This is Worth Watching

Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

Why would anyone other than Stalinist scum watch the hate night shows?

And yet another delicate Snowflake checks in to self-identify. :desk:


You didn't need to Slugo, we all know you are a leftist snowflake....
Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

Those two stupid libtardos are not worth watching. Now watching Maxine rant and rave is real comedy.

Kinda like most of your posts.

The modus operandi of your typical cocksocket on this board is illustrated above ^^^^^.
Attack the messenger because you can't attack the message.
Jon Stewart usually plays the clown, but last night on Colbert he made some serious points about Trump that were coming from a slightly different angle. The Alt-Righters should probably skip it, you'll get all hurt and stuff.
Worth the eight minutes.

Wow you get your news from comedy shows? Is this how desperate the left became?

I get my laughs from comedy shows, like most people.

No it appears you get your "news' from comedy shows like most liberals, we don't pay much attention to the president, we just do our thing..

"...we don't pay much attention to the president,..."

LMAO. WE KNOW. That's how the fucker got elected in the first place. You idiots have the attention span of a ripened mango.
Are you going to change your vote based on Jon's rant?
Why do ask and what does that have to do with the point he was spot on about Drumpf?

I said he's irrelevant.
Do you agree? Why?
No one cares what you say.

I wouldnt call someone on a late night show millions of people watch irrelevant. I'm going to take a wild guess and say he is more famous and relevant than you are.
No one cares what you say.

Gosh, that puts me on an equal footing with Jon.

I wouldnt call someone on a late night show millions of people watch irrelevant.

He retired from his late night show.
No that doesnt put him on equal footing with you. Lots of people care what he says and no one cares what you say.

What does him retiring from his late night show have to do with the fact he was on this late night show with at least the audience clapping at his observations?

Lots of people care what he says

With him opposing Trump, he'll never get Obviously.
I said he's irrelevant.
Do you agree? Why?
No one cares what you say.

I wouldnt call someone on a late night show millions of people watch irrelevant. I'm going to take a wild guess and say he is more famous and relevant than you are.
No one cares what you say.

Gosh, that puts me on an equal footing with Jon.

I wouldnt call someone on a late night show millions of people watch irrelevant.

He retired from his late night show.
I truly think you need a different adjective. Irrelevant isn't the word you want here. That's your problem.

Irrelevant isn't the word you want here.

I'm open to suggestions.
What word should I use to describe Jon?
No one cares what word you use to describe him. It wont change the fact he is a million times more relevant than you are.

He'll literally swing dozens of votes...…...
I said he's irrelevant.
Do you agree? Why?
No one cares what you say.

I wouldnt call someone on a late night show millions of people watch irrelevant. I'm going to take a wild guess and say he is more famous and relevant than you are.
No one cares what you say.

Gosh, that puts me on an equal footing with Jon.

I wouldnt call someone on a late night show millions of people watch irrelevant.

He retired from his late night show.
I truly think you need a different adjective. Irrelevant isn't the word you want here. That's your problem.

Irrelevant isn't the word you want here.

I'm open to suggestions.
What word should I use to describe Jon?
I guess first we need to figure out what your objection to him is. Just that you don't like what he said? Poopy-head might do, in that case.

He's irrelevant. I'm laughing at him, not with him.
Anybody who takes Jon Stewart as a serious political analyst is a fool. He is a hate filled left wing clown who makes a living telling bad jokes.
Last I looked, Jon Stewart was a comedian, not a serious political analyst. Yet even a comedian--or you--or I--have a right to an opinion on our President, don't we?

Notice the only comedian who's a conservative is the washed up alcoholic Dennis Miller.
Stewart has never pretended to be a political analyst just as Bill Maher has not either.
But both have skewered conservatives on their shows. To the point where most conservatives won't even try to go one on one with them.
Anybody who takes Jon Stewart as a serious political analyst is a fool. He is a hate filled left wing clown who makes a living telling bad jokes.
Last I looked, Jon Stewart was a comedian, not a serious political analyst. Yet even a comedian--or you--or I--have a right to an opinion on our President, don't we?

Notice the only comedian who's a conservative is the washed up alcoholic Dennis Miller.
Stewart has never pretended to be a political analyst just as Bill Maher has not either.
But both have skewered conservatives on their shows. To the point where most conservatives won't even try to go one on one with them.

Could Herr Goebbels pretend to be FUNNY? Just once...
Wow, really good stand up. Everything Stewart said is right on.

Wow, a leftist on hate night shows spewing hatred against Trump.

How unique....
I know I'm biased, but I didn't hear hate. I hear hate in your post though. Is it just me? What was hateful in Jon's rant? I really want to know.

It's the hatred that appeals to you. There is nothing else.

I mean, pile of shit scumbag Colbert ranting "trumped trumped it up, the mother trumper" doesn't seem at all hate filled to you. it's just normal for what the Bolshevik press and media...
Wow, really good stand up. Everything Stewart said is right on.

Wow, a leftist on hate night shows spewing hatred against Trump.

How unique....
I know I'm biased, but I didn't hear hate. I hear hate in your post though. Is it just me? What was hateful in Jon's rant? I really want to know.

You meanie. Now he'll have to actually listen to it in a vain quest to find something that isn't there.

Also known as "How to keep a moron busy".
Anybody who takes Jon Stewart as a serious political analyst is a fool. He is a hate filled left wing clown who makes a living telling bad jokes.
Last I looked, Jon Stewart was a comedian, not a serious political analyst. Yet even a comedian--or you--or I--have a right to an opinion on our President, don't we?

Notice the only comedian who's a conservative is the washed up alcoholic Dennis Miller.
Stewart has never pretended to be a political analyst just as Bill Maher has not either.
But both have skewered conservatives on their shows. To the point where most conservatives won't even try to go one on one with them.
Notice the only comedian who's a conservative is the washed up alcoholic Dennis Miller.
Don't you be as bad as they are, 2020. I always thought Dennis Miller was funny, the few times I heard him. You're right--you don't hear many conservative comedians, though--Milo, I guess, but how often is he on tv?
Wow, really good stand up. Everything Stewart said is right on.

Wow, a leftist on hate night shows spewing hatred against Trump.

How unique....
I know I'm biased, but I didn't hear hate. I hear hate in your post though. Is it just me? What was hateful in Jon's rant? I really want to know.

You meanie. Now he'll have to actually listen to it in a vain quest to find something that isn't there.

Also known as "How to keep a moron busy".
I thought of a pop quiz to prove they'd watched it: Who did Jon Stewart say Trump is NOT?
Wow, really good stand up. Everything Stewart said is right on.

Wow, a leftist on hate night shows spewing hatred against Trump.

How unique....
I know I'm biased, but I didn't hear hate. I hear hate in your post though. Is it just me? What was hateful in Jon's rant? I really want to know.

You meanie. Now he'll have to actually listen to it in a vain quest to find something that isn't there.

Also known as "How to keep a moron busy".

Actually slugo, I generally DON'T listen or watch these hate filled demagogues. They are playing to a particular segment of society, those consumed with hatred of Trump and America, you in other words.
Love two virtue signaling hypocrites entertaining virtue signaling hypocrites.

Have we established what the left DON'T DO?

Lets see....

john Stewart and colbert, along with kathy griffin and michael moore all live in giant mutli million dollar homes, all live safely behind walls, all protected by armed guards, none of them voluntarily pay more taxes and they have all benefitted from horrible American capitalism.

Yet they all piss all over it.

Where am I wrong?
Don't hate Republican Trump voters , if you did not want to vote Democratic you had little choice in the field offered. I don't care for the fact that now he is president of all of us he only seems to work for those who are his supporters. & that he likes to stir the pot. Blues legend says you want" a president that will get down in the gutter " & got agree hits. but why would we want a president who gets down in the gutter, I don't get it?"
Wow, really good stand up. Everything Stewart said is right on.

Wow, a leftist on hate night shows spewing hatred against Trump.

How unique....
I know I'm biased, but I didn't hear hate. I hear hate in your post though. Is it just me? What was hateful in Jon's rant? I really want to know.

It's the hatred that appeals to you. There is nothing else.

I mean, pile of shit scumbag Colbert ranting "trumped trumped it up, the mother trumper" doesn't seem at all hate filled to you. it's just normal for what the Bolshevik press and media...
I was talking about Stewart, not Colbert's intro. No one is a Bolshevik here. Trump's the one giving Russia the blow job, not the left. You really should read the paper once in awhile.

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