This will certainly upset the right wing "christians."

America historically has been a Christian dominated nation. Christianity is woven throughout American society, if it offends someone that Christian traditions are favored, well too fucking bad.
So you want to make Christianity the official State religion now?
Less than five decades after the ratification of the Constitution:
In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. My desire to discover the causes of this phenomenon increased from day to day. In order to satisfy it I questioned the members of all the different sects; I sought especially the society of the clergy, who are the depositaries of the different creeds and are especially interested in their duration. As a member of the Roman Catholic Church, I was more particularly brought into contact with several of its priests, with whom I became intimately acquainted. To each of these men I expressed my astonishment and explained my doubts. I found that they differed upon matters of detail alone, and that they all attributed the peaceful dominion of religion in their country mainly to the separation of church and state. I do not hesitate to affirm that during my stay in America I did not meet a single individual, of the clergy or the laity, who was not of the same opinion on this point.

Today, the Religious Right is making the identical error that had been made in Europe in de Tocqueville's time:
The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.
Tocqueville Book I Chapter 17
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No need for a state religion, no need to change the culture for foreigners and their beliefs... Simple
If you don't think our culture has not changed over time due to the influx of "foreigners and their beliefs", then you are an even bigger idiot than I thought.

Happy St Patrick's Day!

The Irish used to be hated as much as Muslims and Mexicans are by people like you today.
As long as the official name recognized by the federal government for the Christmas holiday is "Christmas", it should be called that in government schools. As long as the official name recognized by the federal government for Thanksgiving is "Thanksgiving", it should be called that in government schools. As long as the official name recognized by the federal government for Easter is "Easter", it should be called that in government schools. As long as Supreme Court and Congressional sessions open with a prayer, government schools should as well. I see no controversy in that at all. If you don't like it in the schools, change it in the government. It's kind of stupid to have government schools at odds with the government, isn't it?
America historically has been a Christian dominated nation. Christianity is woven throughout American society, if it offends someone that Christian traditions are favored, well too fucking bad.
So you want to make Christianity the official State religion now?

Christmas is an important TRADITION in this country, that has evolved beyond religion and has roots well established in nearly all secular households.
If Muslims or Jews are offended tough titty. They can join Christians, agnostics (like myself), and atheists and celebrate a great American tradition which has always been an important part of our workplaces and schools and households.
Or they can choose to be assholes and work to tear it down and destroy it for everyone.

Knowing Muslims, I'm certain they'll choose to be assholes.
The difference between St Patricks and Cinco de mayo... Nobody pretends theyre mexican for a day

True, leftist scum will bend over to accomodate whatever third world garbage they need votes from....
America historically has been a Christian dominated nation. Christianity is woven throughout American society, if it offends someone that Christian traditions are favored, well too fucking bad.

It took a Nation founded by white Christian men to be tolerant of all other Religions and non-believers. If this Nation were founded by Muslims, think we'd be having this and other similar debates about State and Religion? Israel has a State Religion (Judaism) and is tolerant of Christians and Muslims. Muslims and Christians share Jerusalem with Jews. What about Mecca? Think a Jew and Christian can go to Mecca?

In modern day, there are those who resent that the US was founded by white Christian men. While US ethics and freedom are constantly under attack, it is still the best system in the World. That is American Exceptionalism and proud of it.

The forefathers made a mistake. They should have established Christianity as the State Religion with equal rights and freedoms for non Christians to practice their religion.
America historically has been a Christian dominated nation. Christianity is woven throughout American society, if it offends someone that Christian traditions are favored, well too fucking bad.

It took a Nation founded by white Christian men to be tolerant of all other Religions and non-believers. If this Nation were founded by Muslims, think we'd be having this and other similar debates about State and Religion? Israel has a State Religion (Judaism) and is tolerant of Christians and Muslims. Muslims and Christians share Jerusalem with Jews. What about Mecca? Think a Jew and Christian can go to Mecca?

In modern day, there are those who resent that the US was founded by white Christian men. While US ethics and freedom are constantly under attack, it is still the best system in the World. That is American Exceptionalism and proud of it.

The forefathers made a mistake. They should have established Christianity as the State Religion with equal rights and freedoms for non Christians to practice their religion.

Actually, I don't think they would have had too much problem with that. What they were really trying to do, IMO, was prevent a "Church of England vs the Pope" type of situation where Protestants and Catholics, for example, would be at war with each other. I really don't think they would have had a problem with Christianity being the default religion of America.
The forefathers made a mistake. They should have established Christianity as the State Religion with equal rights and freedoms for non Christians to practice their religion.
The worse thing that can happen to any religion is for government to get involved. Same with business.
Name that holiday? This Maryland school district won't
By Breeanna Hare, CNN
No religious holidays on Maryland district s calendar -

See, when you push for religion in the public sector. There are other beliefs that work, pay taxes and have deeply convictions in their religious ideology.
How do exclude those individuals?
So, no one is taking your right away to worship. What is happening is your right to force any and all of your religious ideologies onto others.
"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices," says a statement on the website of the Equality for Eid Coalition, which has been advocating for Montgomery County to close school on Muslim holidays. "They either skip school (an excused absence) to celebrate Eids or they skip their religious observances to attend school. Many choose to do the latter. However, this is not a choice that, for the most part, our Christian and Jewish neighbors face on their high holidays."
Idiots like you praise the satan worshipers for doing what you falsely accuse Christians of doing. You are wrong, like most libtards are.
It is simply amazing to me that until oh say 2008

Other religions weren't complaining about Chistmas
Little boys didn't want to use the girl's bathroom
Gays were fine not telling everyone they were gay, just to make a point
There weren't cries of racism every time a white police officer interacted with a black suspect.

What the hell is happening to our country?
America historically has been a Christian dominated nation. Christianity is woven throughout American society, if it offends someone that Christian traditions are favored, well too fucking bad.
So you want to make Christianity the official State religion now?
No, just tired of moo slims and libtards wanting to change things because they refus to recognize the truth. Idiots all of you.
It is simply amazing to me that until oh say 2008

Other religions weren't complaining about Chistmas
Little boys didn't want to use the girl's bathroom
Gays were fine not telling everyone they were gay, just to make a point
There weren't cries of racism every time a white police officer interacted with a black suspect.

What the hell is happening to our country?
Obama is the problem, the evil one in chief.
It is simply amazing to me that until oh say 2008

Other religions weren't complaining about Chistmas
Little boys didn't want to use the girl's bathroom
Gays were fine not telling everyone they were gay, just to make a point
There weren't cries of racism every time a white police officer interacted with a black suspect.

What the hell is happening to our country?
Obama is the problem, the evil one in chief.

You are incorrect.

Without morons being willing to elect shitty "leaders" like Obama and Bush over the last 10 years , those morons couldn't do shit.

Obama is a symptom of the problem, he is not the problem however.

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