This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Bail outs are supposed to keep an entity afloat in order to keep from experiencing to much of a title wave effect on the economy it has it's hand's in. The qualifying of the bail out should be transparent and reviewed by all. Nothing should be hidden about anything when the government gives a bail out to anyone or anything.
I agree. I'm not necessarily against "bailouts", helping companies that are in trouble, especially when those companies employ thousands of workers and provide an important product or service. I also believe in helping small businesses, and one of the ways of doing that is by lifting the burden of having to pay for the health insurance of their employees. Medicare for all, universal healthcare, would lift that burden off of small businesses, allowing them to even pay their employees a bit more.

My issue is when I hear right-wing conservative Republicans whining about working-class people receiving government services and assistance, while they blindly support the billions,, even trillions of dollars given to the rich and powerful. I believe in socialism for everybody, not just the rich (i.e. the rich and productive). If you're a creative, productive wealthy person, I'm not against the government supporting your cause and venture. I see that wealthy person as an asset to the community, with a great product or service. If he needs some help from the government, fine, no problem. But don't get in the way of working-class people getting their piece of the pie, their help.
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There is an obvious reason why we have a big deficit. It’s both tax cuts and spending. The revenue solely from GDP is not nearly enough to provide that. Since you don’t have a viable option that doesn’t involve taxing the wealthy with a higher percentage, that is what we are stuck with.

My not having a viable option is not an excuse or justification to run with your solution to unfairly tax the wealthy.
It doesn’t matter if you like it. Your feelings do not matter. It’s just the truth.

No, it's not. It seems like the truth to you because it's easy. It's easy to put the burden of reducing the deficit on the rich when you're not rich.

The rich earned their money fair and square just as you did.

Now, you didn't answer or acknowledge any of my questions. I will ask one at a time:

Are the rich - as American citizens - entitled to the same rights and privileges and do they have equal protection under the law and the Constitution as the rest of us?
Because of inflation, more dollars are needed per year to give the same value for a given government program.
Needed or wanted by big spending swamp rats in washington?

I propose that the government spends too much already and does not need automatic raises
Needed or wanted by big spending swamp rats in washington?

I propose that the government spends too much already and does not need automatic raises
Unless it's a trillion for defense? The saber-rattling, empire support fund, to make sure we can keep those 700 military installations open around the world, and the US military-industrial complex gets its perpetual war-peddling profits. The "big spending" is only wrong when it's to provide the public with goods and services, not when it serves vested interests.
Unless it's a trillion for defense? The saber-rattling, empire support fund, to make sure we can keep those 700 military installations open around the world, and the US military-industrial complex gets its perpetual war-peddling profits. The "big spending" is only wrong when it's to provide the public with goods and services, not when it serves vested interests.
I would freeze this year’s budget and cut every single expenditure by 1% next year

And another 1% next year and every year for 5 years

Including defense and the social programs
My not having a viable option is not an excuse or justification to run with your solution to unfairly tax the wealthy.

No, it's not. It seems like the truth to you because it's easy. It's easy to put the burden of reducing the deficit on the rich when you're not rich.

The rich earned their money fair and square just as you did.

Now, you didn't answer or acknowledge any of my questions. I will ask one at a time:

Are the rich - as American citizens - entitled to the same rights and privileges and do they have equal protection under the law and the Constitution as the rest of us?
You keep trying to make this emotional argument about the rich but it just doesn’t fly. It isn’t a practical argument. If you want to make it emotional consider this: even self made rich people didn’t become rich all on their own. They had help. You could argue they have to give back to society for that help.

Putting the burden on the rich isn’t about easy. It’s about what makes sense. You can’t give me a viable alternative to fund the government so this is what we are stuck with. You can keep pretending i don’t keep telling you that but it does you know good. You’re desperate for me to say some sort of slight about the rich to justify this emotional argument you keep making. You’re wasting your time. I’m sure it’s easy for you to just assume I am bitter and jealous because that makes you feel validated but it’s a complete waste. I have plenty of respect for the wealthy unless their actions and personalities take that away.

lol you’ll say anything won’t you? You can’t frame this as “rights and privileges” from an objective constitutional standpoint. Do rich people deserve the same rights? Yes they do. Unless you can prove being taxed more is against their constitutional rights, you’re not making much of a point. Now as far as privilege goes, that is just an emotional argument that has no bearing on their constitutional rights. Taxes has nothing to do with privilege. At the very least you need to define what you mean by privilege for me to answer that question.
I would freeze this year’s budget and cut every single expenditure by 1% next year

And another 1% next year and every year for 5 years

Including defense and the social programs
Why cut social services? Unlike in the 1970s and 80s, a person on public assistance needs to be actively looking for a job. Here in NYC, if you're on welfare (cash assistance), and you're not medically disabled, you have to go five days a week to the Department Of Human Services (DHS), for eight hours daily, and take classes, receive training.

They teach English, math, and employment prep. You're taught how to find a job, how to conduct yourself during a job interview, and how to dress for the interview and there is information posted on the wall, for how to apply for a government-funded CDL (Commercial Drivers License) training, and for getting the New York Security Guard License, or joining the City's Sanitation Department or becoming a city bus driver..etc. As an activist who works with the homeless and people who need help, I know how valuable these programs are and how much they help.

I'm pro-life, however, I'm not going to use the heavy hand of the government to force a single woman of modest means to remain pregnant, even in early gestation, when I'm not prepared to make sure she has the financial means and support to be pregnant for nine months and raise a child. Infrastructure has to be in place to help single mothers, go through the hazards and costs of pregnancy and help them raise that child. If social programs are defunded or cut, that just increases the likelihood that these women will run to the abortion clinic the moment they're aware of their unwanted pregnancy.

Do you want to cut all of those programs? Not a good idea. We should cut our defense budget in half and close most of those military installations. We should also get out of NATO ASAP, and stop poking the bear. Of course, this will never happen, due to how much money is generated with all of the saber-rattling and empire-building. America needs boogiemen, enemies, to keep the lucrative racket running. Feeding the flames of war, creating the profitable illusion that everyone is out to get us.
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Why cut social services? Unlike in the 1970s and 80s, a person on public assistance needs to be actively looking for a job. Here in NYC, if you're on welfare (cash assistance), and you're not medically disabled, you have to go five days a week to the Department Of Human Services (DHS), for eight hours daily, and take classes, receive training.

They teach English, math, and employment prep. You're taught how to find a job, how to conduct yourself during a job interview, and how to dress for the interview and there is information posted on the wall, for how to apply for a government-funded CDL (Commercial Drivers License) training, and for getting the New York Security Guard License, and the Foreman license for building maintenance, and a course for becoming a school Janitor or joining the City's Sanitation Department or becoming a city bus driver..etc. As an activist who works with the homeless and people who need help, I know how valuable these programs are and how much they help.

I'm pro-life, however, I'm not going to use the heavy hand of the government to force a single woman of modest means to remain pregnant, even in early gestation, when I'm not prepared to make sure she has the financial means and support to be pregnant for nine months and raise a child. Infrastructure has to be in place to help single mothers, go through the hazards and costs of pregnancy and help them raise that child. If social programs are defunded or cut, that just increases the likelihood that these women will run to the abortion clinic the moment they're aware of their unwanted pregnancy.

Do you want to cut all of those programs? Not a good idea. We should cut our defense budget in half and close most of those military installations. We should also get out of NATO ASAP, and stop poking the bear. Of course, this will never happen, due to how much money is generated with all of the saber-rattling and empire-building. America needs boogiemen, enemies, to keep the lucrative racket running. Feeding the flames of war, creating the profitable illusion that everyone is out to get us.
If you try cutting only defense while raising all the social programs the effort will fail

Just as i would fail if I wanted lazy welfare bums to endure all the cuts

Everyone must share the pain together
If you try cutting only defense while raising all the social programs the effort will fail

Just as i would fail if I wanted lazy welfare bums to endure all the cuts

Everyone must share the pain together
What is your effort trying to accomplish? Cutting social programs unnecessarily hurts the public. Do you want more homeless people defecating on the sidewalk in front of your business? How does that improve America? We have plenty of money, so the canard that we're running out of it is just nonsense. As long as GDP remains high and growing, we have more than enough money for all social programs. These programs increase the nation's productivity. It grows our GDP.

Social programs aren't for bums, they're for everyone.
What is your effort trying to accomplish? Cutting social programs unnecessarily hurts the public. Do you want more homeless people defecating on the sidewalk in front of your business? How does that improve America? We have plenty of money, so the canard that we're running out of it is just nonsense. As long as GDP remains high and growing, we have more than enough money for all social programs. These programs increase the nation's productivity. It grows our GDP.

Social programs aren't for bums, they're for everyone.
Cutting welfare is not only good for the budget but it could over time introduce welfare bums to the work ethic
Controlling government spending is not a ridiculous goal

It has to be done and the sooner the better
Controlling government spending doesn't necessitate defunding important social programs, which actually save the government money in the long term. Conservatives like you fail to understand that, when you fail to address certain needs of the populace or to respond to certain social ills, the problems get out of control and much more expensive.
Controlling government spending doesn't necessitate defunding important social programs, which actually save the government money in the long term. Conservatives like you fail to understand that, when you fail to address certain needs of the populace or to respond to certain social ills, the problems get out of control and much more expensive.
Taking the budget process off autopilot and not allowing it to mindlessly increase is not “defunding”

we would still have welfare, but just not as much as you desire
Taking the budget process off autopilot and not allowing it to mindlessly increase is not “defunding”

we would still have welfare, but just not as much as you desire
Why do you assume that we need to cut or reduce funding for welfare and other social programs? The US federal government has plenty of money to cover the cost of these programs. Do you want them to cut Medicare and Medicaid?

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