This Will Make You Smile

One year later, the most unpopular President. Ever.

Not much smiling any more.

"the most unpopular President. Ever."

Exactly, and they never address this issue, just deflect by going on and on about Hillary, who is no longer relevant.

Being unpopular based on the assessment of MSM pollsters is no biggie.
Being unpopular with the electorate is a VERY biggie. It just carried a bunch of elections coast to coast for the Democrats.

Yep! Obama was so popular that he caused his party to loose 1000 seats around the country!

That was how popular Obama was!

Here's what will matter in 2020: the Economy.

Trump is diligently reversing a lot of big government growth suppressing regulations, for starters. So, when people see they are financially better off due to a growing economy, they won't want to give Fauxcahontas or some other Socialist a chance to ruin it.
One year later, the most unpopular President. Ever.

Not much smiling any more.

"the most unpopular President. Ever."

Exactly, and they never address this issue, just deflect by going on and on about Hillary, who is no longer relevant.

Being unpopular based on the assessment of MSM pollsters is no biggie.
Being unpopular with the electorate is a VERY biggie. It just carried a bunch of elections coast to coast for the Democrats.

Yep! Obama was so popular that he caused his party to loose 1000 seats around the country!

That was how popular Obama was!
And now the karma is coming back to smack you in your face. Enjoy it, baby!

One state lost and you claim that as karma?

Now that is a laugh, these drones do not understand anything beyond their religious narratives!
One year later, the most unpopular President. Ever.

Not much smiling any more.

"the most unpopular President. Ever."

Exactly, and they never address this issue, just deflect by going on and on about Hillary, who is no longer relevant.

Being unpopular based on the assessment of MSM pollsters is no biggie.
Being unpopular with the electorate is a VERY biggie. It just carried a bunch of elections coast to coast for the Democrats.

Yep! Obama was so popular that he caused his party to loose 1000 seats around the country!

That was how popular Obama was!
And now the karma is coming back to smack you in your face. Enjoy it, baby!

Gee, Dems one in two blue states.

If you call treading water success, then bully for you.

In the real news, Brazile has outed the Dems for the corrupt collaborators that they are.
"the most unpopular President. Ever."

Exactly, and they never address this issue, just deflect by going on and on about Hillary, who is no longer relevant.

Being unpopular based on the assessment of MSM pollsters is no biggie.
Being unpopular with the electorate is a VERY biggie. It just carried a bunch of elections coast to coast for the Democrats.

Yep! Obama was so popular that he caused his party to loose 1000 seats around the country!

That was how popular Obama was!
And now the karma is coming back to smack you in your face. Enjoy it, baby!

One state lost and you claim that as karma?

There was more than one state, retard.

Try picking up a newspaper.

I know. I know. It's longer than a tweet, so why bother, right?
One year ago today.

2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?
Obviously an 85% chance of winning isn't a guarantee of winning.
Obviously 306 - 232 does not reflect anything close to 85%.
And it shouldn't.... that's not how predictions work. The 85% isn't suppose to be the ratio of the electoral votes.
Reported polls were lies, stop embarrassing yourself.
You should be embarrassed if you don't understand that an 85% chance of winning equates to a 15% chance of loosing. I'm glad Trump beat the Hilderbeast by the way.
"the most unpopular President. Ever."

Exactly, and they never address this issue, just deflect by going on and on about Hillary, who is no longer relevant.

Being unpopular based on the assessment of MSM pollsters is no biggie.
Being unpopular with the electorate is a VERY biggie. It just carried a bunch of elections coast to coast for the Democrats.

Yep! Obama was so popular that he caused his party to loose 1000 seats around the country!

That was how popular Obama was!
And now the karma is coming back to smack you in your face. Enjoy it, baby!

Gee, Dems one in two blue states.

If you call treading water success, then bully for you.

In the real news, Brazile has outed the Dems for the corrupt collaborators that they are.

I particularly liked the news bulletin earlier this evening where Brazille said Obama was a "leach" because he billed his personal expenses to the DNC.

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