This Just In: Trump is STILL your next President


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Amazingly, all the Snowflakes' whining, complaining, crying, rioting, burning of flags, calls to overthrow the govt, calls to kill whites, violence against Trump supporters, calls to assassinate Trump, claiming Hillary won the popular vote, 5 old guys with no proof claiming Russia hacked / stole the election, etc....has NOT changed the fact that Trump is STILL your next President...
Amazingly, all the Snowflakes' whining, complaining, crying, rioting, burning of flags, calls to overthrow the govt, calls to kill whites, violence against Trump supporters, calls to assassinate Trump, claiming Hillary won the popular vote, 5 old guys with no proof claiming Russia hacked / stole the election, etc....has NOT changed the fact that Trump is STILL your next President...

You sure sound nervous.
Hillary doesn't want to be President anymore. She has a new gig. That's her on the drums:
We'll probably be saying President Pence before the first 100 days are up. Because of one thing or another.

I think he'll take at least 6 months before something like that happens.

Full term? Nope, I think your prediction is right, just not in the first 100 days. fags like making up shit.......why is this any different.
Amazingly, all the Snowflakes' whining, complaining, crying, rioting, burning of flags, calls to overthrow the govt, calls to kill whites, violence against Trump supporters, calls to assassinate Trump, claiming Hillary won the popular vote, 5 old guys with no proof claiming Russia hacked / stole the election, etc....has NOT changed the fact that Trump is STILL your next President...

You sure sound nervous.
Clinton's in the PEOPLE"S vote now over 2 million. The electoral college now proven to be a bad joke.
Just wait - California hasn't finished counting that other 1 million votes of the 3 million illegals that voted. :p
On inauguration day, Trump needs to simultaneously have a Corleone baptism event against all his enemies: Soros, Yellen, the Clintons, the heads of the news networks, just wipe them all the fuck out so we don't have to hear them complain about Trump being such a bad guy, er, wait a sec, I think I see the problem with this strategy...

Clinton's lead in the PEOPLE"S vote now over 2 million. The electoral college now proven to be a bad joke.
No, it is doing EXACTLY what it is intended to do; keep those dens of thieves in New York, Boston, LA, San Fagsissyco and Chitcago from stealing elections with massive voter fraud.
Clinton's lead in the PEOPLE"S vote now over 2 million. The electoral college now proven to be a bad joke.
That lie grows every time you guys tell it.I bet you can find busloads of uncounted conditional ballots hidden somewhere. Keep looking.
It's not enough for you charlatans to lead by 500k the last election. You feel you have to exaggerate it 10 fold just to give it some sense of legitimacy. I remember the 2012 election, when you Dummycraps were able to generate 115% of the registered voters in Blue counties. In reality only 56% cast a ballot. 70% of the protesters admitted they didn't bother voting.

It doesn't matter if you lying pugknockers manufacture 20 million more illegal votes for Hillary, she still lost. Anyone with half a brain can see she didn't have the kind of following you degenerates are trying to convince us of. If she was really getting all of these votes, she wouldn't have lost in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.
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Clinton's lead in the PEOPLE"S vote now over 2 million. The electoral college now proven to be a bad joke.
Are you implying the Clinton campaign was ignorant of the need to garner electoral votes? If thats the case, she DEFINITELY has no place being in the WH because that would mean her staff were/are incompetent NYcarbineer

It is a well known fact, by every school child no less, that the first candidate to get to 270 wins PERIOD.

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