Zone1 This Is Why Reparations Are Owed NOW!

Reading over the OP I was reminded of all the people who claim that increasing the MW (to $15?) will create wealth. Sadly, such people forget that the increase in wages has to come from somewhere...maybe the pockets of employers or customers, hence shifting money from one person's pocket to another person's pocket creates no wealth.

Race hustlers often come up with statistics that purport to prove that POC's have been denied one sort of opportunity or another, but it is nearly impossible to break out the opportunities that were lost because of factors that would have excluded anyone, and they were not lost because the applicant was Black, but rather because they lacked good credit, education, experience, or specific skills.

It does happen, but so seldom that is not a significant factor to most POC's.

There are more than two million immigrants living in the U.S. from sub-Saharan Africa. For the most part, they are doing quite well here, with household incomes at least as high as the average native-born American. Why would they take the pains to come to a country that is infected with systemic racism? Are they stupid?
Since whites have been given direct economic assistance on several occasions and still ask for more, perhaps you should consider that your opinionn is a bunch of malarkey.

Yeah. I know. Wouldn't it be bad if the government just issued one last payment and then they stopped?
Watch them scream bloody murder when AA is abolished.
When affirmative action comes to an end they might throw a few black ghetto riots, but I doubt it. The end of affirmative action will make them feel hopeless and weak. They only riot when they feel powerful and confident.
When affirmative action comes to an end they might throw a few black ghetto riots, but I doubt it. The end of affirmative action will make them feel hopeless and weak. They only riot when they feel powerful and confident.
I don’t think so. What’s changed since George Floyd, when they took to the streets and burned, looted, and murdered their way across the country? If anything, the leftists have empowered them by showing that they won’t condemn their savage acts.
I don’t think so. What’s changed since George Floyd, when they took to the streets and burned, looted, and murdered their way across the country? If anything, the leftists have empowered them by showing that they won’t condemn their savage acts.
The black ghetto riots that happened from 1964 to 1968 got Richard Nixon elected president, they destroyed the New Deal coalition, and turned America's white working class into a Republican constituency.

The fact that the Rodney King riots happened when Bush I one was president, and the fact that the George Floyd riots happened when Donald Trump was president, made it difficult for independents to blame the GOP for the riots. That contributed to the elections of Bill Clinton and Joe Biden.
The black ghetto riots that happened from 1964 to 1968 got Richard Nixon elected president, they destroyed the New Deal coalition, and turned America's white working class into a Republican constituency.

The fact that the Rodney King riots happened when Bush I one was president, and the fact that the George Floyd riots happened when Donald Trump was president, made it difficult for independents to blame the GOP for the riots. That contributed to the elections of Bill Clinton and Joe Biden.
Good point.
The only ones keeping blacks down are blacks, with their thug prison culture. 50% of homicide victims are black, even though they represent 13% of the population. 80% of those are black on black killings.

100% of the Whites who created the TransAtlantic slave trade were CRIMINALS. They uprooted millions of Africans from their homes and took away their names, languages, religion and history. They committed a horrible crime against humanity.
100% of the Whites who created the TransAtlantic slave trade were CRIMINALS. They uprooted millions of Africans from their homes and took away their names, languages, religion and history. They committed a horrible crime against humanity.
We know that already….it’s been taught in school for generations. What’s your point? Or did you just want to rant against whitey?
I thought you were doing graduate work? The proper English is “we have GONE through” instead of went through.
My graduate work is in teaching. I'm going to give you a test. Please answer these questions:
1) There is a phrase that Jewish people hate. It is: "We desire a free Palestine, from the river to the sea". What does this phrase mean?
2) What empire was Israel created out of?
3) What symbol were Jewish people forced to wear by the Nazis?

Anyone well versed in Judaism will know the answers to these questions. Don't cheat by googling the answers OK?
Hi Lisa558. Please answer the questions on my test. Thank you.
I see you can’t respond intelligently. What was your point saying that slaves were treated inhumanely by whites? You’re acting as if this has been hidden from schoolchildren, when it’s been taught for generations.

It’s 2023, by the way.
I see you can’t respond intelligently. What was your point saying that slaves were treated inhumanely by whites? You’re acting as if this has been hidden from schoolchildren, when it’s been taught for generations.

It’s 2023, by the way.
Can't answer my questions huh? It's OK. Any Jewish person would know the answer to these questions immediately. LOL!😏
I see you can’t respond intelligently. What was your point saying that slaves were treated inhumanely by whites? You’re acting as if this has been hidden from schoolchildren, when it’s been taught for generations.

It’s 2023, by the way.
Answers to my test: 1) From the river to the sea is taken to mean that the Palestinians don't want Jewish people in Israel. The Palestinians consider all that land to belong to them. They resent the Jewish people for even living there.
2) The country of Israel was created from the Ottoman Empire after WW2.
3) The symbol that the Jewish people were forced to wear by the Nazis was the STAR OF DAVID. They forced them to wear this symbol so they could easily recognize them.

You get an F. Please study up on Jewish culture and history before claiming to be Jewish. I know more about Judaism than you do and I'm an African-American woman.
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My graduate work is in teaching. I'm going to give you a test. Please answer these questions:
1) There is a phrase that Jewish people hate. It is: "We desire a free Palestine, from the river to the sea". What does this phrase mean?
2) What empire was Israel created out of?
3) What symbol were Jewish people forced to wear by the Nazis?

Anyone well versed in Judaism will know the answers to these questions. Don't cheat by googling the answers OK?
Huh? This is a thread on blacks demanding reparations, and all of a sudden you’re quizzing the Jew on Jewish history?
Answers to my test: 1) From the river to the sea is taken to mean that the Palestinians don't want Jewish people in Israel. The Palestinians consider all that land to belong to them. They resent the Jewish people for even living there.
2) The country of Israel was created from the Ottoman Empire after WW2.
3) The symbol that the Jewish people were forced to wear by the Nazis was the STAR OF DAVID. They forced them to wear this symbol so they could easily recognize them.

You get an F. Please study up on Jewish culture and history before claiming to be Jewish. I know more about Judaism than you do and I'm an African-American woman.
Oh get real. I can see that you‘re going to be another liberal teacher making false accusations of people because they dissent from your opinion.
100% of the Whites who created the TransAtlantic slave trade were CRIMINALS. They uprooted millions of Africans from their homes and took away their names, languages, religion and history. They committed a horrible crime against humanity.
Because the slave trade was legal, by definition they were not criminals. Also, whites did not enslave the blacks. Blacks were enslaved by other blacks and sold to white slave traders. It was blacks who "uprooted millions of Africans from their homes."

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