Zone1 This Is Why Reparations Are Owed NOW!

My graduate work is in teaching.

Answers to my test: 1) From the river to the sea is taken to mean that the Palestinians don't want Jewish people in Israel. The Palestinians consider all that land to belong to them. They resent the Jewish people for even living there.
2) The country of Israel was created from the Ottoman Empire after WW2.
3) The symbol that the Jewish people were forced to wear by the Nazis was the STAR OF DAVID. They forced them to wear this symbol so they could easily recognize them.

You get an F. Please study up on Jewish culture and history before claiming to be Jewish. I know more about Judaism than you do and I'm an African-American woman.
You must have gotten into graduate school on an affirmative action program. The Ottoman Empire ceased to exist long before the beginning of the Second World War.

The British conquered Palestine from the Ottoman Empire during the First World War, and invited Jews to move there.

Your knowledge of Judaism is as flimsy as your knowledge of the slave trade.
You must have gotten into graduate school on an affirmative action program. The Ottoman Empire ceased to exist long before the beginning of the Second World War.

The British conquered Palestine from the Ottoman Empire during the First World War, and invited Jews to move there.

Your knowledge of Judaism is as flimsy as your knowledge of the slave trade.
She thinks I’m not Jewish and lying about it for some unfathomable reason. She thinks her “test” was a gotcha. She’s an odd one.
My graduate work is in teaching. I'm going to give you a test. Please answer these questions:
1) There is a phrase that Jewish people hate. It is: "We desire a free Palestine, from the river to the sea". What does this phrase mean?
It means that the Palestinians do not accept the country of Israel, so they cannot be negotiated with. The Palestinians are the only people I know of who demand unconditional surrender and the extinction of a nation that has defeated them time and time again.
2) What empire was Israel created out of?
The land was a British protectorate after World War I.
3) What symbol were Jewish people forced to wear by the Nazis?
The Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a yellow star of David with the word "Jew" written inside of it.
Anyone well versed in Judaism will know the answers to these questions. Don't cheat by googling the answers OK?
Here is a question for you: where and how does the Koran guarantee the land of Israel for the Children of Israel?
That's Why We Never Should Have Given These Spoiled Moochers Any Welfare at All
And now McCarthy wants to return to the Clinto era where people on government charity have to work, and the libs are screaming bloody murder. “Make people work?! Oh, no! How can we create a nation of lazy non-producers if we require something like that?”
It means that the Palestinians do not accept the country of Israel, so they cannot be negotiated with. The Palestinians are the only people I know of who demand unconditional surrender and the extinction of a nation that has defeated them time and time again.

The land was a British protectorate after World War I.

The Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a yellow star of David with the word "Jew" written inside of it.

Here is a question for you: where and how does the Koran guarantee the land of Israel for the Children of Israel?
And that black activist is asking me what symbol the Nazis forced the Jews to wear in order to “expose” me for not really being a Jew? What the hell is THAT all about? My (step)grandfather, may he RIP, hid out in the forests of Poland for two years, subsisting on plants and insects and an occasional small rodent, and she thinks I’m not Jewish?
Watch me not care. They were not working for me. I owe them nothing. I will give them nothing.

Reparations are not coming. What are coming are an end to affirmative action, deep cuts in welfare, and a much tougher criminal justice system.
Declaration of Independence From Dependency

What is coming is deportation of the feral parasites to a separate country comprising the soft-touched Blue States. Easy pickings for pickaninnies.
That's Why We Never Should Have Given These Spoiled Moochers Any Welfare at All
When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during the New Deal in the 1930's it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. When the War on Poverty was declared in 1965 - right before the beginning of five years of black ghetto riots, by the way - single mothers and their illegitimate children were included. The illegitimacy rate soared.

Right now Republicans are trying to cut spending. I advocate a complete and immediate end to any support for single mothers and their illegitimate children.
Yes, the Europeans were criminal parasites. Look how much they made off the land STOLEN from Native Americans. Look how much money they made off the labor of ENSLAVED Africans. :mad:
Slavery Was Punishment. A Race That Acted Like Wild Animals Needed to Be Tamed.

Whites made a lot of money off chain gangs, too, and the government had its prison costs covered from those contracts. We need to go back to that.
100% of the Whites who created the TransAtlantic slave trade were CRIMINALS. They uprooted millions of Africans from their homes and took away their names, languages, religion and history. They committed a horrible crime against humanity.
Those people who suffered and those who inflicted crimes are dead. This has ZERO to do with the post you replied to.
Cita Data banned me twice...fuck em.

100% of the Whites who created the TransAtlantic slave trade were CRIMINALS. They uprooted millions of Africans from their homes and took away their names, languages, religion and history. They committed a horrible crime against humanity.
No, they bought what other black Africans sold them as property. During the time slaves were imported into the colonies, slavery was legal in every country of the world. It was the British and Americans who ended the slave trade on the seas while black Africans continue to enslave other black Africans to this day. You talk about slavery being evil. What has any Black country done to fight slavery? Haiti is the only case and all it did was revolt against its French masters. It didn’t do anything outside its own borders to assist slaves anywhere else.
100% of the Whites who created the TransAtlantic slave trade were CRIMINALS. They uprooted millions of Africans from their homes and took away their names, languages, religion and history. They committed a horrible crime against humanity.

You seem to have very little knowledge of how the African slave trade was conducted. I wasn't whites who captured blacks to sell them into the slave trade, but other blacks. And they are still doing it to this day. Funny how all I see American blacks doin is bitching an crying about what happened more than 150 years ago here, but I don't know of a single one of you that are in a hurry to return to your home continent to put a stop to slave trade that is occurring today.

She thinks I’m not Jewish and lying about it for some unfathomable reason. She thinks her “test” was a gotcha. She’s an odd one.

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