This LIBERAL says LOUD and CLEAR - No one is taking away my guns! PERIOD!!!!

Do you wish to ban assualt rifles and high capacity "clips" ?

is there any legitimate reason for a civilian to have a high capacity clip or an AK-47.

we know that no such things were contemplated when the 2nd amendment was written because they didn't exist.

Yes there is a very legitimate reason.
It's called the 2nd amendment and the founders made it very clear that our population was to remain armed, so that if our government ever became tyrannical or despotic again we could have another revolution to overthrow it.
We have the right to protect our homes and businesses.
When our police and national guard do not protect our property we have the right to do so.

View attachment 20145
A Korean man carries an automatic weapon to prevent looters from entering a grocery store in Los Angeles, Thursday, April 30, 1992.

View attachment 20146

Progressive <3 unarmed citizens, because they're no longer citizens-- they're subjects
The mainstream media made the Koreans out to be the bad ones rather than the looters and rioters.
Could be a "slippery slope".

Do you wish to ban assualt rifles and high capacity "clips" ?

is there any legitimate reason for a civilian to have a high capacity clip or an AK-47.

we know that no such things were contemplated when the 2nd amendment was written because they didn't exist.
The main purpose of the 2nd is so that civilians can protect themselves from an overbearing/oppressive/authoritarian government. So, yeah, there is a legitimate reason.
For those that feel that only thugs, gang-bangers, inner city youth, and other such individuals should possess firearms and restrict law-abiding owners such as me, verbalizing the correct terms would help your cause.

When you use the term clip, you are actually referring to a magazine.

An AR-15 is a hunting rifle with a different build. AR does not mean assault rifle.

Except for certain circumstances, automatic weapons are illegal. Holmes used auto-loaders. His drum magazine even jammed and he had to switch to another weapon. Most military units do not even use 100 round drum magazines. There are too many things that can malfunction. Get rid of them if you like.
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Could be a "slippery slope".

It is a slope that must not be touched, thus we avoid the "slip". In fact, few ARE suggesting firearm bans, Obama made that clear; the horror of the Colorado killings cannot be erased by enacting legislation.

“This immediately leads to the issue of gun control,” Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, said Sunday when asked about the shootings on CNN. “To think that somehow increased gun control is the answer, that would have to be proved.”

Gov. John Hickenlooper of Colorado offered a similar response on CNN about whether he would support heavier restrictions on gun purchases.

“This is a case of evil, of someone who was an aberration of nature,” Mr. Hickenlooper said. “If it wasn’t one weapon, it would have been another.”

Aberration of Nature? Or a product of a society that believes American helping American is "socialism", hates many different groups of people and believes you don't get help or support from anyone. Greed above nation. Lying is OK and we must idolize the rich?

Such a nation is bound to produce "aberrations of nature".
Typical leftist: Refuses to hold a criminal accountable for his actions, and instead blames "society".

Do you really wonder why people say the left is soft on crime?
After something like the recent "terrorist" attack, Republicans will go after Democrats feeling their gun rights are threatened. This is the partisan slant Right Wingers give to everything. First, a few "truths":

When someone using a gun to kill a bunch of innocent people-

that's the cue for Republicans to go into outrage mode on gun rights.

When someone scribbles KKK on a wall while illegally damaging school property-

that's the cue for Republicans to go into defending bigots.

When an oil company causes an environmental disaster-

that's the cue for Republicans to talk about how awesome big oil is and suggest we are nothing but vassals dependent on their benevolence for our very existence

Seeing a pattern here?
After something like the recent "terrorist" attack, Republicans will go after Democrats feeling their gun rights are threatened. This is the partisan slant Right Wingers give to everything. First, a few "truths":

When someone using a gun to kill a bunch of innocent people-

that's the cue for Republicans to go into outrage mode on gun rights.

When someone scribbles KKK on a wall while illegally damaging school property-

that's the cue for Republicans to go into defending bigots.

When an oil company causes an environmental disaster-

that's the cue for Republicans to talk about how awesome big oil is and suggest we are nothing but vassals dependent on their benevolence for our very existence

Seeing a pattern here?

You forgot the Republican "apology" to BP. Republican's insist Obama is "apologizing" to the world while their leaders apologize to BP after BP did a squat-shit right in the face of the American People. The Republican leadership tried to get the American people to accept what BP did. They defended BP and the base agrees.

See? They accuse Obama of "apologizing" but when they get "squat-shit" right in the face by big oil, they say, "Please sir, can I have some more"?

[ame=]Oliver! - YouTube[/ame]
So what you are all saying is that you care more about owning a shiny new gun than about doing anything productive to save lives?

How classy.
It is a slope that must not be touched, thus we avoid the "slip". In fact, few ARE suggesting firearm bans, Obama made that clear; the horror of the Colorado killings cannot be erased by enacting legislation.

&#8220;This immediately leads to the issue of gun control,&#8221; Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, said Sunday when asked about the shootings on CNN. &#8220;To think that somehow increased gun control is the answer, that would have to be proved.&#8221;

Gov. John Hickenlooper of Colorado offered a similar response on CNN about whether he would support heavier restrictions on gun purchases.

&#8220;This is a case of evil, of someone who was an aberration of nature,&#8221; Mr. Hickenlooper said. &#8220;If it wasn&#8217;t one weapon, it would have been another.&#8221;

Aberration of Nature? Or a product of a society that believes American helping American is "socialism", hates many different groups of people and believes you don't get help or support from anyone. Greed above nation. Lying is OK and we must idolize the rich?

Such a nation is bound to produce "aberrations of nature".
Typical leftist: Refuses to hold a criminal accountable for his actions, and instead blames "society".

Do you really wonder why people say the left is soft on crime?

Romney coerced 5 young men into tackling a shy, kid so Mitt could assault him.

That's a crime.

Mitt tied his dog on top of his car for a 12 hour drive and abused the poor animal so much, it ran away.

That's a crime.

Mitt Romney dressed up as a police officer and arrested unsuspecting citizens as a joke.

That's a crime.

Mitt Romney said he quit Bain in 1999 yet signed many documents saying he was in charge of nearly a dozen companies for years after he said he didn't work there and received at least a hundred thousand dollars salary from each company.

That's a crime and a felony.

And Republicans greet him with "open arms". Who's soft on "crime"?
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Aberration of Nature? Or a product of a society that believes American helping American is "socialism", hates many different groups of people and believes you don't get help or support from anyone. Greed above nation. Lying is OK and we must idolize the rich?

Such a nation is bound to produce "aberrations of nature".
Typical leftist: Refuses to hold a criminal accountable for his actions, and instead blames "society".

Do you really wonder why people say the left is soft on crime?

Romney coerced 5 young men into tackling a shy, kid so Mitt could assault him.

That's a crime.

Mitt tied his dog on top of his car for a 12 hour drive and abused the poor animal so much, it ran away.

That's a crime.

Mitt Romney dressed up as a police officer and arrested unsuspecting citizens as a joke.

That's a crime.

Mitt Romney said he quit Bain in 1999 yet signed many documents saying he was in charge of nearly a dozen companies for years after he said he didn't work there and received at least a hundred thousand dollars salary from each company.

That's a crime and a felony.

And Republicans greet him with "open arms". Who's soft on "crime"?
You have a "Free Mumia" t-shirt, don't you?
Typical leftist: Refuses to hold a criminal accountable for his actions, and instead blames "society".

Do you really wonder why people say the left is soft on crime?

Romney coerced 5 young men into tackling a shy, kid so Mitt could assault him.

That's a crime.

Mitt tied his dog on top of his car for a 12 hour drive and abused the poor animal so much, it ran away.

That's a crime.

Mitt Romney dressed up as a police officer and arrested unsuspecting citizens as a joke.

That's a crime.

Mitt Romney said he quit Bain in 1999 yet signed many documents saying he was in charge of nearly a dozen companies for years after he said he didn't work there and received at least a hundred thousand dollars salary from each company.

That's a crime and a felony.

And Republicans greet him with "open arms". Who's soft on "crime"?
You have a "Free Mumia" t-shirt, don't you?

Just keeping it truthful.
Romney coerced 5 young men into tackling a shy, kid so Mitt could assault him.

That's a crime.

Mitt tied his dog on top of his car for a 12 hour drive and abused the poor animal so much, it ran away.

That's a crime.

Mitt Romney dressed up as a police officer and arrested unsuspecting citizens as a joke.

That's a crime.

Mitt Romney said he quit Bain in 1999 yet signed many documents saying he was in charge of nearly a dozen companies for years after he said he didn't work there and received at least a hundred thousand dollars salary from each company.

That's a crime and a felony.

And Republicans greet him with "open arms". Who's soft on "crime"?
You have a "Free Mumia" t-shirt, don't you?

Just keeping it truthful.
No, you're repeating your leftist fantasies again.

Your problem with Romney is he's a conservative. And you're pissed that's not illegal.
There will be people on both sides who will see England and Germany and other countries as a model for gun rights. Screw them, our rights are protected by the constitution and that is something I will personally fight for.

Yea because we all know physical assaults don't take place in such countries where there are heavy gun restrictions and bans right?

Damn the right of a woman to have the ability to pull out a gun and scare off or better yet shoot a rapist.
Just keeping it truthful.
No, you're repeating your leftist fantasies again.

Your problem with Romney is he's a conservative. And you're pissed that's not illegal.

Romney isn't even a conservative. Just having a R beside his name is enough for you.

And you know, n00b? :lol:

I'm not thrilled about Romney. But he's what we've got. And he's damn sure better than Obama.
This is actually what this thread is about:

After something like the recent "terrorist" attack, Republicans will go after Democrats feeling their gun rights are threatened. This is the partisan slant Right Wingers give to everything. First, a few "truths":

1. This guy was building a bomb. No one is "searched" when they go into a movie theater. Anyone can carry a back pack. Anyone who is determined to kill a lot of people can do it.

2. We live in an information age. How to make a bomb information is available on the Internet for anyone who wants to know. A BIG bomb. Right Winger Timothy McVeigh proved that.

3. The Constitution gives us the right to own guns. It's served this country for a couple of hundred years. I see no problem and don't want to change that now.

4. It's the culture that leads to something like this. This new idea of "every man for himself" and "no one helped me" and "I did it all on my own". That's a two edge sword. If people start feeling they did everything on their own, they tend not to help others. In fact, they demonize others. Look at the economy. From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China, that can't be denied. Just searching " From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China" on the Internet, we can look at all the facts, data and statistics.

From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China

Now you have those on the right calling those who have lost their jobs terrible names:

Republicans block unemployment benefits extension for lazy drug addicted breeding hobos- VIDEO - National Cultural Issues |

When you demonize segments of society, you devalue ALL human beings. Everyone belongs to "one of those groups" so going after them is OK.

The fact that guys like this terrorist and the one who shot the congresswoman walking around without anyone doing anything is a sign of our times. Sure, there may be one or two who are good actors and everyone is fooled, but only a few. After every one one of these incidents, people come back with, "I knew there was something about blah blah blah....". How many parents say, "I had no clue" when their son or daughter "come out" to them? Almost none. When you live with someone, you can tell when there is something funny going on. And this is a product of our culture, not the fault of the parents.

It takes a village to raise a child. No one does it on their own in a vacuum.

It's more than ironic that the right fears their guns will be taken away. They should feel that way. There will be people on both sides who will see England and Germany and other countries as a model for gun rights. Screw them, our rights are protected by the constitution and that is something I will personally fight for. But at the SAME time, which political party wants to take away "women's rights" and "gay rights" and partake in "voter suppression". In fact, there is no place in the Constitution where it says you need a photo ID to vote.

I suspect I'm on the side of the majority of Americans. I would be shocked to learn otherwise.

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