This Isn't a Presidency ... It's a Clown-Show

The Biden administration is protecting weakness on every front. They have capitulated and groveled to Russia, China and Iran.

They have surrendered to an enemy we defeated soundly.

It's embarrassing and humiliating
It's going so fine that Biden is registering 31 percent approval among independents, and his approval has dipped to around 40% among general population.
If someone thinks this is going fine, they must have thought Somalia was a raving success.
If someone thinks this is going fine, they must have thought Somalia was a raving success.
It's even possible that Joe Biden was singlehandedly responsible for all the foreign policy fuckups during Obama: Syria, Libya, Iraq, Arab Spring, Iran Deal etc. Since apparently incompetent zero experience Hussein left those things up to Biden.
It's even possible that Joe Biden was singlehandedly responsible for all the foreign policy fuckups during Obama: Syria, Libya, Iraq, Arab Spring, Iran Deal etc. Since apparently incompetent zero experience Hussein left those things up to Biden.
Do you have a point? If you think you do, let’s hear it.
A moron would think Trump is the current Commander in Chief.
Yes, morons would that's why so many RWNJ's think Trump still is president.

February 2020, Trump announced that there was a deal.
The deal laid out an explicit timetable for the United States and NATO to pull out their forces: In the first 100 days or so, they would reduce troops from 14,000 to 8,600 and leave five military bases.
Over the next nine months, they would vacate all the rest. “The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will complete withdrawal of all remaining forces from Afghanistan within the remaining nine and a half (9.5) months,” the deal reads. “The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will withdraw all their forces from remaining bases.”
The United States would release 5,000 Taliban prisoners; the Taliban would release 1,000 of its prisoners.
A moron would think Trump is the current Commander in Chief.
I know, there are plenty of RWNJ morons, who think the orange, retard is still president.

After a week-long deal to reduce violence across Afghanistan, the U.S. and the Taliban signed a historic agreement Saturday that would see U.S. troops start to withdraw, according to a statement issued Friday afternoon by President Donald Trump.

"Soon, at my direction, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with representatives of the Taliban, while Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan. If the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan live up to these commitments, we will have a powerful path forward to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home," Trump said.

The United States would release 5,000 Taliban prisoners; the Taliban would release 1,000 of its prisoners.

The great "negotiator" fucked up......................again, just like every thing he touches.
It sure was but the clown is in NJ now.

August 19 2021
Former President Donald Trump described on Thursday how he would have handled the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan - but made no mention of saving Afghan allies.

'First you bring out all of the American citizens. Then you bring out ALL equipment. Then you bomb the bases into smithereens,' Trump said. 'AND THEN YOU BRING OUT THE MILITARY. You don’t do it in reverse order like Biden and our woke Generals did.'

So, the orange, retard wanted to bomb the US military.
joe just did another bad job in his depends where is kamala
I know, there are plenty of RWNJ morons, who think the orange, retard is still president.

After a week-long deal to reduce violence across Afghanistan, the U.S. and the Taliban signed a historic agreement Saturday that would see U.S. troops start to withdraw, according to a statement issued Friday afternoon by President Donald Trump.

"Soon, at my direction, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with representatives of the Taliban, while Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan. If the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan live up to these commitments, we will have a powerful path forward to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home," Trump said.

The United States would release 5,000 Taliban prisoners; the Taliban would release 1,000 of its prisoners.

The great "negotiator" fucked up......................again, just like every thing he touches.
poor old senile so confused
Your view is a 180 out of reality . I'm not sure why you need to insult everyone you disagre with
You're FOS.

KABUL, Afghanistan — The Taliban have showed off containers full of weapons and military hardware seized from the Afghan military as American forces withdraw from the country and the militants march across the country.
District after district has fallen to the Taliban. The militants have seized 120 districts since May 1.

At the same time, many military outposts have been surrendered without a fight, allowing the Taliban to seize weapons, according to multiple Afghan military and government sources.

Because stupid, liars sometimes piss me you.
poor old senile so confused
I know.
Even when the idiot has a teleprompter, he screws up, just like everything he ever did.

July 5, 2019
"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump said during his address Thursday.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory."
Drumph drumph orange drumphhhhh!

Biden is getting people out 24/7 and will be until they all get out.
The orange, retard you voted for would be bombing our own military and those precious baby's you bring up.
Would be dead.
Biden is getting some people out of the raging disaster that HE created. This is Biden's mess. You're telling people to applaud the arsonist that set the fire.

Don't think rogue generals can order C-130's or chinook helicopters flying 24/7 in and out of Kabul on their own.
Trump would be bombing them by now, that's "integrity".
No, Trump would have gotten the people out before he pulled the military support out from under the Afghan army. Biden did this ass backward and now we're taking orders from terrorists. Nice work Joe.
Give it a break you lying ass Trump Humpers don't care about the folks in Afghanistan, when Trump said he was taking the troops out of Afghanistan folks like you were cheering.
A week into this and Biden's bitches still can't understand that the problem isn't leaving Afghanistan. It's the incompetent way that it's been handled. Biden has put a target on the back of every American. He has emboldened every wanna be jihadi by the weakness he's displayed. We're taking orders from the terrorists because Biden wanted to put his name on the 20 year anniversary of 9/11.
A week into this and Biden's bitches still can't understand that the problem isn't leaving Afghanistan. It's the incompetent way that it's been handled. Biden has put a target on the back of every American. He has emboldened every wanna be jihadi by the weakness he's displayed. We're taking orders from the terrorists because Biden wanted to put his name on the 20 year anniversary of 9/11.
So tell us how any other president would have conducted their exit out of Afghanistan.
In the papers this morning, 10,000 Afghans to be deposited in Wisconsin. JoeXi’s untested genuflectors crossing south border, fly-ins placing more mental cases inside the U.S. as the commie virus rages at Jacksonville. CIA puppet-danced POSPOTUS.

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