This might explain the Noah's Ark parable in the bible

A global flood would leave millions of different local footprints, just as we see all over the world.
Exactly - and there are no footprints aka sediments on e.g. the Taurus mountains in Turkey nor its plains, showing e.g. bones, earth, seawater residue or vegetation that might derive from e.g. the Alps or the plains of central Europe, North-Americas Rocky mountains or Western plains or from the Sinai mountains nor the Gobi desert and vice versa.

What "footprints" are you talking about?

According to the Bible the flood took place for more or less one year - therefore ridding earth of any vegetation - onto which to feed any mammal or human. To take the story of a boat aka the Arc to house and feed all known animals in pairs for a year, or even a single day is about as ridiculous as a religious believe can get.
Exactly - and there are no footprints aka sediments on e.g. the Taurus mountains in Turkey nor its plains, showing e.g. bones, earth, seawater residue or vegetation that might derive from e.g. the Alps or the plains of central Europe, North-Americas Rocky mountains or Western plains or from the Sinai mountains nor the Gobi desert and vice versa.

What "footprints" are you talking about?

According to the Bible the flood took place for more or less one year - therefore ridding earth of any vegetation - onto which to feed any mammal or human. To take the story of a boat aka the Arc to house and feed all known animals in pairs for a year, or even a single day is about as ridiculous as a religious believe can get.
you should read the intire account instead of just enough to push your narrative,,
Exactly - and there are no footprints aka sediments on e.g. the Taurus mountains in Turkey nor its plains, showing e.g. bones, earth, seawater residue or vegetation that might derive from e.g. the Alps or the plains of central Europe, North-Americas Rocky mountains or Western plains or from the Sinai mountains nor the Gobi desert and vice versa.

What "footprints" are you talking about?

According to the Bible the flood took place for more or less one year - therefore ridding earth of any vegetation - onto which to feed any mammal or human. To take the story of a boat aka the Arc to house and feed all known animals in pairs for a year, or even a single day is about as ridiculous as a religious believe can get.
Plant matter decomposes rather quickly, even under water. The Ark likely didn't carry all known species. They were regenerated by God after the flood, as well as the surface of the earth. Read Genesis One for the pattern God uses. The Ark was large enough to hold all the provisions needed by those within for the duration of the flood.

Anyway, the flood story is one of the most cherished beliefs of the church and nothing is going to dissuade that belief. It is fun to argue the scientific merits of it both pro and con, however.
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yes I have,, the religion of evolution call them chickens,, I dont,,

most likely t-rex lost their way and truly meet their makers others evolved who as those during the time of noah were not sinful ...


the heavens are not a bunch of patsies ... and assuredly - their way or the highway for remission to paradise.
Plant matter decomposes rather quickly, even under water.
And thus forms sediments - which can't be found.
Anyway, the flood story is one of the most cherished beliefs of the church and nothing is going to dissuade that belief. It is fun to argue the scientific merits of it both pro and con, however.
Anyway those who "belief" in a children's book - aren't able to conduct a discussion or argue about science. They simply cling onto their childish believes since they can't understand science, or simply block it out. Such as Noah having gotten 950 years old, and so on.....
Unlike Bible aka child's book readers and believers like you, I have never read nor ever watched spongebob.
But do carry on gaining and adding enlightenment and knowledge for yourself via Spongebob and the Bible.
I havent said a word about the bible,, I just suggested if youre going to use it as a reference that you read the whole of what it says than select out words to fit your narrative,,

as for spongebob,, its you evos that think we came from pond sludge,,
I havent said a word about the bible,, I just suggested if youre going to use it as a reference that you read the whole of what it says than select out words to fit your narrative,,
You mean that the Bible is full of statements that will be designated by you as being in favor of my narrative to discredit the Bible? - thanks
You mean that the Bible is full of statements that will be designated by you as being in favor of my narrative to discredit the Bible? - thanks
I dont understand what youre trying to say,,,

I designated nothing,,

you asked a question and I suggested to read all of what you referenced so your question would be answered,,
I dont understand what youre trying to say,,,

I designated nothing,,

you asked a question and I suggested to read all of what you referenced so your question would be answered,,
Your statement:
I just suggested if youre going to use it as a reference that you read the whole of what it says than select out words to fit your narrative,,

I don't need to continuously re-read a fairy-tale story book in order to place questions that provide no logical answers - aside from "the Bible says so".

Who aside from a believer like you would want to discuss about the truth of Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs. Citing Grimm's brother's content of a fairly tale - as the source to all questions/answers ?
Your statement:
I just suggested if youre going to use it as a reference that you read the whole of what it says than select out words to fit your narrative,,

I don't need to continuously re-read a fairy-tale story book in order to place questions that provide no logical answers - aside from "the Bible says so".

Who aside from a believer like you would want to discuss about the truth of Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs. Citing Grimm's brother's content of a fairly tale - as the source to all questions/answers ?
you should reread it since you got it wrong in that you left out the part that answered the question you were asking,,,

or next time just not use the bible to prove your point,,
its you evos that think we came from pond sludge,,

the pristine environment as in heavenly purity is required to create metaphysical physiology and its unique spiritual content together as a living being that then is made to reproduce itself for as long as allowed by the heavenly benefactors.
And thus forms sediments - which can't be found.
Scientists are puzzled why terrestrial based organic matter is hardly present in ocean sediments even though billions of tons are carried there by rivers each year. Perhaps you can help them with this.

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