This is why they are BANNING black history in schools..


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
In the twenty-first century, we must move beyond memes to the truth. Some believe it is unfair how whites get portrayed in modern teachings. Unfair is revising history to leave out the factual record. Teaching our children the mistakes we made should not mean we are teaching them to dislike whites or being white. I and generations of other blacks endured the annual K-12 section of history about black slavery, and it did not make me hate being black. In recent years we have seen a consistent well-funded, politically supported movement by the right-wing to enforce gaslighting as a way of educating today’s students. In this movement, anything that negatively shows whites must be censored. Meanwhile, whites on the right teach their children racist beliefs at home.

When I got to college, I found a place in the university library with information on the history and accomplishments of nonwhite people. I missed so much knowledge because of what was not taught to me that it made me angry. Anger is the outcome when people of color are shown their accomplishments get canceled to learn CWST. The continued teaching of CWST by force will make things worse.

This is why they are BANNING black history in schools..

Don't talk the standard dumb rhetoric. July 4th, 1776 was in the past too.
In the twenty-first century, we must move beyond memes to the truth. Some believe it is unfair how whites get portrayed in modern teachings. Unfair is revising history to leave out the factual record. Teaching our children the mistakes we made should not mean we are teaching them to dislike whites or being white. I and generations of other blacks endured the annual K-12 section of history about black slavery, and it did not make me hate being black. In recent years we have seen a consistent well-funded, politically supported movement by the right-wing to enforce gaslighting as a way of educating today’s students. In this movement, anything that negatively shows whites must be censored. Meanwhile, whites on the right teach their children racist beliefs at home.

When I got to college, I found a place in the university library with information on the history and accomplishments of nonwhite people. I missed so much knowledge because of what was not taught to me that it made me angry. Anger is the outcome when people of color are shown their accomplishments get canceled to learn CWST. The continued teaching of CWST by force will make things worse.

This is why they are BANNING black history in schools..

Don't talk the standard dumb rhetoric. July 4th, 1776 was in the past too.

Libtard "Black History" is as fake as it comes.

The real Black History is that of crime, laziness, drug use, rape, not taking care of their familes and being stupid welfare queens that depended upon Democrats to take care care of them.
I've got no problem teaching the truth to kids but that includes context & actual facts, not the racist agenda of the 1619 BS teaching that America was founded on white supremacism.
Tell them about slavery & how horrible it most often was.
But they also need to know this was a universal phenomenon practiced in all regions by all races.
America had white, Indian, Asian & others enslaved as well.
Blacks owned black slaves here.
The African black slave trade would never have been profitable without the willing participation of other black African tribes willing to raid & enslave the same enemies they had been doing that to for ages.

In the twenty-first century, we must move beyond memes to the truth. Some believe it is unfair how whites get portrayed in modern teachings. Unfair is revising history to leave out the factual record. Teaching our children the mistakes we made should not mean we are teaching them to dislike whites or being white. I and generations of other blacks endured the annual K-12 section of history about black slavery, and it did not make me hate being black. In recent years we have seen a consistent well-funded, politically supported movement by the right-wing to enforce gaslighting as a way of educating today’s students. In this movement, anything that negatively shows whites must be censored. Meanwhile, whites on the right teach their children racist beliefs at home.

When I got to college, I found a place in the university library with information on the history and accomplishments of nonwhite people. I missed so much knowledge because of what was not taught to me that it made me angry. Anger is the outcome when people of color are shown their accomplishments get canceled to learn CWST. The continued teaching of CWST by force will make things worse.

Don't talk the standard dumb rhetoric. July 4th, 1776 was in the past too.
What examples of these movements to remove factual, historical information about blacks?

Do you feel the same way about BLM destroying monuments and statues representing both good and bad times in our history? How about black history studies that included LGBT literature as part of the curriculum?
When I got to college,
You found a college that would take you? I bet it was one of those "Black" colleges that just takes blacks no one else wants and trains them in civil unrest and political activism.

I found a place in the university library with information on the history and accomplishments of nonwhite people. I missed so much knowledge because of what was not taught to me that it made me angry.
Why should that make you angry? Colleges have room for more extensive libraries than any grade school, especially to carry politically-charged material targeting weak minds, but you could have looked any of that stuff up any time on the internet as well. No one ever taught you how to search the web?

Anger is the outcome when people of color are shown their accomplishments
Anger is the outcome of angry people looking to find reasons to be angry about.

get canceled to learn CWST.
Whatever the hell that is.

The continued teaching of CWST by force will make things worse.
Nothing ever makes anything better with a racial race-baiter now does it. I bet if they gave out a trillion in reparations, you'd be angry over it because it was clearly an insult and just not nearly enough.
I've got no problem teaching the truth to kids but that includes context & actual facts, not the racist agenda of the 1619 BS teaching that America was founded on white supremacism.
Tell them about slavery & how horrible it most often was.
But they also need to know this was a universal phenomenon practiced in all regions by all races.
America had white, Indian, Asian & others enslaved as well.
Blacks owned black slaves here.
The African black slave trade would never have been profitable without the willing participation of other black African tribes willing to raid & enslave the same enemies they had been doing that to for ages.

Exactly .. well stated.
We all know who we have to thank for all the discrimination, bigotry, racism, and hatred in America........don't we!!!!

Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Party is the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slavery as a constitutional right.

A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans who worked to purge blacks from the party.

Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. When blacks got Civil Rights, the Republican Party did not believe that was civil or right and decided that extremism in defense of liberty was no vice. In 1964 the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly 100 years of black support.

Today’s Republican Party is controlled by a racist Anti-Black base.

Yes we do.
I've got no problem teaching the truth to kids but that includes context & actual facts, not the racist agenda of the 1619 BS teaching that America was founded on white supremacism.
Tell them about slavery & how horrible it most often was.
But they also need to know this was a universal phenomenon practiced in all regions by all races.
America had white, Indian, Asian & others enslaved as well.
Blacks owned black slaves here.
The African black slave trade would never have been profitable without the willing participation of other black African tribes willing to raid & enslave the same enemies they had been doing that to for ages.


If you think that is racist, then you don't want the truth being taught.
You found a college that would take you? I bet it was one of those "Black" colleges that just takes blacks no one else wants and trains them in civil unrest and political activism.
Wrong. And the rest of your post is more stupud racist garbage. The fact is that whites like you are scared of anyone learning the truth.
In the twenty-first century, we must move beyond memes to the truth. Some believe it is unfair how whites get portrayed in modern teachings. Unfair is revising history to leave out the factual record. Teaching our children the mistakes we made should not mean we are teaching them to dislike whites or being white. I and generations of other blacks endured the annual K-12 section of history about black slavery, and it did not make me hate being black. In recent years we have seen a consistent well-funded, politically supported movement by the right-wing to enforce gaslighting as a way of educating today’s students. In this movement, anything that negatively shows whites must be censored. Meanwhile, whites on the right teach their children racist beliefs at home.

When I got to college, I found a place in the university library with information on the history and accomplishments of nonwhite people. I missed so much knowledge because of what was not taught to me that it made me angry. Anger is the outcome when people of color are shown their accomplishments get canceled to learn CWST. The continued teaching of CWST by force will make things worse.

This is why they are BANNING black history in schools..

Don't talk the standard dumb rhetoric. July 4th, 1776 was in the past too.

What state is not teaching any black history?
In the twenty-first century, we must move beyond memes to the truth. Some believe it is unfair how whites get portrayed in modern teachings. Unfair is revising history to leave out the factual record. Teaching our children the mistakes we made should not mean we are teaching them to dislike whites or being white. I and generations of other blacks endured the annual K-12 section of history about black slavery, and it did not make me hate being black. In recent years we have seen a consistent well-funded, politically supported movement by the right-wing to enforce gaslighting as a way of educating today’s students. In this movement, anything that negatively shows whites must be censored. Meanwhile, whites on the right teach their children racist beliefs at home.

When I got to college, I found a place in the university library with information on the history and accomplishments of nonwhite people. I missed so much knowledge because of what was not taught to me that it made me angry. Anger is the outcome when people of color are shown their accomplishments get canceled to learn CWST. The continued teaching of CWST by force will make things worse.

This is why they are BANNING black history in schools..

Don't talk the standard dumb rhetoric. July 4th, 1776 was in the past too.

Who's banning black history? Nobody that I know of. They may be banning false history, or they may be banning CRT, but they aren't banning true, black history. You should be happy that kids will be taught the truth instead of a lie.
Who's banning black history? Nobody that I know of. They may be banning false history, or they may be banning CRT, but they aren't banning true, black history. You should be happy that kids will be taught the truth instead of a lie.
They are banning black history. We have been taught false history. CRT is not history and our kids are being forced to believe lies.
In the twenty-first century, we must move beyond memes to the truth. Some believe it is unfair how whites get portrayed in modern teachings. Unfair is revising history to leave out the factual record. Teaching our children the mistakes we made should not mean we are teaching them to dislike whites or being white. I and generations of other blacks endured the annual K-12 section of history about black slavery, and it did not make me hate being black. In recent years we have seen a consistent well-funded, politically supported movement by the right-wing to enforce gaslighting as a way of educating today’s students. In this movement, anything that negatively shows whites must be censored. Meanwhile, whites on the right teach their children racist beliefs at home.

When I got to college, I found a place in the university library with information on the history and accomplishments of nonwhite people. I missed so much knowledge because of what was not taught to me that it made me angry. Anger is the outcome when people of color are shown their accomplishments get canceled to learn CWST. The continued teaching of CWST by force will make things worse.

Um, okay, when your video mentions the MOVE incident in Philadelphia, they really kind of lost me.

MOVE was a whacky cult. They got burned out of their home by the government. So did the Branch Davidians, who were mostly white people.

Most people aren't familiar with the broad strokes of American History, much less the trivial incidents your video goes on about. (And yes, most of them were trivial in the cosmic course of history.)
Ask the people in Florida.

Or Texas and any other state banning things based on their interpretation of CRT, DEI, etc.
I did not know Texas or Florida banned black history. When did they do it? A link to the story of banning black history in public schools would do fine, if you can find it.

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