Zone1 This is Why I don't Talk about Black on Black Crime

Let's get real here, buddy.

Young black men of ALL races get into trouble. That's what happens when you are young and stupid.

The difference is that young white men get probation or community service while black young people get a criminal conviction that follows them around for the rest of their lives.
Keep up the good work.

Except most people who are collecting benefits have jobs.

For instance, 40% of families on SNAP have at least one family member with a job, just not one that pays enough to make ends meet. So dad has a job, mom applies for beneifts because she isn't married. It's not a great system, mind you. A great system would be anyone who works makes a living wage, and we make sure everyone has a job. But those mansions and dressage horses won't buy themselves. WORK WAGE SLAVES, WORK.

And you have big corporations like Walmart and McDonalds telling their employees how to apply for food stamps and Section 8 housing.

You didn't present a fact, you just wanted to splice the data in a way favorable to you. Half of all marriages fail.
Would that include all black people of all races?

I am curious about this.
Oh, look, Mormon Bob found a typo... I guess it makes all his stalking worth it.

A Freudian slip, it looks like, to me.

You're soo deeply a racist, that you cannot think of criminals without thinking of them as black.

Trying to make a statement about criminals “of all races”, trying to make it appear that that was what you meant, you still could not help yourself, as far as including “black” in the statement.
It becomes a baby when the woman it is inside decides it is.

When a woman wants a baby, "The Baby is due in September".
When she doesn't want a baby, "I have to take care of that thing on Tuesday".

See how that works?

Happy to help you out.

Because thinking you can force women to have babies they don't want...that's just crazy talk.
You know, I agree with you. Still, it's pretty disgusting.
Young black men start out getting probation and community service as well. But they keep right on committing crimes like stupid young white men do. Career criminals come in all colors.
For many reasons, a far higher rate of blacks than other races believe that acting gangsta, or thug, makes them really cool.

Probably from watching too many episodes of "The First 48" they keep up that persona until they kill someone. Then they start crying for their mom! Not so cool then.
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For instance, 40% of families on SNAP have at least one family member with a job, just not one that pays enough to make ends meet. So dad has a job, mom applies for beneifts because she isn't married. It's not a great system, mind you. A great system would be anyone who works makes a living wage, and we make sure everyone has a job. But those mansions and dressage horses won't buy themselves. WORK WAGE SLAVES, WORK.
If they find a job that pays too much or has one that pays too much, they work fewer hours.

Folks may be living below the poverty line doesn't make them stupid. If they got married and worked full-time jobs, they'd get nothing or far less from taxpayers.

What is a living wage that anyone who works, should receive, from whom, and why?

Children are the responsibility of their parents. Those who cannot afford to raise children properly should not have any. The reason so many blacks are poor is not racism, but the fact that they were born with many low IQ gene alleles. Responsible married couples should not be taxed to support their illegitimate children, who are usually horrid little monsters.
Why are comments like this still being made without getting deleted?
For many reasons, a far higher rate of blacks than other races believe that acting gangsta, or thug, makes them really cool.

Probably from watching too many episodes of "The First 48" they keep up that persona until they kill someone. Then they start crying for their mom! Not so cool then.
There are more white gangs and whites organized crime. White originated and maintain thug culture. They glorified it with movies like the Godfather and TV series like the Sopranos, yet you are here making this statement.
If they find a job that pays too much or has one that pays too much, they work fewer hours.

Folks may be living below the poverty line doesn't make them stupid. If they got married and worked full-time jobs, they'd get nothing or far less from taxpayers.

What is a living wage that anyone who works, should receive, from whom, and why?

Yes, giving up hundreds of dollars in benefits to get a few more dollars working at minimum wage... that WOULD be stupid.

Living Wage - $15.00 a hour. WOrks for me.
There are more white gangs and whites organized crime. White originated and maintain thug culture. They glorified it with movies like the Godfather and TV series like the Sopranos, yet you are here making this statement.
Nobody would accuse blacks of organized crime, much less organization of anything else.. Gangs however abound in black thug culture.
There are more white gangs and whites organized crime. White originated and maintain thug culture. They glorified it with movies like the Godfather and TV series like the Sopranos, yet you are here making this statement.


If 5 whites commit a crime that equals 5 crimes.

If 2 blacks commit crimes that equals 2 crimes.

That's how reality works.

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