This is Worth Watching

you tell me where i said that and we'll go from there.
Why are you defending his behavior?

so you can't show me where i said i like violence. got it. would be a much faster conversation if you'd just answer some quick questions vs. play dodgeball like you do. now, not defending anything at all. i'm saying you sound 12 and in need of a "safe room" with trying to ban people from YOUR threads because they annoy you.

if that is viable, please let me know. i'll be banning annoying people by the minute in my threads.

you really do sound 12 when you say things like that, "oldlady".
Oh, dear. I had you on ignore for months and then I took you off and things were going well, too, but lately we can't be in a thread where you aren't a wheedling, needling, repetitive pain in the ass. Back to peace and quiet for me.

We need to see who is the most ignored member?
Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

I'm so old I remember when late night shows were funny.

I've never been a late show watcher. When I was young, if I was up that late I was busy partying. Now I wake up at goddamned 5:30 in the morning no matter what, so I don't stay up that late. I record Colbert and have a laugh the next morning.
I need to go for the evening, so please do your best to avoid bloodshed and not break the furniture. And stay out of the liquor cabinet. I can tell if you've topped off the bottles with water, too.

Wait... there's booze left? :eek:
Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

I'm so old I remember when late night shows were funny.

I've never been a late show watcher. When I was young, if I was up that late I was busy partying. Now I wake up at goddamned 5:30 in the morning no matter what, so I don't stay up that late. I record Colbert and have a laugh the next morning.

Then The View to complete the brain scrambling for the day?
Stewart & Colbert are hilarious pooning politics

and those of you who lament it ,especially given everything you don't want to acknowldge is fake, can suck it up

snowflakes, the lot of you!

Notice how in every post conservatives nearly ALWAYS go straight to demonizing the messenger. They can't attack the message so they resort to 5th grade name calling. Not just in this thread but look at all the threads. Most of them don't even try to put up an argument, they just instantly attack the person. It shows great weakness in the ability to argue a point.
Notice how in every post conservatives nearly ALWAYS go straight to demonizing the messenger. They can't attack the message so they resort to 5th grade name calling. Not just in this thread but look at all the threads. Most of them don't even try to put up an argument, they just instantly attack the person. It shows great weakness in the ability to argue a point.

I didn't demonize this whiney twat.
Notice how in every post conservatives nearly ALWAYS go straight to demonizing the messenger. They can't attack the message so they resort to 5th grade name calling. Not just in this thread but look at all the threads. Most of them don't even try to put up an argument, they just instantly attack the person. It shows great weakness in the ability to argue a point.
heh FAUX NEWS!! !!

says the left every fucking time.
What is the "slightly different angle"? He is just another unhinged butt-hurt LWNJ who hates Trump.
The layer of gleeful cruelty and dickishness
Which is not necessary to get the job done, but which he always includes.

Jon Liebowitz (that is his real name) offered nothing new, just the same unhinged, vapid whining about Trump we hear every single day from the LeftMedia. He should change his diapers.
Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

I know this is just comedy and I'm no Trump fan but this video is perfectly indicative of the dems. It was basically 8 minutes of calling Trump a poopy head. Substance?

I will repeat, in case you have Aesclepias on ignore, that Stewart nailed it with the "layer of gleeful cruelty" that Trump uses. It's good to have a succinct description of what is so maddening about this guy. His SOP is to piss people off. He does it on purpose to get media attention and to fire up his rabid base.

This isn't about his policies per se or his legislative agenda. It is about his attitude. I agree Stewart nailed it.

I just wish the left would do a little self reflection when it comes to attitude, after all with my male genitalia and white skin I'm pretty much responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened. I also lean conservative, which of course makes me a fascist, neo-nazi. Don't get me wrong, I wish someone would take Trump's phone away from him, but to suggest that Trump or the republicans have a monopoly on nastiness is a bit much.

I'm really not sure I suggested the republicans have a monopoly on nastiness. That was not the point. It was purely a cameo of Trump. I don't think cameo is the right word, either, but I can't think of it.

I can understand that. Given the general output of such, dare I say MSM, it gets old. Trump is evil ala children. Cue the pictures from the Obama administration. That video is par for the course, poopy head. If those watching had any clue of reality it wouldn't be funny, it would be sad.
Lordy OL - How did you beat me to this one? :)
I thought it was last night's show - maybe Thursday.
Yes brilliant - I miss Jon bigly and wish he'd pop up a little more often.
He and Stephen have great satirical chemistry.

In case you missed Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - LOVE this girl.

Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

Wow you get your news from comedy shows? Is this how desperate the left became?

Smart people don't watch Fox or Sinclair :wink:
My, my.
I WARNED y'all not to watch it; I knew you'd be hurt over it.

Insult me personally all you want. I don't hear anyone being able to defend against anything Stewart said because it is TRUE.

But you probably just should have not watched it.

Think about it, once again we don't watch that garbage , you just inciting more violence..
You are the one who has been repeatedly bringing up violence in this thread and you were, in fact, the first to do so. I am contemplating requesting you be banned from the thread because your bullshit is truly annoying me. You have your choice, Bear.

Annoying you? Sooo in your world you can incite violence but not expect us to fight back?

The OP has nothing to do with violence - What is it with you Orangelings?
liberals put so much stock in what comedians have to say
Strangely, I'm amazed at how many people over the years got their information from Jon Stewart. One of my best friends would for many years start a discussion with something Stewart said, completely devoid of factual information. The strange part is these guy is normally to right of me.


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