This week's recap of the Russia investigation..... it's not "breaking news"'s "evolving"?

You're basically saying that you guys haven't found anything on collusion after looking for a year so now you're looking elsewhere and hoping that you'll find something there? Gotcha!!!

Mueller was appointed to investigate a bit more than THREE months ago,since the congressional investigations were both slow a "bit partisan"......

AND, to paraphrase our beloved Trump, "you won't believe what Mueller has far"..............................LOL
More blah, blah, blah & WAAA, WAAA, WAAA from pathetic CRYBABY liberals which will lead to ZILCH, ZERO, NOTHING on Trump!!
and how do you know that? Did you dream it up in your own head? Or did your cult master tell you that? Are you are compelled to follow him and every word he says???? it's not "breaking news"'s "evolving"?

You're basically saying that you guys haven't found anything on collusion after looking for a year so now you're looking elsewhere and hoping that you'll find something there? Gotcha!!!

Mueller was appointed to investigate a bit more than THREE months ago,since the congressional investigations were both slow a "bit partisan"......

AND, to paraphrase our beloved Trump, "you won't believe what Mueller has far"..............................LOL

So you're claiming that the left hasn't been investigating Russian collusion since last summer, Nat?

They brought in Mueller three months ago because they hadn't found anything on collusion and thought that by giving a Special Counsel the ability to look into EVERYTHING Trump has done in the past that they might find something to use against him!

As for how "fast" the Congressional investigations have been? You still haven't quite "gotten it" that Democrats didn't want the investigations to go fast because they knew there wasn't anything THERE! They wanted the investigation to last as long as possible because as long as the investigation was ongoing...they wouldn't have to admit that they made the whole thing up in the first place to explain away Hillary's loss in the election! it's not "breaking news"'s "evolving"?

You're basically saying that you guys haven't found anything on collusion after looking for a year so now you're looking elsewhere and hoping that you'll find something there? Gotcha!!!

Mueller was appointed to investigate a bit more than THREE months ago,since the congressional investigations were both slow a "bit partisan"......

AND, to paraphrase our beloved Trump, "you won't believe what Mueller has far"..............................LOL

So you're claiming that the left hasn't been investigating Russian collusion since last summer, Nat?

They brought in Mueller three months ago because they hadn't found anything on collusion and thought that by giving a Special Counsel the ability to look into EVERYTHING Trump has done in the past that they might find something to use against him!

As for how "fast" the Congressional investigations have been? You still haven't quite "gotten it" that Democrats didn't want the investigations to go fast because they knew there wasn't anything THERE! They wanted the investigation to last as long as possible because as long as the investigation was ongoing...they wouldn't have to admit that they made the whole thing up in the first place to explain away Hillary's loss in the election!

you are clueless....

REPUBLICANS are in majority and LEAD the congressional and senate investigations.... Democrats can't slow down the investigation, ONLY REPUBLICANS can...
Willful ignorance is not an excuse. No one is obliged to bring you up to speed. Maybe you shouldn't be commenting on something that you admit to knowing nothing about.
When did I say I know nothing about the ongoing investigation? I said I don't watch network news...I didn't say I don't keep up on current events. I read the Wall Street Journal with breakfast. I haven't seen a thing in the Journal about breaking news on Russia. So what have I missed? Or are you going to continue to use the excuse that you're not "obliged" to bring me up to speed? Quite frankly, looks like you don't HAVE any breaking news on Russia which is why you won't answer my question!
So what have I missed? Or are you going to continue to use the excuse that you're not "obliged" to bring me up to speed? Quite frankly, looks like you don't HAVE any breaking news on Russia which is why you won't answer my question!

It's in the very thread that you're posting in, dope. :laugh2:

There's "breaking news" about the Russian collusion investigation in this thread? Where? Reporting that Mueller has expanded his investigation isn't NEWS, Hutch! Let's be honest here...since there's nothing there in the collusion charge...what other choice does he have? He's been given the task of finding SOMETHING on Donald Trump by the Washington power elite! Quite frankly...that isn't news either!

It's expanding because the leads have led to a much larger and more involved picture of the Trump folks and their involvement with Russia. The very involvement the president denied the existence of.

Keep hiding from the evolving story. It's sure to go away. it's not "breaking news"'s "evolving"?

You're basically saying that you guys haven't found anything on collusion after looking for a year so now you're looking elsewhere and hoping that you'll find something there? Gotcha!!!

You haven't addressed any of the links provided, you claim to not watch the news and you say you haven't seen any of these stories in the WSJ. Your stupid game of willful ignorance is your own. Just keep
on hoping it goes away before you have to acknowledge it is real. it's not "breaking news"'s "evolving"?

It was you who characterized it as "breaking news", dope.
So you're claiming that the left hasn't been investigating Russian collusion since last summer, Nat?

NO, NO........Trump and his cronies have been crooked way before last summer, and the FBI began investigating Page, Flynn, Manafort, et al....WAY before that.......

What I AM stating is that Mueller was appointed by the DOJ in MAY, 17th, 2017 for the much-needed COMPREHENSIVE investigation...By mid-September, Mueller's investigation will be only 4 months old..
Mind you, its just THIS week that we learned of these factors....Some cut members call it a "witch hunt"; while some others call it the "drip-drip-drip before the fall (and I don't mean Autumn)::

  • Mueller obtains an early draft of President Trump's letter firing Comey that lists the MAIN reason to fire him as eliminating the Russian probe (aka, obstruction of justice.)
  • Special Counsel Mueller apparently is teaming up with the New York Attorney General and the I.R.S.. (thereby countering the Trump pardoning scenario and finally accessing Trump's mysterious tax returns)
  • Paul Manafort, President's former, one-time campaign manager, turns over a bunch of notes, including some notes from that infamous meeting with some Russians and Donald Trump Junior. (Bear in mind that Manafort is unequivocally guilty of this: The federal Bank Secrecy Act requires Americans to file disclosure forms with the government if they have foreign bank accounts valued at more than certain threshold amounts. Penalties for violation can run as high as 10 years in prison if the offense is especially serious.)
  • The Trump Organization was trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow (not Idaho, but Russia under sanctions.) .
Lol. Still chasin' them rainbows....
Lol. Still chasin' them rainbows....

Somewhere, over the rainbow, there's an extra-large orange jump suit waiting for some fat ass clown to wear it.......LOL
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Mind you, its just THIS week that we learned of these factors....Some cut members call it a "witch hunt"; while some others call it the "drip-drip-drip before the fall (and I don't mean Autumn)::

  • Mueller obtains an early draft of President Trump's letter firing Comey that lists the MAIN reason to fire him as eliminating the Russian probe (aka, obstruction of justice.)
  • Special Counsel Mueller apparently is teaming up with the New York Attorney General and the I.R.S.. (thereby countering the Trump pardoning scenario and finally accessing Trump's mysterious tax returns)
  • Paul Manafort, President's former, one-time campaign manager, turns over a bunch of notes, including some notes from that infamous meeting with some Russians and Donald Trump Junior. (Bear in mind that Manafort is unequivocally guilty of this: The federal Bank Secrecy Act requires Americans to file disclosure forms with the government if they have foreign bank accounts valued at more than certain threshold amounts. Penalties for violation can run as high as 10 years in prison if the offense is especially serious.)
  • The Trump Organization was trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow (not Idaho, but Russia under sanctions.) .


Have you been locked in a closet for the last two weeks?
Mind you, its just THIS week that we learned of these factors....Some cut members call it a "witch hunt"; while some others call it the "drip-drip-drip before the fall (and I don't mean Autumn)::

  • Mueller obtains an early draft of President Trump's letter firing Comey that lists the MAIN reason to fire him as eliminating the Russian probe (aka, obstruction of justice.)
  • Special Counsel Mueller apparently is teaming up with the New York Attorney General and the I.R.S.. (thereby countering the Trump pardoning scenario and finally accessing Trump's mysterious tax returns)
  • Paul Manafort, President's former, one-time campaign manager, turns over a bunch of notes, including some notes from that infamous meeting with some Russians and Donald Trump Junior. (Bear in mind that Manafort is unequivocally guilty of this: The federal Bank Secrecy Act requires Americans to file disclosure forms with the government if they have foreign bank accounts valued at more than certain threshold amounts. Penalties for violation can run as high as 10 years in prison if the offense is especially serious.)
  • The Trump Organization was trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow (not Idaho, but Russia under sanctions.) .


Have you been locked in a closet for the last two weeks?


are you unaware of the Rules and Guidelines for this Board?

"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material."
You wanted Hilary in front of a firing squad on far less compelling evidence than just what little has leaked out concerning contacts with Russian operatives during the election. Bound to be more in the coming months, let's see how far you are willing to ride the Trump train on the way to it's inevitable crash.

Far less compelling evidence...WTF. Evidently destroying emails and government property is not compelling evidence. With Trump we're still waiting for ANY evidence, compelling or not. All we have so far is a bunch of whining liberals.
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.

What about now? I suspect you being a right wing loser this new evidence won't move you either. Trump could murder someone and not lose your support. He knows you're dumb and so do I.
Far less compelling evidence...WTF. Evidently destroying emails and government property is not compelling evidence. With Trump we're still waiting for ANY evidence, compelling or not. All we have so far is a bunch of whining liberals.
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.

What about now? I suspect you being a right wing loser this new evidence won't move you either. Trump could murder someone and not lose your support. He knows you're dumb and so do I.

What about now? Nothing happened that had anything to do with Trump. You guys lose again.
Here is the recap of the "Russian Collusion" investigation so far:

Far less compelling evidence...WTF. Evidently destroying emails and government property is not compelling evidence. With Trump we're still waiting for ANY evidence, compelling or not. All we have so far is a bunch of whining liberals.
Oh no there is plenty of evidence, your messiah just labels it "fake news" and you never give it another thought. After years of accusing Obama supporters of blind following behavior you Trumpbots apparently decided to show us all how cults are really done.

Where is the evidence nit wit? Where? You are full of shit as always.
If you consumed something other than right-wing garbage news you would actually be abreast of what has been going on, not my job to inform you of what you should already know. I look at the shit you call news, as far as they are concerned the Russia investigation exists in some other universe and what little they do say about it is entirely dismissive. The investigation would not be going on if it was just disgruntled democrats and it would not still be going on if there was not ample reason to continue it. Get up to speed on this thing, you guys continuing to say there is nothing at all to see here is making you look stupider by the day.

Where is the evidence you claim there is? Quit your bull shit and show us the evidence.

What about now? I suspect you being a right wing loser this new evidence won't move you either. Trump could murder someone and not lose your support. He knows you're dumb and so do I.

What new evidence? The indictments have zero to do with Trump. I mean, you so realize that, right?

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