THIS is why it's such a big story!

This is why Bridgegate is being widely publicized and why it isn't going to go away. The MSM has been sitting on a lot of things with Christie and now Christie's given them the rope:

Chris Christie faces probe for alleged misuse of Sandy funds: source

Tribune wire reports

10:11 a.m. CST, January 13, 2014
U.S. investigators are looking into whether embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie misused about $2 million in Superstorm Sandy relief funds for an ad campaign that put him in the spotlight in an election year, a lawmaker said on Monday.

Already enmeshed in a scandal over snarled traffic at the George Washington Bridge, Christie, a rising star in the Republican party, is now being audited by the Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone Jr., a Democrat.

The inspector is focusing on a federally financed $25 million Jersey Shore marketing campaign that included a television commercial featuring Christie and his family, which cost $2 million more than a competing bid without them.

Chris Christie faces federal probe over Sandy relief funds -

Sigh more diversionary tactics. Aaaand 1000 pages of emails later, still nothing implicating Christie.

Besides, anything that takes up both of your brain cells at once is considered big I suppose.

LOL! And you're the dumbest one of all. This just happened a few days ago and the bulk of requested documents were received on FRIDAY, dumbass.

You have no idea what is known at this moment and what will happen this week.

Alright people, have you learned about this lapdog Dnc lamestream media YET?

lets hope so

this is such a non story to REST OF US IN THE COUNTRY

wake up

I realize when you live in fly-over country that it might be. But given that Christie had a very good shot at being YOUR candidate in 2016, I would think that might pierce the protoplasm barely quivering between your ears and register in the murky mess called your itty bitty brain.

And hey, he still might be. So better pay attention.

Christie will not be the GOP candidate and Hillary will not be the dem candidate. You are pissing into the wind and crying that your shoes are getting wet.
Alright people, have you learned about this lapdog Dnc lamestream media YET?

lets hope so

this is such a non story to REST OF US IN THE COUNTRY

wake up

I realize when you live in fly-over country that it might be. But given that Christie had a very good shot at being YOUR candidate in 2016, I would think that might pierce the protoplasm barely quivering between your ears and register in the murky mess called your itty bitty brain.

And hey, he still might be. So better pay attention.

Christie will not be the GOP candidate and Hillary will not be the dem candidate. You are pissing into the wind and crying that your shoes are getting wet.

all made up AND being driven by the lapdog media FOR Democrats to take heat OFF Obama and OscamCare

WAKE UP PEOPLE...Christy has no BEARING in our lives just his STATE
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Republicans be like:


And Democrats be like:

The idiots on this thread who think this is a non-story just really are not very bright. Bridgegate has opened up a can of worms. Christie was already under scrutiny for the Sandy problem. Christie wants to be POTUS. Up until now he was on a roll, banking on the juice from a poll showing that 51% of Americans are middle of the road. Wake the fuck up you stupid, conservative Republican nitwits:

Christie Allegedly Diverted Millions In Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds To Pay For TV Ads Starring Himself

"""Here are 6 things you need to know about the investigation:

1. Congress raised alarms about the ads in August. In August, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) alerted the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that the Christie administration may have “irresponsibly misappropriated funding allocated by Congress from the Sandy aid package” and used funds set aside for promoting the state “for political purposes.” “[T]he contract was awarded to a firm that is charging over $2 million more than the next lowest bidder to develop the marketing plan,” Pallone wrote, noting that “the winning bid proposed including Governor Chris Christie in the advertisements, while the lower cost proposal that was not selected did not.” “It is inappropriate for taxpayer-funded dollars that are critical to our state’s recovery from this natural disaster to fund commercials that could potentially benefit a political campaign.”

2. Conservatives questioned Christie’s staring role. In November, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said Christie’s appearance in the television ads gave the recovery effort a “black eye.” “People running for office put their mug all over these ads while they were in the middle of a political campaign,” Paul said during a committee hearing. “In New Jersey, $25 million was spent on ads that included somebody running for political office. You think there might be a conflict of interest there? That’s a real problem and that’s why when people who are trying to do good and trying to use taxpayers’ money wisely, they’re offended to see our money spent on political ads. That’s just offensive.”

3. Chair of bidding committee has close ties to Christie. A six-member bid evaluation committee of Christie administration officials selected the higher price despite issuing a report that said Sigma’s proposal also “addressed the tasks and deliverables specified in the RFQ (request for quotation) … (and) could effectively meet the requirements of this RFQ.” Michele Brown, a close Christie aid, led the bid evaluation. “Brown is a former federal prosecutor in New Jersey but resigned that post in 2009 amid controversy over a loan of $46,000 from Christie,” Asbury Park Press reports.

4. The winning firm donated thousands to Republicans. The East Rutherford, New Jersey based MWW Firm has donated heavily to Democrats, but “MWW employees donated $1,000 to Christie’s 2009 Republican gubernatorial primary campaign and $1,500 to his 2010 inaugural committee.” The MWW Group PAC “spent $95,250 in the 2012 federal election cycle, with 73 percent of the money going to Democrats, though the largest single expenditure, $5,000, went to the National Republican Congressional Committee.” The losing ad firm, Sigma, did not make any political contributions.

5. The winning firm originally sought more money. Contract documents reveal that “MWW’s team had sought $5.2 million in labor costs and markups, with company CEO Kempner requesting his own compensation to be set at $595 per hour. After negotiations with state officials, MWW reduced its price and removed Kempner from the compensation list.”

6. Christie says he selected firm for its “statewide connections.” The Christie administration insists that MWW was the best choice, claiming that it had “statewide connections that would allow it to mobilize quickly to perform the high-stakes work of boosting tourism in the first summer season since superstorm Sandy.” “The size and scope of the PR campaign that MWW undertook was far larger and more labor-intensive than any other bidder’s,” said Michael Drewniak, a Christie spokesperson. """""

Christie Allegedly Diverted Millions In Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds To Pay For TV Ads Starring Himself | ThinkProgress

This is why Bridgegate is being widely publicized and why it isn't going to go away. The MSM has been sitting on a lot of things with Christie and now Christie's given them the rope:

Chris Christie faces probe for alleged misuse of Sandy funds: source

Tribune wire reports

10:11 a.m. CST, January 13, 2014
U.S. investigators are looking into whether embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie misused about $2 million in Superstorm Sandy relief funds for an ad campaign that put him in the spotlight in an election year, a lawmaker said on Monday.

Already enmeshed in a scandal over snarled traffic at the George Washington Bridge, Christie, a rising star in the Republican party, is now being audited by the Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone Jr., a Democrat.

The inspector is focusing on a federally financed $25 million Jersey Shore marketing campaign that included a television commercial featuring Christie and his family, which cost $2 million more than a competing bid without them.

Chris Christie faces federal probe over Sandy relief funds -

So the media has been sitting on info about him eh? Why do you suppose that is? If the media wasn't biased as you all claim they would run with news worthy stories as they get them. Not wait as if the stories were amunition to be fired off all at once.

Don't get me wrong, if Christie is complicit in any of this he should be finished. Having said that, it isn't going away because the media is desperate to avoid Obama's problems. Not because of any of the bullshit you said.

A traffic jam, while wrong if intentional, does not rise to the level of dead Americans, spying on Americans, using the IRS to punish Americans.
Anyone who says otherwise is either an in the tank hack or a COMPLETE MORON

You really don't get it either. This isn't about the NSA or the IRS. It's about the political future of one of the most powerful governors in this country. And he's abusing that power. Think back when Enron fucked up California's power stations and created all those rolling brown-outs. Nobody died but it was an abuse of power, now wasn't it?

And I never said the media wasn't biased. I said they go after stories that provide ratings which generate revenue.

But the press has sources and they sit on info from those sources until there's a tipping point when they can act. This isn't my opinion. I am acquainted with several people who have worked or still work for network affiliates in Phila and New York. We only get about 10-15% of the facts of any given report or story.

So now that there's a crack in Christie's mantel, those sources are facing subpoenas. As the saying goes, people are lawyering up. And now the MSM must feel like they can start blowing the whistle on the misappropriated Sandy funds story. Something they've been sitting on for about six months around here.

I can't connect the dots yet, but they will get connected. Stay tuned.

Christie still holds the ace, up his sleeve, that can make this all go away.....

WTF is wrong with you? Seriously. WTF does this have to do with Obama or Benghazi you stupid fucking idiot?

It has to do with your double standard. Why do you want corruption of only one party to cease?

Oh and Sandy Relief fund money was misused? Just strengthens the argument that the Federal Government shouldn't be handing out relief funds. Especially when they have no authority from the Constitution to do so.

We truly need to get back to the point where we just tell the Feds to go home when a disaster comes because we will take care of it ourselves with private donations and hard work.

This is why Bridgegate is being widely publicized and why it isn't going to go away. The MSM has been sitting on a lot of things with Christie and now Christie's given them the rope:

Chris Christie faces probe for alleged misuse of Sandy funds: source

Tribune wire reports

10:11 a.m. CST, January 13, 2014
U.S. investigators are looking into whether embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie misused about $2 million in Superstorm Sandy relief funds for an ad campaign that put him in the spotlight in an election year, a lawmaker said on Monday.

Already enmeshed in a scandal over snarled traffic at the George Washington Bridge, Christie, a rising star in the Republican party, is now being audited by the Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone Jr., a Democrat.

The inspector is focusing on a federally financed $25 million Jersey Shore marketing campaign that included a television commercial featuring Christie and his family, which cost $2 million more than a competing bid without them.

Chris Christie faces federal probe over Sandy relief funds -

So the media has been sitting on info about him eh? Why do you suppose that is? If the media wasn't biased as you all claim they would run with news worthy stories as they get them. Not wait as if the stories were amunition to be fired off all at once.

Don't get me wrong, if Christie is complicit in any of this he should be finished. Having said that, it isn't going away because the media is desperate to avoid Obama's problems. Not because of any of the bullshit you said.

A traffic jam, while wrong if intentional, does not rise to the level of dead Americans, spying on Americans, using the IRS to punish Americans.
Anyone who says otherwise is either an in the tank hack or a COMPLETE MORON

You really don't get it either. This isn't about the NSA or the IRS. It's about the political future of one of the most powerful governors in this country. And he's abusing that power. Think back when Enron fucked up California's power stations and created all those rolling brown-outs. Nobody died but it was an abuse of power, now wasn't it?

And I never said the media wasn't biased. I said they go after stories that provide ratings which generate revenue.

But the press has sources and they sit on info from those sources until there's a tipping point when they can act. This isn't my opinion. I am acquainted with several people who have worked or still work for network affiliates in Phila and New York. We only get about 10-15% of the facts of any given report or story.

So now that there's a crack in Christie's mantel, those sources are facing subpoenas. As the saying goes, people are lawyering up. And now the MSM must feel like they can start blowing the whistle on the misappropriated Sandy funds story. Something they've been sitting on for about six months around here.

I can't connect the dots yet, but they will get connected. Stay tuned.

My God child.

You are likely the most paranoid individual on this site.
The idiots on this thread who think this is a non-story just really are not very bright. Bridgegate has opened up a can of worms. Christie was already under scrutiny for the Sandy problem. Christie wants to be POTUS. Up until now he was on a roll, banking on the juice from a poll showing that 51% of Americans are middle of the road. Wake the fuck up you stupid, conservative Republican nitwits:

Christie Allegedly Diverted Millions In Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds To Pay For TV Ads Starring Himself

"""Here are 6 things you need to know about the investigation:

1. Congress raised alarms about the ads in August. In August, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) alerted the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that the Christie administration may have “irresponsibly misappropriated funding allocated by Congress from the Sandy aid package” and used funds set aside for promoting the state “for political purposes.” “[T]he contract was awarded to a firm that is charging over $2 million more than the next lowest bidder to develop the marketing plan,” Pallone wrote, noting that “the winning bid proposed including Governor Chris Christie in the advertisements, while the lower cost proposal that was not selected did not.” “It is inappropriate for taxpayer-funded dollars that are critical to our state’s recovery from this natural disaster to fund commercials that could potentially benefit a political campaign.”

2. Conservatives questioned Christie’s staring role. In November, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said Christie’s appearance in the television ads gave the recovery effort a “black eye.” “People running for office put their mug all over these ads while they were in the middle of a political campaign,” Paul said during a committee hearing. “In New Jersey, $25 million was spent on ads that included somebody running for political office. You think there might be a conflict of interest there? That’s a real problem and that’s why when people who are trying to do good and trying to use taxpayers’ money wisely, they’re offended to see our money spent on political ads. That’s just offensive.”

3. Chair of bidding committee has close ties to Christie. A six-member bid evaluation committee of Christie administration officials selected the higher price despite issuing a report that said Sigma’s proposal also “addressed the tasks and deliverables specified in the RFQ (request for quotation) … (and) could effectively meet the requirements of this RFQ.” Michele Brown, a close Christie aid, led the bid evaluation. “Brown is a former federal prosecutor in New Jersey but resigned that post in 2009 amid controversy over a loan of $46,000 from Christie,” Asbury Park Press reports.

4. The winning firm donated thousands to Republicans. The East Rutherford, New Jersey based MWW Firm has donated heavily to Democrats, but “MWW employees donated $1,000 to Christie’s 2009 Republican gubernatorial primary campaign and $1,500 to his 2010 inaugural committee.” The MWW Group PAC “spent $95,250 in the 2012 federal election cycle, with 73 percent of the money going to Democrats, though the largest single expenditure, $5,000, went to the National Republican Congressional Committee.” The losing ad firm, Sigma, did not make any political contributions.

5. The winning firm originally sought more money. Contract documents reveal that “MWW’s team had sought $5.2 million in labor costs and markups, with company CEO Kempner requesting his own compensation to be set at $595 per hour. After negotiations with state officials, MWW reduced its price and removed Kempner from the compensation list.”

6. Christie says he selected firm for its “statewide connections.” The Christie administration insists that MWW was the best choice, claiming that it had “statewide connections that would allow it to mobilize quickly to perform the high-stakes work of boosting tourism in the first summer season since superstorm Sandy.” “The size and scope of the PR campaign that MWW undertook was far larger and more labor-intensive than any other bidder’s,” said Michael Drewniak, a Christie spokesperson. """""

Christie Allegedly Diverted Millions In Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds To Pay For TV Ads Starring Himself | ThinkProgress

Ok genius tell me, how exactly does the affect me yo the point I should care?
Oh and lots of people want to be President of the United States. But most have no chance of ever seeing it. Christie is one of those people. He had no shot of being nominated before his scandals. And now even his progressive supporters in the Republican party are running away from him.

The guy is nobody. He's a corrupt politician who will get his in the end.

Meanwhile, we have an even more corrupt politician in the White House and you defend him and pretend as if he has done nothing. pathetic.
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Says the hack who points at Bush & the Tea Party to excuse Obama's fuck ups.

You're a joke

Says the guy with the monkey avatar.....

Nope, I have used GWB and the TP to demonstrate that most of you idiots think American history started on inauguration day in January 2009. At least you want to believe that.

My interest in politics began when the economy & subsequently my business took a nosedive. Which just happened to coincide with Obama's nomination to be the dem frontman.

Did he cause it? Nope, but he sure as fuck has made it more painful.

You even bullshit about shit everyone knows.
The idiots on this thread who think this is a non-story just really are not very bright. Bridgegate has opened up a can of worms. Christie was already under scrutiny for the Sandy problem. Christie wants to be POTUS. Up until now he was on a roll, banking on the juice from a poll showing that 51% of Americans are middle of the road. Wake the fuck up you stupid, conservative Republican nitwits:

Christie Allegedly Diverted Millions In Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds To Pay For TV Ads Starring Himself

"""Here are 6 things you need to know about the investigation:

1. Congress raised alarms about the ads in August. In August, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) alerted the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that the Christie administration may have “irresponsibly misappropriated funding allocated by Congress from the Sandy aid package” and used funds set aside for promoting the state “for political purposes.” “[T]he contract was awarded to a firm that is charging over $2 million more than the next lowest bidder to develop the marketing plan,” Pallone wrote, noting that “the winning bid proposed including Governor Chris Christie in the advertisements, while the lower cost proposal that was not selected did not.” “It is inappropriate for taxpayer-funded dollars that are critical to our state’s recovery from this natural disaster to fund commercials that could potentially benefit a political campaign.”

2. Conservatives questioned Christie’s staring role. In November, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said Christie’s appearance in the television ads gave the recovery effort a “black eye.” “People running for office put their mug all over these ads while they were in the middle of a political campaign,” Paul said during a committee hearing. “In New Jersey, $25 million was spent on ads that included somebody running for political office. You think there might be a conflict of interest there? That’s a real problem and that’s why when people who are trying to do good and trying to use taxpayers’ money wisely, they’re offended to see our money spent on political ads. That’s just offensive.”

3. Chair of bidding committee has close ties to Christie. A six-member bid evaluation committee of Christie administration officials selected the higher price despite issuing a report that said Sigma’s proposal also “addressed the tasks and deliverables specified in the RFQ (request for quotation) … (and) could effectively meet the requirements of this RFQ.” Michele Brown, a close Christie aid, led the bid evaluation. “Brown is a former federal prosecutor in New Jersey but resigned that post in 2009 amid controversy over a loan of $46,000 from Christie,” Asbury Park Press reports.

4. The winning firm donated thousands to Republicans. The East Rutherford, New Jersey based MWW Firm has donated heavily to Democrats, but “MWW employees donated $1,000 to Christie’s 2009 Republican gubernatorial primary campaign and $1,500 to his 2010 inaugural committee.” The MWW Group PAC “spent $95,250 in the 2012 federal election cycle, with 73 percent of the money going to Democrats, though the largest single expenditure, $5,000, went to the National Republican Congressional Committee.” The losing ad firm, Sigma, did not make any political contributions.

5. The winning firm originally sought more money. Contract documents reveal that “MWW’s team had sought $5.2 million in labor costs and markups, with company CEO Kempner requesting his own compensation to be set at $595 per hour. After negotiations with state officials, MWW reduced its price and removed Kempner from the compensation list.”

6. Christie says he selected firm for its “statewide connections.” The Christie administration insists that MWW was the best choice, claiming that it had “statewide connections that would allow it to mobilize quickly to perform the high-stakes work of boosting tourism in the first summer season since superstorm Sandy.” “The size and scope of the PR campaign that MWW undertook was far larger and more labor-intensive than any other bidder’s,” said Michael Drewniak, a Christie spokesperson. """""

Christie Allegedly Diverted Millions In Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds To Pay For TV Ads Starring Himself | ThinkProgress

lol. Thin Progress. Now I get it. Now I see why you are so paranoid.

Sparky....listen up....

The Jersey shore is important to the financial success of the residents of NJ.

The advertising was necessary to inform the region that the shore is ready for their summer business.

Christie didn't star in them. He had cameo appearances in each one....pretty much what you see for ALL state ads...Governors always close the ads with a few words.

Grow up child.

Now do you see why Christie should have appointed Steve Lonegan to replace Lautenberg?
Oh and lots of people want to be President of the United States. But most have no chance of ever seeing it. Christie is one of those people. He had no shot of being nominated before his scandals. And now even his progressive supporters in the Republican party are running away from him.

They guy is nobody. He's a corrupt politician who will get his in the end.

Meanwhile, we have an even more corrupt politician in the White House and you defend him and pretend as if he has done nothing. pathetic.

not true. the bolded part.

the unbolded - is the ultimate truth ;)
Now do you see why Christie should have appointed Steve Lonegan to replace Lautenberg?

yes. now THAT was a huge mistake on his part

He thought Dems were his friends

no, he did not. You really are a romantic one.

he miscalculated on something.

politicians at that levels do not believe in friendships and especially the ones which are formed in tri-state area.

They ALL are sharks and know that any slightest sign of weakness will let the other side tear you up into pieces.

I don't know exactly what the deal was for this particular matter, since I do not live in the area now and do not follow the local news.

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