THIS is why you don't hire a reality TV host as POTUS

Some of us have been warning of this since the 2016 campaign, but, the Trump debacle over the last week proves why you don't hire someone like Trump to lead the country. Back then, we warned that Trump has no concept of United States history, United States foreign policy, United States patriotism, or United States place in the world. It was evident is blatantly obvious now.

So, I guess it depends on what you do now:

Do you admit you make a mistake and were duped by a serial liar (forgivable...I suppose)?

Or, do you hunker down and spit in the face of America (unforgivable)?

I guess, the choice is yours.
I disagree with your premise that Trump is ignorant of US history, for policy, patriotism or place in the world. Trump may illustrate why typically people with no background in govt aren't elected - even those who are seen as outsiders like Reagan, Carter and even Ike.

Trump's view of those four factors is shared by at least 40% of the populace.
Who are just as ignorant as Trump concerning US history, foreign policy, and America's place in the world; it's likely more than 40 percent of Americans are as ignorant as Trump.
The Corporate owned Republicans who were against Trump are still against President Trump.

Right, they were "so against Trump" that they passed Trump's tax cut that exploded the deficit????????????? Sure...that's believable.
I presume you didn’t follow the campaign.
I’m shocked.

Your replies make no sense whatsoever.
Your reply makes no sense.
How Republicans oppose Trump has zero to do with Legislation.
They spend 24/7 deriding him.

EXACTLY! Republicans provide lip service and, when it counts, do the opposite of what they claim. Thanks for pointing that out.
Politicians, regardless of party, do what gets them reelected.
Legislation with more money?
They’re all in.
Brilliant retort Cletus.

-Trump COULD have cancelled the meeting with Putin (in light of the 25 indictments levied)
-Trump COULD have told Putin, in light of the 25 indictments, if he doesn't extradite those indicted, we will impose additional sanctions against Russia
-Jesus Christ, Trump COULD have told Putin he believes Americans more than a dictator who kills his opponents

The idea that Trump had no other options is utterly preposterous.

You sir are the definition of a Trump weakling.
You forgot to tell us the expected result of those demands. What do expect that such action would affect?

How do we know Trump didn't confront Putin?

Press conferences and what we see going on in summits are nothing more than reality tv.

No political leader would travel thousands of miles across an ocean maybe to go on international tv and not know exactly what was going to be said.

We have a national security crisis. Our electoral,system has been compromised by a foreign power. We must act to fix this now.

How exactly has our electoral system been compromised?

No machine was hacked or is that the new claim now.

How do we know that Trump didn't confront Putin? Because, he didn't confront Putin......

Gee, that was simple.

Did you sit in on the phone calls or the room the meeting took place at?
The Corporate owned Republicans who were against Trump are still against President Trump.

Right, they were "so against Trump" that they passed Trump's tax cut that exploded the deficit????????????? Sure...that's believable.
I presume you didn’t follow the campaign.
I’m shocked.

Your replies make no sense whatsoever.
Your reply makes no sense.
How Republicans oppose Trump has zero to do with Legislation.
They spend 24/7 deriding him.
I dunno. Mitch "the Turtle" seems pretty tied to the guy who signs his tax cut bills. Charley McCarthy and the Tough Wrestling Coach Dude seem to be in his corner too.
McConnel is tied to the Koch Brothers.
Some of us have been warning of this since the 2016 campaign, but, the Trump debacle over the last week proves why you don't hire someone like Trump to lead the country. Back then, we warned that Trump has no concept of United States history, United States foreign policy, United States patriotism, or United States place in the world. It was evident is blatantly obvious now.

So, I guess it depends on what you do now:

Do you admit you make a mistake and were duped by a serial liar (forgivable...I suppose)?

Or, do you hunker down and spit in the face of America (unforgivable)?

I guess, the choice is yours.
I disagree with your premise that Trump is ignorant of US history, for policy, patriotism or place in the world. Trump may illustrate why typically people with no background in govt aren't elected - even those who are seen as outsiders like Reagan, Carter and even Ike.

Trump's view of those four factors is shared by at least 40% of the populace.
Who are just as ignorant as Trump concerning US history, foreign policy, and America's place in the world; it's likely more than 40 percent of Americans are as ignorant as Trump.
I dunno. It seems more to me that Trump's vision of America that he promotes is more pre-civil rights/Vietnam meltdown of America .... more an as we were Ozzie and Harriet world.

Of course those were not such innocent times, as it turned out. But it seems odd to me that both Trump and Putin seem to embrace a sanitized version of "the way we were" to appeal to supporters.

But to say they or their supporters are just ignorant seems .... dangerous and oversimplified.

American needs a politician who is an optimist. Like Reagan in a way who said
Right, they were "so against Trump" that they passed Trump's tax cut that exploded the deficit????????????? Sure...that's believable.
I presume you didn’t follow the campaign.
I’m shocked.

Your replies make no sense whatsoever.
Your reply makes no sense.
How Republicans oppose Trump has zero to do with Legislation.
They spend 24/7 deriding him.
I dunno. Mitch "the Turtle" seems pretty tied to the guy who signs his tax cut bills. Charley McCarthy and the Tough Wrestling Coach Dude seem to be in his corner too.
McConnel is tied to the Koch Brothers.
So? They'll march happily with Trump so long as he signs his tax cuts.
Some of us have been warning of this since the 2016 campaign, but, the Trump debacle over the last week proves why you don't hire someone like Trump to lead the country. Back then, we warned that Trump has no concept of United States history, United States foreign policy, United States patriotism, or United States place in the world. It was evident is blatantly obvious now.

So, I guess it depends on what you do now:

Do you admit you make a mistake and were duped by a serial liar (forgivable...I suppose)?

Or, do you hunker down and spit in the face of America (unforgivable)?

I guess, the choice is yours.

The better option is to just snicker at the utter ignorance of left wing loons and laugh at their idiotic political drivel. Trump is doing just what I expect him to do, policy wise. The extra is his ability to keep loons in a tissie..
We have a national security crisis. Our electoral,system has been compromised by a foreign power. We must act to fix this now.

But who will fix it? The president IS the national security crisis. He said there is a moral equivalence with Russia. He said he trusts a dictator over his own intelligence community. He said he does not believe the Russians truly did interfere with the 2016 elections. He is in service of a nation n not his own. And his followers are either too stupid to understand this or are too far in the tank with this treasonous president to understand the situation.

Who will fix this? Republican leaders in congress? They are worried about holding their power should they provoke the president.

My concern is the Trumpians are so invested in the cult of Trump they they have forgotten their own nation and are willing to jump from the cliff like so many lemmings.
The fish rots from the head on down and we have a putrid rotting head of our government.
The ONLY solution is to vote in November to check this totally corrupt president.
Even many republicans are saying people have to vote democratic to save our country and that is unprecedented.
---------------------------------------- UNPRECIDENTED or 'bs' , i say 'bs' Reasonable .
Some of us have been warning of this since the 2016 campaign, but, the Trump debacle over the last week proves why you don't hire someone like Trump to lead the country. Back then, we warned that Trump has no concept of United States history, United States foreign policy, United States patriotism, or United States place in the world. It was evident is blatantly obvious now.

So, I guess it depends on what you do now:

Do you admit you make a mistake and were duped by a serial liar (forgivable...I suppose)?

Or, do you hunker down and spit in the face of America (unforgivable)?

I guess, the choice is yours.

We had difficulty finding an unskilled, butt kissing, community organizer.

How convincing?!?!?! I have 20 years of have the retorts of right wing media. Good one?

You don't have 20 years of history, you have 20 years of left wing propaganda that you ignorantly think is history.
You forgot to tell us the expected result of those demands. What do expect that such action would affect?

How do we know Trump didn't confront Putin?

Press conferences and what we see going on in summits are nothing more than reality tv.

No political leader would travel thousands of miles across an ocean maybe to go on international tv and not know exactly what was going to be said.

We have a national security crisis. Our electoral,system has been compromised by a foreign power. We must act to fix this now.

How exactly has our electoral system been compromised?

No machine was hacked or is that the new claim now.
Any president worth his salt would protect America after a foreign adversary attacked our democracy.
Not only is the incompetent compromised President not protecting us, he can’t even admit Putin’s attack because he believes the former KGB agent over our own intelligence agencies.
Everyone in Congress and all over the world knows what happened but since Putin has something big over Trump, the cowardly president puts himself first and America last.
Perhaps Trump believes that Putin's embrace of an ultra-nationalist ethic Russia is something admirable and to be emulated? That could be true even if Trump committed impeachable crimes coordinating his campaign with Putin's illegal interference. Not that I'm supposing as a fact that Trump "colluded." It seems more likely to me than it did before he went overseas.
Yes he admires dictators who can kill members of the free press and get away with it.
He attacks our democratic allies and praises the worse dictators on the planet. He has shown who he is. Why won’t his cult listen to him?

Oh, you mean kinda like this?
11 Times Obama Catered to Worst Dictators in the World
Funny you head right to your far right propaganda to give cover to Raccoon Eyes’ treason.
No one in the world is talking about Obama today except with his excellent speech in South Africa.
You’re not stopping the public condemnation world wide of this current compromised president. Funny you think you can try.
The Nonthinker is a hoot.
We have a national security crisis. Our electoral,system has been compromised by a foreign power. We must act to fix this now.

But who will fix it? The president IS the national security crisis. He said there is a moral equivalence with Russia. He said he trusts a dictator over his own intelligence community. He said he does not believe the Russians truly did interfere with the 2016 elections. He is in service of a nation n not his own. And his followers are either too stupid to understand this or are too far in the tank with this treasonous president to understand the situation.

Who will fix this? Republican leaders in congress? They are worried about holding their power should they provoke the president.

My concern is the Trumpians are so invested in the cult of Trump they they have forgotten their own nation and are willing to jump from the cliff like so many lemmings.
The fish rots from the head on down and we have a putrid rotting head of our government.
The ONLY solution is to vote in November to check this totally corrupt president.
Even many republicans are saying people have to vote democratic to save our country and that is unprecedented.
---------------------------------------- UNPRECIDENTED or 'bs' , i say 'bs' Reasonable .
Another current affairs illiterate who doesn’t know that many republicans are voting democrat and urging others to do so to check this criminal treasonous president.
Ha ha ha ha
When you can’t defend this treasonous president you run straight to Hillary for comfort.
How do we know Trump didn't confront Putin?

Press conferences and what we see going on in summits are nothing more than reality tv.

No political leader would travel thousands of miles across an ocean maybe to go on international tv and not know exactly what was going to be said.

How exactly has our electoral system been compromised?

No machine was hacked or is that the new claim now.
Any president worth his salt would protect America after a foreign adversary attacked our democracy.
Not only is the incompetent compromised President not protecting us, he can’t even admit Putin’s attack because he believes the former KGB agent over our own intelligence agencies.
Everyone in Congress and all over the world knows what happened but since Putin has something big over Trump, the cowardly president puts himself first and America last.
Perhaps Trump believes that Putin's embrace of an ultra-nationalist ethic Russia is something admirable and to be emulated? That could be true even if Trump committed impeachable crimes coordinating his campaign with Putin's illegal interference. Not that I'm supposing as a fact that Trump "colluded." It seems more likely to me than it did before he went overseas.
Yes he admires dictators who can kill members of the free press and get away with it.
He attacks our democratic allies and praises the worse dictators on the planet. He has shown who he is. Why won’t his cult listen to him?

Oh, you mean kinda like this?
11 Times Obama Catered to Worst Dictators in the World
Funny you head right to your far right propaganda to give cover to Raccoon Eyes’ treason.
No one in the world is talking about Obama today except with his excellent speech in South Africa.
You’re not stopping the public condemnation world wide of this current compromised president. Funny you think you can try.
The Nonthinker is a hoot.

What!? All the photographs, videos, recordings are propaganda? I am shocked, totally shocked.....dumbass.
Ha ha ha ha
When you can’t defend this treasonous president you run straight to Hillary for comfort.

Cry all you want, little girl.

Ubercunt lost.


And yer gonna lose in November even worse than you did last time.

Count on it.
Any president worth his salt would protect America after a foreign adversary attacked our democracy.
Not only is the incompetent compromised President not protecting us, he can’t even admit Putin’s attack because he believes the former KGB agent over our own intelligence agencies.
Everyone in Congress and all over the world knows what happened but since Putin has something big over Trump, the cowardly president puts himself first and America last.
Perhaps Trump believes that Putin's embrace of an ultra-nationalist ethic Russia is something admirable and to be emulated? That could be true even if Trump committed impeachable crimes coordinating his campaign with Putin's illegal interference. Not that I'm supposing as a fact that Trump "colluded." It seems more likely to me than it did before he went overseas.
Yes he admires dictators who can kill members of the free press and get away with it.
He attacks our democratic allies and praises the worse dictators on the planet. He has shown who he is. Why won’t his cult listen to him?

Oh, you mean kinda like this?
11 Times Obama Catered to Worst Dictators in the World
Funny you head right to your far right propaganda to give cover to Raccoon Eyes’ treason.
No one in the world is talking about Obama today except with his excellent speech in South Africa.
You’re not stopping the public condemnation world wide of this current compromised president. Funny you think you can try.
The Nonthinker is a hoot.

What!? All the photographs, videos, recordings are propaganda? I am shocked, totally shocked.....dumbass.
We even have former CIA heads disgusted with Raccoon Eyes’ treason but you head straight to Obama because you don’t have the integrity to admit this bastard president threw America under the bus.
Ha ha ha ha
When you can’t defend this treasonous president you run straight to Hillary for comfort.

Cry all you want, little girl.

Ubercunt lost.


And yer gonna lose in November even worse than you did last time.

Count on it.
Yes... you’re winning the hearts and minds of Americans by ripping children from their parents and throwing them in concentration camps and by the American President being Putin’s bitch.
Is there any oxygen in the bubble you live in?
Ha ha ha ha
When you can’t defend this treasonous president you run straight to Hillary for comfort.

Cry all you want, little girl.

Ubercunt lost.


And yer gonna lose in November even worse than you did last time.

Count on it.
Although it’s horrible for America what the Liar in Chief did yesterday it will seal the republicans fate in November so not only is fat boi working for Russia he’s helping Dems take back the House so impeachment hearings can begin.
Sorry dimwit......if you are that stupid where you don't understand what Trump did, you don't deserve an opinion. If you hate our democracy...don't live here.

I cannot believe you people are that weak where you believe standing up for democracy somehow starts a crisis?!?!? Friggin' moron.
First off, FUCK YOU! Wanna compare sheep skins, motherfucker?

Secondly, please explain what you expected Trump to do and what would result from that action.

I'll wait.

Brilliant retort Cletus.

-Trump COULD have cancelled the meeting with Putin (in light of the 25 indictments levied)
-Trump COULD have told Putin, in light of the 25 indictments, if he doesn't extradite those indicted, we will impose additional sanctions against Russia
-Jesus Christ, Trump COULD have told Putin he believes Americans more than a dictator who kills his opponents

You sir are the definition of a Trump weakling.
And you are the definition of a media fed parrot! All these so called indictments were, was an attempt to derail the Helsinki meeting with Trump and Putin. Nothing more. How come your turd Mueller hasn't responded to Putin welcoming him to come to Russia and question them?

Sorry fool....indictments are based on investigations and evidence. Your moronic assumptions are based on (NOT so ironically) what YOU are being 'fed' by the Trump propaganda.

I usually like boobs......but, not in your case.
------------------------------------- in my opinion the indictments of 12 Russians was simply done as drama and is 'bs' . Russians ain't coming back to the USA to be tried .
Extradition of Russian citizens is prohibited by the Russian constitution. Did Mueller know this when he issued his phony indictments? If not, why not? If he knew, what was the point of bringing those baloney charges? Unless, the indictments were brought when they were brought for the purpose of causing more democrat vapors?
Ha ha ha ha
When you can’t defend this treasonous president you run straight to Hillary for comfort.

Cry all you want, little girl.

Ubercunt lost.


And yer gonna lose in November even worse than you did last time.

Count on it.
Lose worse than last time? You mean when Hillary got 3 more million votes than the thin skinned whiny little bitch?
The GOP has become the Do nothing party and they forget its their JOB to check this out of control president. Instead it’s now Trump’s party and they will pay the price in November.

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