This might prove to be helpful in understanding the US's obligations under asylum law.

It goes without saying that the left has for, for the past 40 years, engaged in direct misinformation regarding immigration. The asylum laws and how they are interpreted and enforced are the actual problem.

Our asylum laws need to be scrapped and rewritten to require that any asylum granted be approved BEFORE presenting yourself to our border or a customs agent at some transportation hub. In addition, all asylum requests at our borders are to be summarily denied and dismissed, the claimant turned away.

That's what the law says you ignorant fucktard. Did you even read the OP?
Polishprince treaties are considered "original law" in usa. being a sovereign country has responsibilities. treaties have the force of federal regulations.
Polishprince treaties are considered "original law" in usa. being a sovereign country has responsibilities. treaties have the force of federal regulations.

Obligations created by treaty are indeed US Law.

And can be changed unilaterally by the US government for any reason whatsoever. Congress and the President can pull out of any treaty they want at any time.
Obligations created by treaty are indeed US Law.

And can be changed unilaterally by the US government for any reason whatsoever. Congress and the President can pull out of any treaty they want at any time.
i might hope that "any treaty any time" gets a little more thought than trump put into the p5+1 iran agreement.
It goes without saying that the left has for, for the past 40 years, engaged in direct misinformation regarding immigration. The asylum laws and how they are interpreted and enforced are the actual problem.

Our asylum laws need to be scrapped and rewritten to require that any asylum granted be approved BEFORE presenting yourself to our border or a customs agent at some transportation hub. In addition, all asylum requests at our borders are to be summarily denied and dismissed, the claimant turned away.
It may go without saying in Trumpworld, but in the real world you need to explain yourself.

Summarily denying asylum applications out of hand violates international law. As a Trump supporter I realize you have no regard for such things.
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i might hope that "any treaty any time" gets a little more thought than trump put into the p5+1 iran agreement.

President Trump didn't sign any treaties with Iran, and none were ever ratified by the Senate as required in the Constitution.

Asylum in the United States

As a signatory to the 1967 Protocol, and through U.S. immigration law, the United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. The Refugee Act established two paths to obtain refugee status—either from abroad as a resettled refugee or in the United States as an asylum seeker.

There's a lot of info available at the link with respect to the actual asylum process. Not the process heard about from those with an interest in disinformation. After all, immigration will be a go-to issue for Repubs in the coming election cycle. And we can expect them to spew lots and lots of lies about it.

My personal feeling is the standards for qualification need to be made more strict. Something I believe is being negotiated in Congress as part of a compromise reform package.
Make Remain in Mexico Federal law
It may go without say in Trumpworld, but in the real world you need to explain yourself.

Summarily denying asylum applications out of hand violates international law. As a Trump supporter I realize you have no regard for such things.
Not what he said. Read more, knee jerk less.
Obligations created by treaty are indeed US Law.

And can be changed unilaterally by the US government for any reason whatsoever. Congress and the President can pull out of any treaty they want at any time.
Actually, the prez has unilateral authority to withdraw from treaties as Dubya did in 2002. Making it all the more curious Trump did not withdraw from our treaty obligations regarding asylum seekers. Especially with a racist bigot like Stephen Miller advising him.
It may go without say in Trumpworld, but in the real world you need to explain yourself.

Summarily denying asylum applications out of hand violates international law. As a Trump supporter I realize you have no regard for such things.

"International law" doesn't bind the US government at all, because the US government can pull out of any agreement unilaterally.
Actually, the prez has unilateral authority to withdraw from treaties as Dubya did in 2002. Making it all the more curious Trump did not withdraw from our treaty obligations regarding asylum seekers. Especially with a racist bigot like Stephen Miller advising him.

President Trump kept the border under control. He got cooperation from the el presidente of Mexico and his stay in Mexico strategery worked.
The family benefited from a program the Biden administration started earlier this year to discourage unlawful border crossings by allowing migrants to use a phone app to set up an appointment at international bridges, where U.S. officials determine whether they should be allowed into the country to request asylum.

The Biden administration is planning to make the process powered by the app, called CBP One, the main portal to the U.S. asylum system at the southern border, sending the message that those who fail to wait for an appointment and attempt to enter the country without permission will be swiftly turned back.

Imagine how much you Trumper's could learn if you read more and believed RWM disinformation less.
The problem is how do we decide whether someone is a political refugee, or an economic refugee ... at the border ... the Cuban shooting commies in Cuba is going to need a safe haven ... whereas some broke Argentine is just looking for fast cash ...

Right now, we just let them in and sort things out after ... "due process of law" ... Republicans control the House, only they can initiate the funding for quicker turn-around ... a shame they're on vacation right now ...

Do we make Texas taxpayers feed these people, or do we let Texas bus these folks up to New York or Illinois? ... the immigrants are here legally ... and has nothing to do with the illegal immigrant problem ...

Apparently ... Republicans have no solutions ... they only cut taxes for the Rich and let the country go bankrupt ... keep "printing" money folks, what could go wrong? ... pork-barrel CR after pork-barrel CR ... Republicans stooging for DemoNazis ...
Untrue. They do have solutions. The DEMOCRATS block any and ALL efforts to change the system.
It may go without saying in Trumpworld, but in the real world you need to explain yourself.

Summarily denying asylum applications out of hand violates international law. As a Trump supporter I realize you have no regard for such things.
To the likes of you? I have no need to explain Myself at all.

However, if you could comprehend what I wrote you would see that I said that the asylum laws needed to be rewritten. The purpose of the rewritten asylum laws is to stop the crisis at our border.

International law has no authority in HOW we conduct our asylum laws and in fact, anyone looking to seek asylum in the USA MUST apply for asylum at an Embassy or a Consulate and have adjudicated approval BEFORE presenting themselves at our Border or transportation centers abroad.

We have the right to our sovereignty and can write any law that negates international law with respect to our border.

There is no way the world can enforce their laws upon us. They lack the credible threat.
It may go without saying in Trumpworld, but in the real world you need to explain yourself.

Summarily denying asylum applications out of hand violates international law. As a Trump supporter I realize you have no regard for such things.
Summarily denying asylum applications out of hand violates international law.
so all those countries the refugees pass thru to get here, are violating international law?
Its an "obligation" the U.S.has placed on itself. A self proclaimed promise.

Much like your promise to your mom to be nice to other people.
I never made any such promise to my mother. My mother has no problem with me giving people shit who deserve it. Maybe your mom is more servile than mine?

Asylum in the United States

As a signatory to the 1967 Protocol, and through U.S. immigration law, the United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. The Refugee Act established two paths to obtain refugee status—either from abroad as a resettled refugee or in the United States as an asylum seeker.

There's a lot of info available at the link with respect to the actual asylum process. Not the process heard about from those with an interest in disinformation. After all, immigration will be a go-to issue for Repubs in the coming election cycle. And we can expect them to spew lots and lots of lies about it.

My personal feeling is the standards for qualification need to be made more strict. Something I believe is being negotiated in Congress as part of a compromise reform package.
Has anyone suggested we don't have an legal obligations for those THAT QUALIFY?
they have been spewing this same bs since long before trump tested the weight rating on the escalator.

if biden were not in compliance with the law he would have been impeached already.
We dont claim that biden is breaking law but rather that migrants are abusing the law as its written and we need to change it

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