This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

Calling it lying, is just you spinning it, to give yourself an excuse to be against racial outreach.

You attack republicans for being "racist" and use their lack of black membership as "evidence" of their racism,

but now we see that when they make any attempt to address that issue, you guys are the ones who make sure it fails, by shouting it down.

You are the racist here, the one doing all he can to nurture racial division and strife.

And a soulless monster troll while you are at it.
I'm calling it lying because that's what it is. Taking credit for someone else's accomplishment is lying. If you think blacks are too stupid to see through his antics, you will be shocked when you see they don't fall for it.

If course, I'm saying this to a suck fuck who says making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is normal male behavior, so he could defend the sexual assault committed by his idol; so maybe "shocked" is the wrong word there. Maybe "pissed" is what you'll be.

1. You really think that Trump doesn't believe that his policies are not the best policies for America and that the good results we are seeing are not the result of his brilliant leadership?

What did he do to get you to think he was humble? Or are you just spouting shit from your face anus?

2. Sorry you never got laid. Actually, I'm not. I'm happy for the women of the world, that you were to timid to make any moves on any women.
1. I don't think Trump is so stupid, he's incapable of knowing the unemployment rate had been dropping for 7 years before he became president.

2. I'm married with children. While you prove to be mentally rightarded. :badgrin:

1. Your spin is dismissed. Trump is, like all Presidents before him, taking credit for good economic news on his watch. THere is no sane reason for you to be hysterical about that.

2. So, you say. But you liberals A. can't tell men from women or visa versa, and B. are known to be horrible admitted liars, and C. you claim that trying to get to Third Base is sexual assault. You are retarded. More than retarded. Liberal.
Call it taking credit for someone else's achievement, it's still lie and most blacks know it.

Your idiocy that Liberals can't tell men from women is dismissed as the nonsense you intended it to be. Also dismissed is your lie that I said trying to get to third base is sexual assault. I like you you lie while calling Liberals, "liars." What I actually said was making a pass by grabbing a women's pussy, which you, a sick fuck, called "normal male behavior," is sexual assault if the woman doesn't "let" it.

But Trump specifically stated, "they let you do it".

Which means that what you said, was that "normal male behavior", was "sexual assault". As I pointed out, you freaking moron.
You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?

But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
I'm calling it lying because that's what it is. Taking credit for someone else's accomplishment is lying. If you think blacks are too stupid to see through his antics, you will be shocked when you see they don't fall for it.

If course, I'm saying this to a suck fuck who says making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is normal male behavior, so he could defend the sexual assault committed by his idol; so maybe "shocked" is the wrong word there. Maybe "pissed" is what you'll be.

1. You really think that Trump doesn't believe that his policies are not the best policies for America and that the good results we are seeing are not the result of his brilliant leadership?

What did he do to get you to think he was humble? Or are you just spouting shit from your face anus?

2. Sorry you never got laid. Actually, I'm not. I'm happy for the women of the world, that you were to timid to make any moves on any women.
1. I don't think Trump is so stupid, he's incapable of knowing the unemployment rate had been dropping for 7 years before he became president.

2. I'm married with children. While you prove to be mentally rightarded. :badgrin:

1. Your spin is dismissed. Trump is, like all Presidents before him, taking credit for good economic news on his watch. THere is no sane reason for you to be hysterical about that.

2. So, you say. But you liberals A. can't tell men from women or visa versa, and B. are known to be horrible admitted liars, and C. you claim that trying to get to Third Base is sexual assault. You are retarded. More than retarded. Liberal.
Call it taking credit for someone else's achievement, it's still lie and most blacks know it.

Your idiocy that Liberals can't tell men from women is dismissed as the nonsense you intended it to be. Also dismissed is your lie that I said trying to get to third base is sexual assault. I like you you lie while calling Liberals, "liars." What I actually said was making a pass by grabbing a women's pussy, which you, a sick fuck, called "normal male behavior," is sexual assault if the woman doesn't "let" it.

But Trump specifically stated, "they let you do it".

Which means that what you said, was that "normal male behavior", was "sexual assault". As I pointed out, you freaking moron.

Rightard, just because Trump says they let him doesn't mean they actually let him. The line of women complaining Trump groped them against their will goes out the door. You really have zero common sense.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?

But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"
1. You really think that Trump doesn't believe that his policies are not the best policies for America and that the good results we are seeing are not the result of his brilliant leadership?

What did he do to get you to think he was humble? Or are you just spouting shit from your face anus?

2. Sorry you never got laid. Actually, I'm not. I'm happy for the women of the world, that you were to timid to make any moves on any women.
1. I don't think Trump is so stupid, he's incapable of knowing the unemployment rate had been dropping for 7 years before he became president.

2. I'm married with children. While you prove to be mentally rightarded. :badgrin:

1. Your spin is dismissed. Trump is, like all Presidents before him, taking credit for good economic news on his watch. THere is no sane reason for you to be hysterical about that.

2. So, you say. But you liberals A. can't tell men from women or visa versa, and B. are known to be horrible admitted liars, and C. you claim that trying to get to Third Base is sexual assault. You are retarded. More than retarded. Liberal.
Call it taking credit for someone else's achievement, it's still lie and most blacks know it.

Your idiocy that Liberals can't tell men from women is dismissed as the nonsense you intended it to be. Also dismissed is your lie that I said trying to get to third base is sexual assault. I like you you lie while calling Liberals, "liars." What I actually said was making a pass by grabbing a women's pussy, which you, a sick fuck, called "normal male behavior," is sexual assault if the woman doesn't "let" it.

But Trump specifically stated, "they let you do it".

Which means that what you said, was that "normal male behavior", was "sexual assault". As I pointed out, you freaking moron.

Rightard, just because Trump says they let him doesn't mean they actually let him. The line of women complaining Trump groped them against their will goes out the door. You really have zero common sense.

The willingness of you people to lie for partisan gain, has been demonstrated beyond any doubt.

And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault.

You are the bad guy here, not me, not Trump. YOU.

You are a liar and a fraud.

YOu have admitted to lying for partisan advantage.

NOTHING you say, means shit. Even to yourself. And we both know it.
He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?

But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

Stop pretending to be retarded.

The nazis threw the rally, yes, and were misleading about what the rally was about. They focused on the historical statues, while planning to take credit for any and all attendance, thus inflating their perceived numbers and relevance.

Sort of like when you letfies have your "wear blue jeans to show support days" at colleges. It was a trick.

Trump pointed out, correctly, that not all of the people that showed up, were nazis.

Many, if not most, of them, were there to show support for historical statues.

YOu know this, but you are lying by pretending to not, so that you can support your allies, the nazis, in their attempt to grow and become relevant someday.

Your words are nothing but shit. After all, you are a self admitted liar.
He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?

But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

I hadn't see those before.
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?

But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

I hadn't see those before.

It is part of the trick. You publish a lot of shit, but before hand, you push the angle with mass appeal to get people to show up.

Afterwards, you focus on the ones that are obviously nazis, to give the false impression that everyone who showed up, were nazis.

The Left and the fringe nazis movement, are working together hand and hand, to try to revive the long dead fringe neo-nazis movement in this country.

Don't be a part of it mac. YOu are better than that.

When they are honest about their rallies, they rarely get into double digits. And I'm not talking about even middle double digits, but like the freaking TEENS.
But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

I hadn't see those before.

It is part of the trick. You publish a lot of shit, but before hand, you push the angle with mass appeal to get people to show up.

Afterwards, you focus on the ones that are obviously nazis, to give the false impression that everyone who showed up, were nazis.

The Left and the fringe nazis movement, are working together hand and hand, to try to revive the long dead fringe neo-nazis movement in this country.

Don't be a part of it mac. YOu are better than that.

When they are honest about their rallies, they rarely get into double digits. And I'm not talking about even middle double digits, but like the freaking TEENS.
So it's "fake news".

My only interest in this whole story is that it was just another example of Trump playing to his base, knowing where his bread is buttered.

Just another drop in the hurricane.

You guys can squabble over this individual story all you want.
1. I don't think Trump is so stupid, he's incapable of knowing the unemployment rate had been dropping for 7 years before he became president.

2. I'm married with children. While you prove to be mentally rightarded. :badgrin:

1. Your spin is dismissed. Trump is, like all Presidents before him, taking credit for good economic news on his watch. THere is no sane reason for you to be hysterical about that.

2. So, you say. But you liberals A. can't tell men from women or visa versa, and B. are known to be horrible admitted liars, and C. you claim that trying to get to Third Base is sexual assault. You are retarded. More than retarded. Liberal.
Call it taking credit for someone else's achievement, it's still lie and most blacks know it.

Your idiocy that Liberals can't tell men from women is dismissed as the nonsense you intended it to be. Also dismissed is your lie that I said trying to get to third base is sexual assault. I like you you lie while calling Liberals, "liars." What I actually said was making a pass by grabbing a women's pussy, which you, a sick fuck, called "normal male behavior," is sexual assault if the woman doesn't "let" it.

But Trump specifically stated, "they let you do it".

Which means that what you said, was that "normal male behavior", was "sexual assault". As I pointed out, you freaking moron.

Rightard, just because Trump says they let him doesn't mean they actually let him. The line of women complaining Trump groped them against their will goes out the door. You really have zero common sense.

The willingness of you people to lie for partisan gain, has been demonstrated beyond any doubt.

And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault.

You are the bad guy here, not me, not Trump. YOU.

You are a liar and a fraud.

YOu have admitted to lying for partisan advantage.

NOTHING you say, means shit. Even to yourself. And we both know it.
"And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault."

You sick fuck, making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is not normal male behavior. :cuckoo:
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?

But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

Stop pretending to be retarded.

The nazis threw the rally, yes, and were misleading about what the rally was about. They focused on the historical statues, while planning to take credit for any and all attendance, thus inflating their perceived numbers and relevance.

Sort of like when you letfies have your "wear blue jeans to show support days" at colleges. It was a trick.

Trump pointed out, correctly, that not all of the people that showed up, were nazis.

Many, if not most, of them, were there to show support for historical statues.

YOu know this, but you are lying by pretending to not, so that you can support your allies, the nazis, in their attempt to grow and become relevant someday.

Your words are nothing but shit. After all, you are a self admitted liar.
The purpose of the rally was to unite the kkk, neonazis, white nationalists and white supremacists. There was no one else at the rally on the right. So which of them do you think are "very fine people?"
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

I hadn't see those before.

It is part of the trick. You publish a lot of shit, but before hand, you push the angle with mass appeal to get people to show up.

Afterwards, you focus on the ones that are obviously nazis, to give the false impression that everyone who showed up, were nazis.

The Left and the fringe nazis movement, are working together hand and hand, to try to revive the long dead fringe neo-nazis movement in this country.

Don't be a part of it mac. YOu are better than that.

When they are honest about their rallies, they rarely get into double digits. And I'm not talking about even middle double digits, but like the freaking TEENS.
So it's "fake news".

My only interest in this whole story is that it was just another example of Trump playing to his base, knowing where his bread is buttered.

Just another drop in the hurricane.

You guys can squabble over this individual story all you want.

By themselves, when they are being honest, their rallies are 7 to 12 people.

When you smear Trump's actual base, as being these guys, you are playing right into their hands. YOu are doing the best you can to help them grow.

YOu are falling for their trick. And it makes you work for them.

This individual story, is the same as every other story, when people like Faun, lie about people that he hates.

You really want to be on the same side as FAUN?
1. Your spin is dismissed. Trump is, like all Presidents before him, taking credit for good economic news on his watch. THere is no sane reason for you to be hysterical about that.

2. So, you say. But you liberals A. can't tell men from women or visa versa, and B. are known to be horrible admitted liars, and C. you claim that trying to get to Third Base is sexual assault. You are retarded. More than retarded. Liberal.
Call it taking credit for someone else's achievement, it's still lie and most blacks know it.

Your idiocy that Liberals can't tell men from women is dismissed as the nonsense you intended it to be. Also dismissed is your lie that I said trying to get to third base is sexual assault. I like you you lie while calling Liberals, "liars." What I actually said was making a pass by grabbing a women's pussy, which you, a sick fuck, called "normal male behavior," is sexual assault if the woman doesn't "let" it.

But Trump specifically stated, "they let you do it".

Which means that what you said, was that "normal male behavior", was "sexual assault". As I pointed out, you freaking moron.

Rightard, just because Trump says they let him doesn't mean they actually let him. The line of women complaining Trump groped them against their will goes out the door. You really have zero common sense.

The willingness of you people to lie for partisan gain, has been demonstrated beyond any doubt.

And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault.

You are the bad guy here, not me, not Trump. YOU.

You are a liar and a fraud.

YOu have admitted to lying for partisan advantage.

NOTHING you say, means shit. Even to yourself. And we both know it.
"And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault."

You sick fuck, making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is not normal male behavior. :cuckoo:

You claim to be married. Assuming you did not get married in high school, ask you wife if any of her past boyfriends, made an attempt to steal Third base. See how angry she is NOT about it.
But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

Stop pretending to be retarded.

The nazis threw the rally, yes, and were misleading about what the rally was about. They focused on the historical statues, while planning to take credit for any and all attendance, thus inflating their perceived numbers and relevance.

Sort of like when you letfies have your "wear blue jeans to show support days" at colleges. It was a trick.

Trump pointed out, correctly, that not all of the people that showed up, were nazis.

Many, if not most, of them, were there to show support for historical statues.

YOu know this, but you are lying by pretending to not, so that you can support your allies, the nazis, in their attempt to grow and become relevant someday.

Your words are nothing but shit. After all, you are a self admitted liar.
The purpose of the rally was to unite the kkk, neonazis, white nationalists and white supremacists. There was no one else at the rally on the right. So which of them do you think are "very fine people?"

The purpose of the rally was an attempt by a collection of tiny fringe groups to co-opt a much larger and more popular issue, thus the call to unite the "right", not a few fringe groups of no importance.

What you just claimed, was a complete lie.

Which is to be expected, because you are an admitted liar.

THe "very fine people" that Trump clearly referred to, were the people lured there, for the historical statues, without being aware that the organizers had ulterior motives.

Trump was explicit about that. He clearly stated it. I have cut and pasted his quotes on that, on this site, dozens of times.

Your pretense of not knowing that, is just another lie, from a filthy liar.

Wich is to be expected, because you are an admitted liar.

YOu piece of shit.
Call it taking credit for someone else's achievement, it's still lie and most blacks know it.

Your idiocy that Liberals can't tell men from women is dismissed as the nonsense you intended it to be. Also dismissed is your lie that I said trying to get to third base is sexual assault. I like you you lie while calling Liberals, "liars." What I actually said was making a pass by grabbing a women's pussy, which you, a sick fuck, called "normal male behavior," is sexual assault if the woman doesn't "let" it.

But Trump specifically stated, "they let you do it".

Which means that what you said, was that "normal male behavior", was "sexual assault". As I pointed out, you freaking moron.

Rightard, just because Trump says they let him doesn't mean they actually let him. The line of women complaining Trump groped them against their will goes out the door. You really have zero common sense.

The willingness of you people to lie for partisan gain, has been demonstrated beyond any doubt.

And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault.

You are the bad guy here, not me, not Trump. YOU.

You are a liar and a fraud.

YOu have admitted to lying for partisan advantage.

NOTHING you say, means shit. Even to yourself. And we both know it.
"And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault."

You sick fuck, making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is not normal male behavior. :cuckoo:

You claim to be married. Assuming you did not get married in high school, ask you wife if any of her past boyfriends, made an attempt to steal Third base. See how angry she is NOT about it.
Sick fuck, making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is not normal male behavior. I don't care how sick of a fuck you are. :cuckoo:
But Trump specifically stated, "they let you do it".

Which means that what you said, was that "normal male behavior", was "sexual assault". As I pointed out, you freaking moron.

Rightard, just because Trump says they let him doesn't mean they actually let him. The line of women complaining Trump groped them against their will goes out the door. You really have zero common sense.

The willingness of you people to lie for partisan gain, has been demonstrated beyond any doubt.

And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault.

You are the bad guy here, not me, not Trump. YOU.

You are a liar and a fraud.

YOu have admitted to lying for partisan advantage.

NOTHING you say, means shit. Even to yourself. And we both know it.
"And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault."

You sick fuck, making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is not normal male behavior. :cuckoo:

You claim to be married. Assuming you did not get married in high school, ask you wife if any of her past boyfriends, made an attempt to steal Third base. See how angry she is NOT about it.
Sick fuck, making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is not normal male behavior. I don't care how sick of a fuck you are. :cuckoo:

Dude. JUst because you are a timid mouse, doesn't mean all men are.

You are embarrassing yourself.
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

Stop pretending to be retarded.

The nazis threw the rally, yes, and were misleading about what the rally was about. They focused on the historical statues, while planning to take credit for any and all attendance, thus inflating their perceived numbers and relevance.

Sort of like when you letfies have your "wear blue jeans to show support days" at colleges. It was a trick.

Trump pointed out, correctly, that not all of the people that showed up, were nazis.

Many, if not most, of them, were there to show support for historical statues.

YOu know this, but you are lying by pretending to not, so that you can support your allies, the nazis, in their attempt to grow and become relevant someday.

Your words are nothing but shit. After all, you are a self admitted liar.
The purpose of the rally was to unite the kkk, neonazis, white nationalists and white supremacists. There was no one else at the rally on the right. So which of them do you think are "very fine people?"

The purpose of the rally was an attempt by a collection of tiny fringe groups to co-opt a much larger and more popular issue, thus the call to unite the "right", not a few fringe groups of no importance.

What you just claimed, was a complete lie.

Which is to be expected, because you are an admitted liar.

THe "very fine people" that Trump clearly referred to, were the people lured there, for the historical statues, without being aware that the organizers had ulterior motives.

Trump was explicit about that. He clearly stated it. I have cut and pasted his quotes on that, on this site, dozens of times.

Your pretense of not knowing that, is just another lie, from a filthy liar.

Wich is to be expected, because you are an admitted liar.

YOu piece of shit.
Sick fuck, I told no lie. The rally was to unite the kkk, neonazis, white nationalists and white supremacists. I showed you some if the posters they made up to announce their rally and you never did answer... which of them were "very fine people?"

Rightard, just because Trump says they let him doesn't mean they actually let him. The line of women complaining Trump groped them against their will goes out the door. You really have zero common sense.

The willingness of you people to lie for partisan gain, has been demonstrated beyond any doubt.

And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault.

You are the bad guy here, not me, not Trump. YOU.

You are a liar and a fraud.

YOu have admitted to lying for partisan advantage.

NOTHING you say, means shit. Even to yourself. And we both know it.
"And you know that, so we are back to, you pretending that normal male behavior is sexual assault."

You sick fuck, making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is not normal male behavior. :cuckoo:

You claim to be married. Assuming you did not get married in high school, ask you wife if any of her past boyfriends, made an attempt to steal Third base. See how angry she is NOT about it.
Sick fuck, making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is not normal male behavior. I don't care how sick of a fuck you are. :cuckoo:

Dude. JUst because you are a timid mouse, doesn't mean all men are.

You are embarrassing yourself.

Not being into sexually assaulting women doesn't make me a timid mouse, ya sick fuck.
Is Trump an actual racist or is he willing to appear to be one to placate his deplorable base?

In either case, he cannot appear to be embracing black issues. The best he can do is ask....Why not vote for me?
That is your opinion, based on nothing but your hatred of people who dare to disagree with you.

In the real world, there are plenty of people that would show up to support historical statues without being racist.

YOu know that. But you pretend not to, so you have a thin veneer of an excuse for what a complete fucktard asshole you are.

Trump and I, are of the opinion that there were "very fine people" there, who think that it is fine to celebrate historical American figures, even if assholes like you are upset.

He specifically stated that he was not referring to the "racists", so you are lying when you say he was.

You are a lying piece of shit.
That's not my opinion, ya suck fuck, that's what the event was...


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"


Which of them ^^^ are "very fine people?"

Stop pretending to be retarded.

The nazis threw the rally, yes, and were misleading about what the rally was about. They focused on the historical statues, while planning to take credit for any and all attendance, thus inflating their perceived numbers and relevance.

Sort of like when you letfies have your "wear blue jeans to show support days" at colleges. It was a trick.

Trump pointed out, correctly, that not all of the people that showed up, were nazis.

Many, if not most, of them, were there to show support for historical statues.

YOu know this, but you are lying by pretending to not, so that you can support your allies, the nazis, in their attempt to grow and become relevant someday.

Your words are nothing but shit. After all, you are a self admitted liar.
The purpose of the rally was to unite the kkk, neonazis, white nationalists and white supremacists. There was no one else at the rally on the right. So which of them do you think are "very fine people?"

The purpose of the rally was an attempt by a collection of tiny fringe groups to co-opt a much larger and more popular issue, thus the call to unite the "right", not a few fringe groups of no importance.

What you just claimed, was a complete lie.

Which is to be expected, because you are an admitted liar.

THe "very fine people" that Trump clearly referred to, were the people lured there, for the historical statues, without being aware that the organizers had ulterior motives.

Trump was explicit about that. He clearly stated it. I have cut and pasted his quotes on that, on this site, dozens of times.

Your pretense of not knowing that, is just another lie, from a filthy liar.

Wich is to be expected, because you are an admitted liar.

YOu piece of shit.
Sick fuck, I told no lie. The rally was to unite the kkk, neonazis, white nationalists and white supremacists. I showed you some if the posters they made up to announce their rally and you never did answer... which of them were "very fine people?"

And the pamphlets clearly did not state what you claim they did. You are such a soulless piece of shit liar, that you can post a picture of a pamphlet and then lie about what it says, when your own post, shows it to be a lie.

You are such an incredible piece of shit, it boggles the mind.

And I clearly did answer your question. That was another lie, from you, the admitted liar.

you are such an incredible piece of shit. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously? What is your problem?

YOu are not right in the head.

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