This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

Oh, and then there's more:

Omarosa Says President Donald Trump Is 'Truly a Racist' as She Kicks Off Book Tour

"In ā€œUnhinged: An Insiderā€™s Account of the Trump White House,ā€ Manigault-Newman, who typically goes by Omarosa, accuses the president of having used racial slurs years ago on the set of ā€œThe Apprenticeā€ reality TV show, the Guardian newspaper reported this week, citing an excerpt of the book ahead of Tuesdayā€™s release."""


So, you want to ignore, years, no decades of public life, years of a formal political platform, years of working actual policy,

and instead focus on accusations of insensitive language, years ago?


Why are you fighting against this attempt at racial healing?
This is why we support Trump.....unlike the spineless...gutless, cowardly, weak, moronic, establishment republicans...and I could go on.....Trump is taking the fight to the enemy, the left wing, socialist, democrat asshats......

On Nov. 8, Trump will make his case to Black Americans on why they should vote for him....instead of the democrats who have ignored them, abused them, and turned their communities into hell holes.......... may commence peeing your pants now....

Nolte: Trump Launches Campaign to Attract Black Voters

President Trumpā€™s re-election campaign will launch its ā€˜Black Voices for Trumpā€™ coalition in Atlanta on Friday November 8, which again proves heā€™s really bad at being a racist.
ā€œBlack Americans have never had a better champion than President Trump,ā€ said Katrina Pierson, Senior Advisor at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. ā€œThe Black Voices for Trump coalition will be a national effort to mobilize and empower Black Americans who support President Trump to help get the message of ā€˜Promises Made, Promises Keptā€™ into communities across America.ā€

The press release adds, ā€œUnder President Trump, unemployment for African Americans has reached historic lows and nearly 1.4 million new jobs have been added for African Americans. Black Americans strong support for President Trump will ensure a second term for the President.ā€



THIS is why I support Trump.

My entire adult life, I have been waiting for the Party of Lincoln to be the real Party of Lincoln, and make a serious, focused, and yes ā€” risky effort to attract the black vote.

John McCain didnā€™t have the courage to do this. Mitt Romney gave it one try before he ran away scared and crying.

Not Trump, though. Despite the best efforts of the fake media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) to smear him as racist, to mock his every attempt to reach out to blacks, to turn every black person who does support Trump into a ā€œCrazy Uncle Tom,ā€ Trump will not be intimidated.

And he shouldnā€™t beā€¦ And not just because some pollsters show him making inroads with groups the cowardly, establishment GOP have ignored for decades.

To begin with, unlike our first black president, Trump actually has a record of accomplishment to run on, a record that has directly benefited black Americans: record-low unemployment, rising wages, job creation, and the long overdue criminal justice reform that Obama couldnā€™t get through congress.

He lied to them just like he did the coal miners and auto workers.
And look where they are now.
Trump is a fucking fake.
A huckstering carnival barker who uses a 7-year-old's vocabulary in order to wooo fucking idiots like you.

Why would you care if some conservative blacks, decided to vote for the guy they actually agree with, rather than some liberal?

Why does this outrage you?

If you read my post, you'll see I didn't address "conservative blacks".

I stated facts that Trump lies:
50 US coal power plants shut under Trump
Flashback: Trump told Ohio factory workers not to sell their homes

Any other stupid questions?


Trump is making a move to reduce racial division in this country.

You can celebrate the idea of reducing racial division, or you can try to shout down his attempt, by attacking him.

Why are you fighting against healing the racial wounds of this country?

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....That's just too stupid to address. Better check the updated version of my post. Read it and weep, idiot.

Yeah, ok I did. That was a nice collection of various forms of bullshit, that even if there were true,

does not answer my question. NOr even address it.

Trump is making a move to reduce racial division in this country.

You can celebrate the idea of reducing racial division, or you can try to shout down his attempt, by attacking him.

Why are you fighting against healing the racial wounds of this country?
Piece of shit human scum, feel free to quote a lie I've told...

Dude. YOu admitted it. When I called you on spewing shit from your face anus, and your defense was, "both sides do it".

That is an admission on your part.

If that is too hard for you, have your mommy explain it to you, in small words.
Great, so you can't quote me telling a lie. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.

I don't need to quote you, when you admit to it.

Did you forget that you admitted it? Or do you lacking in self awareness that you did not realize that "yeah but your side does it too" contains an admission?

I mean, I know you liberals are dumb. And that you lie a lot. So what you are doing now, being dumb or lying?

Anywho, the point is, that your complaint has been debunked by your own admission, and we should get back to the topic.

Trump is reaching out to black voters. This is a good thing, for the nation, and liberals thus oppose it.
Of course you can't quote me telling a lie since I didn't. Nor did I ever admit to telling a lie, as you ridiculously claim. What I did say is that both sides "gin up bullshit." You pointed to the left ginning up bullshit about Kavanaugh; I pointed out the right ginning up bullshit about Obama's birthplace.

But thanks for admitting you can't quote me telling a lie.

And you debunked nothing. That's just more of your delusions.

And Trump has done nothing for blacks other than ride the Obama wave which reduced black unemployment. Good luck spinning that to the black community.

And if you admit that you gin up shit, how do we not know that everything you say in this thread is ginned up shit?

That is the point, when someone admits to spouting shit from their face anus, as you have done.

You now have no credibility.

Why are you fighting back against this attempt by Trump?

Let's face it, a lot of blacks are pretty conservative on the issues. Why should they not vote based on the issues and vote for the GOP?

Can you not see how that would be healthy for the nation?
I didn't say I did that. It's not my problem you're fucked in the head.

I fail to see how lying to the black community is healthy for the nation. Trump is trying to take credit for the Obama wave he rode.
Common sense, fairness and intelligence are all on Trumps side. It's unbelievable that impeachment is even being talked about but evidently the Democrats figure that's their only shot at taking the White House. So I guess we'll continue to be bombarded with this bogus impeachment theater.
No one with common sense, fairness or intelligence supports Donald

that is why he wins among uneducated white trash males
Dude. YOu admitted it. When I called you on spewing shit from your face anus, and your defense was, "both sides do it".

That is an admission on your part.

If that is too hard for you, have your mommy explain it to you, in small words.
Great, so you can't quote me telling a lie. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.

I don't need to quote you, when you admit to it.

Did you forget that you admitted it? Or do you lacking in self awareness that you did not realize that "yeah but your side does it too" contains an admission?

I mean, I know you liberals are dumb. And that you lie a lot. So what you are doing now, being dumb or lying?

Anywho, the point is, that your complaint has been debunked by your own admission, and we should get back to the topic.

Trump is reaching out to black voters. This is a good thing, for the nation, and liberals thus oppose it.
Of course you can't quote me telling a lie since I didn't. Nor did I ever admit to telling a lie, as you ridiculously claim. What I did say is that both sides "gin up bullshit." You pointed to the left ginning up bullshit about Kavanaugh; I pointed out the right ginning up bullshit about Obama's birthplace.

But thanks for admitting you can't quote me telling a lie.

And you debunked nothing. That's just more of your delusions.

And Trump has done nothing for blacks other than ride the Obama wave which reduced black unemployment. Good luck spinning that to the black community.

And if you admit that you gin up shit, how do we not know that everything you say in this thread is ginned up shit?

That is the point, when someone admits to spouting shit from their face anus, as you have done.

You now have no credibility.

Why are you fighting back against this attempt by Trump?

Let's face it, a lot of blacks are pretty conservative on the issues. Why should they not vote based on the issues and vote for the GOP?

Can you not see how that would be healthy for the nation?
I didn't say I did that. It's not my problem you're fucked in the head.

I fail to see how lying to the black community is healthy for the nation. Trump is trying to take credit for the Obama wave he rode.

1. You did say it. You admitted to lying, and now you are lying about it. An odd way to validate what you said, but no one is doubting that you are liar, so completely unnecessary

2. All presidents take credit for good economic news on their watch. Trump is trying to use it to build a bridge across the racial division in our society. Calling it a lie, is just spin on your part. Why do you want racial division and strife?
Great, so you can't quote me telling a lie. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.

I don't need to quote you, when you admit to it.

Did you forget that you admitted it? Or do you lacking in self awareness that you did not realize that "yeah but your side does it too" contains an admission?

I mean, I know you liberals are dumb. And that you lie a lot. So what you are doing now, being dumb or lying?

Anywho, the point is, that your complaint has been debunked by your own admission, and we should get back to the topic.

Trump is reaching out to black voters. This is a good thing, for the nation, and liberals thus oppose it.
Of course you can't quote me telling a lie since I didn't. Nor did I ever admit to telling a lie, as you ridiculously claim. What I did say is that both sides "gin up bullshit." You pointed to the left ginning up bullshit about Kavanaugh; I pointed out the right ginning up bullshit about Obama's birthplace.

But thanks for admitting you can't quote me telling a lie.

And you debunked nothing. That's just more of your delusions.

And Trump has done nothing for blacks other than ride the Obama wave which reduced black unemployment. Good luck spinning that to the black community.

And if you admit that you gin up shit, how do we not know that everything you say in this thread is ginned up shit?

That is the point, when someone admits to spouting shit from their face anus, as you have done.

You now have no credibility.

Why are you fighting back against this attempt by Trump?

Let's face it, a lot of blacks are pretty conservative on the issues. Why should they not vote based on the issues and vote for the GOP?

Can you not see how that would be healthy for the nation?
I didn't say I did that. It's not my problem you're fucked in the head.

I fail to see how lying to the black community is healthy for the nation. Trump is trying to take credit for the Obama wave he rode.

1. You did say it. You admitted to lying, and now you are lying about it. An odd way to validate what you said, but no one is doubting that you are liar, so completely unnecessary

2. All presidents take credit for good economic news on their watch. Trump is trying to use it to build a bridge across the racial division in our society. Calling it a lie, is just spin on your part. Why do you want racial division and strife?
"You admitted to lying"

I did no such thing, ya flamin' yahoo. :cuckoo:

You talked about how the left lied about Kavanaugh. Does that mean everyone on the left did that? No, of course not. I myself didn't believe Ford.

Which led me to point out to you the right does that too, and referenced birthers as an example. Does that mean everyone on the right was a birther? No, of course not.

You're dysfunctional brain somehow translates that into me admitting I lied. Meanwhile, you can't find a post where I did.

And of course Trump is lying to them. Taking credit for something he didn't do is lying.
I don't need to quote you, when you admit to it.

Did you forget that you admitted it? Or do you lacking in self awareness that you did not realize that "yeah but your side does it too" contains an admission?

I mean, I know you liberals are dumb. And that you lie a lot. So what you are doing now, being dumb or lying?

Anywho, the point is, that your complaint has been debunked by your own admission, and we should get back to the topic.

Trump is reaching out to black voters. This is a good thing, for the nation, and liberals thus oppose it.
Of course you can't quote me telling a lie since I didn't. Nor did I ever admit to telling a lie, as you ridiculously claim. What I did say is that both sides "gin up bullshit." You pointed to the left ginning up bullshit about Kavanaugh; I pointed out the right ginning up bullshit about Obama's birthplace.

But thanks for admitting you can't quote me telling a lie.

And you debunked nothing. That's just more of your delusions.

And Trump has done nothing for blacks other than ride the Obama wave which reduced black unemployment. Good luck spinning that to the black community.

And if you admit that you gin up shit, how do we not know that everything you say in this thread is ginned up shit?

That is the point, when someone admits to spouting shit from their face anus, as you have done.

You now have no credibility.

Why are you fighting back against this attempt by Trump?

Let's face it, a lot of blacks are pretty conservative on the issues. Why should they not vote based on the issues and vote for the GOP?

Can you not see how that would be healthy for the nation?
I didn't say I did that. It's not my problem you're fucked in the head.

I fail to see how lying to the black community is healthy for the nation. Trump is trying to take credit for the Obama wave he rode.

1. You did say it. You admitted to lying, and now you are lying about it. An odd way to validate what you said, but no one is doubting that you are liar, so completely unnecessary

2. All presidents take credit for good economic news on their watch. Trump is trying to use it to build a bridge across the racial division in our society. Calling it a lie, is just spin on your part. Why do you want racial division and strife?
"You admitted to lying"

I did no such thing, ya flamin' yahoo. :cuckoo:

You talked about how the left lied about Kavanaugh. Does that mean everyone on the left did that? No, of course not. I myself didn't believe Ford.

Which led me to point out to you the right does that too, and referenced birthers as an example. Does that mean everyone on the right was a birther? No, of course not.

You're dysfunctional brain somehow translates that into me admitting I lied. Meanwhile, you can't find a post where I did.

And of course Trump is lying to them. Taking credit for something he didn't do is lying.

1. When your defense is, "yeah, but you do it too", you admitted to it, you drooling moron.

2. Why are you for racial division?
Oh, and then there's more:

Omarosa Says President Donald Trump Is 'Truly a Racist' as She Kicks Off Book Tour

"In ā€œUnhinged: An Insiderā€™s Account of the Trump White House,ā€ Manigault-Newman, who typically goes by Omarosa, accuses the president of having used racial slurs years ago on the set of ā€œThe Apprenticeā€ reality TV show, the Guardian newspaper reported this week, citing an excerpt of the book ahead of Tuesdayā€™s release."""


So, you want to ignore, years, no decades of public life, years of a formal political platform, years of working actual policy,

"Policy" like barring black people from renting his housing and getting sued over it?

Or like telling the investigator during that suit, "come on Elise --- you don't want to live with them either"?

Or you mean like whining "I have black guys counting my money -- I hate it. The only people I want counting my money are short guys who wear yarmulkes every day"?

Or do you mean maybe taking out full-page ads to kill the 'colored' defendants and not backing down from that even when they were exonerated by DNA?

So many choices. :eusa_think:
Oh, and then there's more:

Omarosa Says President Donald Trump Is 'Truly a Racist' as She Kicks Off Book Tour

"In ā€œUnhinged: An Insiderā€™s Account of the Trump White House,ā€ Manigault-Newman, who typically goes by Omarosa, accuses the president of having used racial slurs years ago on the set of ā€œThe Apprenticeā€ reality TV show, the Guardian newspaper reported this week, citing an excerpt of the book ahead of Tuesdayā€™s release."""


So, you want to ignore, years, no decades of public life, years of a formal political platform, years of working actual policy,

"Policy" like barring black people from renting his housing and getting sued over it?

Or like telling the investigator during that suit, "come on Elise --- you don't want to live with them either"?

Or you mean like whining "I have black guys counting my money -- I hate it. The only people I want counting my money are short guys who wear yarmulkes every day"?

Or do you mean maybe taking out full-page ads to kill the 'colored' defendants and not backing down from that even when they were exonerated by DNA?

So many choices. :eusa_think:

No, I covered his public life, decades of public life, dealing with, working with, and making deals with black people without any hint of racism, by saying his "public life".

I was referring to government policy since he was elected, when I said, "policy",

Do you understand now, or do I have to explain it even more simply for you?
Of course you can't quote me telling a lie since I didn't. Nor did I ever admit to telling a lie, as you ridiculously claim. What I did say is that both sides "gin up bullshit." You pointed to the left ginning up bullshit about Kavanaugh; I pointed out the right ginning up bullshit about Obama's birthplace.

But thanks for admitting you can't quote me telling a lie.

And you debunked nothing. That's just more of your delusions.

And Trump has done nothing for blacks other than ride the Obama wave which reduced black unemployment. Good luck spinning that to the black community.

And if you admit that you gin up shit, how do we not know that everything you say in this thread is ginned up shit?

That is the point, when someone admits to spouting shit from their face anus, as you have done.

You now have no credibility.

Why are you fighting back against this attempt by Trump?

Let's face it, a lot of blacks are pretty conservative on the issues. Why should they not vote based on the issues and vote for the GOP?

Can you not see how that would be healthy for the nation?
I didn't say I did that. It's not my problem you're fucked in the head.

I fail to see how lying to the black community is healthy for the nation. Trump is trying to take credit for the Obama wave he rode.

1. You did say it. You admitted to lying, and now you are lying about it. An odd way to validate what you said, but no one is doubting that you are liar, so completely unnecessary

2. All presidents take credit for good economic news on their watch. Trump is trying to use it to build a bridge across the racial division in our society. Calling it a lie, is just spin on your part. Why do you want racial division and strife?
"You admitted to lying"

I did no such thing, ya flamin' yahoo. :cuckoo:

You talked about how the left lied about Kavanaugh. Does that mean everyone on the left did that? No, of course not. I myself didn't believe Ford.

Which led me to point out to you the right does that too, and referenced birthers as an example. Does that mean everyone on the right was a birther? No, of course not.

You're dysfunctional brain somehow translates that into me admitting I lied. Meanwhile, you can't find a post where I did.

And of course Trump is lying to them. Taking credit for something he didn't do is lying.

1. When your defense is, "yeah, but you do it too", you admitted to it, you drooling moron.

2. Why are you for racial division?

Your derangement is again noted and again laughed at.

As far as racial division, I'm not for it. Lying to blacks to fool them into voting Republican is not racial unity.
And if you admit that you gin up shit, how do we not know that everything you say in this thread is ginned up shit?

That is the point, when someone admits to spouting shit from their face anus, as you have done.

You now have no credibility.

Why are you fighting back against this attempt by Trump?

Let's face it, a lot of blacks are pretty conservative on the issues. Why should they not vote based on the issues and vote for the GOP?

Can you not see how that would be healthy for the nation?
I didn't say I did that. It's not my problem you're fucked in the head.

I fail to see how lying to the black community is healthy for the nation. Trump is trying to take credit for the Obama wave he rode.

1. You did say it. You admitted to lying, and now you are lying about it. An odd way to validate what you said, but no one is doubting that you are liar, so completely unnecessary

2. All presidents take credit for good economic news on their watch. Trump is trying to use it to build a bridge across the racial division in our society. Calling it a lie, is just spin on your part. Why do you want racial division and strife?
"You admitted to lying"

I did no such thing, ya flamin' yahoo. :cuckoo:

You talked about how the left lied about Kavanaugh. Does that mean everyone on the left did that? No, of course not. I myself didn't believe Ford.

Which led me to point out to you the right does that too, and referenced birthers as an example. Does that mean everyone on the right was a birther? No, of course not.

You're dysfunctional brain somehow translates that into me admitting I lied. Meanwhile, you can't find a post where I did.

And of course Trump is lying to them. Taking credit for something he didn't do is lying.

1. When your defense is, "yeah, but you do it too", you admitted to it, you drooling moron.

2. Why are you for racial division?

Your derangement is again noted and again laughed at.

As far as racial division, I'm not for it. Lying to blacks to fool them into voting Republican is not racial unity.

Plenty of blacks agree with the GOP on policy. Asking those blacks to vote based on policy instead of race, is not fooling anyone.

You need racial division, because you need the black votes that you would not otherwise have.

Thus, your support of racial division in this thread.

Trump is trying to have racial HEALING, and you are fighting it.
I didn't say I did that. It's not my problem you're fucked in the head.

I fail to see how lying to the black community is healthy for the nation. Trump is trying to take credit for the Obama wave he rode.

1. You did say it. You admitted to lying, and now you are lying about it. An odd way to validate what you said, but no one is doubting that you are liar, so completely unnecessary

2. All presidents take credit for good economic news on their watch. Trump is trying to use it to build a bridge across the racial division in our society. Calling it a lie, is just spin on your part. Why do you want racial division and strife?
"You admitted to lying"

I did no such thing, ya flamin' yahoo. :cuckoo:

You talked about how the left lied about Kavanaugh. Does that mean everyone on the left did that? No, of course not. I myself didn't believe Ford.

Which led me to point out to you the right does that too, and referenced birthers as an example. Does that mean everyone on the right was a birther? No, of course not.

You're dysfunctional brain somehow translates that into me admitting I lied. Meanwhile, you can't find a post where I did.

And of course Trump is lying to them. Taking credit for something he didn't do is lying.

1. When your defense is, "yeah, but you do it too", you admitted to it, you drooling moron.

2. Why are you for racial division?

Your derangement is again noted and again laughed at.

As far as racial division, I'm not for it. Lying to blacks to fool them into voting Republican is not racial unity.

Plenty of blacks agree with the GOP on policy. Asking those blacks to vote based on policy instead of race, is not fooling anyone.

You need racial division, because you need the black votes that you would not otherwise have.

Thus, your support of racial division in this thread.

Trump is trying to have racial HEALING, and you are fighting it.
Lying to blacks is not "racial healing." You're a sick and disturbed individual.
1. You did say it. You admitted to lying, and now you are lying about it. An odd way to validate what you said, but no one is doubting that you are liar, so completely unnecessary

2. All presidents take credit for good economic news on their watch. Trump is trying to use it to build a bridge across the racial division in our society. Calling it a lie, is just spin on your part. Why do you want racial division and strife?
"You admitted to lying"

I did no such thing, ya flamin' yahoo. :cuckoo:

You talked about how the left lied about Kavanaugh. Does that mean everyone on the left did that? No, of course not. I myself didn't believe Ford.

Which led me to point out to you the right does that too, and referenced birthers as an example. Does that mean everyone on the right was a birther? No, of course not.

You're dysfunctional brain somehow translates that into me admitting I lied. Meanwhile, you can't find a post where I did.

And of course Trump is lying to them. Taking credit for something he didn't do is lying.

1. When your defense is, "yeah, but you do it too", you admitted to it, you drooling moron.

2. Why are you for racial division?

Your derangement is again noted and again laughed at.

As far as racial division, I'm not for it. Lying to blacks to fool them into voting Republican is not racial unity.

Plenty of blacks agree with the GOP on policy. Asking those blacks to vote based on policy instead of race, is not fooling anyone.

You need racial division, because you need the black votes that you would not otherwise have.

Thus, your support of racial division in this thread.

Trump is trying to have racial HEALING, and you are fighting it.
Lying to blacks is not "racial healing." You're a sick and disturbed individual.

Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
"You admitted to lying"

I did no such thing, ya flamin' yahoo. :cuckoo:

You talked about how the left lied about Kavanaugh. Does that mean everyone on the left did that? No, of course not. I myself didn't believe Ford.

Which led me to point out to you the right does that too, and referenced birthers as an example. Does that mean everyone on the right was a birther? No, of course not.

You're dysfunctional brain somehow translates that into me admitting I lied. Meanwhile, you can't find a post where I did.

And of course Trump is lying to them. Taking credit for something he didn't do is lying.

1. When your defense is, "yeah, but you do it too", you admitted to it, you drooling moron.

2. Why are you for racial division?

Your derangement is again noted and again laughed at.

As far as racial division, I'm not for it. Lying to blacks to fool them into voting Republican is not racial unity.

Plenty of blacks agree with the GOP on policy. Asking those blacks to vote based on policy instead of race, is not fooling anyone.

You need racial division, because you need the black votes that you would not otherwise have.

Thus, your support of racial division in this thread.

Trump is trying to have racial HEALING, and you are fighting it.
Lying to blacks is not "racial healing." You're a sick and disturbed individual.

Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.

1. When your defense is, "yeah, but you do it too", you admitted to it, you drooling moron.

2. Why are you for racial division?

Your derangement is again noted and again laughed at.

As far as racial division, I'm not for it. Lying to blacks to fool them into voting Republican is not racial unity.

Plenty of blacks agree with the GOP on policy. Asking those blacks to vote based on policy instead of race, is not fooling anyone.

You need racial division, because you need the black votes that you would not otherwise have.

Thus, your support of racial division in this thread.

Trump is trying to have racial HEALING, and you are fighting it.
Lying to blacks is not "racial healing." You're a sick and disturbed individual.

Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.

Your derangement is again noted and again laughed at.

As far as racial division, I'm not for it. Lying to blacks to fool them into voting Republican is not racial unity.

Plenty of blacks agree with the GOP on policy. Asking those blacks to vote based on policy instead of race, is not fooling anyone.

You need racial division, because you need the black votes that you would not otherwise have.

Thus, your support of racial division in this thread.

Trump is trying to have racial HEALING, and you are fighting it.
Lying to blacks is not "racial healing." You're a sick and disturbed individual.

Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.

Plenty of blacks agree with the GOP on policy. Asking those blacks to vote based on policy instead of race, is not fooling anyone.

You need racial division, because you need the black votes that you would not otherwise have.

Thus, your support of racial division in this thread.

Trump is trying to have racial HEALING, and you are fighting it.
Lying to blacks is not "racial healing." You're a sick and disturbed individual.

Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Calling it lying, is just you spinning it, to give yourself an excuse to be against racial outreach.

You attack republicans for being "racist" and use their lack of black membership as "evidence" of their racism,

but now we see that when they make any attempt to address that issue, you guys are the ones who make sure it fails, by shouting it down.

You are the racist here, the one doing all he can to nurture racial division and strife.

And a soulless monster troll while you are at it.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

The majority of those that I personally know, absolutely see it as an insult to their intelligence.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.

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