This is why we need to tax the wealthy

It doesn't but then you get less.
You are either stupid or trying to make a point that will never fly.

Yes, before the 16th Amendment, there was no income tax but the goobermint doesn't create money. In fact, our goobermint is forbidden from competing with Private Enterprise by law.

But it is still The People who create ALL wealth in this Country. Tariffs and duties are passed along to the consumer.

Sac up, you made a boo-boo either because of an innocent error or because you're stupid.
Taxation isn't really a way to fix the disparity in wealth.

Mandatory profit sharing will fix it.
You are either stupid or trying to make a point that will never fly.

Yes, before the 16th Amendment, there was no income tax but the goobermint doesn't create money. In fact, our goobermint is forbidden from competing with Private Enterprise by law.

But it is still The People who create ALL wealth in this Country. Tariffs and duties are passed along to the consumer.

Sac up, you made a boo-boo either because of an innocent error or because you're stupid.

Government, Federal's all the same.
You are either stupid or trying to make a point that will never fly.

Yes, before the 16th Amendment, there was no income tax but the goobermint doesn't create money. In fact, our goobermint is forbidden from competing with Private Enterprise by law.

But it is still The People who create ALL wealth in this Country. Tariffs and duties are passed along to the consumer.

Sac up, you made a boo-boo either because of an innocent error or because you're stupid.

The Government DOES create the money, but it is the wealth created by productive work that gives value to the money that the government creates.

The government also creates and protects the environment that allows investment and productive work.
Taxation isn't really a way to fix the disparity in wealth.

Mandatory profit sharing will fix it.
There is nothing to fix

Disparity in wealth is not a bad thing, it harms no one and mandatory profit sharing would be nothing more than theft
The Government DOES create the money, but it is the wealth created by productive work that gives value to the money that the government creates.

The government also creates and protects the environment that allows investment and productive work.
The government does not protect the environment.
No it was not

Nor does it protect that environment

The dominant military force determines the disposition of all wealth and ownership.

That's the reality of economics.

Our economic system is entirely determined and protected by the government.
The dominant military force determines the disposition of all wealth and ownership.

That's the reality of economics.

Our economic system is entirely determined and protected by the government.
Environment and system are not synonyms

No that may have been the reality of the past but it is not what determines disposition to day. If it were no one would have wealth
Environment and system are not synonyms

No that may have been the reality of the past but it is not what determines disposition to day. If it were no one would have wealth


The government makes the laws and enforces them. It determines what is legal and what is not. It makes the rules.

Without government our economic system would degenerate to feudalism - like it did in free libertarian Russia during the 1990s.
The Government DOES create the money, but it is the wealth created by productive work that gives value to the money that the government creates.

The government also creates and protects the environment that allows investment and productive work.
That's true. The budgetary constraints of the US Federal Government are the nation's GDP (i.e. production capacity). Where Republicans and many Democrats go wrong is in comparing the so-called "National Debt" to a household debt or pretending the US government is in danger of going insolvent and unable to pay Americans their Social Security benefits or provide Medicare. The more the US invests in its infrastructure (energy production, mining, utilities, public transit, roads & bridges. etc) and citizens (education, healthcare..etc) the greater our nation's production capacity hence the possibility of hyperinflation or insolvency is practically non-existent.

All of the above bleak scenarios (hyperinflation & insolvency) are boogiemen used by those who want to privatize EVERYTHING and empower the big-money capitalist elites at the expense of the US government (A system of democratic, constitutional governance for the people & by the people). The government is a social apparatus organized by the people to manage their large-scale socio-economic projects and affairs. It's the arm (i.e. power) of the people, hence the ruling class hates it and wants to do everything possible to dominate and run it, turning a democracy or representative, constitutional government that serves the public good, into a plutocracy (A tool of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the working class or "peasants") that primarily, if not exclusively, serves its vested interests.

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The government makes the laws and enforces them. It determines what is legal and what is not. It makes the rules.

Without government our economic system would degenerate to feudalism - like it did in free libertarian Russia during the 1990s.
you are moving the goalposts.

Dominant military force and laws are not the same thing.

russia was never free libertarian in the 90s or even close
In a market-capitalist economy or any economy that uses markets and money as a medium of exchange, there are going to be taxes. How much is too much? That depends on what the government does for its citizens as far as providing protection, through its military, law enforcement services, fire department, courts, public schools and libraries, education, universal healthcare, roads, bridges, and a host of other "public goods" (municipal or government-run utilities and public transit, water, gas, sanitation, telecom..etc at low prices). If the people of that country are satisfied with their government's performance then they'll be willing to pay their taxes, even taxes considered a bit high.

In the US we pay taxes to the federal government and sometimes, depending on which state we live in, we pay state taxes and even local, city, or county taxes (property taxes, even local income taxes as well), plus a sales tax for most products and services. We're being taxed to the hilt but our government doesn't deliver much as far as public goods. Here's an interesting video comparing how much money Americans spend in taxes for basic services that generally other modern industrialized nations provide their citizens free of charge at the point of service. We think we're paying less than people living in Scandinavia and the UK, but we unfortunately actually spend more than Swedes, Norwegians, and Brits:

Mixed economies (Capitalist market economies with some socialism), provide the highest standard of living to their citizens. Too much capitalism and you end up in an oligarchal plutocracy, where the wealthy rule and purchase government policy to serve their vested interests at the expense of the working class (i.e. Those who need to sell their labor power for a wage to a capitalist to live). Unfortunately, that's the system we're living under now. Oligarchal plutocracy, and due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence, we're heading to techno-feudalism. We need to wake up as a nation and take the reins of our government and economy.

The US will never adopt Communism...No matter how much you wish it would...

But, that's lots of words to not answer my question....
They have to pay 39% of their income in taxes, and unfortunately, many of them end up paying very little, if anything, due to having their money hidden in tax havens abroad and manipulating the system. The uber-wealthy sponsor bills in Congress that create a ton of legal loopholes that allow them to skirt taxes,hardly paying anything. This has to end and they have to start paying their fair share.

I'm for tax-cut incentives for employers who raise wages, improve working conditions, lower the cost of living, allow their employees to unionize, keep their businesses here in the US, and don't move them to Mexico. I'm a reasonable socialist. If a capitalist is a job-creator who pays good wages and is pro-labor, I will be in favor of him or her paying much less in taxes. Unfortunately, most of the big-money capitalists aren't like that. They're all about "numero uno", "me, myself, and I".
Your union cheering just negated your entire drive on the issue IMO.

Unions should remain a volunteer decision that employees make without coercion and intimidation being involved. Trust me if things get bad enough, a company that wants to stabilize and make profit will do the right thing to incentivize it's job roles for key positions inside of the company.

Everyone else works their way up to key positions over time on the ladder system, otherwise if they want to be long term employees for a company that needs them in those positions that they work must towards. As long as a company isn't violating labor laws in the states they operate in, then what is the problem ?
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No doubt, but what we are talking about is just how much of what is mine, does Caeser believe he can take?
If he takes it all, and makes you a slave, then that's exactly where one's faith is tested.

Fear not what man can do to any of us upon this earth, but rather pack up anything he wants, and carry it before him to take. Trust me that he might take it, but he won't keep it.

Rendering on to Caeser that which is Caeser's, doesn't say that you are to render on to him that which doesn't belong to him, but it says to "render on to him that which belongs to him".

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