This is why leftists are tearing down all the statues and erasing history.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

The history of slavery and the KKK are exclusive to the democrook party. In an Orwellian effort, the left is now hell bent on removing any and all parts of history, including those monuments to Emancipation in order to have future generations not even aware that the nanny government party was the party of bondage and servitude. They don't want to get rid of the Andrew Jackson monument because they believe he did the indians wrong, they couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the indians. They don't want Wilson's name and pictures stricken from history because they have a sense of moral outrage at his rabid racist agenda. They haven't torn down the Grant statue because they find some flaw in his character, they want the history erased so that they can pretend the DNC isn't what it is. An Anti-American tyrannical and criminal syndicate.

Most of us who have a functioning frontal lobe and read 1984 along with Animal Farm recognize exactly what the minions of Queen Antifa are doing. We see these books as a warning, leftists see them as instructions to create a dystopia. It's a sinister agenda to wipe the brutal history of the DNC out, and send it down the memory hole. The same way they pretend the National Socialist Workers Party were "right wing", and yet somehow more evil than Mao or even Stalin.

Do not allow yourselves to be under any illusion they are motivated by some lofty agenda to make people, specifically black people, feel more equal, or right the wrongs done to minorities by their democrook ancestors. Do not forget how they're bound and determined to keep all those abortion clinics full of black women, and how they've loaded up our prisons with black men. These people are criminal sociopaths, and their voters are vacuous drones.

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I don't buy statues and I don't destroy statues. I really have nothing to do with them at all and don't care about them.If other people have issue with them...I don't care. The pigeons love the statues we should think about the pigeons also and their needs...
The history of slavery and the KKK are exclusive to the democrook party. In an Orwellian effort, the left is now hell bent on removing any and all parts of history, including those monuments to Emancipation in order to have future generations not even aware that the nanny government party was the party of bondage and servitude. They don't want to get rid of the Andrew Jackson monument because they believe he did the indians wrong, they couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the indians. They don't want Wilson's name and pictures stricken from history because they have a sense of moral outrage at his rabid racist agenda. They haven't torn down the Grant statue because they find some flaw in his character, they want the history erased so that they can pretend the DNC isn't what it is. An Anti-American tyrannical and criminal syndicate.

Most of us who have a functioning frontal lobe and read 1984 along with Animal Farm recognize exactly what the minions of Queen Antifa are doing. We see these books as a warning, leftists see them as instructions to create a dystopia. It's a sinister agenda to wipe the brutal history of the DNC out, and send it down the memory hole. The same way they pretend the National Socialist Workers Party were "right wing", and yet somehow more evil than Mao or even Stalin.

Do not allow yourselves to be under any illusion they are motivated by some lofty agenda to make people, specifically black people, feel more equal, or right the wrongs done to minorities by their democrook ancestors. Do not forget how they're bound and determined to keep all those abortion clinics full of black women, and how they've loaded up our prisons with black men. These people are criminal sociopaths, and their voters are vacuous drones.

They are doing it because they hate America. It’s an assault on our history, especially everything to do with white people. They hate white european, Christian and capitalism, period. They want to destroy every symbol of it, just like ISIS destroying any monument that isn’t Islamic.
I don't buy statues and I don't destroy statues. I really have nothing to do with them at all and don't care about them.If other people have issue with them...I don't care. The pigeons love the statues we should think about the pigeons also and their needs...

Great, then you may want to curb all your loony friends.
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They are doing it because they hate America. It’s an assault on our history, especially everything to do with white people. They hate white european, Christian and capitalism, period. They want to destroy every symbol of it, just like ISIS destroying any monument that isn’t Islamic.

I can't argue with you there, the bed wetters are consumed with hatred. Hate and Envy are the vehicles of their entire political philosophy. At some point however, it may become politically expedient for them to suddenly throw muslims under the bus to maintain the fag vote, or vice versa, and the next thing you know they will be revising history. It will be the republicrats who are the queer freaks of nature putting men in women's clothes.

Or if it's suddenly a trend to embrace Christianity, they will insist it was republicrats suing every entity to have all Christian Symbols torn down. That's how fucking sick these mother fuckers are.


The history of slavery and the KKK are exclusive to the democrook party. In an Orwellian effort, the left is now hell bent on removing any and all parts of history, including those monuments to Emancipation in order to have future generations not even aware that the nanny government party was the party of bondage and servitude. They don't want to get rid of the Andrew Jackson monument because they believe he did the indians wrong, they couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the indians. They don't want Wilson's name and pictures stricken from history because they have a sense of moral outrage at his rabid racist agenda. They haven't torn down the Grant statue because they find some flaw in his character, they want the history erased so that they can pretend the DNC isn't what it is. An Anti-American tyrannical and criminal syndicate.

Most of us who have a functioning frontal lobe and read 1984 along with Animal Farm recognize exactly what the minions of Queen Antifa are doing. We see these books as a warning, leftists see them as instructions to create a dystopia. It's a sinister agenda to wipe the brutal history of the DNC out, and send it down the memory hole. The same way they pretend the National Socialist Workers Party were "right wing", and yet somehow more evil than Mao or even Stalin.

Do not allow yourselves to be under any illusion they are motivated by some lofty agenda to make people, specifically black people, feel more equal, or right the wrongs done to minorities by their democrook ancestors. Do not forget how they're bound and determined to keep all those abortion clinics full of black women, and how they've loaded up our prisons with black men. These people are criminal sociopaths, and their voters are vacuous drones.

Leftist extremist Democrats are the scum of the earth and the greatest threat to mankind.
I saw a vid on this this AM. Everything involved in all of America's history is racist.
This is what they believe.
Certain communist professors and maybe some teachers need to be hanging yesterday for doing this to these kids.
I say start the purge with them, because they knew better.
It's like this:
There's too many to jail, and they can't be fixed, AFAIK. Provide a solution and that's great!
They gotta go, IMHO. :dunno:
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The history of slavery and the KKK are exclusive to the democrook party. In an Orwellian effort, the left is now hell bent on removing any and all parts of history, including those monuments to Emancipation in order to have future generations not even aware that the nanny government party was the party of bondage and servitude. They don't want to get rid of the Andrew Jackson monument because they believe he did the indians wrong, they couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the indians. They don't want Wilson's name and pictures stricken from history because they have a sense of moral outrage at his rabid racist agenda. They haven't torn down the Grant statue because they find some flaw in his character, they want the history erased so that they can pretend the DNC isn't what it is. An Anti-American tyrannical and criminal syndicate.

Most of us who have a functioning frontal lobe and read 1984 along with Animal Farm recognize exactly what the minions of Queen Antifa are doing. We see these books as a warning, leftists see them as instructions to create a dystopia. It's a sinister agenda to wipe the brutal history of the DNC out, and send it down the memory hole. The same way they pretend the National Socialist Workers Party were "right wing", and yet somehow more evil than Mao or even Stalin.

Do not allow yourselves to be under any illusion they are motivated by some lofty agenda to make people, specifically black people, feel more equal, or right the wrongs done to minorities by their democrook ancestors. Do not forget how they're bound and determined to keep all those abortion clinics full of black women, and how they've loaded up our prisons with black men. These people are criminal sociopaths, and their voters are vacuous drones.

/——-/ America also destroyed the Left’s idols, the Nazis and USSR.

The history of slavery and the KKK are exclusive to the democrook party. In an Orwellian effort, the left is now hell bent on removing any and all parts of history, including those monuments to Emancipation in order to have future generations not even aware that the nanny government party was the party of bondage and servitude. They don't want to get rid of the Andrew Jackson monument because they believe he did the indians wrong, they couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the indians. They don't want Wilson's name and pictures stricken from history because they have a sense of moral outrage at his rabid racist agenda. They haven't torn down the Grant statue because they find some flaw in his character, they want the history erased so that they can pretend the DNC isn't what it is. An Anti-American tyrannical and criminal syndicate.

Most of us who have a functioning frontal lobe and read 1984 along with Animal Farm recognize exactly what the minions of Queen Antifa are doing. We see these books as a warning, leftists see them as instructions to create a dystopia. It's a sinister agenda to wipe the brutal history of the DNC out, and send it down the memory hole. The same way they pretend the National Socialist Workers Party were "right wing", and yet somehow more evil than Mao or even Stalin.

Do not allow yourselves to be under any illusion they are motivated by some lofty agenda to make people, specifically black people, feel more equal, or right the wrongs done to minorities by their democrook ancestors. Do not forget how they're bound and determined to keep all those abortion clinics full of black women, and how they've loaded up our prisons with black men. These people are criminal sociopaths, and their voters are vacuous drones.

Absolutely fantastic post, thanks.
The history of slavery and the KKK are exclusive to the democrook party. In an Orwellian effort, the left is now hell bent on removing any and all parts of history, including those monuments to Emancipation in order to have future generations not even aware that the nanny government party was the party of bondage and servitude. They don't want to get rid of the Andrew Jackson monument because they believe he did the indians wrong, they couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the indians. They don't want Wilson's name and pictures stricken from history because they have a sense of moral outrage at his rabid racist agenda. They haven't torn down the Grant statue because they find some flaw in his character, they want the history erased so that they can pretend the DNC isn't what it is. An Anti-American tyrannical and criminal syndicate.

Most of us who have a functioning frontal lobe and read 1984 along with Animal Farm recognize exactly what the minions of Queen Antifa are doing. We see these books as a warning, leftists see them as instructions to create a dystopia. It's a sinister agenda to wipe the brutal history of the DNC out, and send it down the memory hole. The same way they pretend the National Socialist Workers Party were "right wing", and yet somehow more evil than Mao or even Stalin.

Do not allow yourselves to be under any illusion they are motivated by some lofty agenda to make people, specifically black people, feel more equal, or right the wrongs done to minorities by their democrook ancestors. Do not forget how they're bound and determined to keep all those abortion clinics full of black women, and how they've loaded up our prisons with black men. These people are criminal sociopaths, and their voters are vacuous drones.

They are doing it because they hate America. It’s an assault on our history, especially everything to do with white people. They hate white european, Christian and capitalism, period. They want to destroy every symbol of it, just like ISIS destroying any monument that isn’t Islamic.
I don't buy statues and I don't destroy statues. I really have nothing to do with them at all and don't care about them.If other people have issue with them...I don't care. The pigeons love the statues we should think about the pigeons also and their needs...
Wow, what a DUMB post. Congratulations.
Conquest typically creates a reconfiguration of what any nation--even conquered--is allowed to revere. One outcome of the relatively civilized, Roman Conquest: Was in fact to not disturb the local prayers.

Now There is $2.5 tril. deficit spending. The Banks are flush with deposits. Federal Reserve has pulled no major triggers. Continuing jobless claims are in decline: Even as some might say, "Apparently nobody works for a living, anymore!"

Targeted symbols then alleged divisive--then removed--can be said to acknowledge: Even a New Economic Spirit on the earth. This is not your great-great grandfather's year 2020.

Start with Acts 7, New Testament--acknowledgement that Moses was Pharaoh-skilled. Go to Old Testament. Moses was a rich "old" man of Pharaoh's subjugation brand. Deut 23: 19-20, is about subjugation, and not about foreign aid. Then fast-forward centuries to Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "O'Christ!" Matthew 25: 14-30 is about the old usury economics, foisted off centuries before. A low income household, basically: Might as well take the Talent and bury it. They can't possibly keep up in the computing. If that becomes a diagonal in a rectangle picture of Matt 20: 1-16--equal amount payments from the starting incomes of the labors, then equally reimbursed. The diagonal even shows the inadequacy of the usury-computing in a visual, possible noticed by Carpenter's Son--and if not so much some of the one or another deities(?), sons(?).

You mainly find that, now, in current events. It is not in the schools.

Great Hippie, Ken Kesey: Is a founder of "The Free Venice Beachhead," (in some legend), where the great extension of the McGovernite legacy then appeared thirty to forty years ago--in serial format, looking like a box of cereal! House Speakers understand these matters.

Even the cereal box images are changing.

Oh Great Beachhead! (Noting that wearing clothes is also a lawful behavior(?)!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly: Teaching is not possible at any grade level, without the doctoral degree--unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort!")
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I knew shit was starting to go extremely south of sane when they went after H.P. Lovecraft a few years back. Now the TV show they're making based on his work is all people of color in the lead roles of his stories. Howard Phillips is rolling over in his grave. May Cthulhu smite all these leftist fairies.
Wow, sorry to hear that about Lovecraft's work. Just dreadful.

I knew shit was starting to go extremely south of sane when they went after H.P. Lovecraft a few years back. Now the TV show they're making based on his work is all people of color in the lead roles of his stories. Howard Phillips is rolling over in his grave. May Cthulhu smite all these leftist fairies.
Wow, sorry to hear that about Lovecraft's work. Just dreadful.

According to the radical left our hallowed father of modern horror is now King Racist.

I knew shit was starting to go extremely south of sane when they went after H.P. Lovecraft a few years back. Now the TV show they're making based on his work is all people of color in the lead roles of his stories. Howard Phillips is rolling over in his grave. May Cthulhu smite all these leftist fairies.
Wow, sorry to hear that about Lovecraft's work. Just dreadful.

According to the radical left our hallowed father of modern horror is now King Racist.
True, very true. AND dreadful.
Even State Farm Insurance change "Jake, from State Farm," from a white guy to a black guy. Pure blatant pathetic BLM pandering.

I called USAA today and got quotes. I will be switching all my insurance to them Monday morning, and canceling all the State Farm, and if they don't ask me why, I'll tell them anyway.

It worked out well regardless. I'll be saving about $1,400 a year with USAA. I usually like to shop and spend local, and the SF office was local, but when they start in with the leftist SJW pandering, I'm done.

The history of slavery and the KKK are exclusive to the democrook party. In an Orwellian effort, the left is now hell bent on removing any and all parts of history, including those monuments to Emancipation in order to have future generations not even aware that the nanny government party was the party of bondage and servitude. They don't want to get rid of the Andrew Jackson monument because they believe he did the indians wrong, they couldn't give a fruit fly's fuck about the indians. They don't want Wilson's name and pictures stricken from history because they have a sense of moral outrage at his rabid racist agenda. They haven't torn down the Grant statue because they find some flaw in his character, they want the history erased so that they can pretend the DNC isn't what it is. An Anti-American tyrannical and criminal syndicate.

Most of us who have a functioning frontal lobe and read 1984 along with Animal Farm recognize exactly what the minions of Queen Antifa are doing. We see these books as a warning, leftists see them as instructions to create a dystopia. It's a sinister agenda to wipe the brutal history of the DNC out, and send it down the memory hole. The same way they pretend the National Socialist Workers Party were "right wing", and yet somehow more evil than Mao or even Stalin.

Do not allow yourselves to be under any illusion they are motivated by some lofty agenda to make people, specifically black people, feel more equal, or right the wrongs done to minorities by their democrook ancestors. Do not forget how they're bound and determined to keep all those abortion clinics full of black women, and how they've loaded up our prisons with black men. These people are criminal sociopaths, and their voters are vacuous drones.

Isn't it interesting how they are tearing down statues of racist Democrats like Jackson and Wilson???

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