Zone1 This is Why I don't Talk about Black on Black Crime

Ok. Let's just talk about crime. Let's talk about gang crime where innocent babies are killed in their car seats in the back of Daddy's car. Let's talk about babies shot in their mothers arms. Let's talk about shootouts in the streets and in the malls of cities, big and small, and even in the cow pastures and anywhere those shootouts happen.

We can't do anything that will stop most people wh target someone they know for murder, and haven't been able to since Cain killed Abel. What we need to stop are the wild-east shootouts, random shootings, drive-by shootings, that are killing innocent people and babies.

So, please, post as many stories as you can find of wild-east shootouts in the streets and of babies being killed in random shootings and drive-by shootings and let's all agree, whether or not those nasty racists in the press mention race, let's not mention race on here at all.

Our goal is simply to get people fired up and passionate to do what needs to be done to stop those shootouts.

We can even hear from those who think disarming all of America is the only way to save the babies and we can hear from those who think arming people for self-defense will save the babies. All ideas are welcome because we all want to save babies.

But we'll agree to never mention race; it's about the babies.

Deal? You go first.

No deal.

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

Let's talk about the corporatized crime controlled by whites who get reality TV shows made about themthat euns the shipment and dIstribution of drugs and funs. Then lets talk about the refusal of banks full of black money growing interest while they finance the growth of suburbs while denying ideas from black entrepreneurs. Then talk about retail redlining that refuses to build businesses in black communities that will create jobs and alternatives to what causes gang stuff.
Here are some black men doing something useful during the summer of love riots. Armed and patrolling their streets. That's how you stop crime on any streets of any neighborhood: Armed local residents defending their homes.

Do something about this and stop pretending that only blacks have gangs.

1.09 percent of the American population were white criminal offenders, .06 percent of the American population were black criminal offenders.

Your math is wrong.


29.6% of 7,173,072 = 2,101,710

2020 US black population, 41.1 million.

2,101,710 / 41,100,000 = 5.1%.

You said 0.06%. The actual number was 85 times your number.



85 times.
No deal.

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

Let's talk about the corporatized crime controlled by whites who get reality TV shows made about themthat euns the shipment and dIstribution of drugs and funs. Then lets talk about the refusal of banks full of black money growing interest while they finance the growth of suburbs while denying ideas from black entrepreneurs. Then talk about retail redlining that refuses to build businesses in black communities that will create jobs and alternatives to what causes gang stuff.
Ok then. It's clear you are committed to what you said in the title of this thread. You're not going to talk about black on black crime. Afterall, the babies being killed are black babies... and only white conservatives care about black babies. The mayor of Chicago certainly doesn't... You don't. And if white conservatives care then you certainly can't.

So let's not talk about dead babies. Let's start a thread about not talking about black crime and then turn it into a thread about bankers and about why it's racist for Dollar General to build a store in a black neighborhood and then it's racist again for them not to.

Yeah, that's what I thought the thread was about when I first saw it: banking.
So there were roughly half as many black criminal offenders as white ones. There are roughly one fifth as many black Americans as White Americans. We are back to that pesky FACT that less than one fifth of the total population provides more than half the criminal offenders. As usual you just shot yourself in the foot.
It just doesn't work like that. The pesky fact is that 1.09 percent of the population were the majority of criminal offenders and they were not black. So let's use your "pesky facts". 98,000/100,000 whites don't commit crimes and 95,000/100,000 blacks don't commit crimes. So if 98 percent of one population and 95 percent of another are not committing crimes then there is no high crime rate anywhere.
Do something about this and stop pretending that only blacks have gangs.

I'm with you on this one, buddy. We don't want to talk about white-on-white crime or black-on-black crime. I want to prioritize crime and talk about the babies being killed, random shootings into cars and neighborhoods, shootouts on the streets, etc.

Don't you think those are among the worst crimes today - dead babies in mother's arms and dead babies in their car seats in the back seat of the parents car? If we can agree that those are worth stopping, regardless of the race of the shooter or the victim, we can work together to get people up in arms.

A great way to get people excited enough to go to the polls and vote for change is to inundate them with stories of babies shot in mother's arms or in the back seat of the car. Or of wild-east shoot outs in cities and towns, including large cities or small rural towns, wherever they happen.

In order to drive change, we have to increase awareness... So, let's start posting those stories of dead babies in their mother's arms.... You go first.
Here are some black men doing something useful during the summer of love riots. Armed and patrolling their streets. That's how you stop crime on any streets of any neighborhood: Armed local residents defending their homes.

Men like this and Pastor Brooks are doing it alone. They have no support from the local Democrat leaders at all. They don't even exist at Pelosi and Biden's level.
It is truly sad what the media and leaders REALLY don't talk about.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

Why did you STOP at 2015? Because CRIME IS UP in the urban centers a WHOLE BUNCH lately.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

Again -- a 3 YEAR period of study? Wonder why they chose those years. There are violent crime spikes of 40 to 70% and MORE in some yearly periods.
“For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).”

STILL discussing decade old numbers.
Well. I dunno. It seems to me that any civil discussion on the topic would strive to encourage substantive evidence by proponents of all points of view, rather than refering to those differing points of view as "racist trash."

Why that doesn't encourage civil dialogue at all. That's not how civil, funtional debate works. All that does is solicit more of the same kind of combative dialogue. But you know that. Right?

Anyway. As an aside, there are no so-called authoritative groups, whether black, white or whatever other color. And everyone should be able to provide differing points of view and perspectives without having to endure that brand of filth, for no other reason than the fact that you don't like those opposing views.

By the way. flacaltenn and Coyote I just noticed you two giggling among yourselves up in the feedback section and acting like children about stickying complaints from the other poster about stuff just like this.

If you're gonna talk the talk, you should at least have the courage to walk the walk. If you wanna be taken seriously...
No, because the discussion has to be fact based and too many on the right don't want to discuss facts. Notice what you choose to miss.

"We keep reading racist trash about black crime despite the reduction in black crime."

This was stated after showing FACTUAL EVIDENCE of a reduction in black crime. This has not been the first time I posted this information. Despite the multiple times that I showed a decrease in black crime, the same racist trash gets repeated about black crime. So you have ignored the inability for some of the white members of this forum to have a civil debate. Therefore it is you who cannot be taken seriously.
Why did you STOP at 2015? Because CRIME IS UP in the urban centers a WHOLE BUNCH lately.

Again -- a 3 YEAR period of study? Wonder why they chose those years. There are violent crime spikes of 40 to 70% and MORE in some yearly periods.
A 30 year period of reduction during a time where you kept getting told about black on black crime is pretty impessive. Meanwhile we have seen NOTHING said about this:

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

or this:

Gangs of White Thugs Are Terrorizing America - Medium

In 2020 blacks led in arrests in 2 categories in the Uniform Crime Report let’s look at the arrest categories whites led in:

Rape, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, Motor vehicle theft, Arson, Violent crime, Property crime, Other assaults, Forgery and counterfeiting, Fraud, Embezzlement, buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, Vandalism, carrying, possessing, Weapons, Prostitution and commercialized vice, Sex offenses besides rape and prostitution, Drug abuse violations, Gambling, Offenses against the family and children, Driving under the influence, Liquor laws, Drunkenness, Disorderly conduct, Vagrancy, All other offenses (except traffic), Suspicion, Curfew and loitering law violations.

You're comparing kumquats to limes. 1st it's white on white with no NORMALIZATION FOR POPULATION. Just the RAW numbers.. NOW It's like prostitution, buying/receiving/possessing stolen property driving under the influence, disorderly conduct, vagrancy --- ARE THE VICTIMS OF ALL THESE CRIMES JUST WHITE? Nope. No WAY to statistically record these as PURELY white on white crime. And if you NORMALIZE these RAW crime numbers to the race cohort population you get the PREVALENCE of crime. MOST white towns and cities DONT SEE A LOT OF CRIME. Especially, this LAUNDRY list of white committed crimes that affect EVERYONE -- not JUST whites. Which is it that keeps you up at night -- white on white crime? Or just white crime? Makes a diff.

So - you dont understand that there FIVE TIMES as many WHITE people as BLACK people? So the BIG NUMBER is your defense?

You never answer questions and you never learn. Keep pressing the same buttons hoping for a different outcome. THIS THREAD was essentially CLOSED a couple hours ago and you brought it back to life. I DONT want to discuss this -- because you NEVER ANSWER QUESTIONS. But I DO find it strange that you're doing exactly what you say WHITE people shouldn't do. So I'm really not motivated to WADE thru this mess of "factoids" because you're never gonna DEFEND THEM.

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

Now you're back FOUR decades. You got an old World Book Encyclopedia of this stuff sitting around?

White GANG issues are UNHEARD OF in 80% of WHITE COMMUNITIES at LEAST. Couldn't even tell ya when the last dozen "white on white" gang shooting occurred outside of DEM controlled BIG urban centers.

THATS a CRIME ISSUE -- not a RACE issue except if your mayor, DA, city counsel is mostly POC.
You're comparing kumquats to limes. 1st it's white on white with no NORMALIZATION FOR POPULATION. Just the RAW numbers.. NOW It's like prostitution, buying/receiving/possessing stolen property driving under the influence, disorderly conduct, vagrancy --- ARE THE VICTIMS OF ALL THESE CRIMES JUST WHITE? Nope. No WAY to statistically record these as PURELY white on white crime. And if you NORMALIZE these RAW crime numbers to the race cohort population you get the PREVALENCE of crime. MOST white towns and cities DONT SEE A LOT OF CRIME. Especially, this LAUNDRY list of white committed crimes that affect EVERYONE -- not JUST whites. Which is it that keeps you up at night -- white on white crime? Or just white crime? Makes a diff.

So - you dont understand that there FIVE TIMES as many WHITE people as BLACK people? So the BIG NUMBER is your defense?

You never answer questions and you never learn. Keep pressing the same buttons hoping for a different outcome. THIS THREAD was essentially CLOSED a couple hours ago and you brought it back to life. I DONT want to discuss this -- because you NEVER ANSWER QUESTIONS. But I DO find it strange that you're doing exactly what you say WHITE people shouldn't do. So I'm really not motivated to WADE thru this mess of "factoids" because you're never gonna DEFEND THEM.

No flacaltenn, I'm not. You're just a white dude full of bs excuses. You don't get a pass for crijme because there are more of you. The fact there are more whites means whites are a greater threat to commit crimes.
Now you're back FOUR decades. You got an old World Book Encyclopedia of this stuff sitting around?

White GANG issues are UNHEARD OF in 80% of WHITE COMMUNITIES at LEAST. Couldn't even tell ya when the last dozen "white on white" gang shooting occurred outside of DEM controlled BIG urban centers.

THATS a CRIME ISSUE -- not a RACE issue except if your mayor, DA, city counsel is mostly POC.
No flacaltenn, I'm just pointing out what you missed that has you dodging and making excuses today.
Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

Let's make a bet. Because these VIOLENT crime acts INCLUDE INCARCERATED criminals.

I BET that 25% to 35% of those numbers OCCURRED IN PRISONS.
No flacaltenn, I'm not. You're just a white dude full of bs excuses. You don't get a pass for crijme because there are more of you. The fact there are more whites means whites are a greater threat to commit crimes.

Not white on white crime -- is not a bigger threat to whites. Because you MANGLE the argument by moving between RAW number and statistics that normalize by race because you like the NUMBERS but dont understand to how to USE THEM to "determine the bigger threat".
Blacks are 12% of the population and commit 50%± of murders and at least 33% of violent crimes.
It’s actually less than 12%. It’s young black males, so it’s like 3% of the population. Let’s not lump old black ladies with them.

Every high level white crime is reportable by the media. Just got woken up at 1AM by "Blue Alert EXTREME" on my phone a couple nights ago for a WHITE dude that killed police in Tenn that was on the loose.

You cannot get AWAY from normalizing by the racial population.. I've used this example BEFORE AND YOU COMPLETELY IGNORE IT. When the 2020 Floyd riots broke out and the cops were being denigrated nation-wide for cops killing blacks, THAT RAW number was LESS THAN cops killing whites by a factor of 3 or 4.

So if I wanted to be DISINGENUOUS and shove that atcha without NORMALIZING TO the level of THREAT that presented -- would you ACCEPT THAT "fact"? That WHITES ARE MORE ENDANGERED by the cops than Blacks? NO. you shouldn't because it's NOT normalized to black or white population size. There IS no real lying with statistics if you understand the language behind the statistic.

In YOUR stat challenged world -- THAT'S OK to point out. But to BLM -- it would be racist math.

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