This is why we need to tax the wealthy

I don’t understand what you want me to say about the stimulus. I think the one under both Trump and Biden was very beneficial and did stimulate the economy through consumer demand. Why you think i disliked those policies i do not know.

My question is simple regarding the stimulus. Do you not think that it helped to increase tax revenue by increasing GDP? If so, why would lowering taxes not have the same effect?
We are the only modern country with a flat tax system
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Property Tax is not a wealth tax. It is a local tax to pay for police, fire, schools, local parks, and many other local services.

Cool, then lets stick with federal income taxes. The higher the tax bracket, the higher the average marginal rate. That is a fact. Glad we cleared that up.
We are the only modern country with a flat tax system since it is a disastrous giveaway to the rich... everyone in the world knows it but GOP dupes....So we have the worst inequality, poverty and homelessness ever, dupe.
Why would anybody waste their lives being envious of anyone else? That's what I've never understood.
Because now they have the vast majority of income, dupe. Worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever. By far

They pay a higher percentage of their incomes, on average, to federal income tax. What don't you understand?
My question is simple regarding the stimulus. Do you not think that it helped to increase tax revenue by increasing GDP? If so, why would lowering taxes not have the same effect?
Yes it likely did increase revenue but the effect it would have would not be enough to offset the kinds of tax cuts republicans pass. Not even close.
Yes it likely did increase revenue but the effect it would have would not be enough to offset the kinds of tax cuts republicans pass. Not even close.

But naturally any increase in revenue would be correlated to the amount of extra money people have, whether by gift or by tax cut. If the stimulus had been twice as large, would we have seen a bigger impact on tax revenue and GDP? I recognize that there is a breaking point, but raising taxes does not stimulate the economy at all and only increases revenue in the short term.

I guess the bigger point here is that you believe taxes should be higher, but how high is high enough not to break the economy? I believe taxes should be lower, but how low is low enough not to decrease tax revenue?
They pay a higher percentage of their incomes, on average, to federal income tax. What don't you understand?
I understand perfectly,dingbat. Why don't you understand it is our only progressive tax and used as propaganda for the dupes. Payroll tax property tax etc etc hit the non rich at least twice as hard.... flat tax system 😕😕😕
I already told you why I justify that. It’s because it’s what realistic for the economy.

That's not justification, that's singling out people who happen to make more money than you.
Even if we severely cut government spending across the board, we would still need 100s of dollars every year in revenue. How do you propose we get that if we don’t tax the rich?

We are taxing the rich.
It’s just a necessity. Like seriously, how exactly do you propose we get all that revenue otherwise?

Start with cutting spending.

We have the highest GDP of any country and we are the most prosperous country in the world. There is no reason whatsoever to have the deficit we have.
You guys always think this comes down to personal feelings when it comes to liberals talking about this stuff. You have this delusion that we are all bitter and jealous of rich people so we want to take them down a peg. It’s ridiculous you think it comes down to that. I think rich people are a vital part of the economy in general outside of taxing them. We need rich people to make capitalism work and I don’t have a problem with that.
Yet you want to treat them unfairly where taxes are concerned.
I understand perfectly,dingbat. Why don't you understand it is our only progressive tax and used as propaganda for the dupes. Payroll tax property tax etc etc hit the non rich at least twice as hard.... flat tax system 😕😕😕

So take that up with your state and local governments. Also, I disagree that property tax hits harder on poor people. It could, if they had high valued property relative to their income, but that is not typically the case. As far as state income taxes, 22 states have a progressive state income tax system.
That's not justification, that's singling out people who happen to make more money than you.

We are taxing the rich.

Start with cutting spending.

We have the highest GDP of any country and we are the most prosperous country in the world. There is no reason whatsoever to have the deficit we have.

Yet you want to treat them unfairly where taxes are concerned.
There is an obvious reason why we have a big deficit. It’s both tax cuts and spending. The revenue solely from GDP is not nearly enough to provide that. Since you don’t have a viable option that doesn’t involve taxing the wealthy with a higher percentage, that is what we are stuck with. It doesn’t matter if you like it. Your feelings do not matter. It’s just the truth.

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.

But, but, but, they earned it.

You leave out the incentive to work that gets lost in these games being played.

The incentive to work is to eat, have housing..etc. Everyone who can work, and isn't of advanced age, in retirement, or suffering from a serious debilitating illness or handicap, must work. The only people who have the luxury of being young and healthy, and not working are the rich. Those who have amassed enough capital by one way or another, allowing them to no longer labor for their food, housing..etc. Most people aren't in that position, they must work to eat and have a roof over their heads.

If you pay people more than they are worth, then you create entitlement which opens Pandora's box.

What or who determines what human beings are worth? Society. You want to conveniently leave the appraisal of human worth to invisible, chaotic, irrational capitalist markets, which are always manipulated by the masters of capital, namely capitalists. That's a little bit too, let's say....convenient.

Society, the community, determines whether human beings have the right, to be housed (at least with some basic housing), fed, employed, treated medically (healthcare), receive an education (including vocational job training. etc), among other services. Any society can decide for itself whether it wants its government providing certain services, resources, infrastructure, protections..etc. That's up to society, not the so-called invisible hand of the free market, which really doesn't exist. That invisible hand is nothing more than a well designed, manipulated hand that serves the interests of capitalists, often at the expense of the working class and consumers.

It never is enough, and the production levels begin to suffer greatly as the newly entitled workers begin to feel that they have been made to good to do certain jobs if a ripple in their employment is encountered.

That's the nature of the beast. I'm a communist, and I admit that capitalists have every right to negotiate their terms and workers should be reasonable. It's self evidence for most people, what is reasonable and what isn't. Employers need to make a profit, and employees have to understand that. There should be a certain degree of mutual undertanding and concern for each other's legitimate needs. As a communist who is employed by a wealthy capitalist, I understand that my employer needs to make a profit in order to survive and thrive. I won't have a job if I'm a jerk, demanding ridiculous shit.

Expecting not to get fired if I get sick and need to be admitted into the hospital for a few days, even a week or more, is not unreasonable, provided the company is large enough, with adequate resources to handle not having me around for a week or two due to a medical emergency. I had one of those events a few years ago and I didn't lose my job. If I hadn't been a union member, I probably would've lost my job.

The accumulation of wealth at the top is of course to be held in good stewardship by those who have been given the awesome power of keeping balance in a righteous and just manor, otherwise it is imperative to balance out society through proper wealth distribution that is accumulated by everyone doing their part, and then issued out by those in whom we put our trust in to do the right thing.

At a national, societal level, I trust elected officials more in taking charge of that than capitalists, any day of the week. At least with the government, we have recourse and there's a degree of accountability that is missing in the private sector. The private sector's bottom line is profits, not the public good necessarily. However by necessity, the government's bottom line always has to be the public good, hence it behooves us to avail ourselves of its resources and power, as members of the public, who rely on our labor to survive.

Now if these Bernie Madolphs and/or such names commit criminal acts that breach the trust in which they have been given them in America, then exactly what happened to them needs to continue in the name of justice and fairness.

I agree. Nonetheless, if wealthy capitalists can tap into the government trough and drink, so can the working class. That's pretty self-evident.
You are an agitator is what you are...
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$943,298grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$855,270grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$663,527grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$1,677,680grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$1,451,603grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$1,090,545grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$425,314grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$407,603grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$359,828grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$563,119grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$535,977grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$473,352grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$215,380grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$227,119grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$375,170grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$380,895grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$445,908grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$449,484grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$469,007grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$469,819grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$490,570grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$501,941grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$551,885grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$555,821grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$708,755grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$721,967grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$808,880grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$827,067grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$852,596grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$1,070,672grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$1,153,563grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$1,199,546grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$1,317,033grant
Digital Receiver Technology, Inc.Marylandstate2022$250,000tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyNew Mexicostate2022$780,695grant
The Boeing Company Portland Business UnitOregonlocal2022$1,815,665property tax abatement
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2022$1,040,304federal grant
The Boeing CompanyNew MexicoState2021$925,074grant
Boeing Company, TheUnited Statesfederal2021$327,879,000federal loan or loan guarantee
Boeing Company, TheUnited Statesfederal2021$450,000,000federal loan or loan guarantee
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$175,412grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$192,941grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$204,088grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$209,292grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$225,858grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$299,097grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$321,420grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$352,467grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$364,029grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$384,277grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$391,782grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$428,192grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$435,107grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$447,360grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$464,060grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$480,848grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$494,102grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$500,061grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$521,555grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$553,938grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$581,183grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$826,616grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,002,898grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,101,675grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,161,213grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,183,193grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,252,341grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,252,659grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,453,002grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,490,363grant
Digital Receiver Technology, Inc.Marylandstate2021$62,075tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2021$53,779,100tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2021$48,938,000tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2021$9,286,890tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2021$157,881tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyFloridalocal2021$425,000grant
Boeing CoPennsylvaniastate2021$818,400tax credit/rebate
The Boeing Company Portland Business UnitOregonlocal2021$1,900,615property tax abatement
The Boeing CompanyNew MexicoState2020$1,379,641grant
The Boeing CompanyNew MexicoState2020$633,948grant
The Boeing CompanyNew MexicoState2020$153,283grant
The Boeing Company - AmendmentNew MexicoState2020$52,595grant
Boeing Company, TheUnited Statesfederal2020$498,382,200federal loan or loan guarantee
BoeingOregonlocal2020$761,248property tax abatement
The Boeing Company Portland Business UnitOregonlocal2020$2,008,617property tax abatement
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$149,925grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$162,216grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$172,056grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$185,802grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$198,858grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$208,023grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$240,695grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$268,425grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$332,756grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$401,741grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$472,800grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$478,104grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$483,843grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$502,826grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$518,185grant

If they can get that, the working class shouldn't be criticized when it receives its government services and resources.
Bail outs are supposed to keep an entity afloat in order to keep from experiencing to much of a title wave effect on the economy it has it's hand's in. The qualifying of the bail out should be transparent and reviewed by all. Nothing should be hidden about anything when the government gives a bail out to anyone or anything.

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