Those 5-4 SCOTUS decisions prove one thing.....

The once revered Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of justice based on the precepts of our Constitution, ........those 5-4 decisions prove that the SCOTUS is just an extension of the conservative, partisan mindset.

As Kennedy retires (and good riddance,) perhaps senate democrats will grow a spine and pull a Mitch-like filibuster in blocking all attempts to his replacement.
Dems need to take the Senate first

The way they have been fucking up recent elections are not promising

I don't see what isn't appealing about increasing your taxes, allowing another few million illegal immigrants into the country and smiling as foreign governments steal your industries. Surely these are winning policy positions with voters.
I don’t see what is appealing in having billionaires pay historically low tax rates
Foreign governments are not stealing our industries. Automation and lower wages abroad have stolen them. Tariffs will not change things
The once revered Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of justice based on the precepts of our Constitution, ........those 5-4 decisions prove that the SCOTUS is just an extension of the conservative, partisan mindset.

As Kennedy retires (and good riddance,) perhaps senate democrats will grow a spine and pull a Mitch-like filibuster in blocking all attempts to his replacement.

They can't. Trump will pick this new Justice quickly McConnell and will push it through with the nuclear option. This is sorely needed as Sotomayor, Kagan, Ginsburg and Breyer all vote with emotion and along party lines. Can't imagine activist judges with a majority on the SCOTUS.
The conservative judges are activist judges
The once revered Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of justice based on the precepts of our Constitution, ........those 5-4 decisions prove that the SCOTUS is just an extension of the conservative, partisan mindset.

As Kennedy retires (and good riddance,) perhaps senate democrats will grow a spine and pull a Mitch-like filibuster in blocking all attempts to his replacement.
Dems need to take the Senate first

The way they have been fucking up recent elections are not promising

I don't see what isn't appealing about increasing your taxes, allowing another few million illegal immigrants into the country and smiling as foreign governments steal your industries. Surely these are winning policy positions with voters.
I don’t see what is appealing in having billionaires pay historically low tax rates
Foreign governments are not stealing our industries. Automation and lower wages abroad have stolen them. Tariffs will not change things
Tariffs are on Countries that have tariffs on OUR goods dumb ass.
:itsok: Ha, this OP represents butthurt Snowflake wankers perfectly. Ya gotta love it. :)
The once revered Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of justice based on the precepts of our Constitution, ........those 5-4 decisions prove that the SCOTUS is just an extension of the conservative, partisan mindset.

As Kennedy retires (and good riddance,) perhaps senate democrats will grow a spine and pull a Mitch-like filibuster in blocking all attempts to his replacement.

The once revered Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of justice based on the precepts of our Constitution, ........those 5-4 decisions prove that the SCOTUS is just an extension of the conservative, partisan mindset.

As Kennedy retires (and good riddance,) perhaps senate democrats will grow a spine and pull a Mitch-like filibuster in blocking all attempts to his replacement.

The 5-4 decisions prove the liberal justices ignore the Constitution and have no business on any bench.
Those decisions should have been 9-0.

Too bad the filibuster ship has sailed.
All hail Justice Pryor.
thank you Justice Ginsburg for everything you've given America (lol), but it's time for you to retire too!
The once revered Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of justice based on the precepts of our Constitution, ........those 5-4 decisions prove that the SCOTUS is just an extension of the conservative, partisan mindset.

As Kennedy retires (and good riddance,) perhaps senate democrats will grow a spine and pull a Mitch-like filibuster in blocking all attempts to his replacement.



GOOD GRIEF - something doesn't go your way and suddenly snowflakes start squealing like stuck pigs, lying and spinning their asses off.

1. Liberals believe in a court system, at any level, in which they can legislate through the bench in any way to get and progress their liberal agenda.

In regards to the Constitution their judges are not 'Constitutionalists' who seek to determine what the Founding Fathers meant but are instead 'Liberal Activists' who seek to define their own meanings to the Constitution or ignore it altogether.

2. Again, your felon candidate LOST. Thank God that bit@h lost, or we would have HILLARY picking 2, maybe 3, USSC JUSTICES!

3. If you don't like what's happening, take some advice from Barak Obama, who said to the GOP, "If you want something different, win some elections!"

These 5-4 SCOTUS decisions prove One Thing:

Thank God Trump Won and hiLIARY Lost!
"The president's list of candidates for the Supreme Court is outstanding. That said, I would strongly encourage him to select Sen. Mike Lee. There's no doubt at all that he'd be absolutely faithful to the Constitution. And this is a life-time appointment, after all." - Wacky Mark Levin
The once revered Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of justice based on the precepts of our Constitution, ........those 5-4 decisions prove that the SCOTUS is just an extension of the conservative, partisan mindset.

As Kennedy retires (and good riddance,) perhaps senate democrats will grow a spine and pull a Mitch-like filibuster in blocking all attempts to his replacement.
What about the 7-2 decision
These 5-4 SCOTUS decisions prove one thing:

People are getting tired of winning, but we must win more!
The once revered Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of justice based on the precepts of our Constitution, ........those 5-4 decisions prove that the SCOTUS is just an extension of the conservative, partisan mindset.

As Kennedy retires (and good riddance,) perhaps senate democrats will grow a spine and pull a Mitch-like filibuster in blocking all attempts to his replacement.

wow you just caught on. it started during FDR, welcome to the party, 80 years too late

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