This week's recap of the Russia investigation.....


How long will you beat this dead horse?

Just curious, are you REALLY here stating that the on-going, Russian investigation is the equivalent of "beating a dead horse"????

I'm sincerely wondering if your right wingers are so damn far from reality....or you're just "whistling past the graveyard"....
Your OP will put conservative denial into overdrive.

If anyone ever needed a kick in the ass and to begin stopping being blind Trump cult-members, it is these right wing nitwits on this forum...Bottom line: Trump is NOT fit to be POTUS, period.

If conservatives had any connection, at all with reality, the Big Orange Idiot would not have received a single vote.

Any attempt to use logic or reason with them when addressing the issues of today is wasted. FOX News or some other lunatic-based source of misinformation has already convinced them of an alternative reality they find fits best with their own paranoid delusion.

At best, the OPs and other posts on these message boards written by people of reason prove rational people still exist in America, and show the world the poison of conservatism hasn't completely contaminated the United States.

Your OP will put conservative denial into overdrive.

If anyone ever needed a kick in the ass and to begin stopping being blind Trump cult-members, it is these right wing nitwits on this forum...Bottom line: Trump is NOT fit to be POTUS, period.

If conservatives had any connection, at all with reality, the Big Orange Idiot would not have received a single vote.

Any attempt to use logic or reason with them when addressing the issues of today is wasted. FOX News or some other lunatic-based source of misinformation has already convinced them of an alternative reality they find fits best with their own paranoid delusion.

At best, the OPs and other posts on these message boards written by people of reason prove rational people still exist in America, and show the world the poison of conservatism hasn't completely contaminated the United States.

If conservatives had any connection, at all with reality, the Big Orange Idiot would not have received a single vote.


and if democrats had any connection at all with reality, Hillary would have been tied with him
and if democrats had any connection at all with reality, Hillary would have been tied with him

Lets set the record straight....Hillary was an awful candidate for TWO main reasons:

One, she had too much of an entitlement mindset that after her nomination by the DNC,only the swearing in stood before her and the oval office.

Two, she was simply not good enough of a demagogue to convince many voters that her opponent's bullshit was just that...charlatan promises that only fooled those who WANTED to be fooled (e.g., poor coal miners)

That stated, IF the hatred of Hillary was so damn intense, then vote 3rd party or not vote at all; to actually opt for an idiot to sit in the west wing borders on insanity.
Far less compelling evidence...WTF. Evidently destroying emails and government property is not compelling evidence. With Trump we're still waiting for ANY evidence, compelling or not. All we have so far is a bunch of whining liberals.
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.
Like I said Trumpbot, not my job to inform you. Only you can escape your bubble and join us here in the real world. If you do not know you voted for an extraordinarily dishonest man by now it is doubtful anything I say can change your narrow little mind. I truthfully do not care that you are stupid.

Actually it is your job. Just as you wackos dismiss postings because there is no link and you insist there must be a link. Actually even when there is a link you wackos dismiss it claiming it's some right wing conspiracy or fake. So here's your chance, post some evidence/link or STFU.
and if democrats had any connection at all with reality, Hillary would have been tied with him

Lets set the record straight....Hillary was an awful candidate for TWO main reasons:

One, she had too much of an entitlement mindset that after her nomination by the DNC,only the swearing in stood before her and the oval office.

Two, she was simply not good enough of a demagogue to convince many voters that her opponent's bullshit was just that...charlatan promises that only fooled those who WANTED to be fooled (e.g., poor coal miners)

That stated, IF the hatred of Hillary was so damn intense, then vote 3rd party or not vote at all; to actually opt for an idiot to sit in the west wing borders on insanity.

"or not vote at all"

I didn't
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.
Like I said Trumpbot, not my job to inform you. Only you can escape your bubble and join us here in the real world. If you do not know you voted for an extraordinarily dishonest man by now it is doubtful anything I say can change your narrow little mind. I truthfully do not care that you are stupid.

Actually it is your job. Just as you wackos dismiss postings because there is no link and you insist there must be a link. Actually even when there is a link you wackos dismiss it claiming it's some right wing conspiracy or fake. So here's your chance, post some evidence/link or STFU.
I don't play that game and I seriously don't care if you live in ignorance. I come here for my own amusement. You people are living proof that you can lead a man to knowledge but you can't make him think. I long ago quit searching links just for you people to dismiss out of hand.
Far less compelling evidence...WTF. Evidently destroying emails and government property is not compelling evidence. With Trump we're still waiting for ANY evidence, compelling or not. All we have so far is a bunch of whining liberals.
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.
Like I said Trumpbot, not my job to inform you. Only you can escape your bubble and join us here in the real world. If you do not know you voted for an extraordinarily dishonest man by now it is doubtful anything I say can change your narrow little mind. I truthfully do not care that you are stupid.

Because there is no evidence, you are just a fucking liar.

Go away liar.
Far less compelling evidence...WTF. Evidently destroying emails and government property is not compelling evidence. With Trump we're still waiting for ANY evidence, compelling or not. All we have so far is a bunch of whining liberals.
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.
Like I said Trumpbot, not my job to inform you. Only you can escape your bubble and join us here in the real world. If you do not know you voted for an extraordinarily dishonest man by now it is doubtful anything I say can change your narrow little mind. I truthfully do not care that you are stupid.
Not your job to inform? What is your job, Occupied? To accuse without proof? You seem to have little trouble doing THAT! But when someone asks you to provide evidence that what you're claiming has any basis at declare it's not your "job" to inform people? Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look?
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.
Like I said Trumpbot, not my job to inform you. Only you can escape your bubble and join us here in the real world. If you do not know you voted for an extraordinarily dishonest man by now it is doubtful anything I say can change your narrow little mind. I truthfully do not care that you are stupid.

Actually it is your job. Just as you wackos dismiss postings because there is no link and you insist there must be a link. Actually even when there is a link you wackos dismiss it claiming it's some right wing conspiracy or fake. So here's your chance, post some evidence/link or STFU.

He's just a liar.
Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.
Like I said Trumpbot, not my job to inform you. Only you can escape your bubble and join us here in the real world. If you do not know you voted for an extraordinarily dishonest man by now it is doubtful anything I say can change your narrow little mind. I truthfully do not care that you are stupid.

Actually it is your job. Just as you wackos dismiss postings because there is no link and you insist there must be a link. Actually even when there is a link you wackos dismiss it claiming it's some right wing conspiracy or fake. So here's your chance, post some evidence/link or STFU.
I don't play that game and I seriously don't care if you live in ignorance. I come here for my own amusement. You people are living proof that you can lead a man to knowledge but you can't make him think. I long ago quit searching links just for you people to dismiss out of hand.

Shut up liar.
First the prosecutor gathers evidence, then witnesses are subpoenaed, testimony taken and then the indictments, finally the trial. Only then will we see the evidence. But we know that Mueller is taking testimony now because f court filings. This investigation is gaining momentum. Manafort and Flynn both have exposure, both will be given a chance to save their skin by turning on Trump.
Trump's 'Chumps' don't see what everyone else recognizes, Trump the proven liar has been behaving like a guilty man and most likely is.
The gears of justice are turning, its just a matter of time...
More blah, blah, blah & WAAA, WAAA, WAAA from pathetic CRYBABY liberals which will lead to ZILCH, ZERO, NOTHING on Trump!!
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.
Like I said Trumpbot, not my job to inform you. Only you can escape your bubble and join us here in the real world. If you do not know you voted for an extraordinarily dishonest man by now it is doubtful anything I say can change your narrow little mind. I truthfully do not care that you are stupid.

Because there is no evidence, you are just a fucking liar.

Go away liar.
I demand you post links specifically listing what I have lied about so that I can reject them without even reading them.
and if democrats had any connection at all with reality, Hillary would have been tied with him

Lets set the record straight....Hillary was an awful candidate for TWO main reasons:

One, she had too much of an entitlement mindset that after her nomination by the DNC,only the swearing in stood before her and the oval office.

Two, she was simply not good enough of a demagogue to convince many voters that her opponent's bullshit was just that...charlatan promises that only fooled those who WANTED to be fooled (e.g., poor coal miners)

That stated, IF the hatred of Hillary was so damn intense, then vote 3rd party or not vote at all; to actually opt for an idiot to sit in the west wing borders on insanity.

Except that would have elected Hillary, the horrific outcome.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
First the prosecutor gathers evidence, then witnesses are subpoenaed, testimony taken and then the indictments, finally the trial. Only then will we see the evidence. But we know that Mueller is taking testimony now because f court filings. This investigation is gaining momentum. Manafort and Flynn both have exposure, both will be given a chance to save their skin by turning on Trump.
Trump's 'Chumps' don't see what everyone else recognizes, Trump the proven liar has been behaving like a guilty man and most likely is.
The gears of justice are turning, its just a matter of time...

Thank you....Good synopsis of what right wing, trump cult members refuse to acknowledge.....

At the very LEAST, Trump surrounded himself with fraudulent, lying bastards...and, of course, at worst, he himself will be proven a fraudulent, lying bastard.

Resignation is the most likely scenario....something along the lines of "my businesses are suffering in my absence and congress is to blame, and golfing is a lot more fun."
More blah, blah, blah & WAAA, WAAA, WAAA from pathetic CRYBABY liberals which will lead to ZILCH, ZERO, NOTHING on Trump!!

How's the view when your head is so firmly up your own ass?.................LOL
Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.
Like I said Trumpbot, not my job to inform you. Only you can escape your bubble and join us here in the real world. If you do not know you voted for an extraordinarily dishonest man by now it is doubtful anything I say can change your narrow little mind. I truthfully do not care that you are stupid.

Because there is no evidence, you are just a fucking liar.

Go away liar.
I demand you post links specifically listing what I have lied about so that I can reject them without even reading them.

The link leads right to his thread and discussion. You lied right here, right to me in this thread.

Now, go fuck yourself liar.
I can't wait to see how all the CRYBABIES & LOSERS on here react when Trump is NEVER impeached & NEVER resigns!!

People on here forget that Nixon was caught on TAPE talking about the Watergate hotel break in but nothing even REMOTELY close to that exists on Trump!!

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