This may make me sound like a liberal, I don't care. Not into trophy hunters.

People do not understand the dynamics of big game hunting in Africa, and how it helps preserve the wildlife.

The countries are poor and without the money from big game hunters to hire game rangers and protect the animals.
The animals would soon be wiped out by poachers looking to make a quick buck from their hides, or people killing them for food. ..... :cool:
As long as what they kill is either a pest or is consumed, trophies are fine.

They aren't "consuming" Tigers, dude. They're simply killing them for fun.
------------------------------------------------- tiger meat is said to be yummy !! --- Tiger farming is cultivating a taste for luxury tiger products in China - and increasing poaching --- plus 'Tiger Bone Wine' is much tastier than 'MD 2020' or a Vintage bottle of THUNDERBIRD SYTFE !!
Why is this a political issue? Africa has regulated Safari hunting for decades and local poaching is a problem so you can't blame an American trophy hunter for anything. I hope the anti sport hunting fraternity doesn't applaud the gruesome death of an American hunter simply because they hate hunting.
Trophy hunting is not right. Hunting for food, or for population control etc where it is necessary is one thing.

Not for the big business.

Something about killing majestic animals and hanging them on walls....

There is a difference between hunting for trophy etc and doing it for food.


You might want to do a little research, hunting like this is highly regulated and nothing goes to waste. It's all part of a wildlife management scheme to balance the predators and the prey.
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We do basically the same thing here in America with deer, elk, moose, and bear.

But love to point our fingers at other countries and tell them it's wrong for them to do it. ..... :cuckoo:


What kind of souless ghoul derives pleasure from killing a tiger for sport?

Oh, right....the evil spawn of Trump. I swear to Allah that whole family is made up of absolute sociopaths.

Definitely there was no such thing as big game hunting until Trump was elected.
As long as what they kill is either a pest or is consumed, trophies are fine.

They aren't "consuming" Tigers, dude. They're simply killing them for fun.

You're lying, again! Usually the meat is given to local tribes or the folks that tend the camp.

what happens to animals hunted in african safaris?
Don't like the idea of hanging majestic animals on walls.

Proverbs 12:10 : "A righteous man cares for the needs of animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."

Like I mentioned, I do not have a problem with them being killed for food or population control. There is something disrespectful about displaying them on walls. I also do not think the ones hanging them on walls and paying big money to do that really care all that much what they are doing with the meat.

There is a line and using them to parade on walls is wrong.
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Again, I am not a hunter myself, but if it's legal, I don't have a problem with people doing something that I wouldn't personally do.

For example....I FUCKING HATE ROOT BEER. That doesn't mean I want it outlawed. I just choose to drink other beverages. If someone loves root beer and chooses to have 12 root beers every day....they should.
As long as what they kill is either a pest or is consumed, trophies are fine.

They aren't "consuming" Tigers, dude. They're simply killing them for fun.

You're lying, again! Usually the meat is given to local tribes or the folks that tend the camp.

what happens to animals hunted in african safaris?
Don't like the idea of hanging majestic animals on walls.

Proverbs 12:10 : "A righteous man cares for the needs of animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."

Like I mentioned, I do not have a problem with them being killed for food or population control. There is something disrespectful about displaying them on walls. I also do not think the ones hanging them on walls and paying big money to do that really care all that much what they are doing with the meat.

There is a line and using them to parade on walls is wrong.
------------------------------- opinion , opinions and while i understand your reasoning trophy hunting is legal OWL !!
As long as what they kill is either a pest or is consumed, trophies are fine.

They aren't "consuming" Tigers, dude. They're simply killing them for fun.

You're lying, again! Usually the meat is given to local tribes or the folks that tend the camp.

what happens to animals hunted in african safaris?
Don't like the idea of hanging majestic animals on walls.

Proverbs 12:10 : "A righteous man cares for the needs of animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."

Like I mentioned, I do not have a problem with them being killed for food or population control. There is something disrespectful about displaying them on walls. I also do not think the ones hanging them on walls and paying big money to do that really care all that much what they are doing with the meat.

There is a line and using them to parade on walls is wrong.
------------------------------- opinion , opinions and while i understand your reasoning trophy hunting is legal OWL !!
Abortion is legal too. Did not say a thing about it being illegal. I am saying it is immoral.


Not that I am the most moral person to say the least.

Hunting and displaying them on walls is being disrespectful to God's creation.

Bottom line. They can say what they want about the food going here or there and all of that. That is not why those millionaires are going on safaris to kill lions and leopards.
i may argue and work to end abortion while you can argue and work to end trophy hunting . I would oppose you though as i don't see the two practices as being equivalent Owl .
As long as what they kill is either a pest or is consumed, trophies are fine.

They aren't "consuming" Tigers, dude. They're simply killing them for fun.

You're lying, again! Usually the meat is given to local tribes or the folks that tend the camp.

what happens to animals hunted in african safaris?
Don't like the idea of hanging majestic animals on walls.

Proverbs 12:10 : "A righteous man cares for the needs of animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."

Like I mentioned, I do not have a problem with them being killed for food or population control. There is something disrespectful about displaying them on walls. I also do not think the ones hanging them on walls and paying big money to do that really care all that much what they are doing with the meat.

There is a line and using them to parade on walls is wrong.

I think the folks that make their living in taxidermy would disagree.
I do not consider hunters inherently bad people, even though I don't hunt.

Here is the basic difference between liberals and conservatives that should not be ignored.

If you want a secure border or lower taxes, snowflakes label you as a BAD PERSON.

If you want free college tuition for everyone in the USA, conservatives would label you as fiscally irresponsible and may oppose it, but they will not necessarily label you as an individual with bad morals.

Liberals like to think they are smarter than you, so they should decide how you live your life.

I'll even go a step further. From a PERSONAL perspective, I do not support abortion. However, I also do not want it outlawed. I'd hope that people are responsible enough so as to not even have to make a CHOICE...but I'm fine with the choice being there.

While I support the right to choose, I can also call it baby killing. Because it really is.
As long as what they kill is either a pest or is consumed, trophies are fine.

They aren't "consuming" Tigers, dude. They're simply killing them for fun.

You're lying, again! Usually the meat is given to local tribes or the folks that tend the camp.

what happens to animals hunted in african safaris?
Don't like the idea of hanging majestic animals on walls.

Proverbs 12:10 : "A righteous man cares for the needs of animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."

Like I mentioned, I do not have a problem with them being killed for food or population control. There is something disrespectful about displaying them on walls. I also do not think the ones hanging them on walls and paying big money to do that really care all that much what they are doing with the meat.

There is a line and using them to parade on walls is wrong.

I think the folks that make their living in taxidermy would disagree.
The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil.

Do you want to discuss what the safari big game hunting is truly about, or do you want to stick with the notion that it is about feeding tribes?

It is disrespectful to God's creation. It being a multi million or multi billion dollar business only convinces more that it is wrong.

Not that I can do anything about it. If killing the king of beasts and tigers and leopards and elephants for sport brings you joy, well nothing I can say.

All I do know is we all have it coming on judgement day.
I'd like to see these big game hunters do something really exciting...hunt other big game hunters.

Human on human with similar there's a challenge.

Hiding in a tree to shoot an animal while it drinks water from a river is coward.

Now if you hunt after your hunting partner and the winner lives, loser dies...that's balls.
What's wrong with taking trophys?

In mexico you would find similar trophy displays. They are called rape trees. The panties and bras ripped off migrant women are draped on these trees. That's what this picture reminds me of.

I don't like trophy hunting. Like ColonelAngus people should be hunted. That's fair. It is said that around Juarez with enough money, arrangements can be made to hunt women. It's gone on for years. Those men probably take more than panties for a trophy.
I'd like to see these big game hunters do something really exciting...hunt other big game hunters.

Human on human with similar there's a challenge.

Hiding in a tree to shoot an animal while it drinks water from a river is coward.

Now if you hunt after your hunting partner and the winner lives, loser dies...that's balls.
What's wrong with taking trophys?

In mexico you would find similar trophy displays. They are called rape trees. The panties and bras ripped off migrant women are draped on these trees. That's what this picture reminds me of.

I don't like trophy hunting. Like ColonelAngus people should be hunted. That's fair. It is said that around Juarez with enough money, arrangements can be made to hunt women. It's gone on for years. Those men probably take more than panties for a trophy.

It would be fun to hunt rapists. A high caliber bullet right to the head while they are peacefully trying to rape. That seems fair.

Allow these men to rape within a certain area, but allow other men to hunt those rapists and hang their stuffed heads on their trophy wall.
"The Most Dangerous Game"

SparkNotes: The Most Dangerous Game: Plot Overview

A well written short story.

I often hunted until I was in my mid-30's. It was a cheap source of high quality meat. Then we moved on the West side of the Cascades, and I gained employment that paid very well. Hunting did not make economic sense, so I no longer hunted. Never even considered trophy hunting. Never could see killing something just for the thrill, and bragging rights.

The Most Dangerous Game was on the radio show Suspense, good story.

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