This Isn't a Presidency ... It's a Clown-Show

Do you have a point? If you think you do, let’s hear it.
Point is this is what happens when Democrats are in charge. Remember, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, if Assad drops a chemical weapon on his people that's the red invisible line, we will not raise taxes on the middle class, and anyhow, what difference does it make anyhow how those 13 American soldiers died today because of Biden's failed pullout (his other failed pullout was of course Hunter)?
He s a simpleton with a terrible grudge. Republicans normally belch lies and hate.
I guess the faithful Marxists will keep drinking the cool-aid their dear leaders tell them to drink, and accusing those with opposing views of things they themselves are more guilty of.
I thought Joe Biden did a good job with his speech tonight. It's plain to me he's not at all senile --- what a relief, as it has not been clear, because of him hiding out so long in his basement and behind a mask. And all his enemies claiming he's senile. He's not crazy enough to try to refight a lost war, and he didn't use a teleprompter and he spoke very well.

I think he saved his presidency tonight. Okay, Afghanistan is lost, true, but I don't actually care about Afghanistan.
I thought Joe Biden did a good job with his speech tonight. It's plain to me he's not at all senile ---
He did a good job and he’s not senile? Seriously? The man is an utter basket case. This was his third address on this issue and he looked three times as lost as he did on his first. They need to get him out of there now through the 25th amendment. His brain has been melted.
I guess the faithful Marxists will keep drinking the cool-aid their dear leaders tell them to drink, and accusing those with opposing views of things they themselves are more guilty of.

Really? You must be referring to fox.
Really? You must be referring to fox.
No we watch CNN and nod our heads in unison, with the pervert murderer NY governor's brother Chis Cuomo as one of the main hosts. We don't care that FOX continuously has the most viewers and is most trusted, while CNN and MSNBC's viewership and trust keep plummeting.

Whatever happening to that pervert legal genius Toobin? Is he still masterbating while proving his amazing legal opinions?
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He did a good job and he’s not senile? Seriously? The man is an utter basket case. This was his third address on this issue and he looked three times as lost as he did on his first. They need to get him out of there now through the 25th amendment. His brain has been melted.
You gotta understand, to the Marxist faithful, there has never been a time when Joe Biden hasn't been perfect. These people are cult members.

Kamala is now sharping the knife she's about to stab Resident Biden in the back with (while cackling).
Biden is getting some people out of the raging disaster that HE created. This is Biden's mess. You're telling people to applaud the arsonist that set the fire.
Biden didn't invade Afghanistan.
That was Bush.
No, Trump would have gotten the people out before he pulled the military support out from under the Afghan army. Biden did this ass backward and now we're taking orders from terrorists. Nice work Joe.
Then why didn't he?
Trump had over 11 months and didn't do shit.
"Taking order from the terrorist"?
Is that why the orange, retard released 5000 Taliban prisoners in Afghan prisons?
Yeah, nice work, Donnie.
A week into this and Biden's bitches still can't understand that the problem isn't leaving Afghanistan. It's the incompetent way that it's been handled. Biden has put a target on the back of every American. He has emboldened every wanna be jihadi by the weakness he's displayed. We're taking orders from the terrorists because Biden wanted to put his name on the 20 year anniversary of 9/11.
Trump had Afghanistan release 5000 Taliban prisoners, on orders from the Taliban.
But Trump!

hjjhhhujiiiii I okk.png
So, the orange, retard wanted to bomb the US military.
The orange, retard (your punctuation) had it exactly right. You see our military has the ability to bomb from the air ONCE ALL GROUND TROOPS ARE EVACUATED. You see how that works now, Sparky?
No, Trump would have gotten the people out before he pulled the military support out from under the Afghan army. Biden did this ass backward and now we're taking orders from terrorists. Nice work Joe.

You have no idea how it would have unfolded so cut your lies.
Trumped delayed his withdrawal until after the election because he knew it would be bloody. Not a good look when your searching for votes.
At least Joe had the guts to stick to his word. You know nothing you fool.
You have no idea how it would have unfolded so cut your lies.
Trumped delayed his withdrawal until after the election because he knew it would be bloody. Not a good look when your searching for votes.
At least Joe had the guts to stick to his word. You know nothing you fool.
You don't give up your airbase before getting the civilians out

They still don't understand lol
Then why didn't he?
Trump had over 11 months and didn't do shit.
"Taking order from the terrorist"?
Is that why the orange, retard released 5000 Taliban prisoners in Afghan prisons?
Yeah, nice work, Donnie.
Perhaps you should try reading the Doha agreement. Trump orchestrated a prisoner swap with the conditions that should they return to attacking the U.S or allies that they would meet the fate of Soleimani. I doubt it ever crossed his mind that a U.S leader would arm those prisoners. Nice work Joe.
The orange, retard (your punctuation) had it exactly right. You see our military has the ability to bomb from the air ONCE ALL GROUND TROOPS ARE EVACUATED. You see how that works now, Sparky?
That isn't what the retard said.

"First you bring out all of the American citizens. Then you bring out ALL equipment. Then you bomb the bases into smithereens—AND THEN YOU BRING OUT THE MILITARY. You don’t do it in reverse order like Biden and our woke Generals did. No chaos, no death—they wouldn’t even know we left!" the former commander-in-chief said.

American citizens- check.
Equipment- check.
Bomb the bases- check.
Then you bring out the military?
Just the pieces you can find or just leave them there?
You don't give up your airbase before getting the civilians out

They still don't understand lol

Is that so yet it's me who doesn't understand???
And let me guess, you had clear and unique access to exactly what trump would have done.
You didn't? Well you projected yourself as a fucking know all.

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