This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Hillary was beatable in 2016
Republicans had 17 candidates to choose from...they chose Trump


Hillary is beatable and Trump will beat her easily. The momentum has begun, get on board or get run over.

Trump ran the table yesterday, and then after his speech took unscripted questions from the media. Would Hillary ever do that? of course not, she has too much to hide.

This really was a chance for Republicans to take the Whitehouse

Then they chose Trump

Saw his "Hillary only won because she is a woman" yesterday
Honestly, he just can't help it

A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?

That is just fucking stupid

Show me a current male who has been elected twice as a Senator from a major state and served as Secretary of State

Trump is a fucking reality TV star who builds golf courses

Show me a candidate of either sex who a majority of americans describe as a liar, name one who directly caused the deaths or four ameicans for political gain, name one who got paid 250K for speeches to wallstreet and wont release the transcripts, name one who runs a foundation where 90% of money collected goes to the foundation "employees". name one that has violated national security laws multiple times by not properly securing classified data.

Face it dude, she is a liar and a criminal. The worst possible candidate, and you assholes are stuck with her. Why do you think Bernie is doing so well? because half the dems hate the hildebitch.

Problem for you is only about 25% of the population believes the nonsense that you do. While these low information voters are enough to get Trump nominated, they will get him annihilated in a general election
Hillary is beatable and Trump will beat her easily. The momentum has begun, get on board or get run over.

Trump ran the table yesterday, and then after his speech took unscripted questions from the media. Would Hillary ever do that? of course not, she has too much to hide.

This really was a chance for Republicans to take the Whitehouse

Then they chose Trump

Saw his "Hillary only won because she is a woman" yesterday
Honestly, he just can't help it

A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?

That is just fucking stupid

Show me a current male who has been elected twice as a Senator from a major state and served as Secretary of State

Trump is a fucking reality TV star who builds golf courses

Show me a candidate of either sex who a majority of americans describe as a liar, name one who directly caused the deaths or four ameicans for political gain, name one who got paid 250K for speeches to wallstreet and wont release the transcripts, name one who runs a foundation where 90% of money collected goes to the foundation "employees". name one that has violated national security laws multiple times by not properly securing classified data.

Face it dude, she is a liar and a criminal. The worst possible candidate, and you assholes are stuck with her. Why do you think Bernie is doing so well? because half the dems hate the hildebitch.

Problem for you is only about 25% of the population believes the nonsense that you do. While these low information voters are enough to get Trump nominated, they will get him annihilated in a general election

dream on, November 2016 will prove me right, the great failed libtardian experiment in the USA is over.

Republican turnout has been higher than ever, while dem turnout is lower than ever. Your candidate cannot win.

I get it that you hate Trump, and that's just fine, he doesn't need your vote. But until you get realistic with your rants, your credibility will continue to plummet.
This really was a chance for Republicans to take the Whitehouse

Then they chose Trump

Saw his "Hillary only won because she is a woman" yesterday
Honestly, he just can't help it

A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?

That is just fucking stupid

Show me a current male who has been elected twice as a Senator from a major state and served as Secretary of State

Trump is a fucking reality TV star who builds golf courses

Show me a candidate of either sex who a majority of americans describe as a liar, name one who directly caused the deaths or four ameicans for political gain, name one who got paid 250K for speeches to wallstreet and wont release the transcripts, name one who runs a foundation where 90% of money collected goes to the foundation "employees". name one that has violated national security laws multiple times by not properly securing classified data.

Face it dude, she is a liar and a criminal. The worst possible candidate, and you assholes are stuck with her. Why do you think Bernie is doing so well? because half the dems hate the hildebitch.

Problem for you is only about 25% of the population believes the nonsense that you do. While these low information voters are enough to get Trump nominated, they will get him annihilated in a general election

dream on, November 2016 will prove me right, the great failed libtardian experiment in the USA is over.

Republican turnout has been higher than ever, while dem turnout is lower than ever. Your candidate cannot win.

I get it that you hate Trump, and that's just fine, he doesn't need your vote. But until you get realistic with your rants, your credibility will continue to plummet.

Trump is unelectable....even his own party acknowledges it
A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?

That is just fucking stupid

Show me a current male who has been elected twice as a Senator from a major state and served as Secretary of State

Trump is a fucking reality TV star who builds golf courses

Show me a candidate of either sex who a majority of americans describe as a liar, name one who directly caused the deaths or four ameicans for political gain, name one who got paid 250K for speeches to wallstreet and wont release the transcripts, name one who runs a foundation where 90% of money collected goes to the foundation "employees". name one that has violated national security laws multiple times by not properly securing classified data.

Face it dude, she is a liar and a criminal. The worst possible candidate, and you assholes are stuck with her. Why do you think Bernie is doing so well? because half the dems hate the hildebitch.

Problem for you is only about 25% of the population believes the nonsense that you do. While these low information voters are enough to get Trump nominated, they will get him annihilated in a general election

dream on, November 2016 will prove me right, the great failed libtardian experiment in the USA is over.

Republican turnout has been higher than ever, while dem turnout is lower than ever. Your candidate cannot win.

I get it that you hate Trump, and that's just fine, he doesn't need your vote. But until you get realistic with your rants, your credibility will continue to plummet.

Trump is unelectable....even his own party acknowledges it

We shall see. Care to place a wager on it?

What you need to realize is that things don't happen just because you want them to.

Why specifically do you want Hillary to be president? What specifically do you think she will do for you or the country?

Unless the FBI releases what it has on her, the contest will be Trump v Clinton. Why do you want Clinton to win?
A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?

That is just fucking stupid

Show me a current male who has been elected twice as a Senator from a major state and served as Secretary of State

Trump is a fucking reality TV star who builds golf courses

Show me a candidate of either sex who a majority of americans describe as a liar, name one who directly caused the deaths or four ameicans for political gain, name one who got paid 250K for speeches to wallstreet and wont release the transcripts, name one who runs a foundation where 90% of money collected goes to the foundation "employees". name one that has violated national security laws multiple times by not properly securing classified data.

Face it dude, she is a liar and a criminal. The worst possible candidate, and you assholes are stuck with her. Why do you think Bernie is doing so well? because half the dems hate the hildebitch.

Problem for you is only about 25% of the population believes the nonsense that you do. While these low information voters are enough to get Trump nominated, they will get him annihilated in a general election

dream on, November 2016 will prove me right, the great failed libtardian experiment in the USA is over.

Republican turnout has been higher than ever, while dem turnout is lower than ever. Your candidate cannot win.

I get it that you hate Trump, and that's just fine, he doesn't need your vote. But until you get realistic with your rants, your credibility will continue to plummet.

Trump is unelectable....even his own party acknowledges it

only the party elites, the people have voted overwhelmingly for him. they are saying "screw you establishment, we are tired of your lying and corruption"
Oh my, look at all Der Trumpenfuhrer's supporters gloating over his winning five primaries....on to California...maybe.

First. The California Republican Primary is a "Closed" Primary, non-Republican Voters cannot "Crossover" to vote for the Dumph.

Second. Even if if Dumb Donnie wins the California Primary, he will only win 10-Delegates of the 172-Delegates outright.

The remaining 162-Delegates will be awarded based on the top vote getter in each of the 53-California Congressional Districts. In each of those districts there will 3-Delegates and only 3-Delegates up for grabs. The top vote getter will win those 3-Delegates or a portion of those delegates. If Donnie loses a Congressional District even a Conservative District, he will not with or will only win a portion of the 3-Delegates available under Republican Primary rules.

This will mean that say in very Conservative Districts in San Diego or Simi Valley Der Dummy will only win a portion of the 3-delegates available , just as he would win a portion in Liberal Districts such as San Francisco County or Marin County. Each Congressional District will award delegates based on who wins that district.

The fight for Delegates in California will take place in the in your face, grass roots level of California Politics. Which I have been actively involved for over 30+years. Unlike Der Dummy, I know California Politics and I know California Voters.

Add to this mix the fact that Der Trumpenfuhrer has successfully marginalized the Latino Vote with his unsubstantiated claims that undocumented workers are all "Murders and Rapists" will work against him...even with the more Conservative Latino Voters in California. Latino/Hispanic-American Voters are a force in California Politics. Hispanic-Americans are the Majority in California. By alienating this voter rich block in California, Der Trumpenfurhrer is only hurting himself.

Third. The Female Vote in California...Women Voters in California are a majority as well. The Der Donald and his misogynist attacks on Women will seriously hurt him, even Women who identify as Republican will vote against dumb Donnie.

Fourth. Only 27% of California Voters identify/register as Republican. With only 27% of Voters Statewide, a "Closed" Primary will only serve to hurt Republicans in our state. There are no elected Republicans serving in Statewide Constitutional Office in California. These offices, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Insurance Commissioner, Secretary of State, etc. are all held by Democrats and right now Republicans are in the minority in the California State Assembly and California State Senate. California Governor Brown has signed State Budgets with a surplus for the first time in years. Former Republican Governor Schwarzenegger left California with budget deficits and his former Lieutenant-Governor Able Maldonado is persona non-grata in the California Republican Party after his "Top Two Vote Getter" was signed into law. Neither the Democratic Party or the Republican Party supported this shit storm. That translates to, in many cases Democrat vs. Democrat and Republican vs. Republican in certain races. There is right now the very distinct possibility that there will be not Republican Candidate for Barbara Boxer's Seat in the November General Election. As it stands now, California A.G. Kamala Harris will face Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for that seat. No Republican running a at-large Senate Seat only hurts Republicans. For all the bitching Republicans have done about Senator Boxer, there will be no Republican running for her seat in November...because a California Republican thought his idea about the top two vote getters was a good idea is blowing up in the face of California Republicans.

Yes, Trumpenfuhrer supporters...yes. Your Seig Heil Celebrations will turn to mud in your mouth. The one candidate guaranteed to lose to Hillary Clinton and as an extra attraction will destroy the Republican Party has won 5-States.

Donald will lose in November.

Your party will left in broken, bloody, beaten heap.

I'm loving it.
Oh my, look at all Der Trumpenfuhrer's supporters gloating over his winning five primaries....on to California...maybe.

First. The California Republican Primary is a "Closed" Primary, non-Republican Voters cannot "Crossover" to vote for the Dumph.

Second. Even if if Dumb Donnie wins the California Primary, he will only win 10-Delegates of the 172-Delegates outright.

The remaining 162-Delegates will be awarded based on the top vote getter in each of the 53-California Congressional Districts. In each of those districts there will 3-Delegates and only 3-Delegates up for grabs. The top vote getter will win those 3-Delegates or a portion of those delegates. If Donnie loses a Congressional District even a Conservative District, he will not with or will only win a portion of the 3-Delegates available under Republican Primary rules.

This will mean that say in very Conservative Districts in San Diego or Simi Valley Der Dummy will only win a portion of the 3-delegates available , just as he would win a portion in Liberal Districts such as San Francisco County or Marin County. Each Congressional District will award delegates based on who wins that district.

The fight for Delegates in California will take place in the in your face, grass roots level of California Politics. Which I have been actively involved for over 30+years. Unlike Der Dummy, I know California Politics and I know California Voters.

Add to this mix the fact that Der Trumpenfuhrer has successfully marginalized the Latino Vote with his unsubstantiated claims that undocumented workers are all "Murders and Rapists" will work against him...even with the more Conservative Latino Voters in California. Latino/Hispanic-American Voters are a force in California Politics. Hispanic-Americans are the Majority in California. By alienating this voter rich block in California, Der Trumpenfurhrer is only hurting himself.

Third. The Female Vote in California...Women Voters in California are a majority as well. The Der Donald and his misogynist attacks on Women will seriously hurt him, even Women who identify as Republican will vote against dumb Donnie.

Fourth. Only 27% of California Voters identify/register as Republican. With only 27% of Voters Statewide, a "Closed" Primary will only serve to hurt Republicans in our state. There are no elected Republicans serving in Statewide Constitutional Office in California. These offices, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Insurance Commissioner, Secretary of State, etc. are all held by Democrats and right now Republicans are in the minority in the California State Assembly and California State Senate. California Governor Brown has signed State Budgets with a surplus for the first time in years. Former Republican Governor Schwarzenegger left California with budget deficits and his former Lieutenant-Governor Able Maldonado is persona non-grata in the California Republican Party after his "Top Two Vote Getter" was signed into law. Neither the Democratic Party or the Republican Party supported this shit storm. That translates to, in many cases Democrat vs. Democrat and Republican vs. Republican in certain races. There is right now the very distinct possibility that there will be not Republican Candidate for Barbara Boxer's Seat in the November General Election. As it stands now, California A.G. Kamala Harris will face Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for that seat. No Republican running a at-large Senate Seat only hurts Republicans. For all the bitching Republicans have done about Senator Boxer, there will be no Republican running for her seat in November...because a California Republican thought his idea about the top two vote getters was a good idea is blowing up in the face of California Republicans.

Yes, Trumpenfuhrer supporters...yes. Your Seig Heil Celebrations will turn to mud in your mouth. The one candidate guaranteed to lose to Hillary Clinton and as an extra attraction will destroy the Republican Party has won 5-States.

Donald will lose in November.

Your party will left in broken, bloody, beaten heap.

I'm loving it.

dream on, you have a terrible candidate who is hated by republicans, Sanders democrats, independents, and the elites of the dem party. they are stuck with the bitch and I am quite sure the many dem power players would love for the FBI to release what they have on her so the party could dump her.
A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?

That is just fucking stupid

Show me a current male who has been elected twice as a Senator from a major state and served as Secretary of State

Trump is a fucking reality TV star who builds golf courses

Show me a candidate of either sex who a majority of americans describe as a liar, name one who directly caused the deaths or four ameicans for political gain, name one who got paid 250K for speeches to wallstreet and wont release the transcripts, name one who runs a foundation where 90% of money collected goes to the foundation "employees". name one that has violated national security laws multiple times by not properly securing classified data.

Face it dude, she is a liar and a criminal. The worst possible candidate, and you assholes are stuck with her. Why do you think Bernie is doing so well? because half the dems hate the hildebitch.

Problem for you is only about 25% of the population believes the nonsense that you do. While these low information voters are enough to get Trump nominated, they will get him annihilated in a general election

dream on, November 2016 will prove me right, the great failed libtardian experiment in the USA is over.

Republican turnout has been higher than ever, while dem turnout is lower than ever. Your candidate cannot win.

I get it that you hate Trump, and that's just fine, he doesn't need your vote. But until you get realistic with your rants, your credibility will continue to plummet.

Trump is unelectable....even his own party acknowledges it
You leftists keep telling yourselves that....

In reality Hillary is the unelectable one, but the MSM will do its usual promotion of the D candidate and it will fool millions of Americans...of course, you ARE a fool so there's that.
Oh my, look at all Der Trumpenfuhrer's supporters gloating over his winning five primaries....on to California...maybe.

First. The California Republican Primary is a "Closed" Primary, non-Republican Voters cannot "Crossover" to vote for the Dumph.

Second. Even if if Dumb Donnie wins the California Primary, he will only win 10-Delegates of the 172-Delegates outright.

The remaining 162-Delegates will be awarded based on the top vote getter in each of the 53-California Congressional Districts. In each of those districts there will 3-Delegates and only 3-Delegates up for grabs. The top vote getter will win those 3-Delegates or a portion of those delegates. If Donnie loses a Congressional District even a Conservative District, he will not with or will only win a portion of the 3-Delegates available under Republican Primary rules.

This will mean that say in very Conservative Districts in San Diego or Simi Valley Der Dummy will only win a portion of the 3-delegates available , just as he would win a portion in Liberal Districts such as San Francisco County or Marin County. Each Congressional District will award delegates based on who wins that district.

The fight for Delegates in California will take place in the in your face, grass roots level of California Politics. Which I have been actively involved for over 30+years. Unlike Der Dummy, I know California Politics and I know California Voters.

Add to this mix the fact that Der Trumpenfuhrer has successfully marginalized the Latino Vote with his unsubstantiated claims that undocumented workers are all "Murders and Rapists" will work against him...even with the more Conservative Latino Voters in California. Latino/Hispanic-American Voters are a force in California Politics. Hispanic-Americans are the Majority in California. By alienating this voter rich block in California, Der Trumpenfurhrer is only hurting himself.

Third. The Female Vote in California...Women Voters in California are a majority as well. The Der Donald and his misogynist attacks on Women will seriously hurt him, even Women who identify as Republican will vote against dumb Donnie.

Fourth. Only 27% of California Voters identify/register as Republican. With only 27% of Voters Statewide, a "Closed" Primary will only serve to hurt Republicans in our state. There are no elected Republicans serving in Statewide Constitutional Office in California. These offices, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Insurance Commissioner, Secretary of State, etc. are all held by Democrats and right now Republicans are in the minority in the California State Assembly and California State Senate. California Governor Brown has signed State Budgets with a surplus for the first time in years. Former Republican Governor Schwarzenegger left California with budget deficits and his former Lieutenant-Governor Able Maldonado is persona non-grata in the California Republican Party after his "Top Two Vote Getter" was signed into law. Neither the Democratic Party or the Republican Party supported this shit storm. That translates to, in many cases Democrat vs. Democrat and Republican vs. Republican in certain races. There is right now the very distinct possibility that there will be not Republican Candidate for Barbara Boxer's Seat in the November General Election. As it stands now, California A.G. Kamala Harris will face Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for that seat. No Republican running a at-large Senate Seat only hurts Republicans. For all the bitching Republicans have done about Senator Boxer, there will be no Republican running for her seat in November...because a California Republican thought his idea about the top two vote getters was a good idea is blowing up in the face of California Republicans.

Yes, Trumpenfuhrer supporters...yes. Your Seig Heil Celebrations will turn to mud in your mouth. The one candidate guaranteed to lose to Hillary Clinton and as an extra attraction will destroy the Republican Party has won 5-States.

Donald will lose in November.

Your party will left in broken, bloody, beaten heap.

I'm loving it.
You are confused. The 172 delegates only pertain to the Republican primary, not the general election. Conservative estimates are that Trump will take at least 109 of those delegates. Those are the same people who said he would only get 30 delegates from New York.
That is just fucking stupid

Show me a current male who has been elected twice as a Senator from a major state and served as Secretary of State

Trump is a fucking reality TV star who builds golf courses

Show me a candidate of either sex who a majority of americans describe as a liar, name one who directly caused the deaths or four ameicans for political gain, name one who got paid 250K for speeches to wallstreet and wont release the transcripts, name one who runs a foundation where 90% of money collected goes to the foundation "employees". name one that has violated national security laws multiple times by not properly securing classified data.

Face it dude, she is a liar and a criminal. The worst possible candidate, and you assholes are stuck with her. Why do you think Bernie is doing so well? because half the dems hate the hildebitch.

Problem for you is only about 25% of the population believes the nonsense that you do. While these low information voters are enough to get Trump nominated, they will get him annihilated in a general election

dream on, November 2016 will prove me right, the great failed libtardian experiment in the USA is over.

Republican turnout has been higher than ever, while dem turnout is lower than ever. Your candidate cannot win.

I get it that you hate Trump, and that's just fine, he doesn't need your vote. But until you get realistic with your rants, your credibility will continue to plummet.

Trump is unelectable....even his own party acknowledges it

We shall see. Care to place a wager on it?

What you need to realize is that things don't happen just because you want them to.

Why specifically do you want Hillary to be president? What specifically do you think she will do for you or the country?

Unless the FBI releases what it has on her, the contest will be Trump v Clinton. Why do you want Clinton to win?

Not really..

I went through the wager nonsense in 2012 with USMB conservatives
They all welched on their bets
That is just fucking stupid

Show me a current male who has been elected twice as a Senator from a major state and served as Secretary of State

Trump is a fucking reality TV star who builds golf courses

Show me a candidate of either sex who a majority of americans describe as a liar, name one who directly caused the deaths or four ameicans for political gain, name one who got paid 250K for speeches to wallstreet and wont release the transcripts, name one who runs a foundation where 90% of money collected goes to the foundation "employees". name one that has violated national security laws multiple times by not properly securing classified data.

Face it dude, she is a liar and a criminal. The worst possible candidate, and you assholes are stuck with her. Why do you think Bernie is doing so well? because half the dems hate the hildebitch.

Problem for you is only about 25% of the population believes the nonsense that you do. While these low information voters are enough to get Trump nominated, they will get him annihilated in a general election

dream on, November 2016 will prove me right, the great failed libtardian experiment in the USA is over.

Republican turnout has been higher than ever, while dem turnout is lower than ever. Your candidate cannot win.

I get it that you hate Trump, and that's just fine, he doesn't need your vote. But until you get realistic with your rants, your credibility will continue to plummet.

Trump is unelectable....even his own party acknowledges it
You leftists keep telling yourselves that....

In reality Hillary is the unelectable one, but the MSM will do its usual promotion of the D candidate and it will fool millions of Americans...of course, you ARE a fool so there's that.

Don't blame me and don't blame the media

It is the GOP that is shitting its pants because Trump can't win and will bring the rest of the party down with him
its much more like 50/50 with the pro-AGW group on the government payroll receiving grants that require that they prove AGW.

Its a hoax and you have been duped. Said another way, you are a fool.

This post is a flat out lie. 95 - 97% of scientists believe in man-made global warming. The ONLY scientists who are denying man-made global climate change are those on oil company payrolls:

The 97% consensus on global warming

The hoax is on you and the rest of the Flat Earth Society.
Oh my, look at all Der Trumpenfuhrer's supporters gloating over his winning five primaries....on to California...maybe.

First. The California Republican Primary is a "Closed" Primary, non-Republican Voters cannot "Crossover" to vote for the Dumph.

Second. Even if if Dumb Donnie wins the California Primary, he will only win 10-Delegates of the 172-Delegates outright.

The remaining 162-Delegates will be awarded based on the top vote getter in each of the 53-California Congressional Districts. In each of those districts there will 3-Delegates and only 3-Delegates up for grabs. The top vote getter will win those 3-Delegates or a portion of those delegates. If Donnie loses a Congressional District even a Conservative District, he will not with or will only win a portion of the 3-Delegates available under Republican Primary rules.

This will mean that say in very Conservative Districts in San Diego or Simi Valley Der Dummy will only win a portion of the 3-delegates available , just as he would win a portion in Liberal Districts such as San Francisco County or Marin County. Each Congressional District will award delegates based on who wins that district.

The fight for Delegates in California will take place in the in your face, grass roots level of California Politics. Which I have been actively involved for over 30+years. Unlike Der Dummy, I know California Politics and I know California Voters.

Add to this mix the fact that Der Trumpenfuhrer has successfully marginalized the Latino Vote with his unsubstantiated claims that undocumented workers are all "Murders and Rapists" will work against him...even with the more Conservative Latino Voters in California. Latino/Hispanic-American Voters are a force in California Politics. Hispanic-Americans are the Majority in California. By alienating this voter rich block in California, Der Trumpenfurhrer is only hurting himself.

Third. The Female Vote in California...Women Voters in California are a majority as well. The Der Donald and his misogynist attacks on Women will seriously hurt him, even Women who identify as Republican will vote against dumb Donnie.

Fourth. Only 27% of California Voters identify/register as Republican. With only 27% of Voters Statewide, a "Closed" Primary will only serve to hurt Republicans in our state. There are no elected Republicans serving in Statewide Constitutional Office in California. These offices, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Insurance Commissioner, Secretary of State, etc. are all held by Democrats and right now Republicans are in the minority in the California State Assembly and California State Senate. California Governor Brown has signed State Budgets with a surplus for the first time in years. Former Republican Governor Schwarzenegger left California with budget deficits and his former Lieutenant-Governor Able Maldonado is persona non-grata in the California Republican Party after his "Top Two Vote Getter" was signed into law. Neither the Democratic Party or the Republican Party supported this shit storm. That translates to, in many cases Democrat vs. Democrat and Republican vs. Republican in certain races. There is right now the very distinct possibility that there will be not Republican Candidate for Barbara Boxer's Seat in the November General Election. As it stands now, California A.G. Kamala Harris will face Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for that seat. No Republican running a at-large Senate Seat only hurts Republicans. For all the bitching Republicans have done about Senator Boxer, there will be no Republican running for her seat in November...because a California Republican thought his idea about the top two vote getters was a good idea is blowing up in the face of California Republicans.

Yes, Trumpenfuhrer supporters...yes. Your Seig Heil Celebrations will turn to mud in your mouth. The one candidate guaranteed to lose to Hillary Clinton and as an extra attraction will destroy the Republican Party has won 5-States.

Donald will lose in November.

Your party will left in broken, bloody, beaten heap.

I'm loving it.
You are confused. The 172 delegates only pertain to the Republican primary, not the general election. Conservative estimates are that Trump will take at least 109 of those delegates. Those are the same people who said he would only get 30 delegates from New York.

Actually I'm NOT.

The winner of the California Republican Primary will receive a total 10-Delegates of 172-Delegates available out right.

The remaining 162-Delegates are approtioned based on which candidate (in this case Republican Candidate, based on rules established the California Republican Party and by and for with the knowledge and consent of the R.N.C.), wins the Republican Primary in that specific Congressional District. No calculation can be made based on projections based on the number of delegates won unless and/or until such a time as the California Primary.

Each of 53-Congressional Districts in California will have 3-Republican Delegates to be awarded. The delegates are awarded based on the number of votes the Republican Nominees receive in each of those 53-Congressional Districts. 3-Delegates in San Francisco. 3-Delegates in Marin County. 3-Delegates in Orange County. 3-Delegates in San Diego County and so on . The outcome in each of the 53-Congressional Districts will not be known until Election Night.

NO Candidate can possibly the outcome of his election in any given Congressional District until the night of the California Primary. Projections as to the number of Delegates awarded to any certain candidate is dubious at best.
Last edited:
I remember that every time Nixon spoke, it was perfectly clear when he was lying, which was most of the time. The guy would have been a disastrous poker player. Trump, however, does not even pretend to be telling the truth. Almost everything he says is a lie, and everyone knows it, and his supporters don't care. At least with Nixon, his supporters talked themselves into believing that he was telling the truth.
Oh my, look at all Der Trumpenfuhrer's supporters gloating over his winning five primaries....on to California...maybe.

First. The California Republican Primary is a "Closed" Primary, non-Republican Voters cannot "Crossover" to vote for the Dumph.

Second. Even if if Dumb Donnie wins the California Primary, he will only win 10-Delegates of the 172-Delegates outright.

The remaining 162-Delegates will be awarded based on the top vote getter in each of the 53-California Congressional Districts. In each of those districts there will 3-Delegates and only 3-Delegates up for grabs. The top vote getter will win those 3-Delegates or a portion of those delegates. If Donnie loses a Congressional District even a Conservative District, he will not with or will only win a portion of the 3-Delegates available under Republican Primary rules.

This will mean that say in very Conservative Districts in San Diego or Simi Valley Der Dummy will only win a portion of the 3-delegates available , just as he would win a portion in Liberal Districts such as San Francisco County or Marin County. Each Congressional District will award delegates based on who wins that district.

The fight for Delegates in California will take place in the in your face, grass roots level of California Politics. Which I have been actively involved for over 30+years. Unlike Der Dummy, I know California Politics and I know California Voters.

Add to this mix the fact that Der Trumpenfuhrer has successfully marginalized the Latino Vote with his unsubstantiated claims that undocumented workers are all "Murders and Rapists" will work against him...even with the more Conservative Latino Voters in California. Latino/Hispanic-American Voters are a force in California Politics. Hispanic-Americans are the Majority in California. By alienating this voter rich block in California, Der Trumpenfurhrer is only hurting himself.

Third. The Female Vote in California...Women Voters in California are a majority as well. The Der Donald and his misogynist attacks on Women will seriously hurt him, even Women who identify as Republican will vote against dumb Donnie.

Fourth. Only 27% of California Voters identify/register as Republican. With only 27% of Voters Statewide, a "Closed" Primary will only serve to hurt Republicans in our state. There are no elected Republicans serving in Statewide Constitutional Office in California. These offices, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Insurance Commissioner, Secretary of State, etc. are all held by Democrats and right now Republicans are in the minority in the California State Assembly and California State Senate. California Governor Brown has signed State Budgets with a surplus for the first time in years. Former Republican Governor Schwarzenegger left California with budget deficits and his former Lieutenant-Governor Able Maldonado is persona non-grata in the California Republican Party after his "Top Two Vote Getter" was signed into law. Neither the Democratic Party or the Republican Party supported this shit storm. That translates to, in many cases Democrat vs. Democrat and Republican vs. Republican in certain races. There is right now the very distinct possibility that there will be not Republican Candidate for Barbara Boxer's Seat in the November General Election. As it stands now, California A.G. Kamala Harris will face Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for that seat. No Republican running a at-large Senate Seat only hurts Republicans. For all the bitching Republicans have done about Senator Boxer, there will be no Republican running for her seat in November...because a California Republican thought his idea about the top two vote getters was a good idea is blowing up in the face of California Republicans.

Yes, Trumpenfuhrer supporters...yes. Your Seig Heil Celebrations will turn to mud in your mouth. The one candidate guaranteed to lose to Hillary Clinton and as an extra attraction will destroy the Republican Party has won 5-States.

Donald will lose in November.

Your party will left in broken, bloody, beaten heap.

I'm loving it.

An Addendum.

The final day to Register in upcoming California Primary is May 23, 2016.

Any resident of California, of legal voting age (18) or who will be 18 by or on June 7, 2016 is eligible to vote in the California.

No person of legal voting age (18) can be denied their Right To Vote based on; Race, Religion (or lack thereof), Gender or Gender Identity. No person can be denied their Right To Vote based Ethnic Origin or place of birth.

If you or your partner/husband/wife has changed his/her last name you need to re-register.

If you have moved/relocated since the last election in your district you need re-register.

If you wish to change party affiliation, you need to re-register.

If you are an "Independent Decline To Voter" and wish to vote in the California Republican Primary, you need to re-register. The California Republican Primary is a "Closed Primary" and "Cross Over Voting" is not allowed.

Polls in California open at 7:00 A.M. and Close at 8:00 P.M.

No campaigning or electioneering is allowed within 100-Feet of the Polling Station.

The wearing campaign paraphernalia (Including but limited to Caps, Hats, T-Shirts, or Buttons) endorsing or supporting a Candidate, a State Proposition, Political Office or Political Party is prohibited while in the Polling Station.

Use of Cell Phones while in the Polling Station is strictly prohibited.

Harassment or Intimidation of Voters while in the Polling Station or while entering or exiting the Polling Station is against the law.

If you are in line to Vote when the Polling Station Closes (8:00 P.M.) you can vote. Running up and pounding on the door to get in and vote does not count.

Assistance for Visually or Hearing Impaired Voters is available and a person cannot be denied their Right To Vote due to his/her disability.

If you are sent a Vote By Mail (Absentee) Ballot and forgot to return in time to vote, you can turn your Vote By Mail Ballot in at your Polling Station.

If you are sent a Vote By Mail (Absentee) Ballot, but wish to instead vote in person. You can surrender your Vote By Mail Ballot to the Clerk and the Clerk will tear the Vote By Mail Ballot and "Surrendered" on that ballot and issue you a new ballot.

If you make a mistake on your ballot such marking the wrong candidate or proposition, you may return that ballot to Clerk, the Clerk will write, "Spoiled" on that ballot and issue you a new ballot. You will have only three chances to fill out your ballot. Your third attempt at voting be counted as the ballot you use.
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its much more like 50/50 with the pro-AGW group on the government payroll receiving grants that require that they prove AGW.

Its a hoax and you have been duped. Said another way, you are a fool.

This post is a flat out lie. 95 - 97% of scientists believe in man-made global warming. The ONLY scientists who are denying man-made global climate change are those on oil company payrolls:

The 97% consensus on global warming

The hoax is on you and the rest of the Flat Earth Society.
its much more like 50/50 with the pro-AGW group on the government payroll receiving grants that require that they prove AGW.

Its a hoax and you have been duped. Said another way, you are a fool.

This post is a flat out lie. 95 - 97% of scientists believe in man-made global warming. The ONLY scientists who are denying man-made global climate change are those on oil company payrolls:

The 97% consensus on global warming

The hoax is on you and the rest of the Flat Earth Society.

believe whatever you want, I really don't care what you believe. Climate data does not support your fantasy, but continue to heap praise on the prophet algore, send him money, set your thermostats at 95 in summer and 50 in winter, go for it, do your part.
its much more like 50/50 with the pro-AGW group on the government payroll receiving grants that require that they prove AGW.

Its a hoax and you have been duped. Said another way, you are a fool.

This post is a flat out lie. 95 - 97% of scientists believe in man-made global warming. The ONLY scientists who are denying man-made global climate change are those on oil company payrolls:

The 97% consensus on global warming

The hoax is on you and the rest of the Flat Earth Society.

glad to see you back, you never answered my question on the abortion thread. In Australia if a person murders a pregnant woman is he/she charged with two counts of murder? if yes, why?

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