This is Worth Watching

My, my.
I WARNED y'all not to watch it; I knew you'd be hurt over it.

Insult me personally all you want. I don't hear anyone being able to defend against anything Stewart said because it is TRUE.

But you probably just should have not watched it.

Let me explain your OP to you. You created this thread hoping it would hurt and offend Trump supporters. As you wrote it you thought, this is really going to rile up those Trump supporters. Your OP is dripping with desperation. Your miscalculation is thinking that we care one iota what Stewart thinks or says, or any other Trump hater for that matter. Your OP, Stewart they speak volumes about YOU that's the punchline. :auiqs.jpg:
Your miscalculation is thinking that we care one iota what Stewart thinks or says,
Then why are y'all still here?

It is increasingly hard for me to stay patient with posters who insist they can crawl into my mind and tell me what I am thinking. "Let me explain your OP to you?" Just who in hell do you think you are? I know exactly why I put it up -- to share. I actually don't enjoy getting insulted, so no, I did not do it to rile you up.
None of which you will believe because you think you're an expert at reading the mind of anyone who doesn't like Trump. Silly boy.
liberals put so much stock in what comedians have to say
Comedians are people too. It doesnt take a political analyst to know Drumpf is a dick.

i don't deny he acts like a dick to troll liberals and the media. In real life hes probably a nice guy, but who cares? He's doing a good job as POTUS
He has been a dick long before he became POTUS which is one of the main reasons he is unfit to be a POTUS.

BTW I cant stand dicks so I care. Dicks dont make good presidents. They do make good dictators.
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Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

I know this is just comedy and I'm no Trump fan but this video is perfectly indicative of the dems. It was basically 8 minutes of calling Trump a poopy head. Substance?

I will repeat, in case you have Aesclepias on ignore, that Stewart nailed it with the "layer of gleeful cruelty" that Trump uses. It's good to have a succinct description of what is so maddening about this guy. His SOP is to piss people off. He does it on purpose to get media attention and to fire up his rabid base.

This isn't about his policies per se or his legislative agenda. It is about his attitude. I agree Stewart nailed it.

I just wish the left would do a little self reflection when it comes to attitude, after all with my male genitalia and white skin I'm pretty much responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened. I also lean conservative, which of course makes me a fascist, neo-nazi. Don't get me wrong, I wish someone would take Trump's phone away from him, but to suggest that Trump or the republicans have a monopoly on nastiness is a bit much.

"gleeful cruelty and dickishness"

Unless all repubs believe Drumpf is a reflection of themselves how did you get the idea that what this guy said about Drumpf extends to his followers?

I certainly don't. Do you really think that such comments are not directed at those that support Trump? We see this constantly, people being harrassed in restaurants, on college campuses. totalitarianism at it's finest, demonize the opposition. A sitting US senator openly calling for the harassment of administration officials? Again, Trump doesn't have a monopoly on nasty.

Youre doing something only rubes do. You are assuming. If you are free to claim this guy specifically saying Drumpf is a dick and pretending he means all conservatives, then we should be able to say Drumpf uses dogwhistle politics. You cant have it both ways.

Being able to protest is a right in this country. If you guys cant handle it then move to Russia.
Yup, He is calling for violence , just like Maxine
Stop being timid. He just pointed out Drumpfs "gleeful cruelty and dickishness"

That's creating violence, I watched that video of a kid throwing one hell of a punch against a democrat..

This is what you want?
There was not ONE word about violence in that rant by Stewart and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you turn MY thread into one of your civil war fantasies.
then what does this set the tone for?

"The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff."

you're far from after honest conversation now are you?
Ohmychrist, get off it, would ya? I put it up to share and if you didn't like it (which I believe you managed to make clear in your personal insults and now your continued complaining about how I posed the OP) here's your hat; where's your hurry?
my asking you to back up your sources is not insulting you.
you getting bitch-slappin mad i don't just accept all you say at face value is your problem.

now how about it - are you after honest conversation or trying to get a stab in on the right when you say shit like this to start a thread?
Same shit, different day. Nothing slightly different about his angle.
The layer of gleeful cruelty really put a finger on it for me. Good way to sum up pretty much all of it.

Sometimes you seem like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders, other, not so much. You're letting your emotions be manipulated by this charlatan Stewart and his ilk with their narrative about poor crying babies down at the southern border. But at least you're honest about it and I can't fault you for being compassionate. What really bugs me is the people pulling your heartstrings who don't give a flying rats ass about little babies or anyone else. All these fucking phonies on this forum pretending to care when it's really just a cynical ploy to sway the next election.
Not an immigration thread. I'm sick to death of talking or hearing about it.
liberals put so much stock in what comedians have to say
Strangely, I'm amazed at how many people over the years got their information from Jon Stewart. One of my best friends would for many years start a discussion with something Stewart said, completely devoid of factual information. The strange part is these guy is normally to right of me.
Then why are y'all still here?

could be because you baited everyone with your initial post insulting at least 1/2 the board.

you really are kinda dense at times aren't you? the way you act i have to seriously question "old".
Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

I know this is just comedy and I'm no Trump fan but this video is perfectly indicative of the dems. It was basically 8 minutes of calling Trump a poopy head. Substance?

I will repeat, in case you have Aesclepias on ignore, that Stewart nailed it with the "layer of gleeful cruelty" that Trump uses. It's good to have a succinct description of what is so maddening about this guy. His SOP is to piss people off. He does it on purpose to get media attention and to fire up his rabid base.

This isn't about his policies per se or his legislative agenda. It is about his attitude. I agree Stewart nailed it.

I just wish the left would do a little self reflection when it comes to attitude, after all with my male genitalia and white skin I'm pretty much responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened. I also lean conservative, which of course makes me a fascist, neo-nazi. Don't get me wrong, I wish someone would take Trump's phone away from him, but to suggest that Trump or the republicans have a monopoly on nastiness is a bit much.

I'm really not sure I suggested the republicans have a monopoly on nastiness. That was not the point. It was purely a cameo of Trump. I don't think cameo is the right word, either, but I can't think of it.
My, my.
I WARNED y'all not to watch it; I knew you'd be hurt over it.

Insult me personally all you want. I don't hear anyone being able to defend against anything Stewart said because it is TRUE.

But you probably just should have not watched it.

Think about it, once again we don't watch that garbage , you just inciting more violence..
You are the one who has been repeatedly bringing up violence in this thread and you were, in fact, the first to do so. I am contemplating requesting you be banned from the thread because your bullshit is truly annoying me. You have your choice, Bear.
if being annoying is enough to get people banned from our threads, let me know. we won't ever be seeing each other again i'm pretty sure.

sounds like you need a "safe room" to post w/o mean people disagreeing with you.
Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

Jon Stewart is in no way humorous or relevant in these dramatic times to take America back from liberals who want to destroy her.
What is the "slightly different angle"? He is just another unhinged butt-hurt LWNJ who hates Trump.
The layer of gleeful cruelty and dickishness
Which is not necessary to get the job done, but which he always includes.
Jon Stewart and a boil on a pig’s ass...which is more humorous....pig’s ass I would say.
Why do liberals think they are funny or sarcastic? They are just as ant-American as Isis...or in the same.
What is the "slightly different angle"? He is just another unhinged butt-hurt LWNJ who hates Trump.
The layer of gleeful cruelty and dickishness
Which is not necessary to get the job done, but which he always includes.

So your repeating yourself? For forty years at least it will be still a right leaning court, Eric holder can't do anything..the 9th circuit court can't do anything, Obama flooding the federal courts can't do nothing..
My, my.
I WARNED y'all not to watch it; I knew you'd be hurt over it.

Insult me personally all you want. I don't hear anyone being able to defend against anything Stewart said because it is TRUE.

But you probably just should have not watched it.

Think about it, once again we don't watch that garbage , you just inciting more violence..
You are the one who has been repeatedly bringing up violence in this thread and you were, in fact, the first to do so. I am contemplating requesting you be banned from the thread because your bullshit is truly annoying me. You have your choice, Bear.
if being annoying is enough to get people banned from our threads, let me know. we won't ever be seeing each other again i'm pretty sure.

sounds like you need a "safe room" to post w/o mean people disagreeing with you.
So you like violence, too?
Then why are y'all still here?

could be because you baited everyone with your initial post insulting at least 1/2 the board.

you really are kinda dense at times aren't you? the way you act i have to seriously question "old".
Put on some new panties and leave the thread. You rube cons are really sensitive.

Your starting a war, you can't win.
This is the internet. Calm down.
Skipped it, not wasting 8 minutes of my life with wingnut nonsense. I won’t waste my time watching Limbaugh or Hannity either.

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