Zone1 This Is Why Reparations Are Owed NOW!

Poor child, if percent of the population is going to be your yard stick, whites would be committing 77% of crimes to equal your stated population. Blacks commit crimes at a rate greater than their population and you claim is all our fault. BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Committing a crime is an individual CHOICE AT THE MOMENT, anyone can chose to walk away and stay on the right side of the law, INCLUDING BLACKS. Don't blame anyone for your choices.


Blacks do not commit crimes in greater rate than our population. 2.1 percent of all Americans were criminal offenders the last time I checked crime stats. Out of that 2.1 percemt whites were 1.06 percent and blacks, 0.6. According to you, crime is an individual choice and the record shows that more white individuals are choosing to commit crimes. Now until you face white racism to understand exactly what it does to people, shut up trying to tell us who do that white racism is not a factor.
Honey, go lay down for awhile. You are starting to hallucinate. How do you know how immigrants feel? Sheesh!:rolleyes:
YOU sure as hell don't know anything about how immigrants feel. That becomes more clear with every stupid statement you post on the subject.

You don't want blacks to work, educate themselves, and succeed. You just want them to remain beggars, living for handouts from those Americans who are willing to work and support themselves.

Will blacks ever assimilate into advanced societies? Sure doesn't look like it.
"It takes a special level of chutzpah for black activists to demand ”reparations” when the country is $32T is debt.."

No, it really doesn't. We would not be 32 trillion in debt if not for white racism.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”
-The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

Besides, when you owe money the debt collector doesn't care what additional debts you have.
YOU sure as hell don't know anything about how immigrants feel. That becomes more clear with every stupid statement you post on the subject.

You don't want blacks to work, educate themselves, and succeed. You just want them to remain beggars, living for handouts from those Americans who are willing to work and support themselves.

Will blacks ever assimilate into advanced societies? Sure doesn't look like it.

Apparently you went to school with Jethro Bodine.

Whites have lived for handouts since 1776.
Blacks do not commit crimes in greater rate than our population. 2.1 percent of all Americans were criminal offenders the last time I checked crime stats. Out of that 2.1 percemt whites were 1.06 percent and blacks, 0.6. According to you, crime is an individual choice and the record shows that more white individuals are choosing to commit crimes. Now until you face white racism to understand exactly what it does to people, shut up trying to tell us who do that white racism is not a factor.

I guess if you can't dazzle folks with brilliance, I see you attempt to baffle them with BULLSHIT.

Show me ONE category in these tables where blacks were less than 13% of the offenders.

So blacks can't be responsible for their personal choices, is that what you're saying?

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I guess if you can't dazzle folks with brilliance, I see you attempt to baffle them with BULLSHIT.

Show me ONE category in these tables where blacks were less than 13% of the offenders.


Some whites stay stuck on dumb ---.


This is arrest data, not offenders. Furthermore count those numbers as a subset of the U.S. population. Notice that whites lead in every category but 2 or 3. If there are 30 categories of crime and you lead in arrests in 28 of those cateegories you have the problem.

There are things we disproportionately face that whites don't that racists such as yourself don't want to factor into the equation.

You see idiot, if populations were the same, wealth would be the same, the number of businesses that employ people would be the same,, etc., etc. So many of the problems that cause crime would not exist in black communities and we would not have the rate of crime whites currently have, even as whites have the most of everything.
Some whites stay stuck on dumb ---.

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This is arrest data, not offenders. Furthermore count those numbers as a subset of the U.S. population. Notice that whites lead in every category but 2 or 3. If there are 30 categories of crime and you lead in arrests in 28 of those cateegories you have the problem.

There are things we disproportionately face that whites don't that racists such as yourself don't want to factor into the equation.

You see idiot, if populations were the same, wealth would be the same, the number of businesses that employ people would be the same,, etc., etc. So many of the problems that cause crime would not exist in black communities and we would not have the rate of crime whites currently have, even as whites have the most of everything.

If you bothered to look at the right side of the tables where it gives percentages of those by race, you'd see the real story. BTW I'm not trying to make excuses for whites and their bad choices, like you seem to be doing for blacks.

Keep dreaming. African-Americans will not be kept down. We have went thru too much already. Many years ago a young civil rights worker said, "Either we will have a seat at the table, or we will kick the legs off the table".
I agree. :113:
I would love to see you disgusting parasites start that kind of trouble.

Maybe that would motivate whites to load your worthless asses onto ships and move ALL blacks back to africa, where they belong.
Yes, the Europeans were criminal parasites. Look how much they made off the land STOLEN from Native Americans. Look how much money they made off the labor of ENSLAVED Africans. :mad:
If you're so concerned about land stolen from Indians why don't you leave? You've benefited from it too.

And there were loads of black slave owners, too. So go beg THEM for your fucking reparations. Lotsa luck with that.
100% of the Whites who created the TransAtlantic slave trade were CRIMINALS. They uprooted millions of Africans from their homes and took away their names, languages, religion and history. They committed a horrible crime against humanity.

Africans, themselves, created the African slave trade.

The Africans captured their black enemies and brought them to the coast where they sold them as slaves to anyone stupid enough to buy them.
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What she’s basically doing is extortion: you give us the money we demand or we will go on a savage rampage through the cities again.
The government should declare open season on all of these animals. All they do is cause problems, commit crimes, loot, and destroy everything they touch.

As soon as the riots and thievery begin again, these buzzards should begin dropping like flies.
The government should declare open season on all of these animals. All they do is cause problems, commit crimes, loot, and destroy everything they touch.

As soon as the riots and thievery begin again, these buzzards should begin dropping like flies.
My worry is Susan Rice. She has her primary focus on “achieving racial equity,” which means of course favoring blacks over whites in every facet of society: college admissions, grad school admission, hires for prestigious jobs, promotions, jobs in advertising, hand-oit programs, etc., etc., etc. It also means the violent ones will get a get-out-of-jail-free card.

And she is being groomed to replace Kamala Harris. We may be looking at the next president: a racist black advancing even further the anti-white racism sweeping the county. And we can count on ignorant and/or self-loathing whites to cheer her on.

I hate both Kamala and Susan Rice. Dems and blacks are destroying this country.

And the way Biden shovels money at these losers, their votes are bought and paid for, for years to come.
I hate both Kamala and Susan Rice. Dems and blacks are destroying this country.

And the way Biden shovels money at these losers, their votes are bought and paid for, for years to come.
I think Rice is worse - and that’s because she’s no dummy, like Harris. A smart evil person is a dangerous combination.

To your second point, his most recent proposal is just showering incapable, irresponsible people with even more money - and driving us further into debt. What’s surreal is that a third of the people agree with him, and they fall into three camps:

1) the incapable, irresponsible people who would be getting the handouts
2) government workers with inflated salaries, inflation-tied raises, ans cradle-to-grave job security
3) the wealthy elitists living in places like Bethesda, MD and the Upper West Side of NY where they can buy them way out of the consequences of the leftist policies they vote for.
Keep dreaming. If Affirmative Action ends or if welfare cuts do come, there will be something else to take the place of those programs. SO---the only thing I am concerned about is reparations. :icon_sjung:
If they make cuts to welfare, will that affect your family members? I hope not.
When the deep welfare cuts come the tax payers have no obligation to replace them with anything but a criminal justice system of ferocious cruelty. There are jobs for welfare recipients. They are the same jobs illegal immigrants risk their lives to fill. They are low quality jobs, but welfare recipients are low quality people.

I want an abrupt and total end to any government assistance to welfare mothers and their illegitimate children. That would not be a problem for anyone in the United States I care about. What about you?
What you have to say doesn't count, racist.
A racist is someone who knows what most blacks are like. The United States would be a far better country if the slave trade had not been allowed, and if free Negroes had not been allowed to move here.
Ms. Turquoise got into graduate school because of affirmative action.
Yes, those are the odds. And I believe she said it’s in the field of education. How can someone be a teacher when she can’t even speak English correctly? I’ve had occasion to speak to teachers who work in DC public schools, and they set an awful example for our children.
Basically, welfare has existed in America from 1910. Whites have received this assistance since 1910. Blacks also pay taxes, so the OP's comments show that he or she is ignorant.
When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during President Roosevelt's New Deal during the 1930's, unmarried mothers with illegitimate children were denied government assistance. So were their illegitimate children. We need to get back to those restrictions.

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