Zone1 This Is Why Reparations Are Owed NOW!

An assertion like this needs to be documented. I want to know what the Chicago Mayor actually said, word for word.
It was not an "assertion". It is Babylon Bee satire.

The interesting thing is that quite often the Bee's satire winds up being the truth.

In this case I think we all know that Negroes steal things from stores. It is what they do.

We also know that the Mayor of Chicago is a world class worthless jackass.
It was not an "assertion". It is Babylon Bee satire.

The interesting thing is that quite often the Bee's satire winds up being the truth.

In this case I think we all know that Negroes steal things from stores. It is what they do.

We also know that the Mayor of Chicago is a world class worthless jackass.
Here in DC, in the bad section of town, store owners put bars on their windows to prevent overnight theft. The leftists screamed “racism.”
It was not an "assertion". It is Babylon Bee satire.

The interesting thing is that quite often the Bee's satire winds up being the truth.

In this case I think we all know that Negroes steal things from stores. It is what they do.

We also know that the Mayor of Chicago is a world class worthless jackass.
I do not know enough about the Mayor of Chicago to agree with your fourth paragraph. Your third paragraph is obviously true.
I do not know enough about the Mayor of Chicago to agree with your fourth paragraph. Your third paragraph is obviously true.
Well, the mayor DID refuse to condemn the black savages who attacked the defenseless white woman. The closest he was willing to come to that was his statement that he “doesn’t condone that behavior.”

The citizens of Chicago voted to put in another mayor who encourages crime.
Citygroup did a study focusing on U.S. GDP from 2000 until 2020. The study revealed huge losses in GDP due to continuing discrimination against blacks in business revenue, education, housing credit, and income. The study determined that since the year 2000, continuing discriminatory practices in the four areas mentioned in the prior sentence resulted in a loss of 16 trillion dollars in GDP. The breakdown is as follows:

“Closing the Black racial wage gap 20 years ago might have provided an additional $2.7 trillion in income available for consumption and investment.

Improving access to housing credit might have added an additional 770,000 Black homeowners over the last 20 years, with combined sales and expenditures adding another $218 billion to GDP over that time.

Facilitating increased access to higher education (college, graduate, and vocational schools) for Black students might have bolstered lifetime incomes that in aggregate sums to $90 to $113 billion.

Providing fair and equitable lending to Black entrepreneurs might have resulted in the creation of an additional $13 trillion in business revenue over the last 20 years. This could have been used for investments in labor, technology, capital equipment, and structures and 6.1 million jobs might have been created per year.”

That was 3 years ago. Add another 2.5 trillion to it now and the lost money is 18.5 trillion lost to blacks IN THIS CENTURY because of CONTINUING WHITE RACISM.

Citigroup determined money lost due to racial discrimination against blacks since 2000. At a minimum, reparations can be requested for money lost from 2000 until right now. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000 until 2020, it equals $57,569 per black person in America based on the 2020 U.S. Census. Including all losses due to racial discrimination equals $277,185 per black person in America. And this is just the bare minimum for this century, addition losses occurred from 1950 until 2000.

So stop talking about slavery and stop talking about who didn't suffer and what you didn't do. Because it's still going on and blacks today are suffering.

You won't get shyte kid.
Here in DC, in the bad section of town, store owners put bars on their windows to prevent overnight theft. The leftists screamed “racism.”

I have a friend who is a manager of a grocery store in a predominate Black part of Tampa.

He told me that the loss to thievery at his store is substantially higher than the chain's stores in the more White parts of town.

Not only thievery with the Black customers but also Black employees.

His profit margin at the store is considerably less than the other stores. He says that his company is seriously considering shutting the store down.
I have a friend who is a manager of a grocery store in a predominate Black part of Tampa.

He told me that the loss to thievery at his store is substantially higher than the chain's stores in the more White parts of town.

Not only thievery with the Black customers but also Black employees.

His profit margin at the store is considerably less than the other stores. He says that his company is seriously considering shutting the store down.
None of that is surprising.

I hear blacks complain of “food deserts” in the inner-city ghettos, but if they want to have some grocery store options, they themselves need to get shoplifting under control.
None of that is surprising.

I hear blacks complain of “food deserts” in the inner-city ghettos, but if they want to have some grocery store options, they themselves need to get shoplifting under control.
Or blacks could open their own stores in black neighborhoods. That would require a certain amount of intelligence and knowledge, though.

I can understand why someone would feel sorry for the black race. I cannot understand why anyone would admire it.

I can understand why a Gentile failure would resent Jews. When a Jew has half a chance the Jew frequently performs twice as well as anyone else.
If anything Whites, Asians and Blacks are the real illegal immigrants. California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Utah and Colorado were STOLEN from the Mexican people with the Treaty of Hildalgo. President Polk wanted to cheat them out of their land and that's exactly what he did.
All of those areas were stolen from the local Indians by the SPANISH who enslaved the natives and tried to exterminate them.
This would be good for the first installment of payments. What do we do about the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, .......... 943rd, 944th, and the 945th installment of trillion dollar payments that still wouldn't fix the problem? We have to keep not fixing the problem. If you fixed the problem then the money would dry up and that would be very bad. We couldn't possibly live in an America where people didn't get money for whining like bitches. That would be no America at all. Say no to fixing problems.
Since whites have been given direct economic assistance on several occasions and still ask for more, perhaps you should consider that your opinionn is a bunch of malarkey.
I have a friend who is a manager of a grocery store in a predominate Black part of Tampa.

He told me that the loss to thievery at his store is substantially higher than the chain's stores in the more White parts of town.

Not only thievery with the Black customers but also Black employees.

His profit margin at the store is considerably less than the other stores. He says that his company is seriously considering shutting the store down.
Spare us, racist. Whites lead the country in theft annually. And they lead the nation in fraud, whereby whites steal billions.
Spare us, racist. Whites lead the country in theft annually. And they lead the nation in fraud, whereby whites steal billions.

Honkies don't have the money to pay you reparations.

So its irrelevant.

If you were somehow able to "enforce" payment of reparations, America would turn out like Zimbabwe , without the good parts. Starving with out of control inflation. But unlike Zimbabwe, America will roll out the welcome mat for perversion. Robert Mugabe wasn't that great, but at least he had basic morality.
Honkies don't have the money to pay you reparations.

So its irrelevant.

If you were somehow able to "enforce" payment of reparations, America would turn out like Zimbabwe , without the good parts. Starving with out of control inflation. But unlike Zimbabwe, America will roll out the welcome mat for perversion. Robert Mugabe wasn't that great, but at least he had basic morality.
white people should get reparations for paying for welfare for so many decades.....white have been feeding the baby making machines in the hood for decades
Honkies don't have the money to pay you reparations.

So its irrelevant.

If you were somehow able to "enforce" payment of reparations, America would turn out like Zimbabwe , without the good parts. Starving with out of control inflation. But unlike Zimbabwe, America will roll out the welcome mat for perversion. Robert Mugabe wasn't that great, but at least he had basic morality.
The government has the money. America won't turn out like Zimbabwe because America has not been colonized, whites have colonized this continent. The indigenous people have not been economically sanctioned because they decided to take the land stolen from them back. If you don't know about a situation, don't try talking about it.
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The government has the money. America won't turn out like Zimbabwe because America has not been colonized, whites have colonized this continent. The indigenous people have no been economically sanctioned because they decided to take the land stolen from them back. If you don't know about a situation, don't try talking about it.
No, the government does not have the money. We are $32 trillion in debt.
Spare us, racist. Whites lead the country in theft annually. And they lead the nation in fraud, whereby whites steal billions.
You Moon Bats always deny reality. In this case the reality of the thievery of a grocery store by the goddamn Blacks.

Blacks commit fraud and simple store thievery any way they can get away with it. When they can't commit fraud the bastards loot, like we saw on the news over the week end.

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