This is why we need to tax the wealthy

I don't subscribe to the Washington post. I see that you do. Maybe that is one of your problems.
No I don't. I follow everything.Try it, dupe
And when government controls the money flow, more money in people's pockets is more government has our nuts in a vice. Yes, we need massive tax cuts, not more revenue redistribution. Tax cuts and redistribution are in no way the same


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And it's worse after trumpcuts for the rich 83%....
These numbers don't align with the numbers I posted yesterday. Regardless, I noticed they left out property tax, sales tax, etc. I pay a pretty large percentage of my income in property taxes. Wealthier people tend to have more valuable property. Property tax is a wealth tax to some extent.
These numbers don't align with the numbers I posted yesterday. Regardless, I noticed they left out property tax, sales tax, etc. I pay a pretty large percentage of my income in property taxes. Wealthier people tend to have more valuable property. Property tax is a wealth tax to some extent.
IRS figures say you're misinformed duhhh

IRS figures say you're misinformed duhhh
View attachment 889856
Take it up with your state then. The problem is not at the federal level as the higher the income the higher the marginal tax rate on average. If you live in state that has high property taxes, that is your problem. Stop voting blue.
Take it up with your state then. The problem is not at the federal level as the higher the income the higher the marginal tax rate on average. If you live in state that has high property taxes, that is your problem. Stop voting blue.
This is official IRS data. National. Yes the federal income tax is our only progressive tax, great for duping the chumps like you lol. The payroll taxes otoh kills the nonrich and is as big a number as income tax now....
I don’t understand why you think I’m trying to skirt around that question. My answer is obviously yes.

So we should treat the rich unfairly? How do you justify that?
However you trying to frame it like I’m wanting to punish the rich for being rich is completely fallacious.

Is it? I'm not so sure. You want to tax the rich at a higher rate, not because of any wrongs committed or illegal business practices, but merely because they have more money. That is not a sound principle for taking more of one person's money compared to someone else when they both earned fairly and honestly.
Again, it’s about what’s realistic and not what is “fair”. All in all, the rich do not at all suffer from paying a higher tax rate given the sheer massive disparity in income you we are talking about.

How much the rich suffer from increased taxes as opposed to middle class or poor is irrelevant. Are the rich not American citizens? Are they not entitled to equal rights and protection under the law? Should they not be treated fairly the same as everyone else in the courts or other spheres?
In general I personally do not think it is unfair, but if you want to make the case it is unfair, I suppose you could. It’s just petty given the metrics we are talking about here.
The metrics are irrelevant. Where the law is concerned, the rich - as American citizens - are entitled to the same considerations as everyone else.

I don’t know why you’re making a comparison of government spending vs one’s personal finances.

Because the government and individuals both manage money. When necessary, you cut your spending. When necessary, the government can cut its spending. It's not like the country will collapse if the government cuts out some expenditures.
I guess you think that I think spending isn’t a factor in the deficit but that isn’t correct. I’m simply telling you spending is only half the problem. The other half is big tax cuts.

It’s always going to feel like we are taxed a lot.
No one likes taxes but taxing money that's already been taxed is too much.
I didn't say massive tax cut. Also, you didn't address the very cellular point that covid money was called stimulus, for a reason. Simply, more money in people's pockets means a stimulus to the economy. It really is that simple.
I don’t understand what you want me to say about the stimulus. I think the one under both Trump and Biden was very beneficial and did stimulate the economy through consumer demand. Why you think i disliked those policies i do not know.
So we should treat the rich unfairly? How do you justify that?

Is it? I'm not so sure. You want to tax the rich at a higher rate, not because of any wrongs committed or illegal business practices, but merely because they have more money. That is not a sound principle for taking more of one person's money compared to someone else when they both earned fairly and honestly.

How much the rich suffer from increased taxes as opposed to middle class or poor is irrelevant. Are the rich not American citizens? Are they not entitled to equal rights and protection under the law? Should they not be treated fairly the same as everyone else in the courts or other spheres?

The metrics are irrelevant. Where the law is concerned, the rich - as American citizens - are entitled to the same considerations as everyone else.

Because the government and individuals both manage money. When necessary, you cut your spending. When necessary, the government can cut its spending. It's not like the country will collapse if the government cuts out some expenditures.

No one likes taxes but taxing money that's already been taxed is too much.
We are the only modern country with a flat tax system since it is a disastrous giveaway to the rich... everyone in the world knows it but GOP dupes....So we have the worst inequality, poverty and homelessness ever, dupe.
We are the only modern country with a flat tax system since it is a disastrous giveaway to the rich... everyone in the world knows it but GOP dupes....So we have the worst inequality, poverty and homelessness ever, dupe.
hahah we don't have a flat tax system....what are you talking about? How do the wealthy benefit from the tax system?
There’s a lot to unpack here but what I will actually address is how you could possibly think massive tax cuts cannot be harmful to the deficit. Even if you wanted to pretend that tax cuts create an abundance of revenue in more capital, there would obviously still be a limit to how effective that would be. It really isnt at all effective, but sure you could understand that if a tax cut is big enough, there is no way the revenue generated elsewhere could even come close to offsetting it. Trump’s economy added 8 trillion to the debt. Surely you can see how ineffective tax cuts actually.
Because revenues increased!

So we should treat the rich unfairly? How do you justify that?

Is it? I'm not so sure. You want to tax the rich at a higher rate, not because of any wrongs committed or illegal business practices, but merely because they have more money. That is not a sound principle for taking more of one person's money compared to someone else when they both earned fairly and honestly.

How much the rich suffer from increased taxes as opposed to middle class or poor is irrelevant. Are the rich not American citizens? Are they not entitled to equal rights and protection under the law? Should they not be treated fairly the same as everyone else in the courts or other spheres?

The metrics are irrelevant. Where the law is concerned, the rich - as American citizens - are entitled to the same considerations as everyone else.

Because the government and individuals both manage money. When necessary, you cut your spending. When necessary, the government can cut its spending. It's not like the country will collapse if the government cuts out some expenditures.

No one likes taxes but taxing money that's already been taxed is too much.
I already told you why I justify that. It’s because it’s what realistic for the economy. Even if we severely cut government spending across the board, we would still need 100s of dollars every year in revenue. How do you propose we get that if we don’t tax the rich? It’s just a necessity. Like seriously, how exactly do you propose we get all that revenue otherwise?

You guys always think this comes down to personal feelings when it comes to liberals talking about this stuff. You have this delusion that we are all bitter and jealous of rich people so we want to take them down a peg. It’s ridiculous you think it comes down to that. I think rich people are a vital part of the economy in general outside of taxing them. We need rich people to make capitalism work and I don’t have a problem with that.
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Because revenues increased!

Christ I’ve already explained this twice in this thread. Raw dollars is not how you calculate the value of revenue. Because of inflation, we need more dollars each year to pay for the same value of any given program. That is why it goes up. In order to actually measure the value of revenue, we need to calculate it as a percentage of the GDP.
I already told you why I justify that. It’s because it’s what realistic for the economy. Even if we severely cut government spending across the board, we would still need 100s of dollars every year in revenue. How do you propose we get that if we don’t tax the rich? It’s just a necessity. Like seriously, how exactly do you propose we get all that revenue otherwise?

You guys always think this comes down to personal feelings when it comes to liberals talking about this stuff. You have this delusion that we are all bitter and jealous of rich people so we want to take them down a peg. It’s ridiculous you think it comes down to that. I think rich people are a vital part of the economy in general outside of taxing them. We need rich people to make capitalism work and I don’t have a problem with that.
All you get is richer rich and lack of investment in the country. Worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever by far. Like now!!!
These numbers don't align with the numbers I posted yesterday. Regardless, I noticed they left out property tax, sales tax, etc. I pay a pretty large percentage of my income in property taxes. Wealthier people tend to have more valuable property. Property tax is a wealth tax to some extent.

Property Tax is not a wealth tax. It is a local tax to pay for police, fire, schools, local parks, and many other local services.
This is official IRS data. National. Yes the federal income tax is our only progressive tax, great for duping the chumps like you lol. The payroll taxes otoh kills the nonrich and is as big a number as income tax now....

There are some states that have a progressive state income tax. Also, property taxes are progressive in a way in that those that have more money typically have more valuable property. While the property tax rate is the same, a person living in a million dollar home is taxed 10x more than a person living in a 100k home. Neither home is more/less of a burden on the community, but the higher valued property reaps far more tax dollars and thus more money to schools, fire dept., etc.

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