborhoods, whites picked up and left.

Government was deeply involved in the racial segregation of the Detroit metropolitan area, as it was in the nation. As early as the 1930’s, the Federal Housing Administration’s underwriting manual instructed mortgage lenders to respect racial covenants, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board sponsored the development of residential security maps that made most minority neighborhoods off-limits for lending. After World War II, when the G.I. Bill gave subsidized mortgages to millions of veterans, the government’s mortgage lending restrictions effectively excluded blacks. The new homes in the white suburban communities around Detroit were built with G.I. bill money that was denied to most blacks.

Government was involved at a more micro level as well. I grew up in all-white Grosse Pointe, one block from the Detroit city limit. The “Pointe system,” which awarded points that individuals needed to qualify as buyers based on their race and religion, was enforced by realtors and civic associations, by violence and threats of violence, and by legal covenants against selling to a non-white. The Pointe system kept black people from purchasing homes in any of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities during most of the 20th century. Other suburban communities, including Dearborn, the home of the Ford Motor Co., were populated along racial lines and maintained their racial segregation through notorious whites-only policies, the use of racial covenants, mob violence ignored by the police, and even the participation of the police and fire departments in harassing anyone who tried to break the color line.

There had been racial tension and confrontations in Detroit since the 1920’s, when the Ku Klux Klan had a powerful presence and “flying squads” of white thugs attacked African American families whenever they bought homes in solidly white neighborhoods. Kevin Boyle’s The Arc of Justice brilliantly describes this period and its violent, tragic racism.

The first great race riot in Detroit occurred in June 1943, leading to the deaths of 34 people, injuries to more than 400 others, and a military occupation to restore order. An influx of black workers from the South into a city with a desperate housing shortage led to friction with white residents and tensions in the workplace. When blacks were allowed to work alongside whites in a Packard defense plant, 25,000 walked off the job in protest. And when blacks tried to move into newly built housing projects, white mobs burned crosses and formed picket lines to keep them out. The riot lasted three days and ended only after 1800 arrests and the arrival of federal troops with armored cars and automatic weapons.[i]

The racism of the 1920’s and 1940’s never abated, and when blacks continued to move to Detroit in large numbers after the war, the white population refused to accept them. In 1940, the city’s black population was 150,000, but by 1960 it had more than tripled, to 480,000. Meanwhile, the white population fell by 290,000, and by another 344,000 in the following decade.

The race riots of 1967 came in the midst of this white outmigration and gave it further impetus. The 1967 riots were even more violent and destructive than the 1943 riot, with 43 people killed and massive amounts of looting and arson. Once again, federal troops had to be called in to restore order.

Since the ’67 riots, white flight from the city has been almost total. The 1970 census showed 838,877 white residents of Detroit. By 2010, only 75,758 remained.

So, why is Detroit bankrupt? Its median household income is about half that of the state of Michigan as a whole, and the median value of its housing is less than half. Its tax base has been decimated, nearly 40 percent of its residents live in households with income below the poverty level, and its unemployment rate is the highest of any of the top 50 cities in the U.S. This did not happen because unionized employees demanded too much; this is what happens to a city with a minority population totally abandoned by its better-off, white population, a process that in Detroit was abetted by federal, state, and local housing policies, urban development and transportation policies, and a culture of racism.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Ok so blacks migrate into a white community, tensions arise. Whites leave, blacks turn community into a toilet. That's white people's fault, why?

Apparently you can't read so....

Apparently you only bold text the parts that support your narrative.

Corrupt mayors or antagonistic mayors are a sideshow compared to the gigantic outmigration of whites that began in the 1950’s and turned Detroit from a wealthy white city into a desperately poor black city.

He also glossed over the few facts that greatly damages his dishonest, misleading narrative:

Detroit Mayors have always been Democrats since 1962.
BLACK Detroit Mayors from 1974 to 2014, when most of the current problem developments occurred.

How Detroit Became America's Warzone

View attachment 249071

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

This is black history month. It is also the month that the Emergency Manager who took political power and control from the mostly African American residents of Detroit has presented his plan to bring the city out of the bankruptcy he steered it into. This is black history in the making, and I hope the nation will pay attention to who wins and who loses from the Emergency Manager’s plan.

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

It’s important to view what is happening to Detroit and its public employees through a racial lens. The fact that nearly 1.5 million whites left Detroit over the last half century as its African American population grew is the single biggest reason for its current distress. As the wealthier white population left Detroit, the overall population shrank and the city’s tax base shrank, too, leaving Detroit less able to support public schools, public safety, and its huge, geographically spread-out infrastructure. Corrupt mayors or antagonistic mayors are a sideshow compared to the gigantic outmigration of whites that began in the 1950’s and turned Detroit from a wealthy white city into a desperately poor black city.

Whether as cause or effect, the other key factor was the outmigration of manufacturing jobs, a process that began in the late 1940’s as the auto industry disinvested in Detroit in favor of the surrounding suburbs. The Big 3 later stopped investing in Michigan, leaving devastated cities like Flint and Pontiac in favor of the West, the South, Canada, Mexico and, eventually, Asia. But when the auto industry began abandoning Detroit, it had nothing to do with unions. The UAW organized every Big Three auto plant in the U.S. no matter where they were located, so people like Sen. Bob Corker, and columnists George Will, and Robert Samuelson display deep ignorance when they blame the UAW for Detroit’s woes. No American union gets to decide where Big Capital invests.

White Detroiters followed the auto industry out of the city because the good jobs moved there, because land was plentiful in the suburbs, housing and schools were newly built, and because they wanted to get away from their black neighbors and buy homes in the racially segregated suburbs. When overcrowding and an immigration of blacks threatened the racial segregation of Detroit’s neighborhoods, whites picked up and left.

Government was deeply involved in the racial segregation of the Detroit metropolitan area, as it was in the nation. As early as the 1930’s, the Federal Housing Administration’s underwriting manual instructed mortgage lenders to respect racial covenants, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board sponsored the development of residential security maps that made most minority neighborhoods off-limits for lending. After World War II, when the G.I. Bill gave subsidized mortgages to millions of veterans, the government’s mortgage lending restrictions effectively excluded blacks. The new homes in the white suburban communities around Detroit were built with G.I. bill money that was denied to most blacks.

Government was involved at a more micro level as well. I grew up in all-white Grosse Pointe, one block from the Detroit city limit. The “Pointe system,” which awarded points that individuals needed to qualify as buyers based on their race and religion, was enforced by realtors and civic associations, by violence and threats of violence, and by legal covenants against selling to a non-white. The Pointe system kept black people from purchasing homes in any of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities during most of the 20th century. Other suburban communities, including Dearborn, the home of the Ford Motor Co., were populated along racial lines and maintained their racial segregation through notorious whites-only policies, the use of racial covenants, mob violence ignored by the police, and even the participation of the police and fire departments in harassing anyone who tried to break the color line.

There had been racial tension and confrontations in Detroit since the 1920’s, when the Ku Klux Klan had a powerful presence and “flying squads” of white thugs attacked African American families whenever they bought homes in solidly white neighborhoods. Kevin Boyle’s The Arc of Justice brilliantly describes this period and its violent, tragic racism.

The first great race riot in Detroit occurred in June 1943, leading to the deaths of 34 people, injuries to more than 400 others, and a military occupation to restore order. An influx of black workers from the South into a city with a desperate housing shortage led to friction with white residents and tensions in the workplace. When blacks were allowed to work alongside whites in a Packard defense plant, 25,000 walked off the job in protest. And when blacks tried to move into newly built housing projects, white mobs burned crosses and formed picket lines to keep them out. The riot lasted three days and ended only after 1800 arrests and the arrival of federal troops with armored cars and automatic weapons.[i]

The racism of the 1920’s and 1940’s never abated, and when blacks continued to move to Detroit in large numbers after the war, the white population refused to accept them. In 1940, the city’s black population was 150,000, but by 1960 it had more than tripled, to 480,000. Meanwhile, the white population fell by 290,000, and by another 344,000 in the following decade.

The race riots of 1967 came in the midst of this white outmigration and gave it further impetus. The 1967 riots were even more violent and destructive than the 1943 riot, with 43 people killed and massive amounts of looting and arson. Once again, federal troops had to be called in to restore order.

Since the ’67 riots, white flight from the city has been almost total. The 1970 census showed 838,877 white residents of Detroit. By 2010, only 75,758 remained.

So, why is Detroit bankrupt? Its median household income is about half that of the state of Michigan as a whole, and the median value of its housing is less than half. Its tax base has been decimated, nearly 40 percent of its residents live in households with income below the poverty level, and its unemployment rate is the highest of any of the top 50 cities in the U.S. This did not happen because unionized employees demanded too much; this is what happens to a city with a minority population totally abandoned by its better-off, white population, a process that in Detroit was abetted by federal, state, and local housing policies, urban development and transportation policies, and a culture of racism.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Ok so blacks migrate into a white community, tensions arise. Whites leave, blacks turn community into a toilet. That's white people's fault, why?

Apparently you can't read so....

Apparently you only bold text the parts that support your narrative.

Corrupt mayors or antagonistic mayors are a sideshow compared to the gigantic outmigration of whites that began in the 1950’s and turned Detroit from a wealthy white city into a desperately poor black city.

He also glossed over the few facts that greatly damages his dishonest, misleading narrative:

Detroit Mayors have always been Democrats since 1962.
BLACK Detroit Mayors from 1974 to 2014, when most of the current problem developments occurred.


Yeah not to mention the fact that the segregated public housing project was the brainchild of FDR and a case study in left wing social engineering.
We blacks have gone from being owned to ownership. Why? Because we have worked our asses off. We went from being sold from the white house to be the one residing in the white house. We went from being slaves at Ivy League schools to teaching in them. How did that happen? Because we worked our asses off! There isn’t any victim mentality in the black community folks. Whites have imagined themselves being victimized as long as there has been a nation called America. Whites formed a terrorist group because they believed in some imaginary victimization based on a farce of newly freed slaves taking jobs from them. Every excuse on earth has been made for this fiction by the conservative section of white America. Yet whenever blacks have organized to stand up against a real legitimate problem, the same section decided to try discrediting us at every turn. We have seen black leaders in our opposition to white racism murdered time after time by whites. The elimination of an opposing view because you don’t like hearing it is fascism. For almost two and one half centuries as a formal nation, America has allowed white fascism to go basically unchecked.

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you, but you sure are glad to put that on others. After whites were given land as part of the Homestead Act, I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into colleges that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make sure that business was successful.

The issue is not how hard whites worked after they got the opportunity. It is the fact they got the opportunity while others couldn’t because of skin color. The level of arrogance about these matters by whites creates the violent reaction some nonwhites have towards them. I am not endorsing such things but when black kids, KIDS, meaning CHILDREN, are picking out whites to knock out, whites need to begin asking themselves why instead of them going to the usual whining, crying and blubbering about black racism. Blacks are tired of this garbage and in some cases it manifests itself in behaviors that are not societally acceptable. However, the denial and lying about the continuing racism by a section of the white community should also not be societally acceptable yet it is. Those who made it so should be held accountable for it.

There are just some realties much of white America needs to understand. One is that blacks are owed money for human rights violations from the time America was a British colony through today. Of course, this argument get the usual silly uneducated and misinformed drivel coming from some whites. But that really doesn’t change the fact that we are owed money and a huge sum of it. No, we do not have to go back to determine eligibility relative to who was descended from slaves and who was not, because as I stated, the reparations are for human rights violations that have occurred from the colonial period until today.

Dumb whites want to make this an argument about payment for slavery. But as brother Ta Nehisi Coates so eloquently expressed, the argument goes far past slavery. Some of the greatest minds in the black community have expressed ideas on this issue. There is not much I can say that adds to the already many times blacks have mentioned issues which whites have refused to listen to. Yet what they are refusing to listen to may very well be the right way to solve this problem and perhaps end the issue of racial economic inequality between blacks and whites.

Yes there were a lot of black people who have excelled in education, business, music, military, sports and families, but after voting for democrats overwhelmingly since the mid 1960's, their family falls apart, lack of excellence in education, business as well have become the common trait, since they have been placed on the liberal "plantation" in order to exploit your too easily given vote, fall for every sniff of racism in every crack of the ground and walls., trained to hate people of other colors, promote trash music (Jazz was far better but now confined to a tiny area of the nation) create many families with missing fathers, and so on. It sometimes seems that too many black people WANT to find a reason to be unhappy......

Slavery ended 150 years ago.
Citizenship started 150 years ago.
Discrimination in all forms were declared illegal since 1963.
Full voting rights since 1964.
Affirmative action since the 1960's.

It is time to start following in the footsteps a Republican named Martin Luther King who wisely stated:

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

That can only happen if people drop their racial hate and embrace one another as brothers.

When you state that "citizenship started" 150 years ago, are you aware of the fact that almost immediately after slavery ended, that Jim Crow segregation and "Black Codes" took effect and remained in effect until being thoroughly abolished in 1965?

In spite of the fact that Jim Crow in legal terms meant "separate but equal", true equality never was recognized.

MLK "Had a Dream", but his "dream" did not address rebuilding the economic structure created by black owned businesses that existed in predominantly black communities after segregation was abolished.

Monetary resources being recirculated in black communities became nearly non existent as misinformed and misguided, but "free on paper", black citizens defected to spend their money in white owned establishments that begrudgingly "served" them.....because the "law" told them that they had to.

As opposed to placing value on what white society judged as "content of character" in the black population, MLK would have left a much greater legacy had he been more of an advocate for self created economic empowerment and self reliance in black Americans.
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We blacks have gone from being owned to ownership. Why? Because we have worked our asses off. We went from being sold from the white house to be the one residing in the white house. We went from being slaves at Ivy League schools to teaching in them. How did that happen? Because we worked our asses off! There isn’t any victim mentality in the black community folks. Whites have imagined themselves being victimized as long as there has been a nation called America. Whites formed a terrorist group because they believed in some imaginary victimization based on a farce of newly freed slaves taking jobs from them. Every excuse on earth has been made for this fiction by the conservative section of white America. Yet whenever blacks have organized to stand up against a real legitimate problem, the same section decided to try discrediting us at every turn. We have seen black leaders in our opposition to white racism murdered time after time by whites. The elimination of an opposing view because you don’t like hearing it is fascism. For almost two and one half centuries as a formal nation, America has allowed white fascism to go basically unchecked.

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you, but you sure are glad to put that on others. After whites were given land as part of the Homestead Act, I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into colleges that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make sure that business was successful.

The issue is not how hard whites worked after they got the opportunity. It is the fact they got the opportunity while others couldn’t because of skin color. The level of arrogance about these matters by whites creates the violent reaction some nonwhites have towards them. I am not endorsing such things but when black kids, KIDS, meaning CHILDREN, are picking out whites to knock out, whites need to begin asking themselves why instead of them going to the usual whining, crying and blubbering about black racism. Blacks are tired of this garbage and in some cases it manifests itself in behaviors that are not societally acceptable. However, the denial and lying about the continuing racism by a section of the white community should also not be societally acceptable yet it is. Those who made it so should be held accountable for it.

There are just some realties much of white America needs to understand. One is that blacks are owed money for human rights violations from the time America was a British colony through today. Of course, this argument get the usual silly uneducated and misinformed drivel coming from some whites. But that really doesn’t change the fact that we are owed money and a huge sum of it. No, we do not have to go back to determine eligibility relative to who was descended from slaves and who was not, because as I stated, the reparations are for human rights violations that have occurred from the colonial period until today.

Dumb whites want to make this an argument about payment for slavery. But as brother Ta Nehisi Coates so eloquently expressed, the argument goes far past slavery. Some of the greatest minds in the black community have expressed ideas on this issue. There is not much I can say that adds to the already many times blacks have mentioned issues which whites have refused to listen to. Yet what they are refusing to listen to may very well be the right way to solve this problem and perhaps end the issue of racial economic inequality between blacks and whites.

Yes there were a lot of black people who have excelled in education, business, music, military, sports and families, but after voting for democrats overwhelmingly since the mid 1960's, their family falls apart, lack of excellence in education, business as well have become the common trait, since they have been placed on the liberal "plantation" in order to exploit your too easily given vote, fall for every sniff of racism in every crack of the ground and walls., trained to hate people of other colors, promote trash music (Jazz was far better but now confined to a tiny area of the nation) create many families with missing fathers, and so on. It sometimes seems that too many black people WANT to find a reason to be unhappy......

Slavery ended 150 years ago.
Citizenship started 150 years ago.
Discrimination in all forms were declared illegal since 1963.
Full voting rights since 1964.
Affirmative action since the 1960's.

It is time to start following in the footsteps a Republican named Martin Luther King who wisely stated:

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

That can only happen if people drop their racial hate and embrace one another as brothers.

When you state that "citizenship started" 150 years ago, are you aware of the fact that almost immediately after slavery ended, that Jim Crow segregation and "Black Codes" took effect and remained in effect until being thoroughly abolished in 1965?

In spite of the fact that Jim Crow in legal terms meant "separate but equal", true equality never was recognized.

MLK "Had a Dream", but his "dream" did not address rebuilding the economic structure created by black owned businesses that existed in predominantly black communities after segregation was abolished.

Monetary resources being recirculated in black communities became nearly non existent as misinformed and misguided, but "free on paper", black citizens defected to spend their money in white owned establishments that begrudgingly "served" them.....because the "law" told them that they had to.

As opposed to placing value on what white society judged as "content of character" in the black population, MLK would have left a much greater legacy had he been more of an advocate for self created economic empowerment and self reliance in black Americans.

PRO BLACK Jethro Tull Living in the past.jpg
All of the things you just named. You have recited a bunch of white racist bullshit and you actually think it's true.
Doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s our perception and we do the hiring

It does matter if it's true and if that is your perception you are mentally incapable of distinguishing reality from racist bullshit. And if you are not hiring based on those false racist assumptions you are in violation of non discrimination laws. I have ta documented ken one corporation from Detroit to the court for racial discrimination, maybe we need to look at a few more.
You do. There is plenty of it that goes on and can't be proven. It's like Trump. Prove he's a racist. So what everyone who knows him says he's a racist prove it. LOL.

I'm with you IM2. I love to say shit that makes your head explode. Hey, you want to hear what white people are thinking right? I won't hold back. LOL

I've heard plenty of what whites have to say and undoubtedly will hear more. But the thing many of you whites here won't say is that everything you have is because you depended on government to give it to you. And no matter how many smart ass comments you think you are making, the documented evidence shows that is what happened. So what I hear coming from whites is willful stupidity.

What kind of additional proof do you need to see that Trump is racist? Him wearing a klan outfit while attending a KKK rally? Racism isn't done that way anymore sealy and you know that. So as long as whites like you watch racism go on and do nothing because it doesn't affect you directly it will continue.

But it comes at a literal cost white boy and that cost in lost taxable income alone is more than 1/2 trillion dollars annually. So keep talking stupid and asking us to prove the obvious. Keep on doing nothing because you think racism doesn't affect you. Keep thinking whites can continue business as usual.

And you will find out that one day business will either be closed or under new management.
I’m going to vote democratic. And I’m going to vote every two years. That’s the most important thing I can do.

Until then I can only try and educate the ignorant but you know how that goes.
You are not capable of educating anyone.
I fail to see why anyone responds to IM2. He is simply a troll who loves throwing firebombs knowing full well that his posts are lies.

Without anyone rising to his childish bait, he goes away.

If you think he is just trolling then you aren’t being fair. If you don’t see the truth in what he is saying then maybe you aren’t smart enough to have this discussion.

He’s not 100% right but he’s closer to right than we are.

Every time I give him shit I know half of what I’m saying is wrong. Or I know what his comeback will be because I spot the error of my thinking.

But I still think blacks need to make an effort to do better. So should whites.

We need to put more economic opportunities in detroit. Amazon are you listening?

You don't need Amazon sealybobo.. Seriously. You need to take the money you would pay Amazon, use the TIFFS and abatements as incentives in addition to that, then invest in local black entrepreneurs. Also provide money to black organizations to develop a large scale community improvement project that will be done by blacks to rebuild the community. It would be the same money you'd pay Amazon for the repairs and building they would require. You will create more jobs doing this than by giving Amazon a handout and it will be Detroit money recycling in Detroit, not some Detroit money going out of town and some staying.

Saw this and thought of you

View attachment 249138
All that proves is that society cares more about black children than white children.
We blacks have gone from being owned to ownership. Why? Because we have worked our asses off. We went from being sold from the white house to be the one residing in the white house. We went from being slaves at Ivy League schools to teaching in them. How did that happen? Because we worked our asses off! There isn’t any victim mentality in the black community folks. Whites have imagined themselves being victimized as long as there has been a nation called America. Whites formed a terrorist group because they believed in some imaginary victimization based on a farce of newly freed slaves taking jobs from them. Every excuse on earth has been made for this fiction by the conservative section of white America. Yet whenever blacks have organized to stand up against a real legitimate problem, the same section decided to try discrediting us at every turn. We have seen black leaders in our opposition to white racism murdered time after time by whites. The elimination of an opposing view because you don’t like hearing it is fascism. For almost two and one half centuries as a formal nation, America has allowed white fascism to go basically unchecked.

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you, but you sure are glad to put that on others. After whites were given land as part of the Homestead Act, I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into colleges that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make sure that business was successful.

The issue is not how hard whites worked after they got the opportunity. It is the fact they got the opportunity while others couldn’t because of skin color. The level of arrogance about these matters by whites creates the violent reaction some nonwhites have towards them. I am not endorsing such things but when black kids, KIDS, meaning CHILDREN, are picking out whites to knock out, whites need to begin asking themselves why instead of them going to the usual whining, crying and blubbering about black racism. Blacks are tired of this garbage and in some cases it manifests itself in behaviors that are not societally acceptable. However, the denial and lying about the continuing racism by a section of the white community should also not be societally acceptable yet it is. Those who made it so should be held accountable for it.

There are just some realties much of white America needs to understand. One is that blacks are owed money for human rights violations from the time America was a British colony through today. Of course, this argument get the usual silly uneducated and misinformed drivel coming from some whites. But that really doesn’t change the fact that we are owed money and a huge sum of it. No, we do not have to go back to determine eligibility relative to who was descended from slaves and who was not, because as I stated, the reparations are for human rights violations that have occurred from the colonial period until today.

Dumb whites want to make this an argument about payment for slavery. But as brother Ta Nehisi Coates so eloquently expressed, the argument goes far past slavery. Some of the greatest minds in the black community have expressed ideas on this issue. There is not much I can say that adds to the already many times blacks have mentioned issues which whites have refused to listen to. Yet what they are refusing to listen to may very well be the right way to solve this problem and perhaps end the issue of racial economic inequality between blacks and whites.

Yes there were a lot of black people who have excelled in education, business, music, military, sports and families, but after voting for democrats overwhelmingly since the mid 1960's, their family falls apart, lack of excellence in education, business as well have become the common trait, since they have been placed on the liberal "plantation" in order to exploit your too easily given vote, fall for every sniff of racism in every crack of the ground and walls., trained to hate people of other colors, promote trash music (Jazz was far better but now confined to a tiny area of the nation) create many families with missing fathers, and so on. It sometimes seems that too many black people WANT to find a reason to be unhappy......

Slavery ended 150 years ago.
Citizenship started 150 years ago.
Discrimination in all forms were declared illegal since 1963.
Full voting rights since 1964.
Affirmative action since the 1960's.

It is time to start following in the footsteps a Republican named Martin Luther King who wisely stated:

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

That can only happen if people drop their racial hate and embrace one another as brothers.

King wasn't republican. And he said this too:

“First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."

And he said this too:

“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

And he said this too:

"But not only did they give them land, "they built land grant colleges with government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms."

"Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies not to

farm, and they are the very people telling the black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And this is what we are faced with, and this is the reality."

So you have shown me the content of your character. And until whites stop lying about the fact that they still practice racism and that words written on a piece of paper don't mean shit when what is written is neither followed or enforced, there will be no brotherhood.

The thing is when there is an election there is generally a republican and a democratic candidate. If we are voting for democrats it's because what republicans propose is worse.
Doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s our perception and we do the hiring

It does matter if it's true and if that is your perception you are mentally incapable of distinguishing reality from racist bullshit. And if you are not hiring based on those false racist assumptions you are in violation of non discrimination laws. I have ta documented ken one corporation from Detroit to the court for racial discrimination, maybe we need to look at a few more.
You do. There is plenty of it that goes on and can't be proven. It's like Trump. Prove he's a racist. So what everyone who knows him says he's a racist prove it. LOL.

I'm with you IM2. I love to say shit that makes your head explode. Hey, you want to hear what white people are thinking right? I won't hold back. LOL

I've heard plenty of what whites have to say and undoubtedly will hear more. But the thing many of you whites here won't say is that everything you have is because you depended on government to give it to you. And no matter how many smart ass comments you think you are making, the documented evidence shows that is what happened. So what I hear coming from whites is willful stupidity.

What kind of additional proof do you need to see that Trump is racist? Him wearing a klan outfit while attending a KKK rally? Racism isn't done that way anymore sealy and you know that. So as long as whites like you watch racism go on and do nothing because it doesn't affect you directly it will continue.

But it comes at a literal cost white boy and that cost in lost taxable income alone is more than 1/2 trillion dollars annually. So keep talking stupid and asking us to prove the obvious. Keep on doing nothing because you think racism doesn't affect you. Keep thinking whites can continue business as usual.

And you will find out that one day business will either be closed or under new management.
I’m going to vote democratic. And I’m going to vote every two years. That’s the most important thing I can do.

Until then I can only try and educate the ignorant but you know how that goes.
You are not capable of educating anyone.

He can educate you, but why should he waste his time with your brain dead ass. For while we may not always agree, I know he has accomplished more than you ever will.
I fail to see why anyone responds to IM2. He is simply a troll who loves throwing firebombs knowing full well that his posts are lies.

Without anyone rising to his childish bait, he goes away.

If you think he is just trolling then you aren’t being fair. If you don’t see the truth in what he is saying then maybe you aren’t smart enough to have this discussion.

He’s not 100% right but he’s closer to right than we are.

Every time I give him shit I know half of what I’m saying is wrong. Or I know what his comeback will be because I spot the error of my thinking.

But I still think blacks need to make an effort to do better. So should whites.

We need to put more economic opportunities in detroit. Amazon are you listening?

You don't need Amazon sealybobo.. Seriously. You need to take the money you would pay Amazon, use the TIFFS and abatements as incentives in addition to that, then invest in local black entrepreneurs. Also provide money to black organizations to develop a large scale community improvement project that will be done by blacks to rebuild the community. It would be the same money you'd pay Amazon for the repairs and building they would require. You will create more jobs doing this than by giving Amazon a handout and it will be Detroit money recycling in Detroit, not some Detroit money going out of town and some staying.

Saw this and thought of you

View attachment 249138
All that proves is that society cares more about black children than white children.

How Detroit Became America's Warzone

View attachment 249071

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

This is black history month. It is also the month that the Emergency Manager who took political power and control from the mostly African American residents of Detroit has presented his plan to bring the city out of the bankruptcy he steered it into. This is black history in the making, and I hope the nation will pay attention to who wins and who loses from the Emergency Manager’s plan.

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

It’s important to view what is happening to Detroit and its public employees through a racial lens. The fact that nearly 1.5 million whites left Detroit over the last half century as its African American population grew is the single biggest reason for its current distress. As the wealthier white population left Detroit, the overall population shrank and the city’s tax base shrank, too, leaving Detroit less able to support public schools, public safety, and its huge, geographically spread-out infrastructure. Corrupt mayors or antagonistic mayors are a sideshow compared to the gigantic outmigration of whites that began in the 1950’s and turned Detroit from a wealthy white city into a desperately poor black city.

Whether as cause or effect, the other key factor was the outmigration of manufacturing jobs, a process that began in the late 1940’s as the auto industry disinvested in Detroit in favor of the surrounding suburbs. The Big 3 later stopped investing in Michigan, leaving devastated cities like Flint and Pontiac in favor of the West, the South, Canada, Mexico and, eventually, Asia. But when the auto industry began abandoning Detroit, it had nothing to do with unions. The UAW organized every Big Three auto plant in the U.S. no matter where they were located, so people like Sen. Bob Corker, and columnists George Will, and Robert Samuelson display deep ignorance when they blame the UAW for Detroit’s woes. No American union gets to decide where Big Capital invests.

White Detroiters followed the auto industry out of the city because the good jobs moved there, because land was plentiful in the suburbs, housing and schools were newly built, and because they wanted to get away from their black neighbors and buy homes in the racially segregated suburbs. When overcrowding and an immigration of blacks threatened the racial segregation of Detroit’s neighborhoods, whites picked up and left.

Government was deeply involved in the racial segregation of the Detroit metropolitan area, as it was in the nation. As early as the 1930’s, the Federal Housing Administration’s underwriting manual instructed mortgage lenders to respect racial covenants, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board sponsored the development of residential security maps that made most minority neighborhoods off-limits for lending. After World War II, when the G.I. Bill gave subsidized mortgages to millions of veterans, the government’s mortgage lending restrictions effectively excluded blacks. The new homes in the white suburban communities around Detroit were built with G.I. bill money that was denied to most blacks.

Government was involved at a more micro level as well. I grew up in all-white Grosse Pointe, one block from the Detroit city limit. The “Pointe system,” which awarded points that individuals needed to qualify as buyers based on their race and religion, was enforced by realtors and civic associations, by violence and threats of violence, and by legal covenants against selling to a non-white. The Pointe system kept black people from purchasing homes in any of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities during most of the 20th century. Other suburban communities, including Dearborn, the home of the Ford Motor Co., were populated along racial lines and maintained their racial segregation through notorious whites-only policies, the use of racial covenants, mob violence ignored by the police, and even the participation of the police and fire departments in harassing anyone who tried to break the color line.

There had been racial tension and confrontations in Detroit since the 1920’s, when the Ku Klux Klan had a powerful presence and “flying squads” of white thugs attacked African American families whenever they bought homes in solidly white neighborhoods. Kevin Boyle’s The Arc of Justice brilliantly describes this period and its violent, tragic racism.

The first great race riot in Detroit occurred in June 1943, leading to the deaths of 34 people, injuries to more than 400 others, and a military occupation to restore order. An influx of black workers from the South into a city with a desperate housing shortage led to friction with white residents and tensions in the workplace. When blacks were allowed to work alongside whites in a Packard defense plant, 25,000 walked off the job in protest. And when blacks tried to move into newly built housing projects, white mobs burned crosses and formed picket lines to keep them out. The riot lasted three days and ended only after 1800 arrests and the arrival of federal troops with armored cars and automatic weapons.[i]

The racism of the 1920’s and 1940’s never abated, and when blacks continued to move to Detroit in large numbers after the war, the white population refused to accept them. In 1940, the city’s black population was 150,000, but by 1960 it had more than tripled, to 480,000. Meanwhile, the white population fell by 290,000, and by another 344,000 in the following decade.

The race riots of 1967 came in the midst of this white outmigration and gave it further impetus. The 1967 riots were even more violent and destructive than the 1943 riot, with 43 people killed and massive amounts of looting and arson. Once again, federal troops had to be called in to restore order.

Since the ’67 riots, white flight from the city has been almost total. The 1970 census showed 838,877 white residents of Detroit. By 2010, only 75,758 remained.

So, why is Detroit bankrupt? Its median household income is about half that of the state of Michigan as a whole, and the median value of its housing is less than half. Its tax base has been decimated, nearly 40 percent of its residents live in households with income below the poverty level, and its unemployment rate is the highest of any of the top 50 cities in the U.S. This did not happen because unionized employees demanded too much; this is what happens to a city with a minority population totally abandoned by its better-off, white population, a process that in Detroit was abetted by federal, state, and local housing policies, urban development and transportation policies, and a culture of racism.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Ok so blacks migrate into a white community, tensions arise. Whites leave, blacks turn community into a toilet. That's white people's fault, why?

Apparently you can't read so....

Apparently you only bold text the parts that support your narrative.

Corrupt mayors or antagonistic mayors are a sideshow compared to the gigantic outmigration of whites that began in the 1950’s and turned Detroit from a wealthy white city into a desperately poor black city.

He also glossed over the few facts that greatly damages his dishonest, misleading narrative:

Detroit Mayors have always been Democrats since 1962.
BLACK Detroit Mayors from 1974 to 2014, when most of the current problem developments occurred.


Yeah not to mention the fact that the segregated public housing project was the brainchild of FDR and a case study in left wing social engineering.

Look fuckwad, I'm talking about what whites have done. White racism is bi or multi partisan.
How Detroit Became America's Warzone

View attachment 249071

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

This is black history month. It is also the month that the Emergency Manager who took political power and control from the mostly African American residents of Detroit has presented his plan to bring the city out of the bankruptcy he steered it into. This is black history in the making, and I hope the nation will pay attention to who wins and who loses from the Emergency Manager’s plan.

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s bankruptcy plan calls for the near-elimination of the retiree health benefits that city workers earned over the years, as well as drastic cuts in the pensions that retired and current workers have earned and counted on. It is telling, I think, that for the first time since the Michigan constitution was adopted 50 years ago, the governor chose in this case to ignore the Michigan constitution’s guarantee that public employee pension benefits will be paid in full, given that Detroit’s public workforce is majority black and represented by unions that opposed the governor’s election.

It’s important to view what is happening to Detroit and its public employees through a racial lens. The fact that nearly 1.5 million whites left Detroit over the last half century as its African American population grew is the single biggest reason for its current distress. As the wealthier white population left Detroit, the overall population shrank and the city’s tax base shrank, too, leaving Detroit less able to support public schools, public safety, and its huge, geographically spread-out infrastructure. Corrupt mayors or antagonistic mayors are a sideshow compared to the gigantic outmigration of whites that began in the 1950’s and turned Detroit from a wealthy white city into a desperately poor black city.

Whether as cause or effect, the other key factor was the outmigration of manufacturing jobs, a process that began in the late 1940’s as the auto industry disinvested in Detroit in favor of the surrounding suburbs. The Big 3 later stopped investing in Michigan, leaving devastated cities like Flint and Pontiac in favor of the West, the South, Canada, Mexico and, eventually, Asia. But when the auto industry began abandoning Detroit, it had nothing to do with unions. The UAW organized every Big Three auto plant in the U.S. no matter where they were located, so people like Sen. Bob Corker, and columnists George Will, and Robert Samuelson display deep ignorance when they blame the UAW for Detroit’s woes. No American union gets to decide where Big Capital invests.

White Detroiters followed the auto industry out of the city because the good jobs moved there, because land was plentiful in the suburbs, housing and schools were newly built, and because they wanted to get away from their black neighbors and buy homes in the racially segregated suburbs. When overcrowding and an immigration of blacks threatened the racial segregation of Detroit’s neighborhoods, whites picked up and left.

Government was deeply involved in the racial segregation of the Detroit metropolitan area, as it was in the nation. As early as the 1930’s, the Federal Housing Administration’s underwriting manual instructed mortgage lenders to respect racial covenants, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board sponsored the development of residential security maps that made most minority neighborhoods off-limits for lending. After World War II, when the G.I. Bill gave subsidized mortgages to millions of veterans, the government’s mortgage lending restrictions effectively excluded blacks. The new homes in the white suburban communities around Detroit were built with G.I. bill money that was denied to most blacks.

Government was involved at a more micro level as well. I grew up in all-white Grosse Pointe, one block from the Detroit city limit. The “Pointe system,” which awarded points that individuals needed to qualify as buyers based on their race and religion, was enforced by realtors and civic associations, by violence and threats of violence, and by legal covenants against selling to a non-white. The Pointe system kept black people from purchasing homes in any of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities during most of the 20th century. Other suburban communities, including Dearborn, the home of the Ford Motor Co., were populated along racial lines and maintained their racial segregation through notorious whites-only policies, the use of racial covenants, mob violence ignored by the police, and even the participation of the police and fire departments in harassing anyone who tried to break the color line.

There had been racial tension and confrontations in Detroit since the 1920’s, when the Ku Klux Klan had a powerful presence and “flying squads” of white thugs attacked African American families whenever they bought homes in solidly white neighborhoods. Kevin Boyle’s The Arc of Justice brilliantly describes this period and its violent, tragic racism.

The first great race riot in Detroit occurred in June 1943, leading to the deaths of 34 people, injuries to more than 400 others, and a military occupation to restore order. An influx of black workers from the South into a city with a desperate housing shortage led to friction with white residents and tensions in the workplace. When blacks were allowed to work alongside whites in a Packard defense plant, 25,000 walked off the job in protest. And when blacks tried to move into newly built housing projects, white mobs burned crosses and formed picket lines to keep them out. The riot lasted three days and ended only after 1800 arrests and the arrival of federal troops with armored cars and automatic weapons.[i]

The racism of the 1920’s and 1940’s never abated, and when blacks continued to move to Detroit in large numbers after the war, the white population refused to accept them. In 1940, the city’s black population was 150,000, but by 1960 it had more than tripled, to 480,000. Meanwhile, the white population fell by 290,000, and by another 344,000 in the following decade.

The race riots of 1967 came in the midst of this white outmigration and gave it further impetus. The 1967 riots were even more violent and destructive than the 1943 riot, with 43 people killed and massive amounts of looting and arson. Once again, federal troops had to be called in to restore order.

Since the ’67 riots, white flight from the city has been almost total. The 1970 census showed 838,877 white residents of Detroit. By 2010, only 75,758 remained.

So, why is Detroit bankrupt? Its median household income is about half that of the state of Michigan as a whole, and the median value of its housing is less than half. Its tax base has been decimated, nearly 40 percent of its residents live in households with income below the poverty level, and its unemployment rate is the highest of any of the top 50 cities in the U.S. This did not happen because unionized employees demanded too much; this is what happens to a city with a minority population totally abandoned by its better-off, white population, a process that in Detroit was abetted by federal, state, and local housing policies, urban development and transportation policies, and a culture of racism.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism

Ok so blacks migrate into a white community, tensions arise. Whites leave, blacks turn community into a toilet. That's white people's fault, why?

Apparently you can't read so....

Apparently you only bold text the parts that support your narrative.

Corrupt mayors or antagonistic mayors are a sideshow compared to the gigantic outmigration of whites that began in the 1950’s and turned Detroit from a wealthy white city into a desperately poor black city.

He also glossed over the few facts that greatly damages his dishonest, misleading narrative:

Detroit Mayors have always been Democrats since 1962.
BLACK Detroit Mayors from 1974 to 2014, when most of the current problem developments occurred.


Since this is from a study done by the Economic Policy Institute in 2014, I think the information has much more credence than your Wikipedia article. And I know history.This is about the thousandth time I've read this disingenuous argument from republicans about how they ended slavery 150 years ago and all the crap you posted trying to think I'll be dumb enough to join todays republican party. So while you brag about something the current republican party would never do, there are consistent examples of republican racism over the same 150 years. The 1877 compromise, the Lilly White Movement , republican justices voting for segregation, the refusal of the republican Hoover administration to help blacks in the 1927 Mississippi flood. So take your lie elsewhere.
Doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s our perception and we do the hiring

It does matter if it's true and if that is your perception you are mentally incapable of distinguishing reality from racist bullshit. And if you are not hiring based on those false racist assumptions you are in violation of non discrimination laws. I have ta documented ken one corporation from Detroit to the court for racial discrimination, maybe we need to look at a few more.
You do. There is plenty of it that goes on and can't be proven. It's like Trump. Prove he's a racist. So what everyone who knows him says he's a racist prove it. LOL.

I'm with you IM2. I love to say shit that makes your head explode. Hey, you want to hear what white people are thinking right? I won't hold back. LOL

I've heard plenty of what whites have to say and undoubtedly will hear more. But the thing many of you whites here won't say is that everything you have is because you depended on government to give it to you. And no matter how many smart ass comments you think you are making, the documented evidence shows that is what happened. So what I hear coming from whites is willful stupidity.

What kind of additional proof do you need to see that Trump is racist? Him wearing a klan outfit while attending a KKK rally? Racism isn't done that way anymore sealy and you know that. So as long as whites like you watch racism go on and do nothing because it doesn't affect you directly it will continue.

But it comes at a literal cost white boy and that cost in lost taxable income alone is more than 1/2 trillion dollars annually. So keep talking stupid and asking us to prove the obvious. Keep on doing nothing because you think racism doesn't affect you. Keep thinking whites can continue business as usual.

And you will find out that one day business will either be closed or under new management.
I’m going to vote democratic. And I’m going to vote every two years. That’s the most important thing I can do.

Until then I can only try and educate the ignorant but you know how that goes.
You are not capable of educating anyone.
Not you

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