Zone1 This Is Why Reparations Are Owed NOW!

Who’s saying they will be “kept down”? They just won’t be getting the advantage of racial privilege because they’re black.

And threats just make you look entitled.
Lisa558, I saw a video last night about the "Unite the Right" protest in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. You remember the one where they were saying "Jews will not replace us?" And Donald Trump said, "There were good people on both sides?" And a young lady named Heather Heyer was killed by a neo-Nazi when he ran his car into a crowd of counter protestors?
Do you ever make any threads about the antisemitism coming from White nationalists/Alt-Right/White Supremacist? Or is it easier to just pick on African-Americans and Mexicans?
Lisa558, I saw a video last night about the "Unite the Right" protest in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. You remember the one where they were saying "Jews will not replace us?" And Donald Trump said, "There were good people on both sides?" And a young lady named Heather Heyer was killed by a neo-Nazi when he ran his car into a crowd of counter protestors?
Do you ever make any threads about the antisemitism coming from White nationalists/Alt-Right/White Supremacist? Or is it easier to just pick on African-Americans and Mexicans?
Oh, Charlottesville again. That was years ago.

The fact that you people have to keep bringing up an incident from the last decade proves how infrequent these fringe nutcases are. The antisemitism coming from the Left is imbedded in their elected officers.

Example: Antisemitism has been getting very bad in the liberal county I live in, aided by a pro-Palestinian Muslim on the School Board. Nice Jewish kids are routinely getting beat up.

Nothing much was done because, as I said, the whole county is liberal, run by liberals. But when we got a Republican Governor, one of the first things he did was set up a Commission to Combat Antisemitism. When the members came up with their proposals to ramp down the Jew-hate, the REPUBLICANS on the legislature immediately voted for all of them. Guess who didn’t? The Democrats! They were afraid that the Muslims might be offended. Fortunately, with a massive email campaign to gain their support, the Dems agreed to support the proposals.

I‘ll stick with the side setting up legislation to combat antisemitism, and that side is the Rs.
Oh, Charlottesville again. That was years ago.

The fact that you people have to keep bringing up an incident from the last decade proves how infrequent these fringe nutcases are. The antisemitism coming from the Left is imbedded in their elected officers.

Example: Antisemitism has been getting very bad in the liberal county I live in, aided by a pro-Palestinian Muslim on the School Board. Nice Jewish kids are routinely getting beat up.

Nothing much was done because, as I said, the whole county is liberal, run by liberals. But when we got a Republican Governor, one of the first things he did was set up a Commission to Combat Antisemitism. When the members came up with their proposals to ramp down the Jew-hate, the REPUBLICANS on the legislature immediately voted for all of them. Guess who didn’t? The Democrats! They were afraid that the Muslims might be offended. Fortunately, with a massive email campaign to gain their support, the Dems agreed to support the proposals.

I‘ll stick with the side setting up legislation to combat antisemitism, and that side is the Rs.
You don't sound like a Jewish person. Just sayin'
Oh, Charlottesville again. That was years ago.

The fact that you people have to keep bringing up an incident from the last decade proves how infrequent these fringe nutcases are. The antisemitism coming from the Left is imbedded in their elected officers.

Example: Antisemitism has been getting very bad in the liberal county I live in, aided by a pro-Palestinian Muslim on the School Board. Nice Jewish kids are routinely getting beat up.

Nothing much was done because, as I said, the whole county is liberal, run by liberals. But when we got a Republican Governor, one of the first things he did was set up a Commission to Combat Antisemitism. When the members came up with their proposals to ramp down the Jew-hate, the REPUBLICANS on the legislature immediately voted for all of them. Guess who didn’t? The Democrats! They were afraid that the Muslims might be offended. Fortunately, with a massive email campaign to gain their support, the Dems agreed to support the proposals.

I‘ll stick with the side setting up legislation to combat antisemitism, and that side is the Rs.
"Oh Charlottesville again. That was years ago". What about the Holocaust? That was years ago too. I have never heard a Jewish person make light of antisemitism like that.
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You don't sound like a Jewish person. Just sayin'
Not sure wtf that’s supposed to mean. Just because I choose to support the side whose politicians are working to ramp down on antisemitism? Or is it “if you ain’t a Democrat, you ain’t Jewish”?
"Oh Charlottesville again. That was years ago". What about the Holocaust? That was years ago too. I have never heard a Jewish person make light of antisemitism like that.
You know what I said: that you keep bringing up the same ONE incident from years ago.
Not sure wtf that’s supposed to mean. Just because I choose to support the side whose politicians are working to ramp down on antisemitism? Or is it “if you ain’t a Democrat, you ain’t Jewish”?
You just don't sound like a Jewish person. You make excuses for people who are antisemitic. I've never seen a Jewish person do that. Usually they are very protective of their race/religion.
Not sure wtf that’s supposed to mean. Just because I choose to support the side whose politicians are working to ramp down on antisemitism? Or is it “if you ain’t a Democrat, you ain’t Jewish”?
On another political message board I used to go to, I would pay close attention to the different posters to see if they sounded like who they said they were. It was a fun exercise. A few of them would let their guard down occasionally, and give themselves away. :oops8:
On another political message board I used to go to, I would pay close attention to the different posters to see if they sounded like who they said they were. It was a fun exercise. A few of them would let their guard down occasionally, and give themselves away. :oops8:
You’re completely ridiculous.
You Moon Bats always deny reality. In this case the reality of the thievery of a grocery store by the goddamn Blacks.

Blacks commit fraud and simple store thievery any way they can get away with it. When they can't commit fraud the bastards loot, like we saw on the news over the week end.
What you have to say doesn't count, racist. Whites steal billions and you're talking about a few cheap items stolen at a local store as if that's the same. That's the reality you don't have the manhood to face.

In order to be even marginally capable as a manager or a professional one needs an IQ of at least 115. Hardly any blacks do. On the other hand, one quarter of blacks have IQ's below 75. At that point they have difficulty performing minimum wage jobs.
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What you have to say doesn't count, racist. Whites steal billions and you're talking about a few cheap items stolen at a local store as if that's the same. That's the reality you don't have the manhood to face.
Whites earn billions.

The only blacks who make much money legally are athletes and entertainers.
white people should get reparations for paying for welfare for so many decades.....white have been feeding the baby making machines in the hood for decades

The Social Security Act of 1935 created the Social Security program, state unemployment insurance, and assistance to single women with children.

Let’s talk about the assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act. Title IV provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910. The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position.

Basically, welfare has existed in America from 1910. Whites have received this assistance since 1910. Blacks also pay taxes, so the OP's comments show that he or she is ignorant.
Keep dreaming. African-Americans will not be kept down. We have went thru too much already. Many years ago a young civil rights worker said, "Either we will have a seat at the table, or we will kick the legs off the table".
I agree. :113:

The only ones keeping blacks down are blacks, with their thug prison culture. 50% of homicide victims are black, even though they represent 13% of the population. 80% of those are black on black killings.

Keep dreaming. African-Americans will not be kept down. We have went thru too much already. Many years ago a young civil rights worker said, "Either we will have a seat at the table, or we will kick the legs off the table".
I agree. :113:
I thought you were doing graduate work? The proper English is “we have GONE through” instead of went through.

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