This makes one wonder...

With all due respect, we don't go running around with suicide vests strapped to our bodies, and blowing ourselves up.

True, instead we pick up a gun and start shooting people. Deaths by terrorism are on a par with being struck by lightning.

Guns, cars, smoking, obesity kill off way more people each year.

So what makes Americans "tick" so that they overlook the self inflicted carnage on our doorsteps and point a finger at others?

And even then - most acts of terrorism in the US are not done by Muslims so, if by chance you miss being struck by lightening and get hit by a terrorist's likely to be a Christian (given the demographics here). ;)
Not the subject matter of the thread. But since your allegiance to your ideology compelled you to open the door. See below.

Examples please?
Has a Christian ever been held responsible for blowing an airplane out of the sky, blowing up a marathon event? How about crashing planes into buildings. Blowing up subways. How about a shopping mall?
Bring it.
True, instead we pick up a gun and start shooting people. Deaths by terrorism are on a par with being struck by lightning.

Guns, cars, smoking, obesity kill off way more people each year.

So what makes Americans "tick" so that they overlook the self inflicted carnage on our doorsteps and point a finger at others?

And even then - most acts of terrorism in the US are not done by Muslims so, if by chance you miss being struck by lightening and get hit by a terrorist's likely to be a Christian (given the demographics here). ;)
Not the subject matter of the thread. But since your allegiance to your ideology compelled you to open the door. See below.

Examples please?
Has a Christian ever been held responsible for blowing an airplane out of the sky, blowing up a marathon event? How about crashing planes into buildings. Blowing up subways. How about a shopping mall?
Bring it.

I gather you have no knowledge of what happened in Ireland between the Catholics and the Protestants. And that was just a microcosm of the wholesale slaughter that occurred throughout Europe when those two groups decided to start killing each other.

The Thirty Years War killed an estimated 7.5 million as Catholics and Protestants fought it out for control over Germany.

So yes, Christians have been responsible for atrocities.
And even then - most acts of terrorism in the US are not done by Muslims so, if by chance you miss being struck by lightening and get hit by a terrorist's likely to be a Christian (given the demographics here). ;)
Not the subject matter of the thread. But since your allegiance to your ideology compelled you to open the door. See below.

Examples please?
Has a Christian ever been held responsible for blowing an airplane out of the sky, blowing up a marathon event? How about crashing planes into buildings. Blowing up subways. How about a shopping mall?
Bring it.

I gather you have no knowledge of what happened in Ireland between the Catholics and the Protestants. And that was just a microcosm of the wholesale slaughter that occurred throughout Europe when those two groups decided to start killing each other.

The Thirty Years War killed an estimated 7.5 million as Catholics and Protestants fought it out for control over Germany.

So yes, Christians have been responsible for atrocities.

Sorry, that is a war of culture.
The denominations are just a manner by which those people pick sides.
And the other issue is the Protestants in the North are supported by Britain. This is an irritant to the Irish Catholic minority who want the Brits out of the North and the whole of Ireland to be one nation.
You were asked to provide specific examples of terrorism perpetuated by Christians in which they would use their extreme beliefs to terrorize the all non Christians.
I asked to you to provide examples of specific targets similar to those chosen by Islamist extremists.
Have at it.
Not the subject matter of the thread. But since your allegiance to your ideology compelled you to open the door. See below.

Examples please?
Has a Christian ever been held responsible for blowing an airplane out of the sky, blowing up a marathon event? How about crashing planes into buildings. Blowing up subways. How about a shopping mall?
Bring it.

I gather you have no knowledge of what happened in Ireland between the Catholics and the Protestants. And that was just a microcosm of the wholesale slaughter that occurred throughout Europe when those two groups decided to start killing each other.

The Thirty Years War killed an estimated 7.5 million as Catholics and Protestants fought it out for control over Germany.

So yes, Christians have been responsible for atrocities.

Sorry, that is a war of culture.
The denominations are just a manner by which those people pick sides.
And the other issue is the Protestants in the North are supported by Britain. This is an irritant to the Irish Catholic minority who want the Brits out of the North and the whole of Ireland to be one nation.
You were asked to provide specific examples of terrorism perpetuated by Christians in which they would use their extreme beliefs to terrorize the all non Christians.
I asked to you to provide examples of specific targets similar to those chosen by Islamist extremists.
Have at it.

Can't refute the facts so you move the goalposts! :eusa_whistle:
...what makes Muslims tick..
It's fine to convert to a certain religion. What ever..
The question I have is ,why go to such extremes?
And why the need for such paternalistic dominance and violence?
Boston bomber?s widow ? victim or accomplice? | New York Post

You wonder about this because you know nothing about the reality of mainstream modern day Islam. You only know about fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, 23% of the world population. The number of them who are fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists is miniscule, but those are the ones you know about and so you think all 1.6 billion are the same. That's foolish and ignorant.

The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people, ordinary people just getting on with their lives. Educate yourself and think logically. You have no accurate world perspective; you have no accurate historical perspective (based on your thinking Christians have never been responsible for horrendous acts against people of other faiths). You're a very ignorant, small minded person. I feel sorry for you.
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Most Muslims aren't violent but I don't know how anyone can dismiss the fact that most violent conflicts on Earth involve Islam. And often against each other. Is that a coincidence?

And yes, it's very much about their take on the religion, unlike Christianity. Most American soldiers that were involved in WW2 were Christian but it would be wrong to call it a Christian war, religion had nothing to do with it. People often obfuscate the issue of religious people involved in a conflict and a conflict over religion.

Abortion clinic bombings? Give me a break. How many Christians were involved with that? And how much support did they have? Equating numbers of violent crime in a 300,000,000+ population to numbers killed by Muslim extremists isn't an honest look at the situation either. Many of those have been stopped and regardless of your personal feeling about the overseas wars it did scale back their US operations considerably. How many think if nothing had been done we would be in the same boat?
Most Muslims aren't violent but I don't know how anyone can dismiss the fact that most violent conflicts on Earth involve Islam. And often against each other. Is that a coincidence?

This was the case with Christians for centuries, and much of it to do with religious differences amongst themselves or against other religions. Though WWI & WWII were not religious based, Chistians were involved more than any other religion. Not all conflcts amongst Muslims are religious based & not all conflicts involving Muslims are religious based. In fact, the Palestinian problem isn't actually religious based, it just happens that one country is a country dominated by Jews and the other dominated by Muslims, but they are fighting over territory, not religion.
Most Muslims aren't violent but I don't know how anyone can dismiss the fact that most violent conflicts on Earth involve Islam. And often against each other. Is that a coincidence?
This was the case with Christians for centuries, and much of it to do with religious differences amongst themselves or against other religions. Though WWI & WWII were not religious based, Chistians were involved more than any other religion. Not all conflcts amongst Muslims are religious based & not all conflicts involving Muslims are religious based. In fact, the Palestinian problem isn't actually religious based, it just happens that one country is a country dominated by Jews and the other dominated by Muslims, but they are fighting over territory, not religion.
Christians, or Catholics, haven't warred over religion for at least 1,000 years. Much of that had to do with getting land back from Muslims so I agree it wasn't over religion. There was some "house cleaning" earlier on though. And yes, most allied soldiers were Christian in WW1&2 and Palestine isn't about religion per se, other than the fact many or most Palastinians want all Jews dead. But that doesn't alter the fact that most wars and terrotism today is Muslim related. Would you rather live in a Christian culture or an Islamic one? Be honest.
...what makes Muslims tick..
It's fine to convert to a certain religion. What ever..
The question I have is ,why go to such extremes?
And why the need for such paternalistic dominance and violence?
Boston bomber?s widow ? victim or accomplice? | New York Post

You wonder about this because you know nothing about the reality of mainstream modern day Islam. You only know about fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, 23% of the world population. The number of them who are fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists is miniscule, but those are the ones you know about and so you think all 1.6 billion are the same. That's foolish and ignorant.

The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people, ordinary people just getting on with their lives. Educate yourself and think logically. You have no accurate world perspective; you have no accurate historical perspective (based on your thinking Christians have never been responsible for horrendous acts against people of other faiths). You're a very ignorant, small minded person. I feel sorry for you.

Oh I beg to differ...I know Muslims because I've worked in their homes. Worked along side a few. Nice people.
Your reaction is not surprising.
You're a lib. And libs appear to have this notion that there is no other point of view. That there is thing that says ' no one dare ask questions'.
I'm don't with the liberal narrative of "you shall not discuss".
Go reread my post. Check back when you've comprehended the gist of it.
The same thing that makes you and everyone else ‘tick.’
With all due respect, we don't go running around with suicide vests strapped to our bodies, and blowing ourselves up.

Neither do more than 99.99% of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that most Muslims are just average citizens who would never contemplate getting involved in terrorism. I had some friends in high school who were Muslims (nation of Islam), and these guys were on the basketball team. I could not picture any of them getting involved in terror related activities. However if 99.99% (although I believe the figure is lower) of the 1.6 billion Muslims don't engage in terrorism, that still leaves 0.01% that do. That comes out to 160,000. That is significant. When you combine members in Al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other countless terrorist groups, I'll bet the figure is higher.
Most Muslims aren't violent but I don't know how anyone can dismiss the fact that most violent conflicts on Earth involve Islam. And often against each other. Is that a coincidence?
This was the case with Christians for centuries, and much of it to do with religious differences amongst themselves or against other religions. Though WWI & WWII were not religious based, Chistians were involved more than any other religion. Not all conflcts amongst Muslims are religious based & not all conflicts involving Muslims are religious based. In fact, the Palestinian problem isn't actually religious based, it just happens that one country is a country dominated by Jews and the other dominated by Muslims, but they are fighting over territory, not religion.
Christians, or Catholics, haven't warred over religion for at least 1,000 years. Much of that had to do with getting land back from Muslims so I agree it wasn't over religion. There was some "house cleaning" earlier on though. And yes, most allied soldiers were Christian in WW1&2 and Palestine isn't about religion per se, other than the fact many or most Palastinians want all Jews dead. But that doesn't alter the fact that most wars and terrotism today is Muslim related. Would you rather live in a Christian culture or an Islamic one? Be honest.

Catholics and Protestants were killing one another over their religion from 1524 through 1648.
This was the case with Christians for centuries, and much of it to do with religious differences amongst themselves or against other religions. Though WWI & WWII were not religious based, Chistians were involved more than any other religion. Not all conflcts amongst Muslims are religious based & not all conflicts involving Muslims are religious based. In fact, the Palestinian problem isn't actually religious based, it just happens that one country is a country dominated by Jews and the other dominated by Muslims, but they are fighting over territory, not religion.
Christians, or Catholics, haven't warred over religion for at least 1,000 years. Much of that had to do with getting land back from Muslims so I agree it wasn't over religion. There was some "house cleaning" earlier on though. And yes, most allied soldiers were Christian in WW1&2 and Palestine isn't about religion per se, other than the fact many or most Palastinians want all Jews dead. But that doesn't alter the fact that most wars and terrotism today is Muslim related. Would you rather live in a Christian culture or an Islamic one? Be honest.

Catholics and Protestants were killing one another over their religion from 1524 through 1648.

You did not answer the question.
Christians, or Catholics, haven't warred over religion for at least 1,000 years. Much of that had to do with getting land back from Muslims so I agree it wasn't over religion. There was some "house cleaning" earlier on though. And yes, most allied soldiers were Christian in WW1&2 and Palestine isn't about religion per se, other than the fact many or most Palastinians want all Jews dead. But that doesn't alter the fact that most wars and terrotism today is Muslim related. Would you rather live in a Christian culture or an Islamic one? Be honest.

Catholics and Protestants were killing one another over their religion from 1524 through 1648.

You did not answer the question.

You didn't refute the facts!

And to be honest I would rather live in a secular nation which was the basis for this nation.
Catholics and Protestants were killing one another over their religion from 1524 through 1648.

You did not answer the question.

You didn't refute the facts!

And to be honest I would rather live in a secular nation which was the basis for this nation.
Well, 1648 was a long time ago. I'm willing to modify my 1,000 year comment but you were specific with dates and I don't know what war you are referring to. This has never been a secular nation, our laws are but the culture has been Christian from the beginning. The evidence is all over the place, that's why the fights to remove the symbols are an ongoing theme.
You did not answer the question.

You didn't refute the facts!

And to be honest I would rather live in a secular nation which was the basis for this nation.
Facts? What facts? Your opinion.
And we don't prove negatives here. Them's the rules.

Historical facts were provided as to the 124 year period when Catholics and Protestants were killing each other over Christianity.

What negatives are you referring to?
You did not answer the question.

You didn't refute the facts!

And to be honest I would rather live in a secular nation which was the basis for this nation.
Well, 1648 was a long time ago. I'm willing to modify my 1,000 year comment but you were specific with dates and I don't know what war you are referring to. This has never been a secular nation, our laws are but the culture has been Christian from the beginning. The evidence is all over the place, that's why the fights to remove the symbols are an ongoing theme.

It was founded with the intention of being a secular nation. That secular intent is stated in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution that the government cannot endorse any specific religion. The individual beliefs of the people themselves cannot override the freedoms of others to not have any religion imposed upon them by the government.

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