This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

ANYONE who can read this know that you lied. Dumb ass I showed you the SNAPS WEB SITE

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 increased Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) benefit levels and expanded SNAP eligibility for jobless adults without children.
„ After these enhancements, SNAP participation and inflation-adjusted food spending by low-income
households increased.
„ Food insecurity declined by 2.2 percentage points among low-income households but was unchanged
among households with incomes somewhat above SNAP-eligibility cutoffs.
This is what is so irritating about lying scum Right-wingers!!!! You already tried this same lie and I called you on and yet you simply repeat it again as if repeating your lies suddenly makes them true. :eusa_liar:
You are quoting the USDA not the ARRA stimulus bill. All the ARRA stimulus bill did was extend Bush's 2008 waiver that expired Sept 30, 2009. It was the exact same UNCHANGED waiver as Bush, which gave STATES the OPTION of suspending the time limit for ABAWDs. That is why you can't quote anything in the ARRA that even mentions the time limit for ABAWDs let alone make a change to it. The last change to the waiver rules was in 2008 by Bush.

From YOUR own USDA link:
ARRA gave States an option to suspend provisions that limit how long some jobless, working-age participants could receive benefits.

Now show the change to the ABAWD time limit in the ARRA stimulus bill from the bill itself or admit you are a worthless lying POS!!! :eusa_liar:

See I was right

Right now ed's frantically trying to find a way out of the hole he dug, while dancing and defending obama
Bush bad.... Umbama GUOOOOOOD

Now watch him move the goal post again.:lol:

Now dumb ass you have given me that right too call you a dumb ass. I posted snaps web site. It said

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 increased Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) benefit levels and expanded SNAP eligibility for jobless adults without children.
„ After these enhancements, SNAP participation and inflation-adjusted food spending by low-income
households increased.
„ Food insecurity declined by 2.2 percentage points among low-income households but was unchanged
among households with incomes somewhat above SNAP-eligibility cutoffs.

Dumb ass you do understand that snaps is telling when how and why the benefits were changed. AND THE DATE TELLS YOU UNDER WHOSE AUTHORIZATION DID IT.
but kick dancing dumb ass kick going.
Who signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?
And there you have it again! Even after being shown that you linked to the USDA and not the ARRA, you then play dumb and continue to pretend that you are quoting the ARRA and continue to claim that the ARRA changed the 3/36 rule. :eusa_liar: You know the ARRA didn't change the 3/36 rule, only an increase in the BENEFIT RATE to adjust for inflation, but like a professional liar you claim that because the USDA said there was a change in "benefits" that gives you a license to claim the ARRA changed the 3/36 rule when all the ARRA changed was the BENEFIT RATE. :eusa_liar:

So again, you worthless lying POS, show the exact quote FROM THE ARRA that changed the ABAWD time limit of 3/36. You can't because it didn't, and you know it, so you will continue to quote anything and everything except the ARRA. :eusa_liar: The ARRA extended Bush's waiver that allowed states the option of suspending the 3/36 rule. :eusa_liar:

But even independent of the waiver, the beach bum is still collecting after the waiver has expired so therefore he was EXEMPT from the 3/36 rule BEFORE the Bush waiver was extended by the ARRA and independent of the Bush waiver. So no matter how you slice it, you are a liar. :eusa_liar:
Billy-boi spends his time LYING and here is undeniable proof. Don't you just feel like the fuck'n asshole now Billy-boi???

The liars at Heritage are hardly proof of anything.

First of all, SS and Medicare are not entitlements, they are prepaid insurance policies.
Second Heritage separates veterans benefits from the military budget, they are a military related expense not related to income security.
And third Heritage does not include the interest on the national debt as a result of military borrowing.

When you add the $85 billion interest on military spending to the $895 billion spending that is admitted, they are actually spending more, you get over 25% of the budget in military related spending at a minimum.



Even if your bullshit above were true (and it's not) - 25% is almost HALF of Billy-boi's LIE of "45%". If you're so for the truth, why aren't you shredding his bullshit?!?

Partisan hack....
Again the Right pretends to be too dumb to understand English so they can continue to mislead. I showed that just by adding that part of the deficit due to military expenses, that they admit to, you have 85 billion per year in interest, so AT A MINIMUM it comes to 25+%. I also pointed out that Heritage dishonestly did not include veterans benefits in its military expenses. Veterans retirement, medical costs, etc. are military related expenses and should have been included. All the military spending budgeted as separate expenses come to another $250 billion which brings it up to over 32%, so Billy was over about the same amount Heritage was under, which would make Heritage as big a liar as Billy or Billy as big a liar as Heritage.
Are you happy now?
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First of all, SS and Medicare are not entitlements, they are prepaid insurance policies.

Really? So Medicaid (which is for people so poor, they can't afford their own health care) is "pre-paid"? :eusa_whistle:

Oh, and lets not forget about the endless array of illegal aliens who are pulling from Social Security but never paid one cent into it. Is that also "pre-paid in your mind? :eusa_whistle:

Tell me, how are you not humiliated by having your lies constantly exposed?
And here we see another favorite technique for lying patented by the Right-wing lying scum, changing what someone says!!! :eusa_liar:

The liars pretend to be too dumb to tell the difference between MediCARE and MedicAID because if you pretend to be too stupid to know you are lying then you are telling the "truth" as you know it. :cuckoo:

The Right has no shame!!!
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Billy-boi spends his time LYING and here is undeniable proof. Don't you just feel like the fuck'n asshole now Billy-boi???

The liars at Heritage are hardly proof of anything.

When you add the $85 billion interest on military spending to the $895 billion spending that is admitted, they are actually spending more, you get over 25% of the budget in military related spending at a minimum.

Yeah, uh, how exactly is there "interest" on military spending when it is budgeted and the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government? :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, how can you not love "libtard logic"? Lets drain every penny of the tax payers dollars on unconstitutional Dumbocrat shit like free healthcare for illegal aliens, then claim we had to "borrow" money for defense and place the blame for the interest on that borrowed money under defense... :lmao:
Damn, don't you think you are milking the dumb act just a little too much???

Military spending is a certain percentage of the federal budget minus interest, therefore that % of the interest on the debt is due to military spending in all its forms.

And just because you don't like them does not make then unconstitutional, social programs like SS and Obamacare have been declared constitutional by the Extreme Court.
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Ed what does this say?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 increased Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit levels and expanded SNAP eligibility for jobless adults without children.

Who signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?
Ed what does this say?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 increased Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit levels and expanded SNAP eligibility for jobless adults without children.

Who signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?
It screams that you didn't get that quote from the ARRA.

Quote the ARRA saying that!!!!!!
First of all, SS and Medicare are not entitlements, they are prepaid insurance policies.

Really? So Medicaid (which is for people so poor, they can't afford their own health care) is "pre-paid"? :eusa_whistle:

Oh, and lets not forget about the endless array of illegal aliens who are pulling from Social Security but never paid one cent into it. Is that also "pre-paid in your mind? :eusa_whistle:

Tell me, how are you not humiliated by having your lies constantly exposed?
And here we see another favorite technique for lying patented by the Right-wing lying scum, changing what someone says!!! :eusa_liar:

The liars pretend to be too dumb to tell the difference between MediCARE and MedicAID because if you pretend to be too stupid to know you are lying then you are telling the "truth" as you know it. :cuckoo:

The Right has no shame!!!

Hey you partisan hack - entitlements include MEDICAID you lying prick... :eusa_liar:

What kind of asshole cherry-picks for their cause? Oh that's right - disingenuous Dumbocrats who have had their asses handed to them with FACTS.
The liars at Heritage are hardly proof of anything.

When you add the $85 billion interest on military spending to the $895 billion spending that is admitted, they are actually spending more, you get over 25% of the budget in military related spending at a minimum.

Yeah, uh, how exactly is there "interest" on military spending when it is budgeted and the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government? :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, how can you not love "libtard logic"? Lets drain every penny of the tax payers dollars on unconstitutional Dumbocrat shit like free healthcare for illegal aliens, then claim we had to "borrow" money for defense and place the blame for the interest on that borrowed money under defense... :lmao:
Damn, don't you think you are milking the dumb act just a little too much???

Military spending is a certain percentage of the federal budget minus interest, therefore that % of the interest on the debt is due to military spending in all its forms.

And just because you don't like them does not make then unconstitutional, social programs like SS and Obamacare have been declared constitutional by the Extreme Court.

So if the Supreme Court rules tomorrow that the 1st Amendment does not extend to anti-American Dumbocrats such as yourself, you will agree that is "Constitutional" and you will immediately shut your ignorant mouth and stop voting? Really? :cuckoo:

The federal government was delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states. That is an undeniable FACT (I know you hate facts, but sorry). Not one of those 18 enumerated powers include a single social program. Therefore, regardless what a Supreme Court - stacked with radical libtards - says, it is unconstitutional.
The liars at Heritage are hardly proof of anything.

When you add the $85 billion interest on military spending to the $895 billion spending that is admitted, they are actually spending more, you get over 25% of the budget in military related spending at a minimum.

Yeah, uh, how exactly is there "interest" on military spending when it is budgeted and the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government? :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, how can you not love "libtard logic"? Lets drain every penny of the tax payers dollars on unconstitutional Dumbocrat shit like free healthcare for illegal aliens, then claim we had to "borrow" money for defense and place the blame for the interest on that borrowed money under defense... :lmao:
Damn, don't you think you are milking the dumb act just a little too much???

Military spending is a certain percentage of the federal budget minus interest, therefore that % of the interest on the debt is due to military spending in all its forms.

And just because you don't like them does not make then unconstitutional, social programs like SS and Obamacare have been declared constitutional by the Extreme Court.

Listen hack, defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government and it is budgeted in advance. Just because you parasites raid the government coffers across the board, does not make the money borrowed because if that raiding the problem of the military.

45% of the federal governments budget is spent on the unconstitutional entitlements, while 19% is spent on defense. You and Billy-boi are both liars and I have proven that.

Game. Set. Match.

First of all, SS and Medicare are not entitlements, they are prepaid insurance policies.

Really? So Medicaid (which is for people so poor, they can't afford their own health care) is "pre-paid"? :eusa_whistle:

Oh, and lets not forget about the endless array of illegal aliens who are pulling from Social Security but never paid one cent into it. Is that also "pre-paid in your mind? :eusa_whistle:

Tell me, how are you not humiliated by having your lies constantly exposed?
And here we see another favorite technique for lying patented by the Right-wing lying scum, changing what someone says!!! :eusa_liar:

The liars pretend to be too dumb to tell the difference between MediCARE and MedicAID because if you pretend to be too stupid to know you are lying then you are telling the "truth" as you know it. :cuckoo:

The Right has no shame!!!

Hey you partisan hack - entitlements include MEDICAID you lying prick... :eusa_liar:

What kind of asshole cherry-picks for their cause? Oh that's right - disingenuous Dumbocrats who have had their asses handed to them with FACTS.
And here we see how the Right just keeps lying even after they are caught lying.

After showing that I never said MedicAID was not an entitlement, I clearly said MediCARE was a prepaid insurance policy, this lying POS still attacks me as if I had actually said medicaid.
The Right are the lowest scum ever to crawl out of a sewer!
Really? So Medicaid (which is for people so poor, they can't afford their own health care) is "pre-paid"? :eusa_whistle:

Oh, and lets not forget about the endless array of illegal aliens who are pulling from Social Security but never paid one cent into it. Is that also "pre-paid in your mind? :eusa_whistle:

Tell me, how are you not humiliated by having your lies constantly exposed?
And here we see another favorite technique for lying patented by the Right-wing lying scum, changing what someone says!!! :eusa_liar:

The liars pretend to be too dumb to tell the difference between MediCARE and MedicAID because if you pretend to be too stupid to know you are lying then you are telling the "truth" as you know it. :cuckoo:

The Right has no shame!!!

Hey you partisan hack - entitlements include MEDICAID you lying prick... :eusa_liar:

What kind of asshole cherry-picks for their cause? Oh that's right - disingenuous Dumbocrats who have had their asses handed to them with FACTS.[/B
And here we see how the Right just keeps lying even after they are caught lying.

After showing that I never said MedicAID was not an entitlement, I clearly said MediCARE was a prepaid insurance policy, this lying POS still attacks me as if I had actually said medicaid.
The Right are the lowest scum ever to crawl out of a sewer!

Medicare is also utilized by people who never paid one red cent into it and you know it. Every person who spent their life on Medicaid is eventually transitioned to Medicare. Every illegal alien of the proper age is abusing Medicare and you know it.

By the way - I've noticed you've been awfully quiet about Social Security ever since you falsely claimed it was a "pre-paid insurance" and I pointed out how people who've never paid a single penny into it enjoy benefits from it.... :eusa_whistle:

You're just a typical lying, disingenuous Democrat
And here we see another favorite technique for lying patented by the Right-wing lying scum, changing what someone says!!! :eusa_liar:

The liars pretend to be too dumb to tell the difference between MediCARE and MedicAID because if you pretend to be too stupid to know you are lying then you are telling the "truth" as you know it. :cuckoo:

The Right has no shame!!!

Hey you partisan hack - entitlements include MEDICAID you lying prick... :eusa_liar:

What kind of asshole cherry-picks for their cause? Oh that's right - disingenuous Dumbocrats who have had their asses handed to them with FACTS.[/B
And here we see how the Right just keeps lying even after they are caught lying.

After showing that I never said MedicAID was not an entitlement, I clearly said MediCARE was a prepaid insurance policy, this lying POS still attacks me as if I had actually said medicaid.
The Right are the lowest scum ever to crawl out of a sewer!

Medicare is also utilized by people who never paid one red cent into it and you know it. Every person who spent their life on Medicaid is eventually transitioned to Medicare. Every illegal alien of the proper age is abusing Medicare and you know it.

By the way - I've noticed you've been awfully quiet about Social Security ever since you falsely claimed it was a "pre-paid insurance" and I pointed out how people who've never paid a single penny into it enjoy benefits from it.... :eusa_whistle:

You're just a typical lying, disingenuous Democrat
Gee, I have the word of a liar on that. You have no credibility.

Game. Set. Match.
Ed what does this say?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 increased Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit levels and expanded SNAP eligibility for jobless adults without children.

Who signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?
It screams that you didn't get that quote from the ARRA.

Quote the ARRA saying that!!!!!!

Ed are you saying the government web site is lying?
You are dumber than dog shit.

Would someone kindly explain to Ed that's he's been proven wrong? Pos rep coming your way if you do.
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Ed what does this say?

Who signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?
It screams that you didn't get that quote from the ARRA.

Quote the ARRA saying that!!!!!!

Ed are you saying the government web site is lying?
You are dumber than dog shit.

Would someone kindly explain to Ed that's he's been proven wrong? Pos rep coming your way if you do.
I'm saying that you cannot show the ARRA changing the time limit for ABAWDs because it didn't.

I'm saying you are deliberately misinterpreting what the USDA posted, and you know it, which is why you will not quote the exact part of the ARRA that you say changes the time limit for ABAWDs. All the ARRA did was extend Bush's waiver which would have expired Sept 30, 2009. It was Bush's waiver that suspended the 3/36 rule in states that elected to do it. You claimed that the 3/36 rule was never suspended until Obama did it in the ARRA stimulus bill, which is a lie.

Claiming that the ARRA suspended the 3/36 rule because it extended Bush's waiver which suspended the 3/36 rule does not support your lie that the 3/36 rule was never suspended until Obama passed the ARRA.
Get it????
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It screams that you didn't get that quote from the ARRA.

Quote the ARRA saying that!!!!!!

Ed are you saying the government web site is lying?
You are dumber than dog shit.

Would someone kindly explain to Ed that's he's been proven wrong? Pos rep coming your way if you do.
I'm saying that you cannot show the ARRA changing the time limit for ABAWDs because it didn't.

I'm saying you are deliberately misinterpreting what the USDA posted, and you know it, which is why you will not quote the exact part of the ARRA that you say changes the time limit for ABAWDs. All the ARRA did was extend Bush's waiver which would have expired Sept 30, 2009. It was Bush's waiver that suspended the 3/36 rule in states that elected to do it. You claimed that the 3/36 rule was never suspended until Obama did it in the ARRA stimulus bill, which is a lie.

Claiming that the ARRA suspended the 3/36 rule because it extended Bush's waiver which suspended the 3/36 rule does not support your lie that the 3/36 rule was never suspended until Obama passed the ARRA.
Get it????

Ed you one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch.
Why do I say that?
1. You disagree with the guy who said his benefits were changed
2. You disagree with Snaps program showing that time limits and benefits were changed.
3. You disagree that obama did not sign the change for the snaps program, when it has been shown to you time after time.
4. You claim the government web site I posted is wrong.

Ed are you saying the government web site is lying?
You are dumber than dog shit.

Would someone kindly explain to Ed that's he's been proven wrong? Pos rep coming your way if you do.
I'm saying that you cannot show the ARRA changing the time limit for ABAWDs because it didn't.

I'm saying you are deliberately misinterpreting what the USDA posted, and you know it, which is why you will not quote the exact part of the ARRA that you say changes the time limit for ABAWDs. All the ARRA did was extend Bush's waiver which would have expired Sept 30, 2009. It was Bush's waiver that suspended the 3/36 rule in states that elected to do it. You claimed that the 3/36 rule was never suspended until Obama did it in the ARRA stimulus bill, which is a lie.

Claiming that the ARRA suspended the 3/36 rule because it extended Bush's waiver which suspended the 3/36 rule does not support your lie that the 3/36 rule was never suspended until Obama passed the ARRA.
Get it????

Ed you one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch.
Why do I say that?
1. You disagree with the guy who said his benefits were changed
2. You disagree with Snaps program showing that time limits and benefits were changed.
3. You disagree that obama did not sign the change for the snaps program, when it has been shown to you time after time.
4. You claim the government web site I posted is wrong.

The one thing you can always count on from the Right is they never stop lying!

You still have not shown where the ARRA changed the waiver rules suspending the time limit for ABAWDs, because it didn't and you know it. If you didn't know it when you first told that lie you know it now since I posted a SEARCHABLE pdf link to the bill. Since it is searchable, you don't have to read the whole bill you just enter search terms, like ABBWD, or time limit, etc., and it will show all instances where the term appears. When you failed to find any place where the ABAWD time limit was changed by ARRA, you just lie and lie and lie some more rather than admit you are wrong. You'll quote a poorly worded USDA site and dishonestly try to pass it off as quoting the ARRA, and after being caught at it you just lie some more.

Changes to the waiver rules were done by Bush, not Obama. All Obama did was extent the Bush waiver in the ARRA. Obama DID make a temporary increase in the BENEFIT RATE, which is a money change NOT a time limit change.

Come on, admit it, you lied about Obama changing the 3/36 rule because your dishonest Right-wing sources lied to you and you were stupid enough to believe them because you were too lazy to check for yourself even though you know they have always lied in the past.
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I'm saying that you cannot show the ARRA changing the time limit for ABAWDs because it didn't.

I'm saying you are deliberately misinterpreting what the USDA posted, and you know it, which is why you will not quote the exact part of the ARRA that you say changes the time limit for ABAWDs. All the ARRA did was extend Bush's waiver which would have expired Sept 30, 2009. It was Bush's waiver that suspended the 3/36 rule in states that elected to do it. You claimed that the 3/36 rule was never suspended until Obama did it in the ARRA stimulus bill, which is a lie.

Claiming that the ARRA suspended the 3/36 rule because it extended Bush's waiver which suspended the 3/36 rule does not support your lie that the 3/36 rule was never suspended until Obama passed the ARRA.
Get it????

Ed you one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch.
Why do I say that?
1. You disagree with the guy who said his benefits were changed
2. You disagree with Snaps program showing that time limits and benefits were changed.
3. You disagree that obama did not sign the change for the snaps program, when it has been shown to you time after time.
4. You claim the government web site I posted is wrong.

The one thing you can always count on from the Right is they never stop lying!

You still have not shown where the ARRA changed the waiver rules suspending the time limit for ABAWDs, because it didn't and you know it. If you didn't know it when you first told that lie you know it now since I posted a SEARCHABLE pdf link to the bill. Since it is searchable, you don't have to read the whole bill you just enter search terms, like ABBWD, or time limit, etc., and it will show all instances where the term appears. When you failed to find any place where the ABAWD time limit was changed by ARRA, you just lie and lie and lie some more rather than admit you are wrong. You'll quote a poorly worded USDA site and dishonestly try to pass it off as quoting the ARRA, and after being caught at it you just lie some more.

Changes to the waiver rules were done by Bush, not Obama. All Obama did was extent the Bush waiver in the ARRA. Obama DID make a temporary increase in the BENEFIT RATE, which is a money change NOT a time limit change.

Come on, admit it, you lied about Obama changing the 3/36 rulr because your dishonest Right-wing sources lied to you and you were stupid enough to believe them because you were too lazy to check for yourself even though you know they have always lied in the past.

Idiots is arguing the government link provided is lying about itself :cuckoo:
Bush did not extend the benefits limit to one year obama did
Bush did not drop the restriction on number in household obama did 2009 was when this happened.
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And there you have it again! Even after being shown that you linked to the USDA and not the ARRA, you then play dumb and continue to pretend that you are quoting the ARRA and continue to claim that the ARRA changed the 3/36 rule. :eusa_liar: You know the ARRA didn't change the 3/36 rule, only an increase in the BENEFIT RATE to adjust for inflation, but like a professional liar you claim that because the USDA said there was a change in "benefits" that gives you a license to claim the ARRA changed the 3/36 rule when all the ARRA changed was the BENEFIT RATE. :eusa_liar:

So again, you worthless lying POS, show the exact quote FROM THE ARRA that changed the ABAWD time limit of 3/36. You can't because it didn't, and you know it, so you will continue to quote anything and everything except the ARRA. :eusa_liar: The ARRA extended Bush's waiver that allowed states the option of suspending the 3/36 rule. :eusa_liar:

But even independent of the waiver, the beach bum is still collecting after the waiver has expired so therefore he was EXEMPT from the 3/36 rule BEFORE the Bush waiver was extended by the ARRA and independent of the Bush waiver. So no matter how you slice it, you are a liar. :eusa_liar:

Hey dumb ass here's a link showing The 2009 Recovery Act’s temporary boost to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits is scheduled to end on November 1, 2013.
If there wasn't a SNAPS benefits changed in 2009 why is there a decrease in 2013?

SNAP Benefits Will Be Cut for All Participants in November 2013 ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
And here you are again playing dumb so you can lie some more even though I nailed you on this very same lie just a few posts earlier. That link says absolutely nothing about the ABAWD time limit, it only addresses the BENEFIT RATE. :asshole:

Pretending to be too stupid to know the difference between changing the BENEFIT RATE and the 3/36 TIME LIMIT does not make your lie that Obama was the first to waive the 3/36 time limit any less of a lie. You are still lying and you will always lie because all the Right ever has in lies.
Thank you!
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And there you have it again! Even after being shown that you linked to the USDA and not the ARRA, you then play dumb and continue to pretend that you are quoting the ARRA and continue to claim that the ARRA changed the 3/36 rule. :eusa_liar: You know the ARRA didn't change the 3/36 rule, only an increase in the BENEFIT RATE to adjust for inflation, but like a professional liar you claim that because the USDA said there was a change in "benefits" that gives you a license to claim the ARRA changed the 3/36 rule when all the ARRA changed was the BENEFIT RATE. :eusa_liar:

So again, you worthless lying POS, show the exact quote FROM THE ARRA that changed the ABAWD time limit of 3/36. You can't because it didn't, and you know it, so you will continue to quote anything and everything except the ARRA. :eusa_liar: The ARRA extended Bush's waiver that allowed states the option of suspending the 3/36 rule. :eusa_liar:

But even independent of the waiver, the beach bum is still collecting after the waiver has expired so therefore he was EXEMPT from the 3/36 rule BEFORE the Bush waiver was extended by the ARRA and independent of the Bush waiver. So no matter how you slice it, you are a liar. :eusa_liar:

Hey dumb ass here's a link showing The 2009 Recovery Act’s temporary boost to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits is scheduled to end on November 1, 2013.
If there wasn't a SNAPS benefits changed in 2009 why is there a decrease in 2013?

SNAP Benefits Will Be Cut for All Participants in November 2013 ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
And here you are again playing dumb so you can lie some more even though I nailed you on this very same lie just a few posts earlier.

Pretending to be too stupid to know the difference between changing the BENEFIT RATE and the 3/36 TIME LIMIT does not make your lie that Obama was the first to waive the 3/36 time limit any less of a lie. You are still lying and you will always lie because all the Right ever has in lies.
Thank you!
You're having your normal comprehension problems
Bush did not extend the time limit to a year for SNAPS obama did in 2009.
Bush did nothing for SNAPS after 2009 obama did.
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