This Is Why We Elected Trump Twice


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Yes I said it.
The American People voted for Trump in massive numbers that beat even the Democrat's most popular president by roughly 6 million votes.
Trump won the election......but the Democrats and their Deep State friends made it look like a demented baby-sniffer won. A jerk who is so unpopular that they felt they needed an excuse to shut down his campaign before it imploded right before our eyes.
Now we're not allowed to even talk openly about how they ripped us off and stole the WH (and the Senate races in Georgia) or face who knows what legal or physical repercussions.

But why did so many Americans vote for Trump?

Well the worn out answer that Democrats keep giving us is that we're all racists.
Nope....that's not it.

Now the Democrats are trying to use the stolen election as an excuse to purge Republicans from Congress. They want to get rid of anyone who dared to object to their electors. Their actions have led to a rubber-stamped certification rather than a healthy debate on the merits of seating delegates that were the result of a corrupt election process. It is crystal-clear that Democrats don't care what the truth is or what is right. They don't answer to THE PEOPLE anymore. They simply don't care what we think.

This is an extremely dangerous situation that even journalists are becoming alarmed over. They must be thinking to themselves "What Have We Done?"

Sure, Democrats wrap themselves in the Constitution while they're busy squashing the rights of their enemies.
Here's a prime example of a lying Democrat who first plays the victim....attempts to tug on the viewer's heart strings....and then starts spewing non-stop lies about a single riot on Jan 6th at the same moment ignoring his complacency in the riots of last year:

Take note.....this flaming liberal talks about his fight against depression while being one of the root causes of depression in America today. This is a tactic that despotic regimes often use...most notably Hezbollah, who use Jews as a scapegoat for most of their shortcomings, and giving gifts to the poor and disadvantaged, and are well loved because of it. Appealing to the poor and to prejudices are stock and trade of authoritarians. Saddam Hussein needed hatred of Shiites to get into power. Hatred and malice is a stronger emotion by far, to use to mislead the weak minded, than having solid economic policies.

A warning to Democrats that I'm sure they'll ignore.....if you keep oppressing your people....if you remove all're going to bring this country down in a manner reminiscent of Emperor Nero.....who burned down his own country while attempting to blame others for his own sins.

Yes I said it.
The American People voted for Trump in massive numbers that beat even the Democrat's most popular president by roughly 6 million votes.
Trump won the election......but the Democrats and their Deep State friends made it look like a demented baby-sniffer won. A jerk who is so unpopular that they felt they needed an excuse to shut down his campaign before it imploded right before our eyes.
Now we're not allowed to even talk openly about how they ripped us off and stole the WH (and the Senate races in Georgia) or face who knows what legal or physical repercussions.

But why did so many Americans vote for Trump?

Well the worn out answer that Democrats keep giving us is that we're all racists.
Nope....that's not it.

Now the Democrats are trying to use the stolen election as an excuse to purge Republicans from Congress. They want to get rid of anyone who dared to object to their electors. Their actions have led to a rubber-stamped certification rather than a healthy debate on the merits of seating delegates that were the result of a corrupt election process. It is crystal-clear that Democrats don't care what the truth is or what is right. They don't answer to THE PEOPLE anymore. They simply don't care what we think.

This is an extremely dangerous situation that even journalists are becoming alarmed over. They must be thinking to themselves "What Have We Done?"

Sure, Democrats wrap themselves in the Constitution while they're busy squashing the rights of their enemies.
Here's a prime example of a lying Democrat who first plays the victim....attempts to tug on the viewer's heart strings....and then starts spewing non-stop lies about a single riot on Jan 6th at the same moment ignoring his complacency in the riots of last year:

Take note.....this flaming liberal talks about his fight against depression while being one of the root causes of depression in America today. This is a tactic that despotic regimes often use...most notably Hezbollah, who use Jews as a scapegoat for most of their shortcomings, and giving gifts to the poor and disadvantaged, and are well loved because of it. Appealing to the poor and to prejudices are stock and trade of authoritarians. Saddam Hussein needed hatred of Shiites to get into power. Hatred and malice is a stronger emotion by far, to use to mislead the weak minded, than having solid economic policies.

A warning to Democrats that I'm sure they'll ignore.....if you keep oppressing your people....if you remove all're going to bring this country down in a manner reminiscent of Emperor Nero.....who burned down his own country while attempting to blame others for his own sins.

"Deep State... don't rig an election without it!"
Yes I said it.
The American People voted for Trump in massive numbers that beat even the Democrat's most popular president by roughly 6 million votes.
Trump won the election......but the Democrats and their Deep State friends made it look like a demented baby-sniffer won. A jerk who is so unpopular that they felt they needed an excuse to shut down his campaign before it imploded right before our eyes.
Now we're not allowed to even talk openly about how they ripped us off and stole the WH (and the Senate races in Georgia) or face who knows what legal or physical repercussions.

But why did so many Americans vote for Trump?

Well the worn out answer that Democrats keep giving us is that we're all racists.
Nope....that's not it.

Now the Democrats are trying to use the stolen election as an excuse to purge Republicans from Congress. They want to get rid of anyone who dared to object to their electors. Their actions have led to a rubber-stamped certification rather than a healthy debate on the merits of seating delegates that were the result of a corrupt election process. It is crystal-clear that Democrats don't care what the truth is or what is right. They don't answer to THE PEOPLE anymore. They simply don't care what we think.

This is an extremely dangerous situation that even journalists are becoming alarmed over. They must be thinking to themselves "What Have We Done?"

Sure, Democrats wrap themselves in the Constitution while they're busy squashing the rights of their enemies.
Here's a prime example of a lying Democrat who first plays the victim....attempts to tug on the viewer's heart strings....and then starts spewing non-stop lies about a single riot on Jan 6th at the same moment ignoring his complacency in the riots of last year:

Take note.....this flaming liberal talks about his fight against depression while being one of the root causes of depression in America today. This is a tactic that despotic regimes often use...most notably Hezbollah, who use Jews as a scapegoat for most of their shortcomings, and giving gifts to the poor and disadvantaged, and are well loved because of it. Appealing to the poor and to prejudices are stock and trade of authoritarians. Saddam Hussein needed hatred of Shiites to get into power. Hatred and malice is a stronger emotion by far, to use to mislead the weak minded, than having solid economic policies.

A warning to Democrats that I'm sure they'll ignore.....if you keep oppressing your people....if you remove all're going to bring this country down in a manner reminiscent of Emperor Nero.....who burned down his own country while attempting to blame others for his own sins.

You really have it bad brethren. :laugh:
Yes I said it.
The American People voted for Trump in massive numbers that beat even the Democrat's most popular president by roughly 6 million votes.
Trump won the election......but the Democrats and their Deep State friends made it look like a demented baby-sniffer won. A jerk who is so unpopular that they felt they needed an excuse to shut down his campaign before it imploded right before our eyes.
Now we're not allowed to even talk openly about how they ripped us off and stole the WH (and the Senate races in Georgia) or face who knows what legal or physical repercussions.

But why did so many Americans vote for Trump?

Well the worn out answer that Democrats keep giving us is that we're all racists.
Nope....that's not it.

Now the Democrats are trying to use the stolen election as an excuse to purge Republicans from Congress. They want to get rid of anyone who dared to object to their electors. Their actions have led to a rubber-stamped certification rather than a healthy debate on the merits of seating delegates that were the result of a corrupt election process. It is crystal-clear that Democrats don't care what the truth is or what is right. They don't answer to THE PEOPLE anymore. They simply don't care what we think.

This is an extremely dangerous situation that even journalists are becoming alarmed over. They must be thinking to themselves "What Have We Done?"

Sure, Democrats wrap themselves in the Constitution while they're busy squashing the rights of their enemies.
Here's a prime example of a lying Democrat who first plays the victim....attempts to tug on the viewer's heart strings....and then starts spewing non-stop lies about a single riot on Jan 6th at the same moment ignoring his complacency in the riots of last year:

Take note.....this flaming liberal talks about his fight against depression while being one of the root causes of depression in America today. This is a tactic that despotic regimes often use...most notably Hezbollah, who use Jews as a scapegoat for most of their shortcomings, and giving gifts to the poor and disadvantaged, and are well loved because of it. Appealing to the poor and to prejudices are stock and trade of authoritarians. Saddam Hussein needed hatred of Shiites to get into power. Hatred and malice is a stronger emotion by far, to use to mislead the weak minded, than having solid economic policies.

A warning to Democrats that I'm sure they'll ignore.....if you keep oppressing your people....if you remove all're going to bring this country down in a manner reminiscent of Emperor Nero.....who burned down his own country while attempting to blame others for his own sins.

the difference between jan 6th riot and riots in 2020 is the difference between our leaders inciting violence, vs peaceful protests taken over by thug opportunists.

This has shown how the fraud of "blue lives matter", when Trump supports beat police officers with fire extinguisher to death.
Stop placing these conspiratorial threads in the Politics section.

We have had hundreds upon hundreds of conspiracy threads about Trump colluding with the Russians, and those were actual hoaxes.

There was no demand to place them in the conspiracy section.
Thats because Dump did collude with the Russians.

Can we bring this topic back down to earth and sidestep the vile hating of Americans against each other?

It's hard to believe that 155 million came out to vote and so that would lead to suspicions of cheating.

But it wouldn't be rational to suspect the Dems of cheating anymore than the Trumpers. Maybe even less so.

However, if that number really did vote then the only reason would be something to do with the Trump phenomenon. Both for and against.
Can we bring this topic back down to earth and sidestep the vile hating of Americans against each other?

It's hard to believe that 155 million came out to vote and so that would lead to suspicions of cheating.

But it wouldn't be rational to suspect the Dems of cheating anymore than the Trumpers. Maybe even less so.

However, if that number really did vote then the only reason would be something to do with the Trump phenomenon. Both for and against.
I personally know lots of people that voted against Dump that had never voted before. Its amusing to me that the only cases of proven fraud were all republicans voting twice for Dump.
Yes I said it.
The American People voted for Trump in massive numbers that beat even the Democrat's most popular president by roughly 6 million votes.
Trump won the election......but the Democrats and their Deep State friends made it look like a demented baby-sniffer won. A jerk who is so unpopular that they felt they needed an excuse to shut down his campaign before it imploded right before our eyes.
Now we're not allowed to even talk openly about how they ripped us off and stole the WH (and the Senate races in Georgia) or face who knows what legal or physical repercussions.

But why did so many Americans vote for Trump?

Well the worn out answer that Democrats keep giving us is that we're all racists.
Nope....that's not it.

Now the Democrats are trying to use the stolen election as an excuse to purge Republicans from Congress. They want to get rid of anyone who dared to object to their electors. Their actions have led to a rubber-stamped certification rather than a healthy debate on the merits of seating delegates that were the result of a corrupt election process. It is crystal-clear that Democrats don't care what the truth is or what is right. They don't answer to THE PEOPLE anymore. They simply don't care what we think.

This is an extremely dangerous situation that even journalists are becoming alarmed over. They must be thinking to themselves "What Have We Done?"

Sure, Democrats wrap themselves in the Constitution while they're busy squashing the rights of their enemies.
Here's a prime example of a lying Democrat who first plays the victim....attempts to tug on the viewer's heart strings....and then starts spewing non-stop lies about a single riot on Jan 6th at the same moment ignoring his complacency in the riots of last year:

Take note.....this flaming liberal talks about his fight against depression while being one of the root causes of depression in America today. This is a tactic that despotic regimes often use...most notably Hezbollah, who use Jews as a scapegoat for most of their shortcomings, and giving gifts to the poor and disadvantaged, and are well loved because of it. Appealing to the poor and to prejudices are stock and trade of authoritarians. Saddam Hussein needed hatred of Shiites to get into power. Hatred and malice is a stronger emotion by far, to use to mislead the weak minded, than having solid economic policies.

A warning to Democrats that I'm sure they'll ignore.....if you keep oppressing your people....if you remove all're going to bring this country down in a manner reminiscent of Emperor Nero.....who burned down his own country while attempting to blame others for his own sins.

Thank you for this QAnon post.jpg
Yes I said it.
The American People voted for Trump in massive numbers that beat even the Democrat's most popular president by roughly 6 million votes.

Yyyyyeeaaahhhh ummmm actually the American people voted AGAINST Rump. By nine million and ten million votes, respectively. Or if you prefer by a combined nineteen million, roughly the entire population of every man woman and child in the state and city of New York. By far the most voted-against incrumblant in history.

As far as the "Democrats' most popular President" that would have to be Franklin Roosevelt, who won his 1936 re-election by some 24 points and 61% of the PV. I'm pretty sure Rump wasn't even alive yet. It was less than a decade after his father got busted at a Ku Klux Klan rally.
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81 million people told Trump to GFY. The only pathetic thing here is for some reason you worship this man. For what reason I still don't know. You've allowed this man and his alt-right media klaxxons to bend your reality so you don't even know what is truth and what is fiction anymore.
Yes I said it.
The American People voted for Trump in massive numbers that beat even the Democrat's most popular president by roughly 6 million votes.
Trump won the election......but the Democrats and their Deep State friends made it look like a demented baby-sniffer won. A jerk who is so unpopular that they felt they needed an excuse to shut down his campaign before it imploded right before our eyes.
Now we're not allowed to even talk openly about how they ripped us off and stole the WH (and the Senate races in Georgia) or face who knows what legal or physical repercussions.

But why did so many Americans vote for Trump?

Well the worn out answer that Democrats keep giving us is that we're all racists.
Nope....that's not it.

Now the Democrats are trying to use the stolen election as an excuse to purge Republicans from Congress. They want to get rid of anyone who dared to object to their electors. Their actions have led to a rubber-stamped certification rather than a healthy debate on the merits of seating delegates that were the result of a corrupt election process. It is crystal-clear that Democrats don't care what the truth is or what is right. They don't answer to THE PEOPLE anymore. They simply don't care what we think.

This is an extremely dangerous situation that even journalists are becoming alarmed over. They must be thinking to themselves "What Have We Done?"

Sure, Democrats wrap themselves in the Constitution while they're busy squashing the rights of their enemies.
Here's a prime example of a lying Democrat who first plays the victim....attempts to tug on the viewer's heart strings....and then starts spewing non-stop lies about a single riot on Jan 6th at the same moment ignoring his complacency in the riots of last year:

Take note.....this flaming liberal talks about his fight against depression while being one of the root causes of depression in America today. This is a tactic that despotic regimes often use...most notably Hezbollah, who use Jews as a scapegoat for most of their shortcomings, and giving gifts to the poor and disadvantaged, and are well loved because of it. Appealing to the poor and to prejudices are stock and trade of authoritarians. Saddam Hussein needed hatred of Shiites to get into power. Hatred and malice is a stronger emotion by far, to use to mislead the weak minded, than having solid economic policies.

A warning to Democrats that I'm sure they'll ignore.....if you keep oppressing your people....if you remove all're going to bring this country down in a manner reminiscent of Emperor Nero.....who burned down his own country while attempting to blame others for his own sins.

View attachment 444305

The truth is a stranger to you dipshit.

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