This might prove to be helpful in understanding the US's obligations under asylum law.

President Trump kept the border under control. He got cooperation from the el presidente of Mexico and his stay in Mexico strategery worked.
was there a visible shortage of illegal labor in the trump years? i did not notice any fewer in the home depot parking lot

if anyone wants to deport these guys that is where to find them since long before obama's time.
Summarily denying applications at the border violates international law whether the US likes it or not.
No it doesn't, if we've given them other opportunities to claim asylum. This ain't rocket science
We dont claim that biden is breaking law but rather that migrants are abusing the law as its written and we need to change it
pretty much our position on trump, but sure, lets change the law , close loopholes (many of which protect the employers rather than the immigrants, but an honest debate would cover all of that. ), and treat people humanely.

Asylum in the United States

As a signatory to the 1967 Protocol, and through U.S. immigration law, the United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. The Refugee Act established two paths to obtain refugee status—either from abroad as a resettled refugee or in the United States as an asylum seeker.

There's a lot of info available at the link with respect to the actual asylum process. Not the process heard about from those with an interest in disinformation. After all, immigration will be a go-to issue for Repubs in the coming election cycle. And we can expect them to spew lots and lots of lies about it.

My personal feeling is the standards for qualification need to be made more strict. Something I believe is being negotiated in Congress as part of a compromise reform package.
Idiots like you keep pretending that 10,000 illegal immigrants pouring in from 150 different countries is just a political issue. It is a national security issue, it is a massive issue for America's poor competing for resources and it is a humanitarian issue for the immigrants and their children. Please stop posting your ignorance on this subject and stick to bashing Trump.
how many countries do those 'refugees' pass thru before requesting asylum here?

why don't they stop in one of them?
Why hasn't Trump cancelled our agreement to adhere to the 1967 Protocol if he wants to act like we never signed on to it? What was stopping him from trying to get out from under it while he was in office?
To the likes of you? I have no need to explain Myself at all.

However, if you could comprehend what I wrote you would see that I said that the asylum laws needed to be rewritten. The purpose of the rewritten asylum laws is to stop the crisis at our border.

International law has no authority in HOW we conduct our asylum laws and in fact, anyone looking to seek asylum in the USA MUST apply for asylum at an Embassy or a Consulate and have adjudicated approval BEFORE presenting themselves at our Border or transportation centers abroad.

We have the right to our sovereignty and can write any law that negates international law with respect to our border.

There is no way the world can enforce their laws upon us. They lack the credible threat.
If a person arrives on US soil and claims asylum, does the US have to deal with their claim under international law?

Yes. Not only does the US have an international legal obligation to do so, based on the requirement of complying with the object and purpose of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and implementing legal obligations in good faith, it has an obligation to do so under its own domestic law.

Your lack of defense of your comment the Left has been spewing misinformation about immigration for 40 years is taken as an admission you have no defense.
Why hasn't Trump cancelled our agreement to adhere to the 1967 Protocol if he wants to act like we never signed on to it? What was stopping him from trying to get out from under it while he was in office?
why didn't Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Biden?

Did they all support invasion?
Idiots like you keep pretending that 10,000 illegal immigrants pouring in from 150 different countries is just a political issue.
I have done no such thing. The thread was written as a means to inform the willfully misinformed who infest this board. Folks like yourself.
President Trump kept the border under control. He got cooperation from the el presidente of Mexico and his stay in Mexico strategery worked.
President Trump’s top policy priority was supposedly “border security.” But government data show that he failed to improve it. Border Patrol recorded 41 percent more successful illegal entries in fiscal year 2019 than in 2016 and was on pace for 47 percent more through four months of 2020. As he left office in January, reports indicate that the numbers have reached even greater heights.

No wonder you love Dear Leader so much. Your undying adoration is based on a steaming pile of dung.
Trump failed to make America great again. He didn't get American out from under its obligations under international law. He never even tried.
The “problem” is the courts.

The courts say that asylum seekers deserve their day in court to prove their claim and there aren’t enough judges or courts to do so in a timely manner.
That's not a reason to allow them to infest the country without any possible means of immediate removal.
If a person arrives on US soil and claims asylum, does the US have to deal with their claim under international law?

Yes. Not only does the US have an international legal obligation to do so, based on the requirement of complying with the object and purpose of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and implementing legal obligations in good faith, it has an obligation to do so under its own domestic law.

Your lack of defense of your comment the Left has been spewing misinformation about immigration for 40 years is taken as an admission you have no defense.
We need to change the US law and withdraw from the international treaty
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I have done no such thing. The thread was written as a means to inform the willfully misinformed who infest this board. Folks like yourself.
First of al, our government's PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY is the security of our country and the welfare of our citizens, NOT foreigners wanting a better life for themselves. The asylum seekers need to seek asylum in the nearest country that can provide asylum. The vast majority of illegals showing up at our border freely admit they are looking for work and a better quality of life. That is NOT seeking asylum they are lying.
Why don't you answer the question?
because I'm tired of your hypocrisy.

It's all Trump with you.

you just ignore all the presidents that left him with that mess.

at least Ike tried to do something with Operation Wetback.

since then, squat
He said he alone can fix it. Why didn't he?
Trump never said that

We need to fix the problem by consensus rather than competing executive orders and asshole judges legislating from the bench

Unfortunately we are a deeply divided nation and incapable making rational decisions anymore
because I'm tired of your hypocrisy.

It's all Trump with you.

you just ignore all the presidents that left him with that mess.

at least Ike tried to do something with Operation Wetback.

since then, squat
Trump says they are poisoning our blood but he won't take the steps to get us out of an international law we signed on to. That must be very confusing for MAGAs
Trump never said that

We need to fix the problem by consensus rather than competing executive orders and asshole judges legislating from the bench

Unfortunately we are a deeply divided nation and incapable making rational decisions anymore
He did say it.

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