This Pride Sign Is at the Entrance of a WA School

Cowardice is an unknown until faced with the situation.
The teachers had the opportunity to save themselves and their kids if they had a weapon.

The police had weapons and were unable. Besides, this is long thought out and planned by someone intent on killing. A bomb will do the job also..........just like Timothy McVeigh did.
Trained officers were unable to face him but I guess we are saying untrained teachers are more capable.
They certainly would be, if they are trained, and willing to deal with the situation, which the cops were not.
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You validate my point again. No one is allowed to discuss school problems or you’re against all teachers.

Talk about a juvenile response.

An appeal to USMB:

Approx how many posts has this poster started on the terrible state of schools and teachers in the last few years?

Is it not incomprehensible that he now trusts us with....GUNS??
The police had weapons and were unable. Besides, this is long thought out and planned by someone intent on killing. A bomb will do the job also..........just like Timothy McVeigh did.
They were able. They just decided wrongly.
Like anyone else in society, possessors of guns should only be doing that having passed a criminal and mental background check. So some teachers might be qualified to carry guns. Others may not.

I consider queers to be mentally deranged, but not really in any violent way. I guess I still would not trust them to carry a gun. They're just too unhinged. And they shouldn't be in schools, at all, in the first place.

I don't necessarily agree with this

But it is consistent
The police had weapons and were unable. Besides, this is long thought out and planned by someone intent on killing. A bomb will do the job also..........just like Timothy McVeigh did.
A bomb is hard to make and takes knowledge.
Police were cowards, that’s why citizens need to take it upon themselves to protect themselves.
There’s another aspect to all this “it’s OK if you’re gay” stuff to young children: it can make them think they are gay when they are not, when as children, they don’t need to think about it at all.

Case in point: it is quite common for young girls to have a “crush” on another girl. I myself, as a 10-year-old, had a crush on another girl - very tomboyish girl - and wanted to sit next to her in class. I just thought she was so cool!

That phase ended, and then it was boys, boys, boys all the time. My dates were all with boys, and then men. All sexual relationships were with men. And at the risk of TMI, all fantasies are with men.

I later asked my mother if she was worried when I had that crush in elementary school, and she told me it is common at that age, and MEANS NOTHING. The point is, if I were in a liberal la-la land back in the 60s, I might have thought I was gay, when I wasn’t, and it would have just created confusion.

Let’s just let kids be kids, and focus on teaching them arithmetic, reading, and writing. The scores nationwide are abysmal.
An appeal to USMB:

Approx how many posts has this poster started on the terrible state of schools and teachers in the last few years?

Is it not incomprehensible that he now trusts us with....GUNS??

Talk about crappy teachers….
Of course it does. You support restricting who can carry and who can not.
Of course I do, but that is not in conflict with the Constitution. Are you not aware that there are exceptions to constitutional provisions. ? Ever hear of Free Speech, and its MANY exceptions ? Back to the 8th grade for you.

Do you oppose restrictions on who can buy and possess guns ? What's your answer to Post # 44 ?
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A bomb is hard to make and takes knowledge.
Police were cowards, that’s why citizens need to take it upon themselves to protect themselves.

You can buy the stuff you need anywhere. One can find the instructions on the internet. It's no leap for someone intent on killing.
Of course I do, but that is not in conflict with the Constitution. Are you not aware that there are exceptions to constitutional provisions. ? Ever hear of Free Speech, and its MANY exceptions ? Back to the 8th grade for you.

Do you oppose restrictions on who can buy and possess guns ?

Only through due process. You want to drag people into court and question their sexual preferences. That is really creepy.
You can buy the stuff you need anywhere. One can find the instructions on the internet. It's no leap for someone intent on killing.
No, you can’t. Don’t believe me go try to buy 500 lbs of Ammonium nitrate and see what happens.
"Good parents are upset"

also we're going to give these teachers we don't trust....GUNS

You gonna keep whining and running or do you have any way to explain the fact that you are ready to give the very same people you've been bitching about FOR YEARS guns and ammunition?
They have to give the teachers guns. Cops are too afraid of getting shot, so they will give the guns to Miss Davis, the janitor, and Billy's retired granpa to protect the kids.
He entered through an open door....metal detectors are very expensive. There would not be one at side entrances where he was able to sneak in

I am a 2nd amendment proponent but I agree that the chance of things going sideways in classrooms exist. WE KNOW the level of support we have these days from the general public so no. People can SAY they trust us to be armed but the second something goes wrong they turn on us in an instant. Every teacher knows what's up. No. We do not get paid to take on that responsibility
Every teacher knows what's up. No. We do not get paid to take on that responsibility

Ever consider it might be a chance of survival?

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