THIS is why you don't hire a reality TV host as POTUS

Extradition of Russian citizens is prohibited by the Russian constitution. Did Mueller know this when he issued his phony indictments? If not, why not? If he knew, what was the point of bringing those baloney charges? Unless, the indictments were brought when they were brought for the purpose of causing more democrat vapors?
Tipsy Rat lover is also on Russia’s side against America just like her traitor president.

Tipsy Rat Lover

Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did.

Tipsycatlover: [Columbus] was a wonderful man better than any black guy that has ever been born or ever will be born

Tipsycatlover:[Speaking of lesbians mom's who killed their kids] It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end.
Can't produce any proof of anything so you resort to idiotic behavior.
Yeah 9 members of Trump’s team meeting with Russians before the election and then lying about it after getting caught shows their innocence, right?
What a bonehead you are.
A politicians team meeting with foreigners? Oh nos....
Of course you don’t know they have to declare it. It’s the law. Why were they secretive about it. What were they hiding? Were they helping Russians hack our democracy?
Mueller knows and will tell the world what traitors the entire trump team is.
You keep defending the indefensible. You’re a deplorable. You have to.

They were discussing golf and grandkids, what's wrong with that?
------------------------------------- in my opinion the indictments of 12 Russians was simply done as drama and is 'bs' . Russians ain't coming back to the USA to be tried .
Extradition of Russian citizens is prohibited by the Russian constitution. Did Mueller know this when he issued his phony indictments? If not, why not? If he knew, what was the point of bringing those baloney charges? Unless, the indictments were brought when they were brought for the purpose of causing more democrat vapors?
Tipsy Rat lover is also on Russia’s side against America just like her traitor president.

Tipsy Rat Lover:

Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did.

Tipsycatlover: [Columbus] was a wonderful man better than any black guy that has ever been born or ever will be born

Tipsycatlover:[Speaking of lesbians mom's who killed their kids] It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end.
--------------------------------------- you are getting FRANTIC Reasonable .
I’m always as cool as a cucumber because I have the facts and truth on my side.
You have a pathological lying president who has 3900 documented lies in a year and half on your side.
You knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and you still believe him.
Where are your facts? Not links to some bullshit media site, iron clad proof?
“Bullshit media! “
Ha ha ha
You mean the media that has exposed the underbelly of this criminal president’s enterprise!
Like him saying ,” I have no business with Russians” at the exact same time meeting with Russians to get a trump tower built in Moscow?
The Liar in Chief counts on your blind obedience and believing his 3900 lies and you’re all too compliable.
We care about American citizens doing better and America doing better and both of those things are happening. You care about some temporary separation of border crossers and some meetings that happened between the Trump campaign and Russian dudes. :21:
Brilliant retort Cletus.

-Trump COULD have cancelled the meeting with Putin (in light of the 25 indictments levied)
-Trump COULD have told Putin, in light of the 25 indictments, if he doesn't extradite those indicted, we will impose additional sanctions against Russia
-Jesus Christ, Trump COULD have told Putin he believes Americans more than a dictator who kills his opponents

The idea that Trump had no other options is utterly preposterous.

You sir are the definition of a Trump weakling.
You forgot to tell us the expected result of those demands. What do expect that such action would affect?

How do we know Trump didn't confront Putin?

Press conferences and what we see going on in summits are nothing more than reality tv.

No political leader would travel thousands of miles across an ocean maybe to go on international tv and not know exactly what was going to be said.

We have a national security crisis. Our electoral,system has been compromised by a foreign power. We must act to fix this now.

How exactly has our electoral system been compromised?

No machine was hacked or is that the new claim now.
The analytics from the Democrats was stolen and provided to the Trump campaign. These analytics spell out when and where ad buys happen, when and where rallies should be held, what voters are persuadable. That's like having the answer key when you sit down to take a test. That amounts to compromising our electoral system.

So you are saying that no voting machine was hacked?

Trump and the RNC are dumb enough not to have their own analytics company, but are smart enough to have security on their servers?

The DNC are smart enough to hire an analytics company, but aren't smart enough to have security on their servers?
Tipsy Rat lover is also on Russia’s side against America just like her traitor president.

Tipsy Rat Lover

Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did.

Tipsycatlover: [Columbus] was a wonderful man better than any black guy that has ever been born or ever will be born

Tipsycatlover:[Speaking of lesbians mom's who killed their kids] It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end.
Can't produce any proof of anything so you resort to idiotic behavior.
Yeah 9 members of Trump’s team meeting with Russians before the election and then lying about it after getting caught shows their innocence, right?
What a bonehead you are.
A politicians team meeting with foreigners? Oh nos....
Of course you don’t know they have to declare it. It’s the law. Why were they secretive about it. What were they hiding? Were they helping Russians hack our democracy?
Mueller knows and will tell the world what traitors the entire trump team is.
You keep defending the indefensible. You’re a deplorable. You have to.

They were discussing golf and grandkids, what's wrong with that?
Yeah and adoption too. Ha ha
Trump knew he could con idiots like you.
Extradition of Russian citizens is prohibited by the Russian constitution. Did Mueller know this when he issued his phony indictments? If not, why not? If he knew, what was the point of bringing those baloney charges? Unless, the indictments were brought when they were brought for the purpose of causing more democrat vapors?
Tipsy Rat lover is also on Russia’s side against America just like her traitor president.

Tipsy Rat Lover:

Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did.

Tipsycatlover: [Columbus] was a wonderful man better than any black guy that has ever been born or ever will be born

Tipsycatlover:[Speaking of lesbians mom's who killed their kids] It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end.
--------------------------------------- you are getting FRANTIC Reasonable .
I’m always as cool as a cucumber because I have the facts and truth on my side.
You have a pathological lying president who has 3900 documented lies in a year and half on your side.
You knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and you still believe him.
Where are your facts? Not links to some bullshit media site, iron clad proof?
“Bullshit media! “
Ha ha ha
You mean the media that has exposed the underbelly of this criminal president’s enterprise!
Like him saying ,” I have no business with Russians” at the exact same time meeting with Russians to get a trump tower built in Moscow?
The Liar in Chief counts on your blind obedience and believing his 3900 lies and you’re all too compliable.
Prove it liar.
We care about American citizens doing better and America doing better and both of those things are happening. You care about some temporary separation of border crossers and some meetings that happened between the Trump campaign and Russian dudes. :21:
I guess you already have forgotten about Pence’s Midwest Apology tour last week for all the farmers losing their livelihood due to fat boy’s ill conceived tariffs.
Meanwhile poverty in America is rising rapidly because all the Billion dollar gains from their tax cuts is not helping anyone but your corporate masters.
We care about American citizens doing better and America doing better and both of those things are happening. You care about some temporary separation of border crossers and some meetings that happened between the Trump campaign and Russian dudes. :21:
I guess you already have forgotten about Pence’s Midwest Apology tour last week for all the farmers losing their livelihood due to fat boy’s ill conceived tariffs.
Meanwhile poverty in America is rising rapidly because all the Billion dollar gains from their tax cuts is not helping anyone but your corporate masters.
Ill conceived? Far trade is ill conceived? lol!
Tipsy Rat lover is also on Russia’s side against America just like her traitor president.

Tipsy Rat Lover:

Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did.

Tipsycatlover: [Columbus] was a wonderful man better than any black guy that has ever been born or ever will be born

Tipsycatlover:[Speaking of lesbians mom's who killed their kids] It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end.
--------------------------------------- you are getting FRANTIC Reasonable .
I’m always as cool as a cucumber because I have the facts and truth on my side.
You have a pathological lying president who has 3900 documented lies in a year and half on your side.
You knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and you still believe him.
Where are your facts? Not links to some bullshit media site, iron clad proof?
“Bullshit media! “
Ha ha ha
You mean the media that has exposed the underbelly of this criminal president’s enterprise!
Like him saying ,” I have no business with Russians” at the exact same time meeting with Russians to get a trump tower built in Moscow?
The Liar in Chief counts on your blind obedience and believing his 3900 lies and you’re all too compliable.
Prove it liar.
We know Fox won’t tell you the truth. Their goal is to keep you stupid.
Mission accomplished.

Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president
Some of us have been warning of this since the 2016 campaign, but, the Trump debacle over the last week proves why you don't hire someone like Trump to lead the country. Back then, we warned that Trump has no concept of United States history, United States foreign policy, United States patriotism, or United States place in the world. It was evident is blatantly obvious now.

So, I guess it depends on what you do now:

Do you admit you make a mistake and were duped by a serial liar (forgivable...I suppose)?

Or, do you hunker down and spit in the face of America (unforgivable)?

I guess, the choice is yours.

He’s done a better job than all of the politicians in my lifetime. Look at it this way, he gets the job done AND entertains.
--------------------------------------- you are getting FRANTIC Reasonable .
I’m always as cool as a cucumber because I have the facts and truth on my side.
You have a pathological lying president who has 3900 documented lies in a year and half on your side.
You knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and you still believe him.
Where are your facts? Not links to some bullshit media site, iron clad proof?
“Bullshit media! “
Ha ha ha
You mean the media that has exposed the underbelly of this criminal president’s enterprise!
Like him saying ,” I have no business with Russians” at the exact same time meeting with Russians to get a trump tower built in Moscow?
The Liar in Chief counts on your blind obedience and believing his 3900 lies and you’re all too compliable.
Prove it liar.
We know Fox won’t tell you the truth. Their goal is to keep you stupid.
Mission accomplished.

Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president
So Trump has to shut down his business ran by other people while he's president? Funny, you turds are the ones quoting Fox lately. I always claimed they were as biased as all the other shit media.
We care about American citizens doing better and America doing better and both of those things are happening. You care about some temporary separation of border crossers and some meetings that happened between the Trump campaign and Russian dudes. :21:
I guess you already have forgotten about Pence’s Midwest Apology tour last week for all the farmers losing their livelihood due to fat boy’s ill conceived tariffs.
Meanwhile poverty in America is rising rapidly because all the Billion dollar gains from their tax cuts is not helping anyone but your corporate masters.
Ill conceived? Far trade is ill conceived? lol!
Tariffs are not fair trade you imbecile. Everyone in the White House warned the know nothing President not to get into a trade war. Of course he didn’t listen and Americans are now suffering.
We care about American citizens doing better and America doing better and both of those things are happening. You care about some temporary separation of border crossers and some meetings that happened between the Trump campaign and Russian dudes. :21:
I guess you already have forgotten about Pence’s Midwest Apology tour last week for all the farmers losing their livelihood due to fat boy’s ill conceived tariffs.
Meanwhile poverty in America is rising rapidly because all the Billion dollar gains from their tax cuts is not helping anyone but your corporate masters.
Ill conceived? Far trade is ill conceived? lol!
Tariffs are not fair trade you imbecile. Everyone in the White House warned the know nothing President not to get into a trade war. Of course he didn’t listen and Americans are now suffering.
Sorry to upset you so much by telling you the truth, but trade has not been fair for us for a long time. Trump is only correcting that, or trying too.
I’m always as cool as a cucumber because I have the facts and truth on my side.
You have a pathological lying president who has 3900 documented lies in a year and half on your side.
You knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and you still believe him.
Where are your facts? Not links to some bullshit media site, iron clad proof?
“Bullshit media! “
Ha ha ha
You mean the media that has exposed the underbelly of this criminal president’s enterprise!
Like him saying ,” I have no business with Russians” at the exact same time meeting with Russians to get a trump tower built in Moscow?
The Liar in Chief counts on your blind obedience and believing his 3900 lies and you’re all too compliable.
Prove it liar.
We know Fox won’t tell you the truth. Their goal is to keep you stupid.
Mission accomplished.

Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president
So Trump has to shut down his business ran by other people while he's president? Funny, you turds are the ones quoting Fox lately. I always claimed they were as biased as all the other shit media.
A president is not permitted to profit from being president. It’s part of the Emolument clause of the Constitution. But we know you DEPLORABLES have no respect for the law just like your Fraud in Chief.
So now you know Trump lied again to you that he had no business in Russia.
Some of us have been warning of this since the 2016 campaign, but, the Trump debacle over the last week proves why you don't hire someone like Trump to lead the country. Back then, we warned that Trump has no concept of United States history, United States foreign policy, United States patriotism, or United States place in the world. It was evident is blatantly obvious now.

So, I guess it depends on what you do now:

Do you admit you make a mistake and were duped by a serial liar (forgivable...I suppose)?

Or, do you hunker down and spit in the face of America (unforgivable)?

I guess, the choice is yours.

What kind of idiot votes for a community organizer (professional troublemaker) for president???? :abgg2q.jpg:
Obama's record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity, dismal economic growth, millions of Illegals, increased taxes, increased regulations, destroyed health care and a foreign policy that was the joke of the world is the reason you don't hire an affirmative action community organizer to be President.
Where are your facts? Not links to some bullshit media site, iron clad proof?
“Bullshit media! “
Ha ha ha
You mean the media that has exposed the underbelly of this criminal president’s enterprise!
Like him saying ,” I have no business with Russians” at the exact same time meeting with Russians to get a trump tower built in Moscow?
The Liar in Chief counts on your blind obedience and believing his 3900 lies and you’re all too compliable.
Prove it liar.
We know Fox won’t tell you the truth. Their goal is to keep you stupid.
Mission accomplished.

Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president
So Trump has to shut down his business ran by other people while he's president? Funny, you turds are the ones quoting Fox lately. I always claimed they were as biased as all the other shit media.
A president is not permitted to profit from being president. It’s part of the Emolument clause of the Constitution. But we know you DEPLORABLES have no respect for the law just like your Fraud in Chief.
So now you know Trump lied again to you that he had no business in Russia.
Still you offer no proof just more bullshit.
We care about American citizens doing better and America doing better and both of those things are happening. You care about some temporary separation of border crossers and some meetings that happened between the Trump campaign and Russian dudes. :21:
I guess you already have forgotten about Pence’s Midwest Apology tour last week for all the farmers losing their livelihood due to fat boy’s ill conceived tariffs.
Meanwhile poverty in America is rising rapidly because all the Billion dollar gains from their tax cuts is not helping anyone but your corporate masters.
Ill conceived? Far trade is ill conceived? lol!
Tariffs are not fair trade you imbecile. Everyone in the White House warned the know nothing President not to get into a trade war. Of course he didn’t listen and Americans are now suffering.
Sorry to upset you so much by telling you the truth, but trade has not been fair for us for a long time. Trump is only correcting that, or trying too.
The fact you believe that’s what he’s doing is pathetic.
Your right wing media keeps you dumb and you love it.

Donald Trump's tariffs hurt American workers and ruin relationships with our allies
it's like i said , Reasonable is just getting more and MORE Frantic , its funny to watch and see , just a comment [chuckle] .
We care about American citizens doing better and America doing better and both of those things are happening. You care about some temporary separation of border crossers and some meetings that happened between the Trump campaign and Russian dudes. :21:
I guess you already have forgotten about Pence’s Midwest Apology tour last week for all the farmers losing their livelihood due to fat boy’s ill conceived tariffs.
Meanwhile poverty in America is rising rapidly because all the Billion dollar gains from their tax cuts is not helping anyone but your corporate masters.
Ill conceived? Far trade is ill conceived? lol!
Tariffs are not fair trade you imbecile. Everyone in the White House warned the know nothing President not to get into a trade war. Of course he didn’t listen and Americans are now suffering.
Sorry to upset you so much by telling you the truth, but trade has not been fair for us for a long time. Trump is only correcting that, or trying too.
The fact you believe that’s what he’s doing is pathetic.
Your right wing media keeps you dumb and you love it.

Donald Trump's tariffs hurt American workers and ruin relationships with our allies
More fake news.

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