This is why we need to tax the wealthy

It takes brains to let others take care of you, any idiot can take care of themselves. Wow, that's the scariest sig I've ever seen, Dependency Lover MAGAt
The logic is no different than YOU having faith and dependency on the private market for a job. It’s a system that shapes how you vote. Quit pretending you’re above shit.
Socialist programs putting taxpayers on the hook for corporate payrolls. And you pretend to be a capitalist.
That's Capitalism baby!!! Right? Taxpayers on the hook for private companies payrolls. Capitalism...........In someone's mind anyway.
Could you be more paradoxical?

The government (taxpayers) shut down the private companies. Specifically please, where should the dollars come from to pay those employees if not the taxpayers?
To make changes, there have to be REALISTIC GOALS.
1. Welfare back to the states. Cut $1.3T (the states can distinguish between the lazy and the truly needy)

2. Medicaid back to the states. (charity begins at home)

3. Education department back to the states (not a Federal responsibility under the Constitution, I remember when it was created in 1980)

Those items create a small surplus.

4. Add two new taxes: remittance tax, financial transaction tax.

5. Remove the Capital Gains tax break,

6. Fix SS & Medicare (remove the cap on SS)

Then we start paying down the $34T DEBT.
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Could you be more paradoxical?

The government (taxpayers) shut down the private companies. Specifically please, where should the dollars come from to pay those employees if not the taxpayers?

You defend your socialist programs all you want. I'm not trying to stop you.
The solar system won't last that long.

To make changes, there have to be REALISTIC GOALS.

It's always tax hikes now and a promise of future cuts that never materialize.

No tax hikes before cuts are implemented. And I mean implemented for a fiscal year and the next year we'll hike taxes a small amount in exchange for the next round of cuts...and so forth...but the hikes will only be forthcoming AFTER REAL CUTS to spending are implemented...not proposed. Not promised. Already implemented.
Since Billy000 says any fool can support themselves, let's see him do it
Hey Billy000 what is the tax rate YOU want to impose on wealth? Grow a pair and come up with a percentage.

This thread has been a disaster for you from the jump. You Start it because your handlers told you a wealth tax would punish the rich. Just another Dimwinger bullshit talking point you clowns can’t define……like “fair share”.

You morons have been bleating “FAIR SHARE” for decades, and not a single one of you have ever had the balls to tell us what a fair share is.

Try thinking for yourself for once in your pathetic life and define what you started your thread on.

1. Welfare back to the states. Cut $1.3T (the states can distinguish between the lazy and the truly needy)

2. Medicaid back to the states. (charity begins at home)

3. Education department back to the states (not a Federal responsibility under the Constitution, I remember when it was created in 1980)

Those items create a small surplus.

4. Add two new taxes: remittance tax, financial transaction tax.

5. Remove the Capital Gains tax break,

6. Fix SS & Medicare (remove the cap on SS)

Then we start paying down the $34T DEBT.
Add zero based budgeting. Make every department justify every dollar it needs. No more automatic increases.

Also, we need term limits. Nothing will happen without them.

Term limits and a balanced budget Amendment are the only things that will keep the US from financial ruin.
I don't care for that either. But the question then becomes: How much should the government impose itself on the way private businesses do business within the law?

I don't think it'll come to that. But even if it approximates something like this, employees can always strike.

Changes always come about naturally when the balance tips too much one way or the other, which it will do eventually. That's the way the world works. Beyond that, I'm not on board with the government stepping in to regulate business any more than they already are. All that would do is open the door to more and more regulation to the point that doing business is barely profitable anymore. When that happens, they will take their business elsewhere and many already have.
What we have a major problem with these days, is having government that keeps ending up in the wrong hands, and this is when everything gets real stupid for most. Trusting government only comes when government openly proves that it's not hostile to the working class Americans, and it promotes a meritocracy, and it secures our nation against foreign and domestic threats.

Not seeing this lately, because our government is in the wrong hands.

Trump was a president for we the people, and he pushed an America first agenda that rattled the rhino's and Democrat's who have had a heavy interest spread out throughout or all over the world.

The only thing that caught Trump off guard, was not knowing how far down the rabbit hole this nation had gone.

Guarantee you that he knows it now, but hopefully it's not to late for him to save his self from the beast he had taken on.
Add zero based budgeting. Make every department justify every dollar it needs. No more automatic increases.

Also, we need term limits. Nothing will happen without them.

Term limits and a balanced budget Amendment are the only things that will keep the US from financial ruin.
Term limits to be found in a definition to "FIRE" someone if they deserve it, and this regardless of what job they hold in government, yes I'm definitely for that kind of term limit, but to just change out a person who is doing a great job serving, and it being based on a time limit without merit and skills being considered is a ridiculous idea.
Term limits to be found in a definition to "FIRE" someone if they deserve it, and this regardless of what job they hold in government, yes I'm definitely for that kind of term limit, but to just change out a person who is doing a great job serving, and it being based on a time limit without merit and skills being considered is a ridiculous idea.
Works for President. We don’t need career politicians. The Founding Fathers warned about that, and they were right again.
Term limits to be found in a definition to "FIRE" someone if they deserve it, and this regardless of what job they hold in government, yes I'm definitely for that kind of term limit, but to just change out a person who is doing a great job serving, and it being based on a time limit without merit and skills being considered is a ridiculous idea.
In theory, I agree with you. However, that is not working. It was never intended to be a lifelong, fortune-making career.
Works for President. We don’t need career politicians. The Founding Fathers warned about that, and they were right again.
Make it easier where they can be fired just like anyone can be fired if they deserve it, but if we got a president who is knocking it down, then he or she should be allowed to run on, and stay in office for heck say 12 year's if he or she is that good, but of course with the option of always being fired kept hung over their head if they screw up bad enough.

Hell Joe should have been fired immediately after his botched exit from Afghanistan, and yet rather not to be replaced by his vice for the remainder of the time, but rather it should be that the nation should hold an emergency election that gives the citizens the opportunity to choose his or her replacement within 6 months of that firing. The vice could run it for that long, and if wanted to keep running it, then he or she is welcome to throw their hat in the ring as well.

We wouldn't mind running to the poles, otherwise let's say if they were set up at every library and post office across the country, and this in order to cast our vote for a replacement if that was the case in such a situation.

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