This will go to the USSC

On what grounds?

It's your hypothetical.

Actually, you no doubt got it from KOS or CNN to use as a straw man fallacy...

Article I​

  • Section 4​

    • Clause 1

{The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;}

If the unelected PASC overruled the state assembly - as they did - that violates the federal constitution.

That is not even the question before the courts. That has not been the claim. The only claim is that the law on mail-in-voting violated the PA Constitution.

Again, this is your straw man.
{The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;}

If the unelected PASC overruled the state assembly - as they did - that violates the federal constitution.

Actually, the PASC has not ruled yet. But if your view is accurate then the law allowing mail in voting has to stand since it was passed by the state assembly. But did the state assembly violate the state Constitution when they passed the law? That is the only question right now.

Again, this is your straw man.

It is not a straw man if it a fact, but I guess OANN did not tell you that part yet.
Actually, the PASC has not ruled yet.


You should read something other than Nazi hate sites occasionally.

The law was challenged in the 2019 - before the great election fraud - and the state court upheld it.

This latest challenge takes a slightly different approach.

But if your view is accurate then the law allowing mail in voting has to stand since it was passed by the state assembly. But did the state assembly violate the state Constitution when they passed the law? That is the only question right now.

That isn't the question.

Of course as noted, this is all just a straw man constructed by one of the hates sites that does your thinking.

{The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court said the state's constitution requires votes to be cast in-person unless voters meet certain requirements. Shortly after the court's decision, a notice of appeal was filed with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which leans Democratic. }

It is not a straw man if it a fact, but I guess OANN did not tell you that part yet.

It is a classical straw man. You've constructed an argument for opponents of your Reich the hate site doing your thinking thinks is easily defeated.
Not a single court challenge in the 2020 election ever went before a Judge but not because of the evidence. They were all tossed out for filing issues.

No court has heard a formal list of charges on the irregularities of the 2020 election.

But you'd never know that from our esteemed media.
It was the George Floyd Effect; the judges knew they would be killed if they looked at any evidence.

You should read something other than Nazi hate sites occasionally.

The law was challenged in the 2019 - before the great election fraud - and the state court upheld it.

This latest challenge takes a slightly different approach.

So, as I said the PASC has not yet ruled on this case. You are too funny, you tell me I am wrong and then prove I was correct in the same post

It is a classical straw man. You've constructed an argument for opponents of your Reich the hate site doing your thinking thinks is easily defeated.

You willing to wager on if this case makes to the SCOTUS or not?
So, as I said the PASC has not yet ruled on this case. You are too funny, you tell me I am wrong and then prove I was correct in the same post

Wrong. PASC ruled in an unconstitutional way. They have been challenged on violating the state Constitution.

KOS has you erect a straw man placing this at the federal level.

But as so often happens, your straw man might just turn out to be der tar baby

You willing to wager on if this case makes to the SCOTUS or not?


So, you repeat a Straw Man fallacy from a hate site, I point out that it's a straw man, and you think I'll not only defend as KOS demands but wager?

Sometime you're just TOO stupid for words...
Wrong. PASC ruled in an unconstitutional way. They have been challenged on violating the state Constitution.

KOS has you erect a straw man placing this at the federal level.

But as so often happens, your straw man might just turn out to be der tar baby


So, you repeat a Straw Man fallacy from a hate site, I point out that it's a straw man, and you think I'll not only defend as KOS demands but wager?

Sometime you're just TOO stupid for words...
GG is a Libertarian...nuff said.
Yes, they are our absolute rulers who shall not be questioned.

Seig Heil, Uber Alles Democrat.

You are jaw droppingly fucktarded.

That is not what I said, but truth and honesty have never been your thing.

Carry on.
I agree, but he goes for whatever makes him money.

Being a Marxist/Fascist democrat would not make me any money.

But you are correct, I go for what benefits me and mine, which is why I am unlike you all and never sold my soul to a political party
That is not what I said, but truth and honesty have never been your thing.

Carry on.

It's exactly what you said.

I pointed out that the suit alleges the PASC violated the state Constitution and you came unglued.



Your world revolves around rulers with absolute power.

The concept of law and constitutions that are above men offends you.

Uber Alles Democrat
No, it isn't.
Hafta disagree there, our justice system is definitely biased politically all the way up to and including the US Supreme Court.

I suspect the PA Supreme Court will rule along partisan political lines in the Act 77 case. But I think the SCOTUS will refuse to hear the case, leaving the discretion for voting laws up to the states, which IMHO is the correct decision. It is I think the wrong decision at the state level, no excuse mail-in voting could increase the chances for voter fraud. Other OECD countries don't do it so why should we, especially in view of the fact that so many people have doubts/concerns about election integrity.
I pointed out that the suit alleges the PASC violated the state Constitution and you came unglued.

I never come unglued, and this case does not claim that the PASC violated the state Constitution, this case claims the law passed in 2019 violated the state Constitution. And now the PASC will decide if that is correct or not. And whatever they rule, that will be the end of it as there is nothing for the SCOTUS to rule on

I never said any such thing, this just your way of diverting from the fact you are ignorant on this topic.
No mail ballots?

How do you think absentee votes are accomplished?

Leech, absentee ballots are requested on a case by case basis with the voters known.

Very different than the unrequested and unverified ballots you Nazis used to rig the 2020 election.

With legitimate absentee ballots, you democrats can't do this anymore.

(US Marshal's surveillance video of ballot box stuffing in Georgia. Obtained through the FOA over the vicious objection of the FBI)

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