This will certainly upset the right wing "christians."

Name that holiday? This Maryland school district won't
By Breeanna Hare, CNN
No religious holidays on Maryland district s calendar -

See, when you push for religion in the public sector. There are other beliefs that work, pay taxes and have deeply convictions in their religious ideology.
How do exclude those individuals?
So, no one is taking your right away to worship. What is happening is your right to force any and all of your religious ideologies onto others.
"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices," says a statement on the website of the Equality for Eid Coalition, which has been advocating for Montgomery County to close school on Muslim holidays. "They either skip school (an excused absence) to celebrate Eids or they skip their religious observances to attend school. Many choose to do the latter. However, this is not a choice that, for the most part, our Christian and Jewish neighbors face on their high holidays."
Idiots like you praise the satan worshipers for doing what you falsely accuse Christians of doing. You are wrong, like most libtards are.

Yes it time to roll the christian invention of Satan out
" And when you see a bunch of people going around thinking that our President if the anti-Christ you have to draw one of two conclusions.

Either these are racists looking for any excuse to level the next accusation or they’re beyond crazy. And I think beyond crazy is a better explanation and that evangelical subculture has rotted the brain of the United States of America. We have a big slice of our population waiting for Jesus to come back. They look forward to Armageddon. Good news is bad news to them. We talk about the Left Behind series of books that I talk about in my book Crazy for God.

What we’re really talking about is a group of people are resentful because they know they’ve been left behind by modernity, by science, by education, by art, by literature—the rest of us are getting on with our lives. These people are standing on a hill top waiting for the end and this is a dangerous group of people to have as neighbors. And they’re our national neighbors. And this is the source of all these insanities that we see leveled at the President. One way or the other they go back to this little evangelical subculture. It’s a disaster."

Name that holiday? This Maryland school district won't
By Breeanna Hare, CNN
No religious holidays on Maryland district s calendar -

See, when you push for religion in the public sector. There are other beliefs that work, pay taxes and have deeply convictions in their religious ideology.
How do exclude those individuals?
So, no one is taking your right away to worship. What is happening is your right to force any and all of your religious ideologies onto others.
"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices," says a statement on the website of the Equality for Eid Coalition, which has been advocating for Montgomery County to close school on Muslim holidays. "They either skip school (an excused absence) to celebrate Eids or they skip their religious observances to attend school. Many choose to do the latter. However, this is not a choice that, for the most part, our Christian and Jewish neighbors face on their high holidays."
Idiots like you praise the satan worshipers for doing what you falsely accuse Christians of doing. You are wrong, like most libtards are.

Yes it time to roll the christian invention of Satan out
You are a clueless fool.
Just explain how anyone is taking away your right to worship?

Which should be a good indicator of.....? Religious ideology and how it belongs........NOWHERE the public sector.

I find it amusing in their attempt to piss no one off the school board pissed pretty much everyone off.

Fortunately the First Amendment is not about freedom FROM religion in order to satisfy a minority which prefers no religion at all. I also don't recall the phrase "nor prohibit the free exercise thereof" written to specifically reflect towards only private worship and exclude the public display of religion.
He can't, because no rights are being 'taken away.' The notion is ignorant idiocy.
Time for the manger hunters to get busy and keep the public square safe from the state religion...

The warrior class... Lol
Just explain how anyone is taking away your right to worship?

Which should be a good indicator of.....? Religious ideology and how it belongs........NOWHERE the public sector.

I find it amusing in their attempt to piss no one off the school board pissed pretty much everyone off.

Fortunately the First Amendment is not about freedom FROM religion in order to satisfy a minority which prefers no religion at all. I also don't recall the phrase "nor prohibit the free exercise thereof" written to specifically reflect towards only private worship and exclude the public display of religion.
He can't, because no rights are being 'taken away.' The notion is ignorant idiocy.

This from someone who can't even explain what is meant by the word 'establishment' as it applies in the First Amendment. I am just amazed, when I find how much people know so little about their own American history.

To say religion is merely only about worship, is to say the right of same sex relationships is only about sex and doesn't belong in public. Personally, I don't have a right to dictate what another believes, just as well as no one deserves to say that an individual doesn't have the right to openly follow their beliefs freely according to their conscience. There really is no harm in it ... except as a way of control over others who don't happen believe as you do, forcing a set of rules (laws) on them in order to force them to conform to how someone else believes (in this case, the belief that there is no god, but rather to PUSH a more secular point of view that is free of the open display of religion all together).
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Establishment Clause jurisprudence applies to government only, as is the case with the entire Bill of Rights; private organizations and private persons are not subject to the restrictions the First Amendment places on government with regard to un-Constitutional efforts to conjoin church and state.

Therefore, when private persons seek to promote religious expression in government absent a secular purpose, where the power and authority of the state is used to promote a particular religious belief that results in an excessive entanglement of government and religion, the courts are authorized by the Constitution to strike down those measures (see Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)).

That the state is enjoined by the Constitution from promoting religious dogma does not apply to private persons, who remain at liberty to engage in religious expression in any venue they wish, where and when appropriate, public or private.

This is why the notion that citizens' rights to worship as they see fit are being 'taken away' is ignorant idiocy, because those rights have in no way been adversely effected by government, as the people where never authorized to seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Constitution in the first place.
Establishment Clause jurisprudence applies to government only, as is the case with the entire Bill of Rights; private organizations and private persons are not subject to the restrictions the First Amendment places on government with regard to un-Constitutional efforts to conjoin church and state.

Therefore, when private persons seek to promote religious expression in government absent a secular purpose, where the power and authority of the state is used to promote a particular religious belief that results in an excessive entanglement of government and religion, the courts are authorized by the Constitution to strike down those measures (see Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)).

That the state is enjoined by the Constitution from promoting religious dogma does not apply to private persons, who remain at liberty to engage in religious expression in any venue they wish, where and when appropriate, public or private.

This is why the notion that citizens' rights to worship as they see fit are being 'taken away' is ignorant idiocy, because those rights have in no way been adversely effected by government, as the people where never authorized to seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Constitution in the first place.

The First Amendmend with regard to religion has absolutely. nothing to do with secularism, or the promoting of secularism to satisfy a minority group. This is why your explaination falls short in addressing the "nor prohibit the free exercise thereof" that makes up the second part of the clause. There is no PERIOD following government forbidding an establishment of religion, there is a whole second half of the clause that comes after the comma that you have failed to address. It's the freedom of religious expression to openly express one's belief without being prohibited from conforming to any ONE denomination or belief (to include secularism).

If your explanation was accurate. this nation would never have implemented blue laws from early within its history. Such laws would have been struck down from it's very foundation in support of your interpretation of the Constitution. However, it didn't happen that way did it? Neither did it keep Bibles from being discussed in schools. That should have been struck down too, if your interpreted view was correct and accurate. It's rather interesting how history doesn't dictate nor is it found to have backed up such interpretation. At least, not until the 20th century, as your case so happens to correlate with. No, I don't believe that interpretation is proven to be historically accurate. rather the mention of secularism is often the misinterpretation that finds itself equated to the First Amendment.

Now, if you like. I can provide quotes from founders, the early Congress, and Supreme. Court case which aligns itself with early historical events and way of life in this country.
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Seems you did not read the entire article.
Taking statements out of context makes a week argument.

"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices,"
It says right here they have a choice. Where's the problem?
There is no room on any school calendar to accommodate any more religious holidays.
The Muslims felt slighted, pushed for this and now that accommodations have been made, they are not satisfied. Apparently half a loaf is not better than no loaf.
Just imagine. Let's say to placate the Muslims ALL days off from school that were granted for religious holidays are CANCELLED. No Christmas Break. No Easter. No Jewish holidays. Nothing. You go to school or get an unexcused absence. School open on every religious holiday. Even Christmas.
Would that make you happy? Oh, of course you'll have to answer to the teacher's unions. The unions representing the maintenance workers and all the parents who normally look to these times to spend with family.
This is the utter havoc your ideology brings upon us. Your SHIT stinks.
What boggles the mind is your side got its way and you are STILL bitching and moaning.

Just eliminate the fake holidays. No more MLK day, no more Presidents' Day, no more Good Friday (some schools are closed), no more Columbus Day. In Massachusetts, no more Bunker Hill Day or Evacuation Day...probably need to keep Patriots Day, though.
Establishment Clause jurisprudence applies to government only, as is the case with the entire Bill of Rights; private organizations and private persons are not subject to the restrictions the First Amendment places on government with regard to un-Constitutional efforts to conjoin church and state.

Therefore, when private persons seek to promote religious expression in government absent a secular purpose, where the power and authority of the state is used to promote a particular religious belief that results in an excessive entanglement of government and religion, the courts are authorized by the Constitution to strike down those measures (see Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)).

That the state is enjoined by the Constitution from promoting religious dogma does not apply to private persons, who remain at liberty to engage in religious expression in any venue they wish, where and when appropriate, public or private.

This is why the notion that citizens' rights to worship as they see fit are being 'taken away' is ignorant idiocy, because those rights have in no way been adversely effected by government, as the people where never authorized to seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Constitution in the first place.
And you are completely backwards on what all of that means. It does not mean that we should be removing holidays off of calenders because one religion or the other is 'offended' by it. That IS church influencing the state. To a degree that I am VERY uncomfortable with. Those holidays are established American tradition. If you think that 'Christmas' is solely a christian holiday in America today you are deluded. Almost everyone celebrates it here - christian, agnostic and athiest alike. It is of SIGNIFICANT cultural meaning and to wipe that out because some asinine religious zealots finds it inconvenient that Americans did not establish their time honored traditions around the preferred time frame is the apex of stupidity.

A poster already brought up the crux of this:
America historically has been a Christian dominated nation. Christianity is woven throughout American society, if it offends someone that Christian traditions are favored, well too fucking bad.
So you want to make Christianity the official State religion now?

Christmas is an important TRADITION in this country, that has evolved beyond religion and has roots well established in nearly all secular households.
If Muslims or Jews are offended tough titty. They can join Christians, agnostics (like myself), and atheists and celebrate a great American tradition which has always been an important part of our workplaces and schools and households.
Or they can choose to be assholes and work to tear it down and destroy it for everyone.

Knowing Muslims, I'm certain they'll choose to be assholes.
Interesting that no one actually addressed this. Likely because it shows how asinine allowing a minute few to wipe out TRADITIONS really is.

If American culture is that irrelevant that we can and should toss it every time one religion or random group does not like it then we might as well dissolve the nation now - it is meaningless.
Name that holiday? This Maryland school district won't
By Breeanna Hare, CNN
No religious holidays on Maryland district s calendar -

See, when you push for religion in the public sector. There are other beliefs that work, pay taxes and have deeply convictions in their religious ideology.
How do exclude those individuals?
So, no one is taking your right away to worship. What is happening is your right to force any and all of your religious ideologies onto others.
"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices," says a statement on the website of the Equality for Eid Coalition, which has been advocating for Montgomery County to close school on Muslim holidays. "They either skip school (an excused absence) to celebrate Eids or they skip their religious observances to attend school. Many choose to do the latter. However, this is not a choice that, for the most part, our Christian and Jewish neighbors face on their high holidays."

Thanks for giving us one more reason to abolish government schools.
So only the wealthy can afford to educate their children.

How telling.

This goes along with only allowing property owners to vote.
Your argument was going well and I was reading it with interest, unfortunately your ending made you look totally ignorant.
All situations and problems have a solution, regardless of what your desired outcome is.
With your last statement I have to say your ignorance does not garner a response.

Seems you did not read the entire article.
Taking statements out of context makes a week argument.

"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices,"
It says right here they have a choice. Where's the problem?
There is no room on any school calendar to accommodate any more religious holidays.
The Muslims felt slighted, pushed for this and now that accommodations have been made, they are not satisfied. Apparently half a loaf is not better than no loaf.
Just imagine. Let's say to placate the Muslims ALL days off from school that were granted for religious holidays are CANCELLED. No Christmas Break. No Easter. No Jewish holidays. Nothing. You go to school or get an unexcused absence. School open on every religious holiday. Even Christmas.
Would that make you happy? Oh, of course you'll have to answer to the teacher's unions. The unions representing the maintenance workers and all the parents who normally look to these times to spend with family.
This is the utter havoc your ideology brings upon us. Your SHIT stinks.
What boggles the mind is your side got its way and you are STILL bitching and moaning.
So the solution is to eliminate all and any "religious" holidays.
But which do you keep other than the religious. You mentioned a few.

Seems you did not read the entire article.
Taking statements out of context makes a week argument.

"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices,"
It says right here they have a choice. Where's the problem?
There is no room on any school calendar to accommodate any more religious holidays.
The Muslims felt slighted, pushed for this and now that accommodations have been made, they are not satisfied. Apparently half a loaf is not better than no loaf.
Just imagine. Let's say to placate the Muslims ALL days off from school that were granted for religious holidays are CANCELLED. No Christmas Break. No Easter. No Jewish holidays. Nothing. You go to school or get an unexcused absence. School open on every religious holiday. Even Christmas.
Would that make you happy? Oh, of course you'll have to answer to the teacher's unions. The unions representing the maintenance workers and all the parents who normally look to these times to spend with family.
This is the utter havoc your ideology brings upon us. Your SHIT stinks.
What boggles the mind is your side got its way and you are STILL bitching and moaning.

Just eliminate the fake holidays. No more MLK day, no more Presidents' Day, no more Good Friday (some schools are closed), no more Columbus Day. In Massachusetts, no more Bunker Hill Day or Evacuation Day...probably need to keep Patriots Day, though.
One can almost predict what is happening with their way of thinking. rule this country.
Seems a bit contrary to what this country was founded upon.

Name that holiday? This Maryland school district won't
By Breeanna Hare, CNN
No religious holidays on Maryland district s calendar -

See, when you push for religion in the public sector. There are other beliefs that work, pay taxes and have deeply convictions in their religious ideology.
How do exclude those individuals?
So, no one is taking your right away to worship. What is happening is your right to force any and all of your religious ideologies onto others.
"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices," says a statement on the website of the Equality for Eid Coalition, which has been advocating for Montgomery County to close school on Muslim holidays. "They either skip school (an excused absence) to celebrate Eids or they skip their religious observances to attend school. Many choose to do the latter. However, this is not a choice that, for the most part, our Christian and Jewish neighbors face on their high holidays."

Thanks for giving us one more reason to abolish government schools.
So only the wealthy can afford to educate their children.

How telling.

This goes along with only allowing property owners to vote.
Tell us why others must be exposed to your faith and forced to be a part of the secular world.

Just explain how anyone is taking away your right to worship?

Which should be a good indicator of.....? Religious ideology and how it belongs........NOWHERE the public sector.

I find it amusing in their attempt to piss no one off the school board pissed pretty much everyone off.

Fortunately the First Amendment is not about freedom FROM religion in order to satisfy a minority which prefers no religion at all. I also don't recall the phrase "nor prohibit the free exercise thereof" written to specifically reflect towards only private worship and exclude the public display of religion.
He can't, because no rights are being 'taken away.' The notion is ignorant idiocy.

This from someone who can't even explain what is meant by the word 'establishment' as it applies in the First Amendment. I am just amazed, when I find how much people know so little about their own American history.

To say religion is merely only about worship, is to say the right of same sex relationships is only about sex and doesn't belong in public. Personally, I don't have a right to dictate what another believes, just as well as no one deserves to say that an individual doesn't have the right to openly follow their beliefs freely according to their conscience. There really is no harm in it ... except as a way of control over others who don't happen believe as you do, forcing a set of rules (laws) on them in order to force them to conform to how someone else believes (in this case, the belief that there is no god, but rather to PUSH a more secular point of view that is free of the open display of religion all together).
What happens when schools become so secular they push anal sex but won't allow kids to utter the word "Christmas"...

Communities decide to switch over to charter.
It is simply amazing to me that until oh say 2008

Other religions weren't complaining about Chistmas
Little boys didn't want to use the girl's bathroom
Gays were fine not telling everyone they were gay, just to make a point
There weren't cries of racism every time a white police officer interacted with a black suspect.

What the hell is happening to our country?
Too many people like you with selective memory.

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