This is why Hillary will get slaughtered in November

Any lies you can point out would be apreciated. I don't think they will have to lie to much. Pictures of Trump playing golf with John Bhoner will be the start. where most people have issues with Trump is his cozyness, and funding of the people he says he will over throw for lack of a better word.
The mainstream media has burned their reputation to the ground nothing will won't work, his infidelity won't work his chapter 11's won't work... Trump will beat Hillary like a baby seal.....

not pictures. I may be wrong, but Trump made an issue of Ted Cruz's wife working at goldman sachs right ? so why then does he get a pass for hiring Steve Mnuchin ? don't know why my letters got big, but I'm not yelling. just asking.

Trump is going big money special interest Republican as fast as they can make the cash register go.
Trump can't win. He has to turn Romney states blue to win, and none of them looking promising.


"turn Romney states blue" do you even understand what you wrote?

Turn states Romney lost red.


blue states that Trump can win


That will more than end Hillary's chances to sit her fat ass in the oval office.

I know it scares the shit out of you, but a Trump landslide is a real possibility. Hillary Clinton is a terrible candidate and a terrible person.

Not a chance.

We shall see. I'm going to remember this post and rub it in your face in November.
Oh, ditto! :clap:
This is going to be fun....the lefty loonies are already freaking out. The media are twisting Trumps words into pretzels and they can't believe the American people aren't falling for it this time. If you hear or read negative stuff on Trump take it with a grain of salt. They are going to lie like never before.
TRUMP 2016!!!!!!

Like where ?

Like your posts, asshole.

Thats why Trump will lose. You can't point to a single "why" other then you are hot for Hannity and he told you to, ya slave.

Trump will lose because you post negative tripe about him? You really have an inflated opinion of your influence on people.

Yes Tobi, now go fetch water fo massa whip you.
Any lies you can point out would be apreciated. I don't think they will have to lie to much. Pictures of Trump playing golf with John Bhoner will be the start. where most people have issues with Trump is his cozyness, and funding of the people he says he will over throw for lack of a better word.
The mainstream media has burned their reputation to the ground nothing will won't work, his infidelity won't work his chapter 11's won't work... Trump will beat Hillary like a baby seal.....

not pictures. I may be wrong, but Trump made an issue of Ted Cruz's wife working at goldman sachs right ? so why then does he get a pass for hiring Steve Mnuchin ? don't know why my letters got big, but I'm not yelling. just asking.

Trump is going big money special interest Republican as fast as they can make the cash register go.

Has been all along to.
1. she is a habitual liar
2. she is corrupt
3. she enabled her husband to abuse many women
4. she tried to destroy the women he abused
5. she is old
6. she if ugly
7. her voice makes dogs howl
8. she barks like a dog
9. She has early onset dementia
10. she is a lesbian
11. The Clinton foundation is a corrupt money laundering machine
12. They stole China, furniture and artwork from the whitehouse
13. She is directly responsible for the deaths of 4 americans in Benghazi
14. She panders to whoever she is talking to
15. She was against gay marriage before she was for it
16. She voted for the Iraq fiasco
17. She violated national security laws by illegally transmitting classified data
18. She panders to Wallstreet in exchange for bribes
19. Her fake black accent makes her look like a fool
20. No one wants the Clintons back in the whitehouse
21. The obamas hate the Clintons
22. The DNC hates the Clintons
23. She will not get the Bernie voters
24. Trump will destroy her in debates
25. She cant even beat an old socialist

If Americans vote on the issues, which issues does Trump win on?

  1. Immigration
  2. Foreign trade
  3. Foreign policy
  4. Obamacare
  5. Taxes
This is going to be fun....the lefty loonies are already freaking out. The media are twisting Trumps words into pretzels and they can't believe the American people aren't falling for it this time. If you hear or read negative stuff on Trump take it with a grain of salt. They are going to lie like never before.
TRUMP 2016!!!!!!

Like where ?

Like your posts, asshole.

Thats why Trump will lose. You can't point to a single "why" other then you are hot for Hannity and he told you to, ya slave.

Trump will lose because you post negative tripe about him? You really have an inflated opinion of your influence on people.

Yes Tobi, now go fetch water fo massa whip you.

That must be your conception of a comeback.
1. she is a habitual liar
2. she is corrupt
3. she enabled her husband to abuse many women
4. she tried to destroy the women he abused
5. she is old
6. she if ugly
7. her voice makes dogs howl
8. she barks like a dog
9. She has early onset dementia
10. she is a lesbian
11. The Clinton foundation is a corrupt money laundering machine
12. They stole China, furniture and artwork from the whitehouse
13. She is directly responsible for the deaths of 4 americans in Benghazi
14. She panders to whoever she is talking to
15. She was against gay marriage before she was for it
16. She voted for the Iraq fiasco
17. She violated national security laws by illegally transmitting classified data
18. She panders to Wallstreet in exchange for bribes
19. Her fake black accent makes her look like a fool
20. No one wants the Clintons back in the whitehouse
21. The obamas hate the Clintons
22. The DNC hates the Clintons
23. She will not get the Bernie voters
24. Trump will destroy her in debates
25. She cant even beat an old socialist

If Americans vote on the issues, which issues does Trump win on?

  1. Immigration
  2. Foreign trade
  3. Foreign policy
  4. Obamacare
  5. Taxes

Will the Republican Party be taking the zealously pro free trade plank out of their platform?
not pictures. I may be wrong, but Trump made an issue of Ted Cruz's wife working at goldman sachs right ? so why then does he get a pass for hiring Steve Mnuchin ? don't know why my letters got big, but I'm not yelling. just asking
I think you're making the mistake of pissing into the wind....something my dad use to say. Trump is Teflon Trump.
When people are angry and have had enough Trump can do anything and still win. He is winning simply because he is not a creature of Washington DC. He's an outsider and that is going to take him to the White House. By the way Obama made a fool out of himself at Howard today...just a side note.
not pictures. I may be wrong, but Trump made an issue of Ted Cruz's wife working at goldman sachs right ? so why then does he get a pass for hiring Steve Mnuchin ? don't know why my letters got big, but I'm not yelling. just asking
I think you're making the mistake of pissing into the wind....something my dad use to say. Trump is Teflon Trump.

for now. if Trump is teflon, Hillery's super duper ultra slick teflon. no pisssing I the wind, just trying get you to look. it's no secret who he has on his staff. Steve Mnuchin is in charge of Trump's campaign money. why?
As of right now, except for Rasmussen (who got 2012 more wrong than any other pollster) EVERY single poll shows Hillary crushing Trump in a landslide.

She is currently leading him by 9 points in North Carolina. She's leading in Arizona. Polls in Utah & Georgia are tied.

Trump is going to be such an electoral disaster that Palin and every other dingbat who championed him will have to fucking finally go away, never to be heard of or seen from ever again.

You can't win with just the Archie Bunker vote anymore yet that's the only crowd that likes him. Women hate him more than men hate Hillary and every single minority demographic hates him.

It's entertaining watching Trump take on Paul Ryan and every other Republican, and the infighting isn't going to stop until November. The entire next 6 months are all going to be entertaining as fuck because it's all about Republicans trying to put a happy face on their choice even though far too many of them can't stand the guy because he's an obnoxious asshole, and that contempt will seep through, and when it does, we'll be sitting here laughing at how bad and dysfunctional that party has become.

It certainly ain't the party of Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt any longer.
When people are angry and have had enough Trump can do anything and still win. He is winning simply because he is not a creature of Washington DC. He's an outsider and that is going to take him to the White House. By the way Obama made a fool out of himself at Howard today...just a side note.

I agree about Bammer. when is he not an ass hat? About not being a Washington critter, that just aint so. I do hope I wrong. long way till november. lots of twists and turns.
for now. if Trump is teflon, Hillery's super duper ultra slick teflon. no pisssing I the wind, just trying get you to look. it's no secret who he has on his staff. Steve Mnuchin is in charge of Trump's campaign money. why?
You know I saw a video somewhere, I will look for it but basically it was a group of media types talking. They were convincing themselves that they were in the right to not ask Hillary tough legal questions. One spoke up and said he won't interview anyone that has issues with her. Blinders are on throughout the left side of America. Rude awakening could be coming.
I agree about Bammer. when is he not an ass hat? About not being a Washington critter, that just aint so. I do hope I wrong. long way till november. lots of twists and turns
It is a long way until November. Hold on tight it's gonna get rough...:biggrin:
I agree about Bammer. when is he not an ass hat? About not being a Washington critter, that just aint so. I do hope I wrong. long way till november. lots of twists and turns
It is a long way until November. Hold on tight it's gonna get rough...:biggrin:

On tgat we see eye to eye 1,000%. I'll need my race car driver neck brace thing there will be so many sharp turns. or, it will be like the Payton Manning Broncos VS Seattle Seahawks super bowel 2014.
1. she is a habitual liar
2. she is corrupt
3. she enabled her husband to abuse many women
4. she tried to destroy the women he abused
5. she is old
6. she if ugly
7. her voice makes dogs howl
8. she barks like a dog
9. She has early onset dementia
10. she is a lesbian
11. The Clinton foundation is a corrupt money laundering machine
12. They stole China, furniture and artwork from the whitehouse
13. She is directly responsible for the deaths of 4 americans in Benghazi
14. She panders to whoever she is talking to
15. She was against gay marriage before she was for it
16. She voted for the Iraq fiasco
17. She violated national security laws by illegally transmitting classified data
18. She panders to Wallstreet in exchange for bribes
19. Her fake black accent makes her look like a fool
20. No one wants the Clintons back in the whitehouse
21. The obamas hate the Clintons
22. The DNC hates the Clintons
23. She will not get the Bernie voters
24. Trump will destroy her in debates
25. She cant even beat an old socialist
Im just happy no Republican will be president. Trumps not a con or democrat. Good for him!
1. she is a habitual liar
2. she is corrupt
3. she enabled her husband to abuse many women
4. she tried to destroy the women he abused
5. she is old
6. she if ugly
7. her voice makes dogs howl
8. she barks like a dog
9. She has early onset dementia
10. she is a lesbian
11. The Clinton foundation is a corrupt money laundering machine
12. They stole China, furniture and artwork from the whitehouse
13. She is directly responsible for the deaths of 4 americans in Benghazi
14. She panders to whoever she is talking to
15. She was against gay marriage before she was for it
16. She voted for the Iraq fiasco
17. She violated national security laws by illegally transmitting classified data
18. She panders to Wallstreet in exchange for bribes
19. Her fake black accent makes her look like a fool
20. No one wants the Clintons back in the whitehouse
21. The obamas hate the Clintons
22. The DNC hates the Clintons
23. She will not get the Bernie voters
24. Trump will destroy her in debates
25. She cant even beat an old socialist
And the Orangutan who is older and uglier is going to get his ass kicked in November, and gutted like a dead fish, the fat bloated cocksucker can't even campaign in cities like LA, or Chicago without Blacks, or Mexicans threatening to kill the motherfucker..

Glad to see all of you maggots simmering in your own piss and waste knowing she has the nomination in her back pocket , and she will win a landslide..
This is going to be fun....the lefty loonies are already freaking out. The media are twisting Trumps words into pretzels and they can't believe the American people aren't falling for it this time. If you hear or read negative stuff on Trump take it with a grain of salt. They are going to lie like never before.
TRUMP 2016!!!!!!

Like where ?

Like your posts, asshole.
Dumb fuck, not only not freaking out, planning on getting several gunny sacks of popcorn for the GOP Convention. Really, they should make it open carry.

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