This might explain the Noah's Ark parable in the bible

To study the flood they have to be literalists in order to enter the givens into their calculations. For example, the speed of the water determines erosion and deposition. They don't have that information. They also have to construct a flood model from the text, this too they cannot do as they always use traditional beliefs regarding the nature of the flood, beliefs that aren't supported by the story.

These are morality tales and myths for bronze age people. It's absurd to try and prove there was a world wide flood or a parting of the Red Sea.
Food for thought. The fact that almost every culture on earth has a FLOOD story supports the idea that the flood was actually more than a local random prima facie consideration. Especially civilizations found to exist in the western Hemisphere......that had no contact with the peoples of the eastern Hemisphere. Most of native south and north America have passed down numerous flood accounts.

The really strange thing? Even the most elevated points on earth demonstrate evidence of being underwater as the fossil record proves that evidence of sea life has been found even on elevated mountains such as Everest.

And the stranger thing? The Scriptures detail that during the flood, the mountains rose and the valleys sank. There is no evidence of when these "continental shifts" actually occurred (the scriptures declare that it was during the flood) the theory of Carbon dating anything that been subject to water leeching is most unreliable. When every point on earth is demonstrated to have been under water........carbon dating is nothing more than shooting an arrow at the side of the barn.........then rushing up to draw a large bullseye around the arrow while declaring......"Told ya.........dead center".

The scriptures detail a change in weather and geological topography when revealing the history of the flood. In Genesis 8:1 The winds began to blow. This the very first mention of a weather event called WINDS. could mean that up until that time it was not worth mentioning winds....but it could also mean that the climate on the earth was changing its cold air meeting warm air that produces high winds.

Other changes occurred during this time period, as mentioned earlier, God mentions that the mountains rose and the valleys sank (Ps. 104:6-9). This means that our mountains are a great deal higher today than they were during the time period of Noah. The valleys sinking more than likely is referring to the need for having a place to for all the receding water to collect..........such as the 7 mile deep trench....etc.

People attempt to say.......the flood could cover all the land masses on earth as they point out the elevation of the highest peaks on earth......and forget about the lowest points on earth. Science proves these peaks were not always that high nor the ocean floors always that low....and the sea floors have changed many times in history.

Its also most interesting to point to another fact of science. The mountains of Mt. Ararat (the supposed resting place of the Ark) are formed from pillow lava.........stone that can only be produced by underwater volcanic flow under great pressure due to depth.
It's a myth.
It's a myth.
Not necessarily - however certainly in it's propagated "Global", "Rain" and "animal pair" version.

There is quite compelling evidence that around 15000 B.C. the today's Dardanelles breach occurred at the time. Thus flooding a fertile valley - now called the Black-Sea. Human civilizations earliest findings of an advanced civilization (stone dwellings/stone carvings) - 12000 B.C. are all located at the Southern part of today's Black-Sea - aka Turkey's Northern coast line.

Since the Bible was written by Hebrews and therefore took in all kinds of known off, or previously "heard" stories/accounts ranging-collected from the Middle-East Region - such a flood, devastating the cradle of the Middle-Eastern civilization might very well have occurred and left a resounding impact onto human mankind.
Not necessarily - however certainly in it's propagated "Global", "Rain" and "animal pair" version.

There is quite compelling evidence that around 15000 B.C. the today's Dardanelles breach occurred at the time. Thus flooding a fertile valley - now called the Black-Sea. Human civilizations earliest findings of an advanced civilization (stone dwellings/stone carvings) - 12000 B.C. are all located at the Southern part of today's Black-Sea - aka Turkey's Northern coast line.

Since the Bible was written by Hebrews and therefore took in all kinds of known off, or previously "heard" stories/accounts ranging-collected from the Middle-East Region - such a flood, devastating the cradle of the Middle-Eastern civilization might very well have occurred and left a resounding impact onto human mankind.
Too early to have been recorded..and it was a slow moving flood. There was plenty of time to move people and livestock to higher ground.

Further, it wasn't world wide.
Too early to have been recorded..and it was a slow moving flood. There was plenty of time to move people and livestock to higher ground.

Further, it wasn't world wide.
As I had stated - there was no Global flood.
The Bible flood didn't come in an one-night version either. To me that Dardanelles breach makes sense.

That some Hebrew or several Hebrew scribblers made an own compelling religious issue out of it, is understood.
What would core samples show, and how would the flood leave uniform evidence worldwide?
It would show strata. How dirt, clay, sand, limestone or debris was laid down . There's hundreds of thousands of core samples taken in the middle east.

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