This is why the economy is screwed


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
News from The Associated Press
So a couple of morons who decided to sail around the world has just cost the US tax payers tens of thousands of dollars coming to their rescue.
In the article note that the man is 'supposed' to be some sort of Coast Guard officer.
The fucking idiot couldn't understand why when the motor was 'turned on' (you START a motor! if it runs on diesel or gas!) water would start entering the boat. THE FUCKING PACKING GLAND/STUFFING BOX NEEDS TO BE TIGHTENED!!!!!!!!!!!!
The article said the boat had no steering and no communications except the ET. Did the boat go through a hurricane?
People like this are the definition of what it means to be incompetent. They should NEVER be allowed to set foot on a boat again. As for the 'sick' baby. If you choose to take infants on dangerous journeys it's your responsibility to make all preparations for any eventuality. My friends sailed around the world. Before they left they both learned how to preform surgery in the case of injury and or such things as appendicitis.
News from The Associated Press
So a couple of morons who decided to sail around the world has just cost the US tax payers tens of thousands of dollars coming to their rescue.
In the article note that the man is 'supposed' to be some sort of Coast Guard officer.
The fucking idiot couldn't understand why when the motor was 'turned on' (you START a motor! if it runs on diesel or gas!) water would start entering the boat. THE FUCKING PACKING GLAND/STUFFING BOX NEEDS TO BE TIGHTENED!!!!!!!!!!!!
The article said the boat had no steering and no communications except the ET. Did the boat go through a hurricane?
People like this are the definition of what it means to be incompetent. They should NEVER be allowed to set foot on a boat again. As for the 'sick' baby. If you choose to take infants on dangerous journeys it's your responsibility to make all preparations for any eventuality. My friends sailed around the world. Before they left they both learned how to preform surgery in the case of injury and or such things as appendicitis.

And how does this effect our economy?
News from The Associated Press
So a couple of morons who decided to sail around the world has just cost the US tax payers tens of thousands of dollars coming to their rescue.
In the article note that the man is 'supposed' to be some sort of Coast Guard officer.
The fucking idiot couldn't understand why when the motor was 'turned on' (you START a motor! if it runs on diesel or gas!) water would start entering the boat. THE FUCKING PACKING GLAND/STUFFING BOX NEEDS TO BE TIGHTENED!!!!!!!!!!!!
The article said the boat had no steering and no communications except the ET. Did the boat go through a hurricane?
People like this are the definition of what it means to be incompetent. They should NEVER be allowed to set foot on a boat again. As for the 'sick' baby. If you choose to take infants on dangerous journeys it's your responsibility to make all preparations for any eventuality. My friends sailed around the world. Before they left they both learned how to preform surgery in the case of injury and or such things as appendicitis.

And how does this effect our economy?
Because you fucking idiot do you have any idea how much it costs the tax payer for a US Navy frigate to operate per hour? Any idea how much fucking tax payer money it costs to have four members of the 129th Air National Guard to go find these ***** and then risk their lives to 'save' a couple of "sea sick" jerk-offs? Not that you have ever paid any income taxes.
Read carefully between the lines assuming you are sentient enough. Read her dairy entries. She was "sea sick". She wanted to go home. Four days later the EM signal was sent. The fucking twit who was supposed to be a "Coast Guard" captain couldn't figure how to stop the water from coming into a 36' sailboat for Christ sake!. There's only so many places to look!!!!!!
Navy wraps up daring rescue of sick toddler

Maybe decaf, huh?

Maybe the pussy-boy LIB ought to be able to rub two brain cells together long enough to understand every time these morons set out to "sail around the world" then get sea sick it's nobody's responsibility but theirs if they fucking succeed or drown.
Here's a simple question: Say you have a son or daughter in the 129th and a EB goes off and your son or daughter flies off to hopefully save some one's life and in so doing they risk their life. Then it turns out the EB was set off b/c a couple of ***** got sea sick and just wanted to go home. What would you think then ass hole? What if the expense had to come out of YOUR bank account.......which it does every time you pay a dime in Federal taxes BTW?
And perhaps a bit of Thorazine.
That's all you've got? One liners? Typical of LIB ***** like you all.
You're pathetic. BUT Social Darwinism is always around the corner waiting for you all. It NEVER disappoints.
Idiot in boat... expensive rescue... therefore economy is screwed.

What a dumb fucking thread.
The economy is screwed b/c of ***** like the couple on the boat. They belong to the "Culture of Entitelment". Spend GOD knows how much hard earned tax payer dollars to 'save' a baby with a fucking skin rash. 'Only in America'.
'Social Darwinism' cheated by a bunch of LIB pussies. There will always be a next time though. Maybe the LIB ***** will decide to climb Mt. Everest next time and drag along the babies. When they they get tired of the snow they can set off the ET and a bunch of people will risk their lives and spend thousands of dollars.......not the dollors from those who don't pay any income tax BTW, to rescue the idiots.

Maybe decaf, huh?

Maybe the pussy-boy LIB ought to be able to rub two brain cells together long enough to understand every time these morons set out to "sail around the world" then get sea sick it's nobody's responsibility but theirs if they fucking succeed or drown.
Here's a simple question: Say you have a son or daughter in the 129th and a EB goes off and your son or daughter flies off to hopefully save some one's life and in so doing they risk their life. Then it turns out the EB was set off b/c a couple of ***** got sea sick and just wanted to go home. What would you think then ass hole? What if the expense had to come out of YOUR bank account.......which it does every time you pay a dime in Federal taxes BTW?

In the overall federal budget, this rescue is pocket change. Considering the huge wastes that the gov't already has, this is not even in the top 50.

Now, if your friends had learned to "perform" surgery instead or "preform" surgery, we would all be suitably impressed. Oh, and no matter how much you plan and prepare, shit can still go wrong, nimrod.

So lighten up, Francis.

Maybe decaf, huh?

Maybe the pussy-boy LIB ought to be able to rub two brain cells together long enough to understand every time these morons set out to "sail around the world" then get sea sick it's nobody's responsibility but theirs if they fucking succeed or drown.
Here's a simple question: Say you have a son or daughter in the 129th and a EB goes off and your son or daughter flies off to hopefully save some one's life and in so doing they risk their life. Then it turns out the EB was set off b/c a couple of ***** got sea sick and just wanted to go home. What would you think then ass hole? What if the expense had to come out of YOUR bank account.......which it does every time you pay a dime in Federal taxes BTW?

In the overall federal budget, this rescue is pocket change. Considering the huge wastes that the gov't already has, this is not even in the top 50.

Now, if your friends had learned to "perform" surgery instead or "preform" surgery, we would all be suitably impressed. Oh, and no matter how much you plan and prepare, shit can still go wrong, nimrod.

So lighten up, Francis.
Every time some one points out any amount of Gov. waste some LIB pussy like you jumps up makes the "ya but it's only a drip in the bucket" excuse.
I've got news for you pal. Every drip contribubutes to a full bucket. Are you sentiant enough to understand this very simple concept.
Maybe the pussy-boy LIB ought to be able to rub two brain cells together long enough to understand every time these morons set out to "sail around the world" then get sea sick it's nobody's responsibility but theirs if they fucking succeed or drown.
Here's a simple question: Say you have a son or daughter in the 129th and a EB goes off and your son or daughter flies off to hopefully save some one's life and in so doing they risk their life. Then it turns out the EB was set off b/c a couple of ***** got sea sick and just wanted to go home. What would you think then ass hole? What if the expense had to come out of YOUR bank account.......which it does every time you pay a dime in Federal taxes BTW?

In the overall federal budget, this rescue is pocket change. Considering the huge wastes that the gov't already has, this is not even in the top 50.

Now, if your friends had learned to "perform" surgery instead or "preform" surgery, we would all be suitably impressed. Oh, and no matter how much you plan and prepare, shit can still go wrong, nimrod.

So lighten up, Francis.
Every time some one points out any amount of Gov. waste some LIB pussy like you jumps up makes the "ya but it's only a drip in the bucket" excuse.
I've got news for you pal. Every drip contribubutes to a full bucket. Are you sentiant enough to understand this very simple concept.

I am sentient enough to understand that you are bound and determined to make this single event the reason our economy is in the tank.

As for me being a lib, I think it is amusing that you are so quick to label someone. Do you know my political views? Where I stand on taxation? On the 2nd Amendment? On the Economy? Or any other topic? No. You just know that I think your idea that rescuing Americans is why the economy is screwed. lol

Let me know when you would like to actually discuss the topic and I will be happy to accommodate you. Right now you state your opinion, and anyone who disagrees is a "Lib" who doesn't comprehend the problem. lol Truly sad, junior.

And as for me being a "pussy", the old adage of 'You are what you eat' might have some validity after all. Isn't that right, dickhead?
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Dannyboy, the gov't spends money to protect people. They do rescue runs for idiots who were speeding. They rescue people who refused to evacuate when hurricanes hit land. And they have the US Navy and Coast guard rescue people.

The alternative would be to let people die. Since your portion of the cost of the rescue was less than one penny, you are simply whining.

But the fact that you refuse to even discuss an issue speaks volumes. Good luck only talking with people who agree with you. It should be a very safe and dull life.
I was looking for how this effected the economy in the OP. What retard would point out an event like this as the reason for his personal economy failing? In the absence of intelligence displayed by the OP I dont think it matters what the general economy is like. His/her own personal economy is bound to be bad even in the best of times.

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